package TestAPI::request_rec; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestUtil; use Apache::TestRequest; use Apache2::RequestRec (); use Apache2::RequestUtil (); use APR::Finfo (); use APR::Pool (); use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK M_GET M_PUT); use APR::Const -compile => qw(FINFO_NORM); #this test module is only for testing fields in the request_rec #listed in #XXX: GloabalRequest test should be moved elsewhere # as should $| test sub handler { my $r = shift; plan $r, tests => 55; #Apache2::RequestUtil->request($r); #PerlOptions +GlobalRequest takes care my $gr = Apache2::RequestUtil->request; ok $$gr == $$r; my $newr = Apache2::RequestRec->new($r->connection, $r->pool); Apache2::RequestUtil->request($newr); $gr = Apache2::RequestUtil->request; ok $$gr == $$newr; Apache2::RequestUtil->request($r); ok $r->pool->isa('APR::Pool'); ok $r->connection->isa('Apache2::Connection'); ok $r->server->isa('Apache2::ServerRec'); for (qw(next prev main)) { ok (! $r->$_()) || $r->$_()->isa('Apache2::RequestRec'); } ok !$r->assbackwards; ok !$r->proxyreq; # see also TestModules::proxy ok !$r->header_only; ok $r->protocol =~ /http/i; # HTTP 1.0 ok t_cmp $r->proto_num, 1000, 't->proto_num'; ok t_cmp lc($r->hostname), lc($r->get_server_name), '$r->hostname'; { my $old_hostname = $r->hostname("other.hostname"); ok t_cmp $r->hostname, "other.hostname", '$r->hostname rw'; $r->hostname($old_hostname); } ok $r->request_time; ok $r->status_line || 1; ok $r->status || 1; ok t_cmp $r->method, 'GET', '$r->method'; ok t_cmp $r->method_number, Apache2::Const::M_GET, '$r->method_number'; ok $r->headers_in; ok $r->headers_out; # tested in TestAPI::err_headers_out ok $r->err_headers_out; ok $r->subprocess_env; ok $r->notes; ok $r->content_type; ok $r->handler; ok $r->ap_auth_type || 1; ok $r->no_cache || 1; ok !$r->no_local_copy; { local $| = 0; ok t_cmp $r->print("# buffered\n"), 11, "buffered print"; ok t_cmp $r->print(), "0E0", "buffered print"; local $| = 1; my $string = "# not buffered\n"; ok t_cmp $r->print(split //, $string), length($string), "unbuffered print"; } # GET header components { my $args = "my_args=3"; my $path_info = "/my_path_info"; my $base_uri = "/TestAPI__request_rec"; ok t_cmp $r->unparsed_uri, "$base_uri$path_info?$args"; ok t_cmp $r->uri, "$base_uri$path_info", '$r->uri'; ok t_cmp $r->path_info, $path_info, '$r->path_info'; ok t_cmp $r->args, $args, '$r->args'; ok t_cmp $r->the_request, "GET $base_uri$path_info?$args HTTP/1.0", '$r->the_request'; { my $new_request = "GET $base_uri$path_info?$args&foo=bar HTTP/1.0"; my $old_request = $r->the_request($new_request); ok t_cmp $r->the_request, $new_request, '$r->the_request rw'; $r->the_request($old_request); } ok $r->filename; my $location = '/' . Apache::TestRequest::module2path(__PACKAGE__); ok t_cmp $r->location, $location, '$r->location'; } # bytes_sent { $r->rflush; my $sent = $r->bytes_sent; t_debug "sent so far: $sent bytes"; # at least 100 chars were sent already ok $sent > 100; } # mtime { my $mtime = (stat __FILE__)[9]; $r->mtime($mtime); ok t_cmp $r->mtime, $mtime, "mtime"; } # finfo { my $finfo = APR::Finfo::stat(__FILE__, APR::Const::FINFO_NORM, $r->pool); $r->finfo($finfo); # just one field test, all accessors are fully tested in # TestAPR::finfo ok t_cmp($r->finfo->fname, __FILE__, '$r->finfo'); } # allowed { $r->allowed(1 << Apache2::Const::M_GET); ok $r->allowed & (1 << Apache2::Const::M_GET); ok ! ($r->allowed & (1 << Apache2::Const::M_PUT)); $r->allowed($r->allowed | (1 << Apache2::Const::M_PUT)); ok $r->allowed & (1 << Apache2::Const::M_PUT); } # content_languages { my $def = [qw(fr)]; #default value my $l = [qw(fr us cn)]; #new value if (have_module('mod_mime')) { ok t_cmp $r->content_languages, $def, '$r->content_languages'; } else { skip "Need mod_mime", 0; } my $old = $r->content_languages($l); if (have_module('mod_mime')) { ok t_cmp $old, $def, '$r->content_languages'; } else { skip "Need mod_mime", 0; } ok t_cmp $r->content_languages, $l, '$r->content_languages'; eval { $r->content_languages({}) }; ok t_cmp $@, qr/Not an array reference/, '$r->content_languages(invalid)'; } ### invalid $r { my $r = bless {}, "Apache2::RequestRec"; my $err = q[method `uri' invoked by a `Apache2::RequestRec' ] . q[object with no `r' key!]; eval { $r->uri }; ok t_cmp $@, qr/$err/, "invalid $r object"; } { my $r = bless {}, "NonExisting"; my $err = q[method `uri' invoked by a `NonExisting' ] . q[object with no `r' key!]; eval { Apache2::RequestRec::uri($r) }; ok t_cmp $@, qr/$err/, "invalid $r object"; } { my $r = {}; my $err = q[method `uri' invoked by a `unknown' ] . q[object with no `r' key!]; eval { Apache2::RequestRec::uri($r) }; ok t_cmp $@, qr/$err/, "invalid $r object"; } # out-of-scope pools { my $newr = Apache2::RequestRec->new($r->connection, APR::Pool->new); { require APR::Table; # try to overwrite the pool my $table = APR::Table::make(APR::Pool->new, 50); $table->set($_ => $_) for 'aa'..'za'; } # check if $newr is still OK ok $newr->connection->isa('Apache2::Connection'); } # tested in other tests # - input_filters: TestAPI::in_out_filters # - output_filters: TestAPI::in_out_filters # - per_dir_config: in several other tests # - content_encoding: TestAPI::content_encoding # - user: TestHooks::authz / TestHooks::authen # XXX: untested # - request_config # - allowed_xmethods # - allowed_methods Apache2::Const::OK; } 1; __END__ PerlOptions +GlobalRequest DefaultLanguage fr SetHandler modperl PerlResponseHandler TestAPI::request_rec