package TestHooks::cleanup2; # test the cleanup handler removing a temp file use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestUtil; use Apache::TestTrace; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); use Apache2::RequestRec (); use Apache2::RequestIO (); use Apache2::RequestUtil (); use APR::Pool (); use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK DECLINED); use APR::Const -compile => 'SUCCESS'; my $file = catfile Apache::Test::config->{vars}->{documentroot}, "hooks", "cleanup2"; sub handler { my $r = shift; $r->content_type('text/plain'); t_write_file($file, "cleanup2 is ok"); my $status = $r->sendfile($file); die "sendfile has failed" unless $status == APR::Const::SUCCESS; $r->pool->cleanup_register(\&cleanup, $file); return Apache2::Const::OK; } sub cleanup { my $file_arg = shift; debug_sub "called"; die "Can't find file: $file_arg" unless -e $file_arg; unlink $file_arg or die "failed to unlink $file_arg"; return Apache2::Const::OK; } 1; __DATA__ SetHandler modperl PerlResponseHandler TestHooks::cleanup2