/* * R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis * Copyright (C) 2000-2013 R Core Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 #include #include /* for exit */ #include #include #ifndef BINDIR # define BINDIR "bin" #endif extern char *getRHOME(int), *getRUser(void); /* in ../rhome.c */ void R_Suicide(char *s) /* for call from ../rhome.o */ { fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR:%s\n", s); exit(2); } static int pwait(HANDLE p) { DWORD ret; WaitForSingleObject(p, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(p, &ret); return ret; } # include #if !defined(S_IFDIR) && defined(__S_IFDIR) # define S_IFDIR __S_IFDIR #endif static int isDir(char *path) { struct stat sb; int isdir = 0; if(path[0] && stat(path, &sb) == 0) isdir = (sb.st_mode & S_IFDIR) > 0; return isdir; } void rcmdusage (char *RCMD) { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", "where 'command' is one of:\n", " INSTALL Install add-on packages\n", " REMOVE Remove add-on packages\n", " SHLIB Make a DLL for use with dynload\n", " BATCH Run R in batch mode\n", " build Build add-on packages\n", " check Check add-on packages\n", " Rprof Post process R profiling files\n", " Rdconv Convert Rd format to various other formats\n", " Rdiff difference R output files\n", " Rd2pdf Convert Rd format to PDF\n", " Rd2txt Convert Rd format to pretty text\n", " Stangle Extract S/R code from vignette\n", " Sweave Process vignette documentation\n", " config Obtain configuration information about R\n" " open Open a file via Windows file associations\n" " texify Process a latex file\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\n%s%s%s%s", "Use\n ", RCMD, " command --help\n", "for usage information for each command.\n\n"); } #define PROCESS_CMD(ARG) for (i = cmdarg + 1; i < argc; i++) {\ strcat(cmd, ARG);\ if (strlen(cmd) + strlen(argv[i]) > 9900) {\ fprintf(stderr, "command line too long\n");\ return(27);\ }\ strcat(cmd, argv[i]);\ }\ return(system(cmd)) extern int process_Renviron(const char *filename); #define CMD_LEN 10000 int rcmdfn (int cmdarg, int argc, char **argv) { /* tasks: find R_HOME, set as env variable (with / as separator) set R_ARCH set PATH to include R_HOME\bin set TMPDIR if unset set HOME if unset set R_CMD (depends on how this was launched), R_VERSION read R_HOME\etc\Rcmd_environ launch %R_HOME%\bin\$* */ int i, iused, status = 0; char *p, cmd[CMD_LEN]; char RCMD[] = "R CMD"; int len = strlen(argv[0]); char env_path[MAX_PATH]; int timing = 1; char *RHome = getRHOME(3); if(!strncmp(argv[0]+len-4, "Rcmd", 4) || !strncmp(argv[0]+len-4, "rcmd", 4) || !strncmp(argv[0]+len-8, "Rcmd.exe", 8) || !strncmp(argv[0]+len-8, "rcmd.exe", 8)) strcpy(RCMD, "Rcmd"); if (argc <= cmdarg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s", "Usage: ", RCMD, " command args\n\n"); rcmdusage(RCMD); return(0); } if (argc == cmdarg+1 && (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "-h")) ) { /* need to cover Rcmd --help, R CMD --help and R --help, as well as -h versions. */ if(cmdarg >= 2 || (cmdarg == 1 && !strcmp(RCMD, "Rcmd"))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s", "Usage: ", RCMD, " command args\n\n"); rcmdusage(RCMD); return(0); } /* R --help */ snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe --help", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); system(cmd); fprintf(stderr, "%s", "\n\nOr: R CMD command args\n\n"); rcmdusage(RCMD); return(0); } if (cmdarg == 0) { /* use of R.exe without CMD, -h, --help */ if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "RHOME")) { /* An historical special case */ fprintf(stdout, "%s", getRHOME(3)); return(0); } snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); for (i = cmdarg + 1; i < argc; i++){ strcat(cmd, " "); if (strlen(cmd) + strlen(argv[i]) > 9900) { fprintf(stderr, "command line too long\n"); return(27); } if(strchr(argv[i], ' ') || !strlen(argv[i])) { strcat(cmd, "\""); strcat(cmd, argv[i]); strcat(cmd, "\""); } else strcat(cmd, argv[i]); } /* R.exe should ignore Ctrl-C, and let Rterm.exe handle it */ SetConsoleCtrlHandler(NULL, TRUE); return system(cmd); } /* From here on down, this was called as Rcmd or R CMD */ char RHOME[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(RHOME, "R_HOME="); strcat(RHOME, RHome); for (p = RHOME; *p; p++) if (*p == '\\') *p = '/'; putenv(RHOME); /* We follow Unix-alikes as from R 2.12.0 in setting environment variables in Rcmd BATCH. NB: Rcmd_environ uses R_HOME. */ strcpy(env_path, RHome); strcat(env_path, "/etc/Rcmd_environ"); process_Renviron(env_path); if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "BATCH")) { /* ----- handle Rcmd BATCH ---- */ char infile[MAX_PATH], outfile[MAX_PATH], *p, cmd_extra[CMD_LEN]; DWORD ret; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; HANDLE hOUT = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* process the command line */ cmd_extra[0] = '\0'; if((p = getenv("R_BATCH_OPTIONS")) && strlen(p)) { if(1+strlen(p) >= CMD_LEN) { fprintf(stderr, "command line too long\n"); return(27); } strcat(cmd_extra, " "); strcat(cmd_extra, p); } for(i = cmdarg + 1, iused = cmdarg; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", "Usage: ", RCMD, " BATCH [options] infile [outfile]\n\n", "Run R non-interactively with input from infile and place output (stdout\n", "and stderr) to another file. If not given, the name of the output file\n", "is the one of the input file, with a possible '.R' extension stripped,\n", "and '.Rout' appended.\n\n", "Options:\n" " -h, --help print short help message and exit\n", " -v, --version print version info and exit\n", " --no-timing do not report the timings\n", " -- end processing of options\n\n", "Further arguments starting with a '-' are considered as options as long\n", "as '--' was not encountered, and are passed on to the R process, which\n", "by default is started with '--restore --save'.\n\n", "Report bugs at bugs.r-project.org ."); return(0); } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--version")) { fprintf(stderr, "BATCH %s\n%s%s%s\n", "1.2", "Copyright (C) 1997-2004 R Core Team.\n", "This is free software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2\n", "or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty."); return(0); } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--no-timing")) { timing = 0; iused = i; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--")) { iused = i; break; } if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (strlen(cmd_extra) + strlen(argv[i]) > 9900) { fprintf(stderr, "command line too long\n"); return(27); } strcat(cmd_extra, " "); strcat(cmd_extra, argv[i]); iused = i; } else break; } if (iused+1 < argc) strcpy(infile, argv[iused+1]); else { fprintf(stderr, "no input file\n"); return(1); } if (iused+2 < argc) strcpy(outfile, argv[iused+2]); else { int len = strlen(infile); strcpy(outfile, infile); if (!strcmp(outfile+len-2, ".R")) strcat(outfile, "out"); else strcat(outfile, ".Rout"); } /* Unix has --restore --save --no-readline */ snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe -f \"%s\" --restore --save", getRHOME(3), BINDIR, infile); if(strlen(cmd) + strlen(cmd_extra) >= CMD_LEN) { fprintf(stderr, "command line too long\n"); return(27); } strcat(cmd, cmd_extra); /* to get .Last.sys run: see profile/Common.R */ if(timing) putenv("R_BATCH=1234"); /* fprintf(stderr, "%s->%s\n", infile, outfile); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd); */ sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; hOUT = CreateFile(outfile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, &sa, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if (hOUT == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open output file\n"); return(2); } SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, hOUT); SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, hOUT); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.lpReserved = NULL; si.lpReserved2 = NULL; si.cbReserved2 = 0; si.lpDesktop = NULL; si.lpTitle = NULL; si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWDEFAULT; ret = CreateProcess(0, cmd, &sa, &sa, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); CloseHandle(hOUT); if (!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to run Rterm.exe\n"); return(3); } CloseHandle(pi.hThread); return(pwait(pi.hProcess)); /* ------- end of BATCH -------- */ } /* Now Rcmd or R CMD : most commands are nowadays * handled internally on Windows */ /* Not sure that we still need these set -- they are Windows-only */ char Rversion[25]; snprintf(Rversion, 25, "R_VERSION=%s.%s", R_MAJOR, R_MINOR); putenv(Rversion); putenv("R_CMD=R CMD"); char *Path = malloc( strlen(getenv("PATH")) + MAX_PATH + 10 ); if (!Path) {fprintf(stderr, "PATH too long\n"); return(4);} strcpy(Path, "PATH="); strcat(Path, RHome); strcat(Path, "\\"); strcat(Path, BINDIR); strcat(Path, ";"); strcat(Path, getenv("PATH")); putenv(Path); free(Path); char Rarch[30]; strcpy(Rarch, "R_ARCH=/"); strcat(Rarch, R_ARCH); putenv(Rarch); char Bindir[30]; strcpy(Bindir, "BINDIR="); strcat(Bindir, BINDIR); putenv(Bindir); char Tmpdir[MAX_PATH+10]; if ( (p = getenv("TMPDIR")) && isDir(p)) { /* TMPDIR is already set */ } else { if ( (p = getenv("TEMP")) && isDir(p)) { strcpy(Tmpdir, "TMPDIR="); strcat(Tmpdir, p); putenv(Tmpdir); } else if ( (p = getenv("TMP")) && isDir(p)) { strcpy(Tmpdir, "TMPDIR="); strcat(Tmpdir, p); putenv(Tmpdir); } else { strcpy(Tmpdir, "TMPDIR="); strcat(Tmpdir, getRUser()); putenv(Tmpdir); } } char HOME[MAX_PATH+10]; if( !getenv("HOME") ) { strcpy(HOME, "HOME="); strcat(HOME, getRUser()); putenv(HOME); } if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "INSTALL")) { /* Unix has --no-restore except for MM's undocumented --use-vanilla */ snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe -e tools:::.install_packages() R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= LC_COLLATE=C --no-restore --slave --args ", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); PROCESS_CMD("nextArg"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "REMOVE")) { snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe -f \"%s/share/R/REMOVE.R\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL --no-restore --slave --args", getRHOME(3), BINDIR, getRHOME(3)); for (i = cmdarg + 1; i < argc; i++){ strcat(cmd, " "); if (strlen(cmd) + strlen(argv[i]) > 9900) { fprintf(stderr, "command line too long\n"); return(27); } /* Library names could contain spaces */ if(strchr(argv[i], ' ')) { strcat(cmd, "\""); strcat(cmd, argv[i]); strcat(cmd, "\""); } else strcat(cmd, argv[i]); } return(system(cmd)); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "build")) { snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe -e tools:::.build_packages() R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= LC_COLLATE=C --no-restore --slave --args ", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); PROCESS_CMD("nextArg"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "check")) { snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe -e tools:::.check_packages() R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= LC_COLLATE=C --no-restore --slave --args ", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); PROCESS_CMD("nextArg"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "Rprof")) { snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe -e tools:::.Rprof() R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils LC_COLLATE=C --vanilla --slave --args ", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); PROCESS_CMD("nextArg"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "texify")) { if (argc < cmdarg+2) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage: %s texify [options] filename\n", RCMD); return(1); } snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "texify.exe -I %s/share/texmf/tex/latex -I %s/share/texmf/bibtex/bst", getRHOME(3), getRHOME(3)); PROCESS_CMD(" "); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "SHLIB")) { snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe -e tools:::.SHLIB() R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL --no-restore --slave --no-site-file --no-init-file --args", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); PROCESS_CMD(" "); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "Rdiff")) { snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe -e tools:::.Rdiff() R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL --vanilla --slave --args ", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); PROCESS_CMD("nextArg"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "Rdconv")) { snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe -e tools:::.Rdconv() R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= LC_COLLATE=C --vanilla --slave --args ", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); PROCESS_CMD("nextArg"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "Rd2txt")) { snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe -e tools:::.Rdconv() R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= LC_COLLATE=C --vanilla --slave --args nextArg-tnextArgtxt", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); PROCESS_CMD("nextArg"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "Rd2pdf")) { snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe -e tools:::..Rd2pdf() R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= LC_ALL=C --vanilla --slave --args ", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); PROCESS_CMD("nextArg"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "Sweave")) { snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe --no-restore --slave -e utils:::.Sweave() --args ", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); PROCESS_CMD("nextArg"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[cmdarg], "Stangle")) { snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/Rterm.exe --vanilla --slave -e utils:::.Stangle() --args ", getRHOME(3), BINDIR); PROCESS_CMD("nextArg"); } else { /* not one of those handled internally */ p = argv[cmdarg]; if (!strcmp(p, "config")) snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "sh %s/bin/config.sh", RHome); else if (!strcmp(p, "open")) snprintf(cmd, CMD_LEN, "%s/%s/open.exe", RHome, BINDIR); else { /* RHOME/BINDIR is first in the path, so looks there first */ if (!strcmp(".sh", p + strlen(p) - 3)) strcpy(cmd, "sh "); else if (!strcmp(".pl", p + strlen(p) - 3)) strcpy(cmd, "perl "); else strcpy(cmd, ""); strcat(cmd, p); } for (i = cmdarg + 1; i < argc; i++){ strcat(cmd, " "); if (strlen(cmd) + strlen(argv[i]) > 9900) { fprintf(stderr, "command line too long\n"); return(27); } if(strchr(argv[i], ' ')) { strcat(cmd, "\""); strcat(cmd, argv[i]); strcat(cmd, "\""); } else strcat(cmd, argv[i]); } /* printf("cmd is %s\n", cmd); */ status = system(cmd); } return(status); }