% Check from R: % news(db = tools:::.build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_Rd("~/R/Pkgs/cluster/inst/NEWS.Rd"))! \name{NEWS} \title{News for \R Package \pkg{cluster}}% MM: look into ../svn-log-from.all \encoding{UTF-8} \newcommand{\CRANpkg}{\href{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=#1}{\pkg{#1}}} %% NB: The date (yyyy-mm-dd) is the "Packaged:" date in ../DESCRIPTION \section{Changes in version 2.0.5 (2016-09-24, svn r....)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{clusGap()} gets a new option \code{scaleH0}, and \code{scaleH0 = "original"} is an alternative to the default PCA rotation.%% still see ../TODO-MM ! \item \code{clusGap()} now also stores its \code{call} and uses that for \code{print()}ing and (by default in the \code{main} title) for \code{plot()}ing \code{"clusGap"} objects. \item __ MOSTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED yet __ \code{diana()} gets new optional argument \code{stop.at.k}. When a positive integer, the DIANA algorithm will stop early, as much desirable for large \eqn{n}. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{daisy()} gets 3+1 new options \code{warn*} which allow to suppress three different kind of warnings, as these are undesirable in some cases. With thanks to Kirill Müller for the convincing context. \item \code{pam()} now signals an error when there are more than 65536 observational units (whereas it could segfault previously), thanks to a patch from Mikko Korpela, Helsinki. } } } \section{Changes in version 2.0.4 (2016-04-16, svn r7186)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{clusGap()} gets a new option \code{d.power = 1} allowing to choose the basic weight statistic as it was originally proposed, namely \emph{squared} distances by setting \code{d.power = 2}. %% ~/R/MM/Pkg-ex/cluster/Gonzalez-on-clusGap.R <-- } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item fix small glitch in silhouette's help page. \item Finally fixed a bug (in the original Fortran code from Rousseeuw!) in clara's distance computation when there are \code{NA}s in the data. As the fix is not backward compatible, a warning is produced (for the time being) if there \emph{are} \code{NA}s and the user does not explicitly use \code{clara(*, correct.d = TRUE)}. } } } \section{Changes in version 2.0.3 (2015-07-20, svn r6985)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item This new \file{NEWS.Rd} file -- going to replace \file{ChangeLog} eventually. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item import all we need (but not more) from the "base" pkgs (stats, graphics, ...). } } } \section{Changes in version 2.0.2 (2015-06-18, svn r6955)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item using new \code{anyNA()} where appropriate. \item New Korean translations, thanks to Chel Hee Lee. \item \code{plotpart()}: \code{cmdscale()} tweaks. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item valgrind detected missing allocation (\code{nisol["1"]} for k=1). \item typo R/daisy.q (R bug %once we require R >= 3.2.0: \PR{16430} \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_PR(16430)}). } } } \section{Changes in version 2.0.1 (2015-01-31, svn r6877)}{ \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item Fix \code{silhouette( obj )} for \code{obj <- pam(x, k = 1)}. } } } \section{Changes in version 2.0.0 (2015-01-29, svn r6874)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{pam()} now using \code{.Call()} instead of \code{.C()} is potentially considerably more efficient. \item \code{agnes()} has improved \code{trace} behaviour; also, some invalid \code{par.method = *} settings now give an early and understandable error message. \item \code{lower.to.upper.tri.inds()} (etc) now returns \code{integer}. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{.C(..)} and \code{.Fortran(..)}: no longer using \code{DUP=FALSE} as that has become deprecated. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.15.3 (2014-09-04, svn r6804)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{agnes()} and \code{diana()} finally get, respectively work with a \code{trace.lev} option. \item \code{plot.(agnes|diana)()} now deals well with long \code{call}s, by using multiple title lines. \item Message translations now also for C level error messages. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{agnes(*, method="flexible", par.method = c(a1, a2, b, c))}, i.e., \code{length(alpha) == 4}, finally works \emph{correctly}. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.15.2 (2014-03-31, svn r6724)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item Rewrote parts of the R level messages so they are more easily translatable, thanks to proposals by Lukasz Daniel. \item French translations from Philippe Grosjean. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.15.1 (2014-03-13, svn r6676)}{ \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{mona} example not working in \R < 3.0.x. } } } \section{Changes in version 1.15.0 (2014-03-11, svn r6672)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item \code{agnes(*, method = "gaverage")} contributed by Pierre Roudier. \item documentation improvements; \item better translatable messages and translation updates. } } } %% ============================== FIXME =========================== %% ~~~~~~~~~ %% use ../ChangeLog %% ~~~~~~~~~ %% and then %% %% use ../svn-log-from.all %% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %% and ../../cluster_Archive.lst {~= CRAN src/contrib/Archive/cluster/ : %% \section{Changes in version 1.14.4 (2013-03-26, svn r....)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item - } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item - } } } \section{Changes in version 1.14.3 (2012-10-14, svn r....)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item Polnish translations from Lukasz Daniel. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item - } } } \section{Changes in version 1.14.2 (2012-02-06, svn r....)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item New \code{clusGap()} to compute the \dQuote{cluster Gap} goodness-of-fit statistic. } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item - } } } \section{Changes in version 1.14.1 (2011-10-16, svn r....)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item First translations (into German, thanks to Detlef Steuer). \item better \code{citation("cluster")} } } \subsection{Bug Fixes}{ \itemize{ \item \code{plot.silhouette(..., col = )} had ordering bug. } } } %% 253036 Mar 26 2013 cluster_1.14.4.tar.gz %% 259743 Oct 14 2012 cluster_1.14.3.tar.gz %% 250936 Feb 8 2012 cluster_1.14.2.tar.gz %% 246438 Oct 17 2011 cluster_1.14.1.tar.gz %% 226332 Jun 8 2011 cluster_1.14.0.tar.gz %% 214765 Feb 21 2011 cluster_1.13.3.tar.gz %% 213663 Nov 10 2010 cluster_1.13.2.tar.gz %% 214083 Jun 25 2010 cluster_1.13.1.tar.gz %% 214677 Apr 2 2010 cluster_1.12.3.tar.gz %% 214577 Oct 6 2009 cluster_1.12.1.tar.gz %% 215041 May 13 2009 cluster_1.12.0.tar.gz %% ============================== FIXME =========================== %% \section{Version 0.2-4}{ %% \subsection{..., 0.3-1, 0.3-n (n=3,5,...,26): 22 more CRAN releases}{ %% \itemize{ \item ............................................. } }} % How can I add vertical space ? % \preformatted{} is not allowed, nor is \cr \section{Version 1.2-0 (1999-04-11)}{ \subsection{First CRAN release of the \pkg{cluster} package, by Kurt Hornik}{ \itemize{ \item Martin Maechler had its own version independently. \item Both closely modeled after \code{clus} the tarball off JSS. }} \subsection{R Functions -- Fortran Files}{ \itemize{ \item \code{agnes()} -- \file{twins.f} for the \dQuote{twins} \code{agnes} and \code{diana}. \item \code{clara()} -- \code{clara.f} \item \code{daisy()} -- \file{daisy.f} (and \file{meet.f}) \item \code{diana()} -- (twins.f) \item \code{fanny()} -- \file{fanny.f} \item \code{mona()} -- \file{mona.f} \item \code{pam()} -- \file{pam.f} } } \subsection{Data Sets}{ \itemize{ \item agriculture \item animals \item flower \item ruspini \item votes.repub } } \subsection{Further Features}{ \itemize{ \item all Examples in \file{man/*.Rd} hand edited to become executable. \item \code{summary()}, \code{print()} (and \code{print.summary.**()} methods) for the six basic \R functions above. } } } \section{Version 1.1-2 (1998-06-16)}{ \subsection{Renamed previous \pkg{clus} to \pkg{cluster}}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{Version 1.1-1 (1998-06-15)}{ \subsection{New Features}{ \itemize{ \item started \file{ChangeLog} } } }