package TestFilter::in_autoload; # test that PerlInputFilterHandler autoloads the module containing the # handler (since it's ::handler and not a custom sub name we don't # have to explicitly call PerlModule) # # no point testing PerlOutputFilterHandler as it does the same use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache2::Filter (); use Apache::TestTrace; use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK); sub handler { my $filter = shift; while ($filter->read(my $buffer, 1024)) { debug "filter read: $buffer"; $filter->print(lc $buffer); } return Apache2::Const::OK; } 1; __DATA__ PerlModule TestCommon::Handlers SetHandler modperl PerlResponseHandler TestCommon::Handlers::pass_through_response_handler # no PerlModule TestFilter::in_load on purpose PerlInputFilterHandler TestFilter::in_autoload