# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package Apache2::Status; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use mod_perl2; use Apache2::RequestIO (); use Apache2::RequestRec (); use Apache2::RequestUtil (); use Apache2::ServerUtil (); use File::Spec (); use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK); $Apache2::Status::VERSION = '4.00'; # mod_perl 2.0 use constant IS_WIN32 => ($^O eq "MSWin32"); my %status = ( script => "PerlRequire'd Files", inc => "Loaded Modules", rgysubs => "Compiled Registry Scripts", symdump => "Symbol Table Dump", inh_tree => "Inheritance Tree", isa_tree => "ISA Tree", env => "Environment", sig => "Signal Handlers", myconfig => "Perl Configuration", ); delete $status{'sig'} if IS_WIN32; if ($Apache2::PerlSections::Save) { $status{"section_config"} = "Perl Section Configuration"; } my %requires = ( deparse => ["StatusDeparse", "B::Deparse", 0.59, ], fathom => ["StatusFathom", "B::Fathom", 0.05, ], symdump => ["", "Devel::Symdump", 2.00, ], dumper => ["StatusDumper", "Data::Dumper", 0, ], b => ["", "B", 0, ], graph => ["StatusGraph", "B::Graph", 0.03, ], lexinfo => ["StatusLexInfo", "B::LexInfo", 0, ], xref => ["StatusXref", "B::Xref", 1.01, ], terse => ["StatusTerse", "B::Terse", 0, ], tersesize => ["StatusTerseSize", "B::TerseSize", 0.09, ], packagesize => ["StatusPackageSize", "B::TerseSize", 0.09, ], peek => ["StatusPeek", "Apache::Peek", 1.03, ], ); sub has { my ($r, $what) = @_; return 0 unless exists $requires{$what}; my ($opt, $module, $version) = @{ $requires{$what} }; (my $file = $module) =~ s|::|/|; $file .= ".pm"; # if !$opt we skip the testing for the option return 0 if $opt && !status_config($r, $opt); return 0 unless eval { require $file }; my $mod_ver = $module->VERSION; $mod_ver =~ s/_.*//; # handle dev versions like 2.121_02 return 0 unless $mod_ver && $mod_ver >= $version; return 1; } use constant CPAN_SEARCH => 'http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module;query'; sub install_hint { my ($module) = @_; return qq{

Please install the } . qq{$module module.

}; } sub status_config { my ($r, $key) = @_; return (lc($r->dir_config($key)) eq "on") || (lc($r->dir_config('StatusOptionsAll')) eq "on"); } sub menu_item { my ($self, $key, $val, $sub) = @_; $status{$key} = $val; no strict; no warnings 'redefine'; *{"status_${key}"} = $sub if $sub and ref $sub eq 'CODE'; } sub handler { my ($r) = @_; my $qs = $r->args || ""; my $sub = "status_$qs"; no strict 'refs'; if ($qs =~ s/^(noh_\w+).*/$1/) { &{$qs}($r); return Apache2::Const::OK; } header($r); if (defined &$sub) { $r->print(@{ &{$sub}($r) }); } elsif ($qs and %{$qs."::"}) { $r->print(symdump($r, $qs)); } else { my $uri = $r->uri; $r->print('

'); $r->print( map { qq[$status{$_}
\n] } sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %status ); $r->print('

'); } $r->print(""); Apache2::Const::OK; } sub header { my $r = shift; my $start = scalar localtime $^T; my $srv = Apache2::ServerUtil::get_server_version(); $r->content_type("text/html"); my $v = $^V ? sprintf "v%vd", $^V : $]; $r->print(<<"EOF"); Apache2::Status $Apache2::Status::VERSION

Embedded Perl version $v for $srv process $$,
running since $start

EOF } sub symdump { my ($r, $package) = @_; return install_hint("Devel::Symdump") unless has($r, "symdump"); my $meth = lc($r->dir_config("StatusRdump")) eq "on" ? "rnew" : "new"; my $sob = Devel::Symdump->$meth($package); return $sob->Apache2::Status::as_HTML($package, $r); } sub status_symdump { my ($r) = @_; [symdump($r, 'main')]; } sub status_section_config { my ($r) = @_; require Apache2::PerlSections; ["
", Apache2::PerlSections->dump, "
"]; } sub status_inc { my ($r) = @_; my $uri = $r->uri; my @retval = ( '', "", (map "", qw(Package Version Modified File)), "\n" ); foreach my $file (sort keys %INC) { local $^W = 0; next if $file =~ m:^/:; next unless $file =~ m:\.pm:; next unless $INC{$file}; #e.g. fake Apache2/TieHandle.pm no strict 'refs'; (my $module = $file) =~ s,/,::,g; $module =~ s,\.pm$,,; next if $module eq 'mod_perl'; my $v = ${"$module\:\:VERSION"} || '0.00'; my $mtime = -e $INC{$file} ? scalar localtime((stat $INC{$file})[9]) : 'N/A'; push @retval, ( "", (map "", qq($module), $v, $mtime, $INC{$file}), "\n" ); } push @retval, "
\n"; push @retval, "

\@INC =
", join "
\n", @INC, ""; \@retval; } sub status_script { my ($r) = @_; my @retval = ( '', "\n", ); foreach my $file (sort keys %INC) { next if $file =~ m:\.(pm|al|ix)$:; push @retval, qq(\n); } push @retval, "
"; \@retval; } my $RegistryCache; sub registry_cache { my ($self, $cache) = @_; # XXX: generalize $RegistryCache = $cache if $cache; $RegistryCache || $Apache2::Registry; } sub get_packages_per_handler { my ($root, $stash) = @_; my %handlers = (); my @packages = get_packages($stash); for (@packages) { /^\*${root}::([\w:]+)::(\w+)::$/ && push @{ $handlers{$1} }, $2; } return %handlers; } sub get_packages { my ($stash) = @_; no strict 'refs'; my @packages = (); for (keys %$stash) { return $stash unless $stash->{$_} =~ /::$/; push @packages, get_packages($stash->{$_}); } return @packages; } sub status_rgysubs { my ($r) = @_; local $_; my $uri = $r->uri; my $cache = __PACKAGE__->registry_cache; my @retval = "

Compiled registry scripts grouped by their handler

"; push @retval, "

Click on package name to see its symbol table

\n"; my $root = "ModPerl::ROOT"; no strict 'refs'; my %handlers = get_packages_per_handler($root, *{$root . "::"}); for my $handler (sort keys %handlers) { push @retval, "



\n"; for (sort @{ $handlers{$handler} }) { my $full = join '::', $root, $handler, $_; push @retval, qq($_\n), "
"; } push @retval, "

\n"; } \@retval; } sub status_env { my ($r) = shift; my @retval = ("

\n"); if ($r->handler eq 'modperl') { # the handler can be executed under the "modperl" handler push @retval, qq{Under the "modperl" handler, the environment is:}; # XXX: I guess we could call $r->subprocess_env; and show how # would it look like under the 'perl-script' environment, but # under the 'modperl' handler %ENV doesn't get reset, # therefore on the first reload it'll see the bloated %ENV in # first place. } else { # the handler can be executed under the "perl-script" handler push @retval, qq{Under the "perl-script" handler, the environment is:}; } push @retval, "\n

\n"; push @retval, "
        (map "$_ = " . escape_html($ENV{$_}||'') . "\n",
            sort keys %ENV), "
"; \@retval; } sub status_sig { ["
     (map {
         my $val = $SIG{$_} || "";
         if ($val and ref $val eq "CODE") {
             # XXX: 2.0 doesn't have Apache2::Symbol
             if (my $cv = Apache2::Symbol->can('sv_name')) {
                 $val = "\\&".  $cv->($val);
         "$_ = $val\n" }
      sort keys %SIG),
"]; } sub status_myconfig { ["
", myconfig(), "
"]; } sub status_inh_tree { return has(shift, "symdump") ? ["
", Devel::Symdump->inh_tree, "
"] : install_hint("Devel::Symdump"); } sub status_isa_tree { return has(shift, "symdump") ? ["
", Devel::Symdump->isa_tree, "
"] : install_hint("Devel::Symdump"); } sub status_data_dump { my ($r) = @_; return install_hint('Data::Dumper') unless has($r, "dumper"); my ($name, $type) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-2,-1]; no strict 'refs'; my @retval = "

\nData Dump of $name $type\n

    my $str = Data::Dumper->Dump([*$name{$type}], ['*'.$name]);
    $str = escape_html($str);
    $str =~ s/= \\/= /; #whack backwack
    push @retval, $str, "\n";
    push @retval, peek_link($r, $name, $type);
    push @retval, b_graph_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, "
"; \@retval; } sub cv_file { my $obj = shift; $obj->can('FILEGV') ? $obj->FILEGV->SV->PV : $obj->FILE; } sub status_cv_dump { my ($r) = @_; return [] unless has($r, "b"); no strict 'refs'; my ($name, $type) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-2,-1]; # could be another child, which doesn't have this symbol table? return unless *$name{CODE}; my @retval = "

Subroutine info for $name

    my $obj    = B::svref_2object(*$name{CODE});
    my $file   = cv_file($obj);
    my $stash  = $obj->GV->STASH->NAME;
    my $script = $r->location;

    push @retval, "File: ",
        (-e $file ? qq($file) : $file), "\n";

    my $cv    = $obj->GV->CV;
    my $proto = $cv->PV if $cv->can('PV');

    push @retval, qq(Package: $stash\n);
    push @retval, "Line: ",      $obj->GV->LINE, "\n";
    push @retval, "Prototype: ", $proto || "none", "\n";
    push @retval, "XSUB: ",      $obj->XSUB ? "yes" : "no", "\n";
    push @retval, peek_link($r, $name, $type);
    push @retval, b_graph_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, xref_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, b_lexinfo_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, b_terse_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, b_terse_size_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, b_deparse_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, b_fathom_link($r, $name);
    push @retval, "
"; \@retval; } sub b_lexinfo_link { my ($r, $name) = @_; return unless has($r, "lexinfo"); my $script = $r->location; return qq(\nLexical Info\n); } sub noh_b_lexinfo { my $r = shift; $r->content_type("text/plain"); return unless has($r, "lexinfo"); no strict 'refs'; my ($name) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-1]; $r->print("Lexical Info for $name\n\n"); my $lexi = B::LexInfo->new; my $info = $lexi->cvlexinfo($name); $r->print(${ $lexi->dumper($info) }); } my %b_terse_exp = ('slow' => 'syntax', 'exec' => 'execution', basic => 'syntax'); sub b_terse_link { my ($r, $name) = @_; return unless has($r, "terse"); my $script = $r->location; my @retval; for (qw(exec basic)) { my $exp = "$b_terse_exp{$_} order"; push @retval, qq(\nSyntax Tree Dump ($exp)\n); } join '', @retval; } sub noh_b_terse { my $r = shift; $r->content_type("text/plain"); return unless has($r, "terse"); no strict 'refs'; my ($arg, $name) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-2,-1]; $r->print("Syntax Tree Dump ($b_terse_exp{$arg}) for $name\n\n"); # XXX: blead perl dumps things to STDERR, though the same version # works fine with 1.27 # B::Concise couldn't parse XS code before perl patch 24681 (perl 5.9.3) # B::Terse is deprecated and just a wrapper around B::Concise now adays eval { B::Concise::compile("-terse", "-$arg", $name)->() }; if ($@) { $r->print("B::Concise has failed: $@"); } } sub b_terse_size_link { my ($r, $name) = @_; return unless has($r, "tersesize"); my $script = $r->location; my @retval; for (qw(exec slow)) { my $exp = "$b_terse_exp{$_} order"; push @retval, qq(\nSyntax Tree Size ($exp)\n); } join '', @retval; } sub noh_b_terse_size { my $r = shift; $r->content_type("text/html"); return unless has($r, "tersesize"); $r->print('
    my ($arg, $name) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-2,-1];
    my $uri = $r->location;
    my $link = qq{$name};
    $r->print("Syntax Tree Size ($b_terse_exp{$arg} order) for $link\n\n");
    B::TerseSize::compile($arg, $name)->();

sub b_package_size_link {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "packagesize");

    my $script = $r->location;
    qq(Memory Usage\n);

sub noh_b_package_size {
    my ($r) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "packagesize");


    no strict 'refs';
    my ($package) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-1];
    my $script = $r->location;
    $r->print("Memory Usage for package $package\n\n");
    my ($subs, $opcount, $opsize) = B::TerseSize::package_size($package);
    my $Kb = sprintf "%.2f", $opsize / 1024;
    my $Mb = sprintf "%.2f", $Kb / 1000;
    $r->print("Totals: $opsize bytes, $Kb Kb, $Mb Mb | $opcount OPs\n\n");

    my $nlen = 0;
    my @keys = map {
        $nlen = length > $nlen ? length : $nlen;
    } (sort { $subs->{$b}->{size} <=> $subs->{$a}->{size} } keys %$subs);

    my $clen = $subs->{$keys[0]}->{count} ?
        length $subs->{$keys[0]}->{count} : 0;
    my $slen = length $subs->{$keys[0]}->{size};

    for my $name (@keys) {
        my $stats = $subs->{$name};
        if ($name =~ /^my /) {
            $r->printf("%-${nlen}s %${slen}d bytes\n", $name, $stats->{size});
        elsif ($name =~ /^\*(\w+)\{(\w+)\}/) {
            my $link = qq();
            $r->printf("$link%-${nlen}s %${slen}d bytes\n",
                       $name, $stats->{size});
        else {
            my $link =
            $r->printf("$link%-${nlen}s %${slen}d bytes | %${clen}d OPs\n",
                       $name, $stats->{size}, $stats->{count});

sub b_deparse_link {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "deparse");

    my $script = $r->location;
    return qq(\nDeparse\n);

sub noh_b_deparse {
    my $r = shift;

    return unless has($r, "deparse");

    my $name = (split "/", $r->uri)[-1];
    $r->print("Deparse of $name\n\n");
    my $deparse = B::Deparse->new(split /\s+/,
    my $body = $deparse->coderef2text(\&{$name});
    $r->print("sub $name $body");

sub b_fathom_link {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "fathom");

    my $script = $r->location;
    return qq(\nFathom Score\n);

sub noh_b_fathom {
    my $r = shift;

    return unless has($r, "fathom");

    my $name = (split "/", $r->uri)[-1];
    $r->print("Fathom Score of $name\n\n");
    my $fathom = B::Fathom->new(split /\s+/,

sub peek_link {
    my ($r, $name, $type) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "peek");

    my $script = $r->location;
    return qq(\nPeek Dump\n);

sub noh_peek {
    my $r = shift;

    return unless has($r, "peek");

    no strict 'refs';
    my ($name, $type) = (split "/", $r->uri)[-2,-1];
    $type =~ s/^FUNCTION$/CODE/;
    $r->print("Peek Dump of $name $type\n\n");

sub xref_link {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "xref");

    my $script = $r->location;
    return qq(\nCross Reference Report\n);

sub noh_xref {
    my $r = shift;

    return unless has($r, "xref");

    (my $thing = $r->path_info) =~ s:^/::;
    $r->print("Xref of $thing\n");

$Apache2::Status::BGraphCache ||= 0;
if ($Apache2::Status::BGraphCache) {
    Apache2->server->push_handlers(PerlChildExitHandler => sub {
        unlink keys %Apache2::Status::BGraphCache;

sub b_graph_link {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;

    return unless has($r, "graph");

    my $script = $r->location;
    return qq(\nOP Tree Graph\n);

sub noh_b_graph {
    my $r = shift;

    return unless has($r, "graph");

    untie *STDOUT;

    my $dir = File::Spec->catfile(Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root(),
        ($r->dir_config("GraphDir") || "logs/b_graphs"));

    mkdir $dir, 0755 unless -d $dir;

    (my $thing = $r->path_info) =~ s:^/::;
    $thing =~ s{::}{-}g; # :: is not allowed in the filename on some OS
    my $type = "dot";
    my $file = "$dir/$thing.$$.gif";

    unless (-e $file) {
        my $rv = tie *STDOUT, "B::Graph", $r, $file;
        unless ($rv) {
            $r->print("dot not found\n");
        else {
            B::Graph::compile("-$type", $thing)->();
            (tied *STDOUT)->{graph}->close;

    if (-s $file) {
    else {
        $r->print("Graph of $thing failed!\n");
    if ($Apache2::Status::BGraphCache) {
    else {
        unlink $file;


sub B::Graph::TIEHANDLE {
    my ($class, $r, $file) = @_;

    if ($file =~ /^([^<>|;]+)$/) {
        $file = $1;
    else {
        die "TAINTED data in THING=> ($file)";

    $ENV{PATH} = join ":", qw{/usr/bin /usr/local/bin};
    my $dot = $r->dir_config("Dot") || "dot";

    require IO::File;
    my $pipe = IO::File->new("|$dot -Tgif -o $file");
    $pipe && $pipe->autoflush(1);

    if ($pipe) {
        return bless {
            graph => $pipe,
            r     => $r,
        }, $class;
    else {

sub B::Graph::PRINT {
    my $self = shift;


my %can_dump = map {$_,1} qw(scalars arrays hashes);

sub as_HTML {
    my ($self, $package, $r) = @_;

    my @m = qw();
    my $uri = $r->uri;
    my $is_main = $package eq "main";

    my $do_dump = has($r, "dumper");

    my @methods = sort keys %{$self->{'AUTOLOAD'}};

    if ($is_main) {
        @methods = grep { $_ ne "packages" } @methods;
        unshift @methods, "packages";

    for my $type (@methods) {
        (my $dtype = uc $type) =~ s/E?S$//;
        push @m, "";
        my @line = ();

        for (sort $self->_partdump(uc $type)) {
            s/([\000-\037\177])/ '^' . pack('c', ord($1) ^ 64)/eg;

            if ($type eq "scalars") {
                no strict 'refs';
                next unless defined eval { $$_ };

            if ($type eq "packages") {
                push @line, qq($_);
            elsif ($type eq "functions") {
                if (has($r, "b")) {
                    push @line, qq($_);
                else {
                    push @line, $_;
            elsif ($do_dump and $can_dump{$type}) {
                next if /_$_);
            else {
                push @line, $_;
        push @m, "\n";
    push @m, "
$type" . join(", ", @line) . "
"; return join "\n", @m, "
", b_package_size_link($r, $package); } sub escape_html { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/&/&/g; $str =~ s//>/g; return $str; } sub myconfig { require Config; # Config::myconfig(); fails under threads with (5.8.0 < perl < 5.8.3) # "Modification of a read-only value attempted" # provide a workaround if ($Config::Config{useithreads} and $] > 5.008 and $] < 5.008003) { return $Config::summary_expanded if $Config::summary_expanded; ($Config::summary_expanded = $Config::summary) =~ s{\$(\w+)} { my $c = $Config::Config{$1}; defined($c) ? $c : 'undef' }ge; return $Config::summary_expanded; } else { return Config::myconfig(); } } # mp2 modules have to deal with situations where a binary incompatible # mp1 version of the same module is installed in the same # tree. therefore when checking for a certain version, one wants to # check the version of the module 'require()' will find without # loading that module. this function partially adopted from # ExtUtils::MM_Unix does just that. it returns the version number of # the first module that it finds, forcing numerical context, making # the return value suitable for immediate numerical comparison # operation. (i.e. 2.03-dev will be returned as 2.03, 0 will be # returned when the parsing has failed or a module wasn't found). sub parse_version { my $name = shift; die "no module name passed" unless $name; my $file = File::Spec->catfile(split /::/, $name) . '.pm'; for my $dir (@INC) { next if ref $dir; # skip code refs my $pmfile = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file); next unless -r $pmfile; open my $fh, $pmfile or die "can't open $pmfile: $!"; my $inpod = 0; my $version; while (<$fh>) { $inpod = /^=(?!cut)/ ? 1 : /^=cut/ ? 0 : $inpod; next if $inpod || /^\s*#/; chomp; next unless /([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/; { local($1, $2); ($_ = $_) = /(.*)/; } # untaint my $eval = qq{ package Apache2::Status::_version; no strict; local $1$2; \$$2=undef; do { $_ }; \$$2 }; no warnings; $version = eval $eval; warn "Could not eval '$eval' in $pmfile: $@" if $@; last; } close $fh; # avoid situations like "2.03-dev" and return a numerical # version if (defined $version) { no warnings; $version += 0; # force number return $version; } } return 0; # didn't find the file or the version number } 1; __END__