A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W misc
methods-package | Formal Methods and Classes |
activeBindingFunction-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
anova-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
anova.glm-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
anova.glm.null-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
ANY-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
aov-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
Arith | S4 Group Generic Functions |
array-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures |
as | Force an Object to Belong to a Class |
as<- | Force an Object to Belong to a Class |
body<--method | Class MethodsList, Defunct Representation of Methods |
builtin-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
call-class | Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects |
callGeneric | Call the Current Generic Function from a Method |
callNextMethod | Call an Inherited Method |
canCoerce | Can an Object be Coerced to a Certain S4 Class? |
cbind2 | Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows |
cbind2-method | Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows |
cbind2-methods | Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows |
character-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
Classes | Class Definitions |
classesToAM | Compute an Adjacency Matrix for Superclasses of Class Definitions |
classGeneratorFunction-class | Create a Class Definition |
className | Class names including the corresponding package |
className-class | Class names including the corresponding package |
classRepresentation-class | Class Objects |
ClassUnionRepresentation-class | Classes Defined as the Union of Other Classes |
coerce | Force an Object to Belong to a Class |
coerce-method | Force an Object to Belong to a Class |
coerce-method | S3-style Objects and S4-class Objects |
coerce-methods | Force an Object to Belong to a Class |
coerce<- | Force an Object to Belong to a Class |
Compare | S4 Group Generic Functions |
Complex | S4 Group Generic Functions |
complex-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
data.frame-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
data.frameRowLabels-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
Date-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
defaultBindingFunction-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
density-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
derivedDefaultMethodWithTrace-class | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
Documentation | Using and Creating On-line Documentation for Classes and Methods |
Documentation-class | Using and Creating On-line Documentation for Classes and Methods |
Documentation-methods | Using and Creating On-line Documentation for Classes and Methods |
dotsMethods | The Use of '...' in Method Signatures |
double-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
dump.frames-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
dumpMethod | Tools for Managing Generic Functions |
dumpMethods | Tools for Managing Generic Functions |
environment-class | Class '"environment"' |
envRefClass-class | Class '"envRefClass"' |
evalOnLoad | Set Actions For Package Loading |
evalqOnLoad | Set Actions For Package Loading |
evalSource | Use Function Definitions from a Source File without Reinstalling a Package |
existsMethod | Get or Test for the Definition of a Method |
expression-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
extends | Is an Object from a Class? |
externalptr-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
externalRefMethod | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
externalRefMethod-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
factor-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
findClass | Computations with Classes |
findFunction | Tools for Managing Generic Functions |
findMethod | Get or Test for the Definition of a Method |
findMethods | Description of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function |
findMethodSignatures | Description of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function |
fixPre1.8 | Fix Objects Saved from R Versions Previous to 1.8 |
for-class | Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects |
formula-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
function-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
functionWithTrace-class | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
genericFunction-class | Generic Function Objects |
GenericFunctions | Tools for Managing Generic Functions |
genericFunctionWithTrace-class | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
getClass | Get Class Definition |
getClassDef | Get Class Definition |
getClasses | Computations with Classes |
getGenerics | Tools for Managing Generic Functions |
getLoadActions | Set Actions For Package Loading |
getMethod | Get or Test for the Definition of a Method |
getMethods | Description of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function |
getPackageName | The Name associated with a Given Package |
getRefClass | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
getSlots | The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class |
getValidity | Test the Validity of an Object |
glm-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
glm.null-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
groupGenericFunction-class | Generic Function Objects |
GroupGenericFunctions | S4 Group Generic Functions |
groupGenericFunctionWithTrace-class | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
hasArg | Look for an Argument in the Call |
hasLoadAction | Set Actions For Package Loading |
hasMethod | Get or Test for the Definition of a Method |
hasMethods | Description of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function |
hsearch-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
if-class | Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects |
implicit generic | Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions |
implicitGeneric | Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions |
inheritedSlotNames | Names of Slots Inherited From a Super Class |
initFieldArgs | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
initialize | Generate an Object from a Class |
initialize-method | Methods to Initialize New Objects from a Class |
initialize-method | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
initialize-method | Class '"envRefClass"' |
initialize-method | Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures |
initialize-methods | Methods to Initialize New Objects from a Class |
initRefFields | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
insertSource | Use Function Definitions from a Source File without Reinstalling a Package |
integer-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
integrate-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
is | Is an Object from a Class? |
isClass | Computations with Classes |
isClassUnion | Classes Defined as the Union of Other Classes |
isGeneric | Tools for Managing Generic Functions |
isGroup | Tools for Managing Generic Functions |
isSealedClass | Check for a Sealed Method or Class |
isSealedMethod | Check for a Sealed Method or Class |
isXS3Class | S3-style Objects and S4-class Objects |
language-class | Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects |
libraryIQR-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
LinearMethodsList-class | Class "LinearMethodsList" |
list-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
listOfMethods-class | Description of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function |
lm-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
localRefClass-class | Localized Objects based on Reference Classes |
LocalReferenceClasses | Localized Objects based on Reference Classes |
Logic | S4 Group Generic Functions |
logical-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
logLik-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
makeClassRepresentation | Create a Class Definition |
maov-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
Math | S4 Group Generic Functions |
Math-method | A non-structure S4 Class for basic types |
Math-method | Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures |
Math2 | S4 Group Generic Functions |
Math2-method | A non-structure S4 Class for basic types |
matrix-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures |
method.skeleton | Create a Skeleton File for a New Method |
MethodDefinition-class | Classes to Represent Method Definitions |
MethodDefinitionWithTrace-class | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
Methods | General Information on Methods |
MethodSelectionReport-class | Test for and Report about Selection of Inherited Methods |
MethodsList-class | Class MethodsList, Defunct Representation of Methods |
MethodWithNext-class | Class MethodWithNext |
MethodWithNextWithTrace-class | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
missing-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
mlm-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
mtable-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
mts-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
multipleClasses | Class names including the corresponding package |
name-class | Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects |
namedList-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
new | Generate an Object from a Class |
nonstandardGenericWithTrace-class | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
nonStructure-class | A non-structure S4 Class for basic types |
NULL-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
numeric-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
ObjectsWithPackage-class | A Vector of Object Names, with associated Package Names |
oldClass-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
Ops | S4 Group Generic Functions |
Ops-method | A non-structure S4 Class for basic types |
Ops-method | Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures |
ordered-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
packageInfo-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
packageIQR-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
packageSlot | The Name associated with a Given Package |
packageSlot<- | The Name associated with a Given Package |
POSIXct-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
POSIXlt-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
POSIXt-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
prohibitGeneric | Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions |
promptClass | Generate a Shell for Documentation of a Formal Class |
promptMethods | Generate a Shell for Documentation of Formal Methods |
prototype | Construct a Representation or a Prototype for a Class Definition |
raw-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
rbind2 | Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows |
rbind2-method | Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows |
rbind2-methods | Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows |
recordedplot-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
refClass-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
refClassRepresentation-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
ReferenceClasses | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
refGeneratorSlot-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
refMethodDef-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
refMethodDefWithTrace-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
refObject-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
refObjectGenerator-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
registerImplicitGenerics | Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions |
removeClass | Computations with Classes |
removeGeneric | Tools for Managing Generic Functions |
removeMethod | Create and Save a Method |
removeMethods | Tools for Managing Generic Functions |
repeat-class | Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects |
representation | Construct a Representation or a Prototype for a Class Definition |
resetClass | Computations with Classes |
rle-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
S3 | S3-style Objects and S4-class Objects |
S3-class | S3-style Objects and S4-class Objects |
S3Class | S3-style Objects and S4-class Objects |
S3Class<- | S3-style Objects and S4-class Objects |
S3Part | S3-style Objects and S4-class Objects |
S3Part<- | S3-style Objects and S4-class Objects |
S4 | S3-style Objects and S4-class Objects |
S4-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
S4groupGeneric | S4 Group Generic Functions |
SClassExtension-class | Class to Represent Inheritance (Extension) Relations |
sealClass | Computations with Classes |
SealedMethodDefinition-class | Classes to Represent Method Definitions |
selectMethod | Get or Test for the Definition of a Method |
selectSuperClasses | Super Classes (of Specific Kinds) of a Class |
setAs | Force an Object to Belong to a Class |
setClass | Create a Class Definition |
setClassUnion | Classes Defined as the Union of Other Classes |
setGeneric | Define a New Generic Function |
setGenericImplicit | Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions |
setGroupGeneric | Define a New Generic Function |
setIs | Is an Object from a Class? |
setLoadAction | Set Actions For Package Loading |
setLoadActions | Set Actions For Package Loading |
setMethod | Create and Save a Method |
setOldClass | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
setPackageName | The Name associated with a Given Package |
setRefClass | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
setReplaceMethod | Tools for Managing Generic Functions |
setValidity | Test the Validity of an Object |
show | Show an Object |
show-method | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
show-method | Show an Object |
show-method | Class '"signature"' For Method Definitions |
show-method | Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures |
show-method | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
show-methods | Show an Object |
showMethods | Show all the methods for the specified function(s) or class |
signature | Tools for Managing Generic Functions |
signature-class | Class '"signature"' For Method Definitions |
single-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
slot | The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class |
slot<- | The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class |
slotNames | The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class |
slotsFromS3 | S3-style Objects and S4-class Objects |
socket-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
sourceEnvironment-class | Use Function Definitions from a Source File without Reinstalling a Package |
special-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
structure-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures |
Summary | S4 Group Generic Functions |
summary.table-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
summaryDefault-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
SuperClassMethod-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
table-class | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
testInheritedMethods | Test for and Report about Selection of Inherited Methods |
traceable-class | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
ts-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures |
uninitializedField-class | Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style) |
validObject | Test the Validity of an Object |
vector-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
VIRTUAL-class | Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types |
while-class | Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects |
$-method | Class '"envRefClass"' |
$<--method | Localized Objects based on Reference Classes |
$<--method | Class '"envRefClass"' |
(-class | Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects |
.BasicFunsList | List of Builtin and Special Functions |
.doTracePrint | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
.environment-class | Class Definitions |
.externalptr-class | Class Definitions |
.hasSlot | The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class |
.InitTraceFunctions | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
.makeTracedFunction | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
.name-class | Class Definitions |
.NULL-class | Class Definitions |
.OldClassesList | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
.Other-class | Test for and Report about Selection of Inherited Methods |
.S4methods | Show all the methods for the specified function(s) or class |
.selectSuperClasses | Super Classes (of Specific Kinds) of a Class |
.setOldIs | Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance |
.slotNames | The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class |
.untracedFunction | Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing |
<--class | Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects |
__ClassMetaData | Class Definitions |
{-class | Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects |