# WARNING: this file is generated (from /data/scratch/libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.4/t/conf/extra.conf.in), do not edit
# generated on Tue Nov 24 14:07:46 2009
# 01: /data/scratch/libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.4/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/TestConfig.pm:955
# 02: /data/scratch/libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.4/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/TestConfig.pm:973
# 03: /data/scratch/libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.4/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/TestConfig.pm:1444
# 04: /data/scratch/libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.4/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/TestConfig.pm:1556
# 05: /data/scratch/libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.4/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/TestRun.pm:507
# 06: /data/scratch/libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.4/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/TestRunPerl.pm:90
# 07: /data/scratch/libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.4/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/TestRun.pm:725
# 08: /data/scratch/libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.4/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/TestRun.pm:725
# 09: /data/scratch/libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.4/t/TEST:22
# needed to test $r->psignature
ServerSignature On
# The following tests require more than one interpreter during the
# same request:
# perls Test
# -----------
# 2 t/modules/apache_status
# 2 t/filter/both_str_req_proxy
# 2 t/modules/proxy
# the following tests will clone a new perl interpreter via
# ithreads.pm regardless of how many interpreters mod_perl has:
# t/perl/ithreads
# t/perl/ithreads2
# therefore we need at most 2 interpreters, the missing one loading on
# demand, but we start only with 1, so the startup is quick,
# especially since we immediately restart. We also want MaxSpare to be
# the same as Max, since we have more than one test that requires more
# than one interpreter, so don't waste time to kill and start a new
# one later -- keep it around once spawned
# Adjust PerlInterpMax and PerlInterpMaxSpare if the requirements change
PerlInterpStart 1
PerlInterpMax 2
PerlInterpMinSpare 1
PerlInterpMaxSpare 2
# make sure that we test under Taint and warnings mode enabled
PerlSwitches -wT
PerlChildExitHandler ModPerl::Test::exit_handler
PerlModule TestExit::FromPerlModule
#for t/modules/include.t
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
# #virtual include of a script that sets content type is
# considered the same as #cmd by mod_include,
# therefore can't use IncludesNOEXEC here
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
SetHandler perl-script
Options +ExecCGI +IncludesNoExec
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders +GlobalRequest
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .spl
# This should not be touched, since we're running with mod_perl 2
PerlModule Doesnt::Exist
# keep everything self-contained, to avoid problems with sandboxes
# which break when things try to run off /tmp
ScriptSock logs/cgisock
SetEnv TMPDIR /data/scratch/libapache2-mod-perl2-2.0.4/t/logs
# PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On
# PerlSetVar StatusDumper On
# PerlSetVar StatusPeek On
# PerlSetVar StatusLexInfo On
# PerlSetVar StatusDeparse On
# PerlSetVar StatusDeparseOptions "-p -sC"
# PerlSetVar StatusTerse On
# PerlSetVar StatusTerseSize On
# PerlSetVar StatusTerseSizeMainSummary On
SetHandler modperl
PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Status
# for TestApache2::util
PerlPassEnv LC_CTYPE
PerlPassEnv LC_TIME
# see t/filter/out_apache.t
ServerName localhost:8530
# this filter is on purpose configured outside the Location
PerlSetOutputFilter INCLUDES
Options +Includes