package TestDirective::perlloadmodule2;
# in this test the merge is inherits all the values from the ancestors
# and adds new values if such were set
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK OR_ALL ITERATE);
use Apache2::CmdParms ();
use Apache2::Module ();
my @directives = (
name => 'MyMergeTest',
func => __PACKAGE__ . '::MyMergeTest',
req_override => Apache2::Const::OR_ALL,
args_how => Apache2::Const::ITERATE,
errmsg => 'Values that get merged',
Apache2::Module::add(__PACKAGE__, \@directives);
sub merge {
my ($base, $add) = @_;
my %new = ();
# be careful if the object values are references and not scalars.
# If that's the case a deep copy must be performed, or the merged
# object will affect the based object, which will break things
# when DIR_MERGE is called twice for the same $base/$add during
# the same request
push @{ $new{$_} }, @{ $base->{$_}||[] } for keys %$base;
push @{ $new{$_} }, @{ $add->{$_} ||[] } for keys %$add;
return bless \%new, ref($base);
my $class = ref $_[0];
#warn "$class->DIR_MERGE\n";
my $class = ref $_[0];
#warn "$class->SERVER_MERGE\n";
# this variable is of type ITERATE, so it'll get called as many times
# as arguments, a single argument at a time. This function is called
# only during the server startup and when the directive appears in the
# .htaccess files
sub MyMergeTest {
my ($self, $parms, $arg) = @_;
#warn "MyMergeTest: @{[$parms->path||'']}\n\t$arg\n";
push @{ $self->{MyMergeTest} }, $arg;
# store the top level srv values in the server struct as well, so
# during the request you can query what was the top level (srv)
# setting, before it was merged with the current container's
# setting if any
unless ($parms->path) {
my $srv_cfg = $self->get_config($parms->server);
push @{ $srv_cfg->{MyMergeTest} }, $arg;
sub get_config {
my ($self, $s) = (shift, shift);
Apache2::Module::get_config($self, $s, @_);
sub handler : method {
my ($self, $r) = @_;
my $s = $r->server;
if ($r->args eq 'srv') {
my $srv_cfg = $self->get_config($s);
$r->print("srv: @{ $srv_cfg->{MyMergeTest}||[] }");
else {
my $dir_cfg = $self->get_config($s, $r->per_dir_config);
$r->print("dir: @{ $dir_cfg->{MyMergeTest}||[] }");
return Apache2::Const::OK;
PerlLoadModule TestDirective::perlloadmodule2
MyMergeTest one two
MyMergeTest three four
MyMergeTest five
MyMergeTest six