% Check from R: % news(db = tools:::.build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_Rd("~/R/Pkgs/Matrix/inst/NEWS.Rd")) \name{NEWS} \title{News for \R Package \pkg{Matrix}}% MM: look into ../svn-log-from.all \encoding{UTF-8} %% as long as not R >= 3.2.0, ~/R/D/r-devel/R/share/Rd/macros/system.Rd : \newcommand{\CRANpkg}{\href{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=#1}{\pkg{#1}}} \newcommand{\sspace}{\ifelse{latex}{\out{~}}{ }} %% NB: The date (yyyy-mm-dd) is the "Packaged:" date in ../DESCRIPTION %%_NOT YET__FIXME_ needs cholmod_l_dense_to_sparse() in our dense_to_Csparse() %% \item \code{as(, "sparseMatrix")} no longer fails %% when \code{prod(dim(.))} is larger than \eqn{2^{31} - 1}. \section{Changes in version 1.2-7.1 (2016-08-29, svn r3187)}{ \itemize{ \item in C code, protect _POSIX_C_SOURCE by #ifdef __GLIBC__ } } \section{Changes in version 1.2-7 (2016-08-27, svn r3185)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{cBind()} and \code{rBind()} have been almost silently deprecated in \R \code{>= 3.2.0} and now give a warning, \dQuote{once per session} only. \item \code{bandSparse(*, k=k, *)} now returns matrices inheriting from \code{"triangularMatrix"} when obvious from the diagonal indices \code{k}. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{KhatriRao(X,Y)} now also works when \code{X} or \code{Y} is completely zero. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.2-6 (2016-04-27, svn r3175)}{ \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item The 0-dim. Matrix multiplication fix in 1.2-5 did trigger wrong warnings in other diagonal matrix multiplications. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.2-5 (2016-04-14, svn r3170)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{isSymmetric(m)} now also works for \code{"indMatrix"} \code{m}. \item \code{isSymmetric(m)} is faster for large dense asymmetric matrices. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item Matrix multiplications (\code{A \%*\% B}) now work correctly when one of the matrices is diagonal and the other has a zero dimension. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.2-4 (2016-02-29, svn r3162)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{sparseMatrix()} gets new argument \code{triangular} and a smarter default for \code{dims} when \code{symmetric} or \code{triangular} is true. \item \code{as(, "denseMatrix")} now works in more cases when \code{prod(dim(.))} is larger than \eqn{2^{31} - 1}. Hence, e.g., \code{!S} now works for much larger sparse matrices \code{S}. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item creating very large dense matrices, e.g., by \code{as(, "matrix")} would segfault (in case it could allocate enough storage). } } } \section{Changes in version 1.2-3 (2015-11-19, svn r3155)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{MatrixClass()} is exported now. \item More exports of semi-internal functions (for speed, named \code{"."}, i.e., inofficial API), such as \code{.solve.dgC.lu()}. \item more Korean translations } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item Packages \emph{linking} to \pkg{Matrix} (\code{LinkingTo:} in \file{DESCRIPTION}) now find \samp{alloca} properly defined in \file{Matrix.h} even for non-GNU compilation environments such as on Solaris or AIX. \item extended "n?CMatrix" classes (e.g., from \code{setClass(., contains="ngCMatrix")}) now can be coerced via \code{as(.)} to \code{"d.CMatrix"}. \item The printing of largish sparse matrices is improved, notably in the case where columns are suppressed, via new \code{fitWidth = TRUE} option in \code{printSpMatrix2()}. %%% FIXME __ EXAMPLES __ \item \code{cbind2()} and \code{rbind2()} no longer fail to determine \code{sparse} when it is unspecified and hence \code{NA}, fixing R-forge bug #6259. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.2-2 (2015-07-03, svn r3131)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item Explicitly import from \dQuote{base} packages such as \code{"stats"}. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item Our \code{colSums(x)}, \code{rowMeans(y)}, \dots, methods now \dQuote{keep names}, i.e., if the result is a numeric vector, and the matrix \code{x} has column or row names, these become the \code{names(.)} of the result, fixing R-forge bug #6018. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.2-1 (2015-05-30, svn r3127)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{"Matrix"} now has an \code{initialization()} method coercing 0-length dimnames components to \code{NULL} and other non-\code{NULL} dimnames to \code{character}. Before, e.g., numeric dimnames components partially worked, even though it has always been documented that non-\code{NULL} dimnames should be \code{character}. \item For \code{symmetricMatrix} objects which have symmetrical dimnames by definition, it is allowed to only set one half of the \code{dimnames} to save storage, e.g., \code{list(NULL, nms)} is \emph{semantically} equivalent to \code{list(nms, nms)}. \item \code{as.vector()} etc, now work, too. \item \code{lu(\emph{})} now keeps \code{dimnames}. \item better \file{NEWS.Rd} (which pleases Kurt and \command{tidy} ;-) } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{S[] <- T} and \code{S[] <- spV} now work (in more cases) for sparse matrices S, T and sparseVector \code{spV}. \item Huge dense matrix multiplication did lead to segfaults, see R-help, \dQuote{does segfault mean (always) a bug?}, May 5, 2015. Fixed by using C's Alloca() only in smallish cases. \item Optional arguments in \code{image()}, e.g., \code{main= <..>)} now also work for \code{lgCMatrix}, \code{nMatrix} etc; thanks to a 4.5 years old report by Mstislav Elagin. \item \code{dimnames(A) <- val} now resets the \code{factors} slot to empty, as the factorizations now keep dimnames more often. \item \code{crossprod(, Diagonal())} works again (and these are tested more systematically). \item Matrix products (\code{\%*\%}, \code{crossprod}, and \code{tcrossprod}) for \code{"dtrMatrix"} are correct in all cases, including keeping dimnames. \item \code{Matrix(d)} (and other coercions to \code{"Matrix"}) now correctly keeps \code{dimnames} also when \code{d} is a traditional \emph{diagonal} \code{"matrix"}. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.2-0 (2015-04-03, svn r3096)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item New \code{\%&\%} for \dQuote{boolean arithmetic} matrix product. \item New argument \code{boolArith = NA} in \code{crossprod()} and \code{tcrossprod()}. \code{boolArith = TRUE} now forces boolean arithmetic, where \code{boolArith = FALSE} forces numeric one. Several of these products are more efficient thanks to new C functionality based on our new \code{chm_transpose_dense()}, and others based on \code{geMatrix_crossprod}, \code{geMatrix_matrix_mm}, etc. \item Most dense matrix products, also for non-\code{dgeMatrix}, including \code{"l..Matrix"} and \code{"n..Matrix"} ones are now directly handled by new \code{.Call()}s. \item \code{"dMatrix"} (numeric) and \code{"lMatrix"} (logical) matrices can now be coerced to \code{"nMatrix"} (non-zero pattern or \dQuote{boolean}) even when they contain \code{NA}s, which then become \code{TRUE}s. \item More thorough checking of \code{cbind2()} and \code{rbind2()} methods, notably as they are called from \code{cbind()} and \code{rbind()} from \R version 3.2.0 on. \code{rbind2(, )} is faster, being based on new C code. \item symmetric Matrices (i.e., inheriting from \code{"symmetricMatrix"}) are allowed to have \code{dimnames} of the form \code{list(NULL, )} \emph{and} now print correctly and get correctly coerced to general matrices. \item \code{indMatrix} object (\dQuote{index matrices}) no longer need to be \dQuote{skinny}. \item \code{rsparseMatrix()} now accepts \code{rand.x = NULL} and then creates a random \emph{patter\bold{n}} matrix (\code{"nsparseMatrix"}). \item \code{anyDuplicatedT()} and \code{uniqTsparse()} low level utilities are exported now. \item Partial Korean translations of messages. } } \subsection{Deprecation}{ \itemize{ \item For \eqn{R \ge 3.2.0}, \code{cBind()} and \code{rBind()} are deprecated, as they are no longer needed since \code{cbind()} and \code{rbind()} do work automatically. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item Fix some \code{rbind2()} methods. \item \code{t()} now transposes the dimnames even for symmetric matrices. \item \code{diag(M) <- val} did not always recycle \code{val} to full length, e.g., when \code{M} was a \code{"dtrMatrix"}. \item \code{crossprod()} was wrong in cases where the matrix had all-zero columns. \item Matrix products (\code{\%*\%}, \code{crossprod}, and \code{tcrossprod}) with one sparse and one dense argument now return \emph{numeric} (a \code{"dMatrix"}) when they should, i.e., unless the new setting \code{boolArith = TRUE} is applied. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.1-5 (2015-01-18, svn r3037)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item More use of \code{anyNA()} (for speedup). \item Matrix products (\code{\%*\%}, \code{crossprod}, \code{tcrossprod}) now behave compatibly to \R 3.2.0, i.e., more lenient in matching dimensions for matrix - vector products. \item \code{isTriangular()} gets new optional argument \code{upper = NA}. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{crossprod()} and \code{tcrossprod()} fixes for several o combinations. \item \code{rowMeans(, na.rm=TRUE)} was wrong sometimes. \item fix and speedup of coercions (\code{as(., .)}) from and to symmetric or triangular matrices. \item \code{invPerm()} coercion to integer \item \code{dimnames( solve(.,.) )} fix [r3036] \item \code{tril()} and \code{triu()} now return correct \code{uplo}. \item \code{names(dimnames(.))} now preserved, e.g. in \code{symmpart()} or subsetting (\code{A[i,j]}). } } } \section{Changes in version 1.1-4 (2014-06-14, svn r2994)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item new \code{rsparsematrix()} for random sparse Matrices. \item improved warnings, notably for unused arguments previously swallowed into \code{...}. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{crossprod(, )} fixed. \item \code{crossprod()} and \code{kronecker()} fixes for some cases. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.1-3 (2014-03-30, svn r2982)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{\%*\%} and \code{crossprod()} now also work with \code{sparseVector}s. \item speedup of \code{crossprod(v, )}, thanks to nudge by Niels Richard Hansen. \item new help page for all such matrix products (\file{../man/matrix-products.Rd}). } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{image()} now gets correct \code{ylim} again. \item More consistent matrix products. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.1-2-2 (2014-03-04, svn r2966)}{ \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item correct adaption to \R 3.1.0 \item using \code{tolerance} (and not \sQuote{tol}) in \code{all.equal()} } } } \section{Changes in version 1.1-2 (2014-01-28, svn r2962)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item export fast power-user coercion utilities \code{.dsy2mat()}, \code{.dxC2mat()}, \code{.T2Cmat()}, \code{..2dge()}. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item matrix products now (mostly) work with \code{sparseVector}s; and correctly in some more cases. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.1-1.1 (2013-12-30, svn r2957)}{ \itemize{ \item Testing code's \code{assertWarning()} adapted for \eqn{R \le 3.0.1}. \item \code{Depends: R >= 2.15.2} eases checking. } } \section{Changes in version 1.1-1 (2013-12-28)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{image(.., xlim, ylim)}: nicer defaults %% ../R/dgTMatrix.R for the axis limits, and \code{ylim} is sorted decreasingly; not strictly back-compatible but should never harm. \item \code{rankMatrix(*, method="qr")} now using \code{tol} \item \code{T2graph()} and \code{graph2T()} export old functionality explicitly. Tweaks in conversions between \code{"graph"} and \code{"sparseMatrix"} objects. Notably, \code{as(, )} now more often returns a (0/1 pattern) "n..Matrix". \item \code{sparseMatrix()}: new \code{use.last.ij} argument. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{KhatriRao()}: fix rownames (X <-> Y) \item \code{qr.coef()}, \code{qr.fitted}, and \code{qr.resid} now also work with \emph{sparse} RHS \code{y}. \item sparse matrix \dQuote{sub assignments}, e.g., \code{M[ii] <- v}, speedup and fixes. \item bug fixes also in \code{M[negative indices] <- value} and \code{[cbind(i,j)]}. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.1-0 (2013-10-21, svn r2930)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{fac2sparse} and \code{fac2Sparse} now exported, with a new \code{giveCsparse} option. \item Update to latest \command{SuiteSparse} C library by Tim Davis, U. Florida. \item ensuing \dQuote{C API changes} \item new \code{.SuiteSparse_version()} function \item Many \sQuote{Imports:} instead of \sQuote{Depends:}. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item fixed long lasting undetected \code{solve(, *)} bug. \item Our \code{all.equal()} methods no longer sometimes return \code{c("TRUE", "....difference..")}. \item \code{rankMatrix()}: fix the internal \code{x.dense} definition. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-14 (2013-09-12, svn r2907)}{ \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item Revert some wrong changes to \code{solve(, *)} from 1.0-13 (\dQuote{stop gap fix} for \R 3.0.2). } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-13 (2013-09-10, svn r2904)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item New (efficient) \code{KhatriRao()} function by Michael Cysouw \item New \code{"indMatrix"} class of \dQuote{index matrices}, a generalization of \code{"pMatrix"}, the permutation matrices, many methods generalized from pMatrix to indMatrix. All (initial) functionality contributed by Fabian Scheibl, Univ.\sspace{} Munich. \item Export and document \code{isDiagonal()} and \code{isTriangular()} as they are useful outside of \pkg{Matrix}. \item \code{rankMatrix(M, method="qr")} no longer needs \code{sval} which makes it considerably more useful for large sparse \code{M}. \item Start providing \code{anyNA} methods for \eqn{R >= 3.1.0}. \item \code{solve( a, b)}: if \code{a} is symmetric, now compute \emph{sparse} result. \item \code{nearPD()} gets new option \code{conv.norm.type = "I"}. \item \code{determinant()} now uses \code{chol()}, and hence also an existing (\sQuote{cached}) Cholesky factor. \item 3 new \code{C -> R} utilities (including hidden \R function \code{.set.factors()} for caching also from \R, not just in C). } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{M[] <- v} for unitriangular \code{M} now correct. \item \code{lu(.)} no longer sometimes returns unsorted columns. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-12 (2013-03-26, svn r2872)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-11 (2013-02-02)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{as(, "dgCMatrix")} (from package \CRANpkg{SparseM}) now works again. \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-10 (2012-10-22)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{.sparseDiagonal()}: new \code{unitri} argument, and more flexibility; \item new \code{solve(, )} via efficient C code. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-9 (2012-09-05)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item new \code{sparseVector()} constructor function. \item \code{is.finite()} \code{is.infinite()} now work for our matrices and "*sparseVector" objects. \item \code{diag(.) <- V} now preserves symmetricity, triangularity and even uni-triangularity sometimes. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item Quite a few fixes for \code{Ops} (arithmetic, logic, etc) group methods. \item Ditto for \code{diagonalMatrix} methods. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-6 (2012-03-16, publ. 2012-06-18)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-5 (2012-03-15)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-4 (2012-02-21)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-3 (2012-01-13)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-2 (2011-11-19)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-1 (2011-10-18)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 1.0-0 (2011-10-04)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 0.9996875-3 (2011-08-13)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 0.9996875-2 (2011-08-09)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 0.9996875-1 (2011-08-08)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Changes in version 0.999375-50 (2011-04-08)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } % How can I add vertical space ? % \preformatted{} is not allowed, nor is \cr %--------------- start of DB+MM history: ------------------------ \section{Changes in version 0.95-1 (2005-02-18, svn r561)}{ \subsection{Authorship}{ \itemize{ \item During Doug Bates' sabbatical in Zurich, Martin Maechler becomes co-author of the \pkg{Matrix} package. } } \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item Beginning of class reorganization with a more systematic naming scheme. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item More (correct) coercions \code{as(, )}. } } } \section{Changes in version 0.9-1 (2005-01-24, svn r451)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item lme4 / lmer specific R code moved out to \CRANpkg{lme4} package. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } % How can I add vertical space ? ( \preformatted{} is not allowed, nor is \cr ) %--------------- pre-pre-history: ------------------------ \section{Changes in version 0.8-2 (2004-04-06, svn r51)}{ \subsection{Authorship}{ \itemize{ \item Doug Bates (only) } } \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item Sparse matrices, classes and methods, partly via \item Interface to LDL, TAUCS, Metis and UMFPACK C libraries } } } % How can I add vertical space ? ................................. \section{Version 0.2-4}{ \subsection{..., 0.3-1, 0.3-n (n=3,5,...,26): 22 more CRAN releases}{ \itemize{ \item ............................................. } }} % How can I add vertical space ? % \preformatted{} is not allowed, nor is \cr \section{Version 0.2-1 (2000-07-15)}{ The first CRAN release of the \pkg{Matrix} package, titled \dQuote{A Matrix library for R} authored by Douglas Bates (maintainer, principal author) and Saikat DebRoy. \subsection{Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{Matrix()} constructor for \R objects of class \code{Matrix}. \item \code{Matrix.class()} returning informal subclasses such as \code{"Hermitian"}, \code{"LowerTriangular"} \item \code{is.Orthonormal()}, \code{is.Hermitian()} , \code{is.UpperTriangular()} functions. \item \code{SVD()}, \code{lu()}, and \code{schur()} decomposition generics with \code{"Matrix"} methods. \item \code{rcond()}, \code{norm()}, \code{det()}; \code{expand()} and \code{facmul()}. \item C++ interface to LAPACK } } }