package TestAPI::aplog; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache2::ServerRec qw(warn); # override warn locally use Apache2::RequestRec (); use Apache2::RequestUtil (); use Apache2::Log (); use Apache2::MPM (); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestUtil; use TestCommon::LogDiff; use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK :log); use APR::Const -compile => qw(:error SUCCESS); my @LogLevels = qw(emerg alert crit error warn notice info debug); my $package = __PACKAGE__; my $path = catfile Apache::Test::vars('serverroot'), qw(logs error_log); sub handler { my $r = shift; my $s = $r->server; plan $r, tests => (@LogLevels * 2) + 20; my $logdiff = TestCommon::LogDiff->new($path); my $rlog = $r->log; ok $rlog->isa('Apache2::Log::Request'); my $slog = $s->log; ok $slog->isa('Apache2::Log::Server'); t_server_log_warn_is_expected(); $rlog->info($package, " test in progress"); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/... TestAPI::aplog test in progress/, '$r->log->info'; my ($file, $line) = Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK; ok $file eq __FILE__; ok $line == __LINE__ - 2; for my $method (@LogLevels) { # wrap in sub {}, else tries to run the return value # of ->can ok sub { $rlog->can($method) }; ok sub { $slog->can($method) }; } # log_serror { t_server_log_warn_is_expected(); $s->log_serror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_INFO|Apache2::Const::LOG_STARTUP, APR::Const::SUCCESS, "This log message comes with no header"); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/^This log message comes with no header$/m, '$s->log_serror(LOG_MARK, LOG_INFO|LOG_STARTUP...)'; t_server_log_warn_is_expected(); $s->log_serror(__FILE__, __LINE__, Apache2::Const::LOG_DEBUG, APR::Const::SUCCESS, "log_serror test 1"); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/: log_serror test 1$/m, '$s->log_serror(__FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_DEBUG...)'; # the APR_EGENERAL error string changed for APR 1.0 my $egeneral = have_min_apache_version('2.1.0') ? "Internal error" : "Error string not specified yet"; t_server_log_warn_is_expected(); $s->log_serror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_DEBUG, APR::Const::EGENERAL, "log_serror test 2"); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/$egeneral: log_serror test 2/, '$s->log_serror(LOG_MARK, LOG_DEBUG, APR::Const::EGENERAL...)'; } # log_rerror t_server_log_error_is_expected(); $r->log_rerror(Apache2::Log::LOG_MARK, Apache2::Const::LOG_CRIT, APR::Const::ENOTIME, "log_rerror test"); # can't match against the error string, since a locale may kick in ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/\[crit\] .*?: log_rerror test/, '$r->log_rerror(LOG_MARK, LOG_CRIT, APR::Const::ENOTIME...)'; # log_error { t_server_log_error_is_expected(); $r->log_error('$r->log_error test'); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/\[error\] \$r->log_error test/, '$r->log_error(...)'; t_server_log_error_is_expected(); $s->log_error('$s->log_error test'); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/\[error\] \$s->log_error test/, '$s->log_error(...)'; } # log_reason { t_server_log_error_is_expected(); $r->log_reason('$r->log_reason test'); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/\[error\] access to.*failed.*reason: \$r->log_reason test/, '$r->log_reason(msg)'; t_server_log_error_is_expected(); $r->log_reason('$r->log_reason filename test','filename'); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/\[error\] access to filename failed.*\$r->log_reason filename test/, '$r->log_reason(msg, filename)'; } # XXX: at the moment we can't change loglevel after server startup # in a threaded mpm environment if (!Apache2::MPM->is_threaded) { my $orig_log_level = $s->loglevel; $s->loglevel(Apache2::Const::LOG_INFO); if ($s->error_fname) { #XXX: does not work under t/TEST -ssl $slog->debug(sub { die "set loglevel no workie" }); # ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff... } t_server_log_warn_is_expected(); $s->loglevel(Apache2::Const::LOG_DEBUG); $slog->debug(sub { ok 1; "$package test done" }); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/TestAPI::aplog test done/, '$slog->debug(sub { })'; $s->loglevel($orig_log_level); } else { ok 1; ok 1; } # notice() messages ignore the LogLevel value and always get # logged by Apache design (unless error log is set to syslog) if (!Apache2::MPM->is_threaded) { my $orig_log_level = $s->loglevel; $r->server->loglevel(Apache2::Const::LOG_ERR); my $ignore = $logdiff->diff; # reset fh # notice < error my $msg = "This message should appear with LogLevel=error!"; $r->log->notice($msg); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/[notice] .*? $msg/, "notice() logs regardless of LogLevel"; $s->loglevel($orig_log_level); } else { ok 1; } t_server_log_warn_is_expected(); $s->warn('$s->warn test'); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/\[warn\] \$s->warn test/, '$s->warn()'; { t_server_log_warn_is_expected(); # this uses global server to get $s internally Apache2::ServerRec::warn("Apache2::ServerRec::warn test"); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/\[warn\] Apache2::ServerRec::warn test/, 'Apache2::ServerRec::warn() w/o Apache2::RequestUtil->request '; Apache2::RequestUtil->request($r); t_server_log_warn_is_expected(); # this uses the global $r to get $s internally Apache2::ServerRec::warn("Apache2::ServerRec::warn test"); ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/\[warn\] Apache2::ServerRec::warn test/, 'Apache2::ServerRec::warn() w/ Apache2::RequestUtil->request '; } t_server_log_warn_is_expected(); warn "warn test"; ok t_cmp $logdiff->diff, qr/\[warn\] warn test/, 'overriden via export warn()'; Apache2::Const::OK; } 1;