/* * R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis * Copyright (C) 1999-2014 The R Core Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "win-nls.h" #ifdef Win32 #define USE_MDI 1 #endif #include #include #include #include #include "graphapp/ga.h" #include "graphapp/graphapp.h" #include "graphapp/stdimg.h" #include "console.h" #include "consolestructs.h" #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 #include #include "rui.h" #include "editor.h" /* from sysutils.c */ void reEnc2(const char *x, char *y, int ny, cetype_t ce_in, cetype_t ce_out, int subst); #define gettext GA_gettext #define MCHECK(a) if (!(a)) {del(c); return NULL;} RECT *RgetMDIsize(void); /* Pointers to currently open editors */ static editor REditors[MAXNEDITORS]; static int neditors = 0; static Rboolean fix_editor_up = FALSE; static EditorData neweditordata (int file, const char *filename) { EditorData p; p = (EditorData) malloc(sizeof(struct structEditorData)); p->file = file; /* need space for terminator, and to copy it */ p->filename = (char *) malloc((MAX_PATH+1)*sizeof(char)); if (filename) strncpy(p->filename, filename, MAX_PATH+1); p->title = (char *) malloc((EDITORMAXTITLE + 1)*sizeof(char)); p->title[EDITORMAXTITLE] = p->title[0] = '\0'; return p; } void deleditordata(EditorData p) { if (p->stealconsole) fix_editor_up = FALSE; free(p->filename); free(p->title); free(p->hmenu); free(p->pmenu); free(p); } static void editor_set_title(editor c, const char *title) { char wtitle[EDITORMAXTITLE+1]; textbox t = getdata(c); EditorData p = getdata(t); strncpy(wtitle, title, EDITORMAXTITLE); wtitle[EDITORMAXTITLE] = '\0'; strcpy(p->title, wtitle); if (strlen(wtitle) + strlen(G_("R Editor")) + 3 < EDITORMAXTITLE) { strcat(wtitle, " - "); strcat(wtitle, G_("R Editor")); } settext(c, wtitle); } /*** FILE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS ***/ FILE *R_wfopen(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *mode); static void editor_load_file(editor c, const char *name, int enc) { textbox t = getdata(c); EditorData p = getdata(t); FILE *f; char *buffer = NULL, tmp[MAX_PATH+50], tname[MAX_PATH+1]; const char *sname; long num = 1, bufsize; if(enc == CE_UTF8) { wchar_t wname[MAX_PATH+1]; Rf_utf8towcs(wname, name, MAX_PATH+1); f = R_wfopen(wname, L"r"); reEnc2(name, tname, MAX_PATH+1, CE_UTF8, CE_NATIVE, 3); sname = tname; } else { f = R_fopen(name, "r"); sname = name; } if (f == NULL) { snprintf(tmp, MAX_PATH+50, G_("unable to open file %s for reading"), sname); R_ShowMessage(tmp); return; } p->file = 1; strncpy(p->filename, name, MAX_PATH+1); bufsize = 0; while (num > 0) { buffer = realloc(buffer, bufsize + 3000 + 1); num = fread(buffer + bufsize, 1, 3000 - 1, f); if (num >= 0) { bufsize += num; buffer[bufsize] = '\0'; } else { snprintf(tmp, MAX_PATH+50, G_("Could not read from file '%s'"), sname); askok(tmp); } } setlimittext(t, 2 * strlen(buffer)); settext(t, buffer); gsetmodified(t, 0); free(buffer); fclose(f); } static void editor_save_file(editor c, const char *name, int enc) { textbox t = getdata(c); FILE *f; char buf[MAX_PATH+30], tname[MAX_PATH+1]; const char *sname; if (name == NULL) return; else { if(enc == CE_UTF8) { wchar_t wname[MAX_PATH+1]; Rf_utf8towcs(wname, name, MAX_PATH+1); reEnc2(name, tname, MAX_PATH+1, CE_UTF8, CE_NATIVE, 3); sname = tname; f = R_wfopen(wname, L"w"); } else { sname = name; f = R_fopen(sname, "w"); } if (f == NULL) { snprintf(buf, MAX_PATH+30, G_("Could not save file '%s'"), sname); askok(buf); return; } fprintf(f, "%s", gettext(t)); fclose(f); } } static void editorsaveas(editor c) { textbox t = getdata(c); EditorData p = getdata(t); wchar_t *wname; setuserfilterW(L"R files (*.R)\0*.R\0S files (*.q, *.ssc, *.S)\0*.q;*.ssc;*.S\0All files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0"); wname = askfilesaveW(G_("Save script as"), ""); if (wname) { char name[4*MAX_PATH+1]; wcstoutf8(name, wname, MAX_PATH); /* now check if it has an extension */ char *q = strchr(name, '.'); if(!q) strncat(name, ".R", 4*MAX_PATH); editor_save_file(c, name, CE_UTF8); p->file = 1; reEnc2(name, p->filename, MAX_PATH+1, CE_UTF8, CE_NATIVE, 3); gsetmodified(t, 0); editor_set_title(c, p->filename); } show(c); } static void menueditorsaveas(control m) { editor c = getdata(m); editorsaveas(c); } static void editorsave(editor c) { textbox t = getdata(c); EditorData p = getdata(t); if (p->file) { /* save existing file without prompt */ editor_save_file(c, p->filename, CE_UTF8); gsetmodified(t, 0); } /* if new file then prompt for name to save as */ else editorsaveas(c); } static void menueditorsave(control m) { editor c = getdata(m); editorsave(c); show(c); /* steal focus back from tool button */ } /* global console configuration variables */ char fontname[LF_FACESIZE+1]; int fontsty, pointsize; static void editorprint(control m) { printer lpr; font f; textbox t = getdata(m); const char *contents = gettext(t); char msg[LF_FACESIZE + 128]; char *linebuf = NULL; int cc, rr, fh, page, linep, i, j, istartline; int top, left; if (!(lpr = newprinter(0.0, 0.0, ""))) return; f = gnewfont(lpr, strcmp(fontname, "FixedFont") ? fontname : "Courier New", fontsty, pointsize, 0.0, 1); top = devicepixelsy(lpr) / 5; left = devicepixelsx(lpr) / 5; fh = fontheight(f); rr = getheight(lpr) - top; cc = getwidth(lpr) - 2*left; linep = rr; /* line in printer page */ page = 1; i = 0; while (i < strlen(contents)) { if ( linep + fh >= rr ) { /* new page */ if (page > 1) nextpage(lpr); snprintf(msg, LF_FACESIZE + 128, "Page %d", page++); gdrawstr(lpr, f, Black, pt(cc - gstrwidth(lpr, f, msg) - 1, top), msg); linep = top + 2*fh; } j = 0; istartline = i; while (contents[i] != '\n' && contents[i] != '\0') { ++i; ++j; } linebuf = realloc(linebuf, (j+1)*sizeof(char)); strncpy(linebuf, &contents[istartline], j); linebuf[j] = '\0'; gdrawstr(lpr, f, Black, pt(left, linep), linebuf); linep += fh; ++i; } free(linebuf); if (f != FixedFont) del(f); del(lpr); } static void editorconsole(editor c) { show(RConsole); } /* Remove global pointer to editor when closing an editor. Fill the * gap in the array with the last editor in the list */ static void editorupdateglobals(editor c) { int i = 0; if (neditors > 1) { while (REditors[i] != c) ++i; if (i < neditors - 1) REditors[i] = REditors[neditors-1]; } --neditors; } /* Hooks called when editor window is destroyed */ static void editordel(editor c) { editorupdateglobals(c); } static void textboxdel(textbox t) { EditorData p = getdata(t); deleditordata(p); } int editorchecksave(editor c) { textbox t = getdata(c); EditorData p = getdata(t); int save; char buf[EDITORMAXTITLE + 100]; if (ggetmodified(t)) { snprintf(buf, EDITORMAXTITLE + 100, "\"%s\" has been modified. Do you want to save the changes?", (p->title ? p->title : "Untitled")); save = askyesnocancel(buf); switch (save) { case YES: editorsave(c); break; case NO: break; case CANCEL: return 1; } } return 0; } static void editorclose(editor c) { if (!editorchecksave(c)) del(c); } static void menueditorclose(control m) { editor c = getdata(m); editorclose(c); } /* Called when exiting Rgui, check if any open editors need saving */ void editorcleanall(void) { int i; for (i = neditors-1; i >= 0; --i) { if (editorchecksave(REditors[i])) { R_ProcessEvents(); // see R_CleanUp jump_to_toplevel(); } del(REditors[i]); } } static void editornew(void) { Rgui_Edit("", CE_NATIVE, "", 0); } void menueditornew(control m) { editornew(); } static void editoropen(const char *default_name) { wchar_t *wname; char name[4*MAX_PATH], title[4*MAX_PATH]; int i; textbox t; EditorData p; setuserfilterW(L"R files (*.R)\0*.R\0S files (*.q, *.ssc, *.S)\0*.q;*.ssc;*.S\0All files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0"); wname = askfilenameW(G_("Open script"), default_name); /* returns NULL if open dialog cancelled */ if (wname) { wcstoutf8(name, wname, MAX_PATH); /* check if file is already open in an editor. If so, close and open again */ for (i = 0; i < neditors; ++i) { t = getdata(REditors[i]); p = getdata(t); if (!strcmp (name, p->filename)) { editorclose(REditors[i]); break; } } reEnc2(name, title, MAX_PATH+1, CE_UTF8, CE_NATIVE, 3); Rgui_Edit(name, CE_UTF8, title, 0); } else show(RConsole); } void menueditoropen(control m) { editor c = getdata(m); char *default_name = ""; /* It really is not clear what is meant here: seems to assume an editor window but is called from elsewhere, hopefully with NULL (since 2.1.1 patched). */ if (c) { textbox t = getdata(c); EditorData p = getdata(t); if (p->file) default_name = p->filename; /* name of currently-open file, if there is one */ } editoropen(default_name); } /*** EDITING FUNCTIONS ***/ static void editorundo(control m) { textbox t = getdata(m); undotext(t); } static void editorcut(control m) { textbox t = getdata(m); cuttext(t); } static void editorcopy(control m) { textbox t = getdata(m); copytext(t); } static void editorpaste(control m) { textbox t = getdata(m); /* check whether the widget text limit needs to be increased * before doing the paste */ int pastelen = getpastelength(); checklimittext(t, pastelen + 1); pastetext(t); } static void editordelete(control m) { textbox t = getdata(m); cleartext(t); } static void editorselectall(control m) { textbox t = getdata(m); selecttextex(t, 0, -1); } static void editorfind(control m) { textbox t = getdata(m); finddialog(t); /* actual find/replace work is in graphapp/dialogs.c */ } static void editorreplace(control m) { textbox t = getdata(m); replacedialog(t); } /*** FUNCTIONS FOR RUNNING R CODE FROM THE EDITOR ***/ static void editorrunline(textbox t) { int length = getlinelength(t); /* return character num */ char *line = malloc(length * sizeof(WCHAR) + 2); /* Extra space for null and word length in getcurrentline */ memset(line, 0, length * sizeof(WCHAR) + 2); getcurrentline(t, line, length); consolecmd(RConsole, line); free(line); scrollcaret(t, 1); show(t); } /* For the moment, send the selected text to the console via the clipboard. Wasteful, but currently consolecmd only allows a maximum of 8K of text */ static void editorrunselection(textbox t, long start, long end) { copytext(t); if (consolecanpaste(RConsole)) { consolepaste(RConsole); if (gettext(t)[end-1] != '\n') consolenewline(RConsole); } } static Rboolean busy_running = FALSE; static void editorrun(textbox t) { if (!busy_running) { long start=0, end=0; if (CharacterMode != RGui) { R_ShowMessage(G_("No RGui console to paste to")); return; } busy_running = TRUE; textselectionex(t, &start, &end); if (start >= end) editorrunline(t); else { editorrunselection(t, start, end); selecttextex(t, end, end); /* move insertion point to end of selection after running */ } busy_running = FALSE; } } static void menueditorrun(control m) { textbox t = getdata(m); editorrun(t); } static void editorrunall(control m) { textbox t = getdata(m); long start=0, end=0; textselectionex(t, &start, &end); /* save current selection state */ selecttextex(t, 0, -1); editorrun(t); selecttextex(t, start, end); /* return to original selection state */ } /* Grey out menu buttons as appropriate */ static void editormenuact(control m) { long start, end; textbox t = getdata(m); EditorData p = getdata(t); textselectionex(t, &start, &end); if (start < end) { enable(p->mcut); enable(p->mcopy); enable(p->mdelete); enable(p->mpopcut); enable(p->mpopcopy); enable(p->mpopdelete); } else { disable(p->mcut); disable(p->mcopy); disable(p->mdelete); disable(p->mpopcut); disable(p->mpopcopy); disable(p->mpopdelete); } if (modeless_active()){ disable(p->mfind); disable(p->mreplace); } else { enable(p->mfind); enable(p->mreplace); } helpmenuact(p->hmenu); pkgmenuact(p->pmenu); } static void editorresize(editor c, rect r) { resize(getdata(c), r); resize(c, r); } static void editorcontrolkeydown(textbox t, int key) { switch (key) { case F5: editorrun(t); break; } } static void editorasciikeydown(textbox t, int key) { /* check whether the text limit is about to be exceeded and increase it if necessary. Ugh - this callback is called after the text is inserted, so we make space for two characters */ checklimittext(t, 2); } /* Set keyboard focus to the text editing area when the editor window receives focus */ static void editorfocus(editor c) { textbox t = getdata(c); show(t); } static void editorhelp(void) { char s[4096]; strcpy(s, G_("R EDITOR\n")); strcat(s, "\n"); strcat(s, G_("A standard text editor for editing and running R code.\n")); strcat(s, "\n"); strcat(s, G_("RUNNING COMMANDS\n")); strcat(s, G_("To run a line or section of R code, select the code and either\n")); strcat(s, G_(" Press Ctrl-R\n")); strcat(s, G_(" Select \"Run line or selection\" from the \"Edit\" menu\n")); strcat(s, G_(" Press the \"Run line or selection\" icon on the toolbar\n")); strcat(s, G_("This will copy the selected commands to the console and evaluate them.\n")); strcat(s, G_("If there is no selection, this will just run the current line and advance\n")); strcat(s, G_("the cursor by one line.\n")); askok(s); } static void menueditorhelp(control m) { editorhelp(); } static MenuItem EditorPopup[] = { /* Numbers used below */ {GN_("Run line or selection"), menueditorrun, 'R', 0}, /* 0 */ {"-", 0, 0, 0}, {GN_("Undo"), editorundo, 'Z', 0}, /* 2 */ {"-", 0, 0, 0}, {GN_("Cut"), editorcut, 'X', 0}, /* 4 */ {GN_("Copy"), editorcopy, 'C', 0}, /* 5 */ {GN_("Paste"), editorpaste, 'V', 0}, /* 6 */ {GN_("Delete"), editordelete, 0, 0}, /* 7 */ {"-", 0, 0, 0}, {GN_("Select all"), editorselectall, 'A', 0}, /* 9 */ LASTMENUITEM }; static editor neweditor(void) { int x, y, w, h, w0, h0; editor c; menuitem m; textbox t; long flags; font editorfn = (consolefn ? consolefn : FixedFont); EditorData p = neweditordata(0, NULL); DWORD rand; w = (pagercol + 1)*fontwidth(editorfn); h = (pagerrow + 1)*fontheight(editorfn) + 1; #ifdef USE_MDI if(ismdi()) { RECT *pR = RgetMDIsize(); w0 = pR->right; h0 = pR->bottom; } else { #endif w0 = devicewidth(NULL); h0 = deviceheight(NULL); #ifdef USE_MDI } #endif x = (w0 - w) / 2; x = x > 20 ? x : 20; y = (h0 - h) / 2; y = y > 20 ? y : 20; rand = GetTickCount(); w0 = 0.4*x; h0 = 0.4*y; w0 = w0 > 20 ? w0 : 20; h0 = h0 > 20 ? h0 : 20; x += (rand % w0) - w0/2; y += ((rand/w0) % h0) - h0/2; flags = StandardWindow | Menubar; #ifdef USE_MDI if (ismdi()) flags |= Document; #endif c = (editor) newwindow("", rect(x, y, w, h), flags); t = newrichtextarea(NULL, rect(0, 0, w, h)); setdata(c, t); setdata(t, p); gsetcursor(c, ArrowCursor); setforeground(c, guiColors[editorfg]); setbackground(c, guiColors[editorbg]); setbackground(t, guiColors[editorbg]); #ifdef USE_MDI if (ismdi() && (RguiMDI & RW_TOOLBAR)) { int btsize = 24; rect r = rect(2, 2, btsize, btsize); control tb, bt; addto(c); MCHECK(tb = newtoolbar(btsize + 4)); addto(tb); MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(open_image, r, menueditoropen)); MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Open script"))); setdata(bt, c); r.x += (btsize + 1) ; MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(save_image, r, menueditorsave)); MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Save script"))); setdata(bt, c); r.x += (btsize + 6); MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(copy1_image, r, menueditorrun)); MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Run line or selection"))); setdata(bt, t); r.x += (btsize + 6); MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(console_image, r, editorconsole)); MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Return focus to Console"))); r.x += (btsize + 6); MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(print_image, r, editorprint)); MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Print script"))); setdata(bt, t); MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Print"))); } #endif addto(c); /* Right-click context menu */ MCHECK(m = gpopup(editormenuact, EditorPopup)); setdata(m, t); setdata(EditorPopup[0].m, t); setdata(EditorPopup[2].m, t); setdata(p->mpopcut = EditorPopup[4].m, t); setdata(p->mpopcopy = EditorPopup[5].m, t); setdata(EditorPopup[6].m, t); setdata(p->mpopdelete = EditorPopup[7].m, t); setdata(EditorPopup[9].m, t); addto(c); MCHECK(m = newmenubar(editormenuact)); setdata(m, t); MCHECK(newmenu(G_("File"))); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("New script"), 'N', menueditornew)); setdata(m, c); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Open script..."), 'O', menueditoropen)); setdata(m, c); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Save"), 'S', menueditorsave)); setdata(m, c); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Save as..."), 0, menueditorsaveas)); setdata(m, c); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL)); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Print..."), 'P', editorprint)); setdata(m, t); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL)); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Close script"), 0, menueditorclose)); setdata(m, c); MCHECK(newmenu(G_("Edit"))); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Undo"), 'Z', editorundo)); setdata(m, t); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL)); MCHECK(p->mcut = newmenuitem(G_("Cut"), 'X', editorcut)); setdata(p->mcut, t); MCHECK(p->mcopy = newmenuitem(G_("Copy"), 'C', editorcopy)); setdata(p->mcopy, t); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Paste"), 'V', editorpaste)); setdata(m, t); MCHECK(p->mdelete = newmenuitem(G_("Delete"), 0, editordelete)); setdata(p->mdelete, t); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Select all"), 'A', editorselectall)); setdata(m, t); MCHECK(newmenuitem(G_("Clear console"), 'L', menuclear)); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL)); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Run line or selection"), 'R', menueditorrun)); setdata(m, t); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Run all"), 0, editorrunall)); setdata(m, t); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL)); MCHECK(p->mfind = newmenuitem(G_("Find..."), 'F', editorfind)); setdata(p->mfind, t); MCHECK(p->mreplace = newmenuitem(G_("Replace..."), 'H', editorreplace)); setdata(p->mreplace, t); MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL)); MCHECK(newmenuitem(G_("GUI preferences..."), 0, menuconfig)); /* Packages menu should go here */ p->pmenu = (PkgMenuItems) malloc(sizeof(struct structPkgMenuItems)); RguiPackageMenu(p->pmenu); #ifdef USE_MDI newmdimenu(); /* Create and fill the 'Window' menu */ #endif MCHECK(m = newmenu(G_("Help"))); MCHECK(newmenuitem(G_("Editor"), 0, menueditorhelp)); MCHECK(newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL)); p->hmenu = (HelpMenuItems) malloc(sizeof(struct structHelpMenuItems)); RguiCommonHelp(m, p->hmenu); settextfont(t, editorfn); setforeground(t, guiColors[editorfg]); setresize(c, editorresize); setclose(c, editorclose); setdel(c, editordel); setdel(t, textboxdel); setonfocus(c, editorfocus); setkeyaction(t, editorcontrolkeydown); setkeydown(t, editorasciikeydown); /* Store pointer to new editor in global array */ REditors[neditors] = c; ++neditors; return c; } /* Change the font used in all running editors */ void editorsetfont(font f) { int i, ismod; textbox t; for (i = 0; i < neditors; i++) { t = getdata(REditors[i]); ismod = ggetmodified(t); /* Don't change the modification flag when changing font */ settextfont(t, f); gsetmodified(t, ismod); show(t); } } static void eventloop(editor c) { while (fix_editor_up) { /* avoid consuming 100% CPU time here */ R_WaitEvent(); R_ProcessEvents(); } } /* Open existing file for editing or open blank editor for a new file. If calling from fix() or edit(), then don't send events to the console until editor is closed. */ #include int Rgui_Edit(const char *filename, int enc, const char *title, int modal) { editor c; EditorData p; if (neditors == MAXNEDITORS) { R_ShowMessage(G_("Maximum number of editors reached")); return 1; } c = neweditor(); if (!c) { R_ShowMessage(G_("Unable to create editor window")); return 1; } if (strlen(filename) > 0) { editor_load_file(c, filename, enc); editor_set_title(c, title); } else { editor_set_title(c, G_("Untitled")); } show(c); p = getdata(getdata(c)); p->stealconsole = modal; if (modal) { fix_editor_up = TRUE; eventloop(c); } return 0; }