/* * R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka * Copyright (C) 1997--2014 The R Core Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ */ /* See ../unix/system.txt for a description of functions */ /* Windows analogue of unix/sys-unix.c: often rather similar */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include /* for isalpha */ /* * 4) INITIALIZATION AND TERMINATION ACTIONS */ FILE *R_OpenInitFile(void) { char buf[PATH_MAX], *p = getenv("R_PROFILE_USER"); FILE *fp; fp = NULL; if (LoadInitFile) { if(p) { if(!*p) return NULL; /* set to "" */ return R_fopen(R_ExpandFileName(p), "r"); } if ((fp = R_fopen(".Rprofile", "r"))) return fp; snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s/.Rprofile", getenv("R_USER")); if ((fp = R_fopen(buf, "r"))) return fp; } return fp; } /* * 5) FILESYSTEM INTERACTION */ static int HaveHOME=-1; static char UserHOME[PATH_MAX]; static char newFileName[PATH_MAX]; const char *R_ExpandFileName(const char *s) { char *p; if(s[0] != '~') return s; if(isalpha(s[1])) return s; if(HaveHOME < 0) { HaveHOME = 0; p = getenv("R_USER"); /* should be set so the rest is a safety measure */ if(p && strlen(p) && strlen(p) < PATH_MAX) { strcpy(UserHOME, p); HaveHOME = 1; } else { p = getenv("HOME"); if(p && strlen(p) && strlen(p) < PATH_MAX) { strcpy(UserHOME, p); HaveHOME = 1; } else { p = getenv("HOMEDRIVE"); if(p && strlen(p) < PATH_MAX) { strcpy(UserHOME, p); p = getenv("HOMEPATH"); if(p && strlen(UserHOME) + strlen(p) < PATH_MAX) { strcat(UserHOME, p); HaveHOME = 1; } } } } } if(HaveHOME > 0 && strlen(UserHOME) + strlen(s+1) < PATH_MAX) { strcpy(newFileName, UserHOME); strcat(newFileName, s+1); return newFileName; } else return s; } /* * 7) PLATFORM DEPENDENT FUNCTIONS */ SEXP do_machine(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env) { checkArity(op, args); return mkString("Win32"); } #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 #include static DWORD StartTime; static FILETIME Create, Exit, Kernel, User; void R_setStartTime(void) { StartTime = GetTickCount(); } void R_getProcTime(double *data) { DWORD elapsed; double kernel, user; /* This is in msec, but to clock-tick accuracy, said to be 10ms on NT and 55ms on Win95 */ elapsed = (GetTickCount() - StartTime) / 10; /* These are in units of 100ns, but with an accuracy only in clock ticks. So we round to 0.01s */ GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), &Create, &Exit, &Kernel, &User); user = 1e-5 * ((double) User.dwLowDateTime + (double) User.dwHighDateTime * 4294967296.0); user = floor(user)/100.0; kernel = 1e-5 * ((double) Kernel.dwLowDateTime + (double) Kernel.dwHighDateTime * 4294967296.0); kernel = floor(kernel)/100.0; data[0] = user; data[1] = kernel; data[2] = (double) elapsed / 100.0; data[3] = R_NaReal; data[4] = R_NaReal; } /* use in memory.c: increments for CPU times */ double R_getClockIncrement(void) { return 1.0 / 100.0; } /* * flag =0 don't wait/ignore stdout * flag =1 wait/ignore stdout * flag =2 wait/copy stdout to the console * flag =3 wait/return stdout (intern=TRUE) * Add 10 to minimize application * Add 20 to make application "invisible" */ #include "run.h" #define INTERN_BUFSIZE 8096 SEXP do_system(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { rpipe *fp; char buf[INTERN_BUFSIZE]; const char *fout = "", *ferr = ""; int vis = 0, flag = 2, i = 0, j, ll = 0; SEXP cmd, fin, Stdout, Stderr, tlist = R_NilValue, tchar, rval; checkArity(op, args); cmd = CAR(args); if (!isString(cmd) || LENGTH(cmd) != 1) errorcall(call, _("character string expected as first argument")); args = CDR(args); flag = asInteger(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args); if (flag >= 20) {vis = -1; flag -= 20;} else if (flag >= 10) {vis = 0; flag -= 10;} else vis = 1; fin = CAR(args); if (!isString(fin)) errorcall(call, _("character string expected as third argument")); args = CDR(args); Stdout = CAR(args); args = CDR(args); Stderr = CAR(args); if (CharacterMode == RGui) { /* This is a rather conservative approach: if Rgui is launched from a console window it does have standard handles -- but users might well not expect that. */ SetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (TYPEOF(Stdout) == STRSXP) fout = CHAR(STRING_ELT(Stdout, 0)); if (TYPEOF(Stderr) == STRSXP) ferr = CHAR(STRING_ELT(Stderr, 0)); } else { if (flag == 2) flag = 1; /* ignore std.output.on.console */ if (TYPEOF(Stdout) == STRSXP) fout = CHAR(STRING_ELT(Stdout, 0)); else if (asLogical(Stdout) == 0) fout = NULL; if (TYPEOF(Stderr) == STRSXP) ferr = CHAR(STRING_ELT(Stderr, 0)); else if (asLogical(Stderr) == 0) ferr = NULL; } if (flag < 2) { /* Neither intern = TRUE nor show.output.on.console for Rgui */ ll = runcmd(CHAR(STRING_ELT(cmd, 0)), getCharCE(STRING_ELT(cmd, 0)), flag, vis, CHAR(STRING_ELT(fin, 0)), fout, ferr); } else { /* read stdout +/- stderr from pipe */ int m = 0; if(flag == 2 /* show on console */ || CharacterMode == RGui) m = 3; if(TYPEOF(Stderr) == LGLSXP) m = asLogical(Stderr) ? 2 : 0; if(m && TYPEOF(Stdout) == LGLSXP && asLogical(Stdout)) m = 3; fp = rpipeOpen(CHAR(STRING_ELT(cmd, 0)), getCharCE(STRING_ELT(cmd, 0)), vis, CHAR(STRING_ELT(fin, 0)), m, fout, ferr); if (!fp) { /* If intern = TRUE generate an error */ if (flag == 3) error(runerror()); ll = NOLAUNCH; } else { /* FIXME: use REPROTECT */ if (flag == 3) { PROTECT(tlist); /* honour intern = FALSE, ignore.stdout = TRUE */ if (m > 0 || (!(TYPEOF(Stdout) == LGLSXP && !asLogical(Stdout)))) for (i = 0; rpipeGets(fp, buf, INTERN_BUFSIZE); i++) { ll = strlen(buf) - 1; if ((ll >= 0) && (buf[ll] == '\n')) buf[ll] = '\0'; tchar = mkChar(buf); UNPROTECT(1); /* tlist */ PROTECT(tlist = CONS(tchar, tlist)); } } else { for (i = 0; rpipeGets(fp, buf, INTERN_BUFSIZE); i++) R_WriteConsole(buf, strlen(buf)); } ll = rpipeClose(fp); } } if(ll) { warningcall(R_NilValue, _("running command '%s' had status %d"), CHAR(STRING_ELT(cmd, 0)), ll); } if (flag == 3) { /* intern = TRUE: convert pairlist to list */ PROTECT(rval = allocVector(STRSXP, i)); for (j = (i - 1); j >= 0; j--) { SET_STRING_ELT(rval, j, CAR(tlist)); tlist = CDR(tlist); } if(ll) { SEXP lsym = install("status"); setAttrib(rval, lsym, ScalarInteger(ll)); } UNPROTECT(2); return rval; } else { rval = ScalarInteger(ll); R_Visible = 0; return rval; } }