/* * R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka * Copyright (C) 1997--2015 The R Core Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ */ /* See ../unix/system.txt for a description of functions */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #define R_USE_SIGNALS 1 #include "Defn.h" #include #include "Fileio.h" #include "graphapp/ga.h" #include "console.h" #include "rui.h" #include "editor.h" #include "getline/getline.h" #include "getline/wc_history.h" #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 /* Mingw-w64 defines this to be 0x0502 */ #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 /* for MEMORYSTATUSEX */ #endif #include /* for CreateEvent,.. */ #include /* for _beginthread,... */ #include /* for isatty, chdir */ #ifdef _MSC_VER /* for chdir */ # include #endif #include "run.h" #include "Startup.h" #include /* for exit */ #include "win-nls.h" void R_CleanTempDir(void); /* from platform.c */ void editorcleanall(void); /* from editor.c */ int Rwin_graphicsx = -25, Rwin_graphicsy = 0; R_size_t R_max_memory = INT_MAX; extern SA_TYPE SaveAction; /* from ../main/startup.c */ Rboolean DebugMenuitem = FALSE; /* exported for rui.c */ static FILE *ifp = NULL; static char ifile[MAX_PATH] = "\0"; __declspec(dllexport) UImode CharacterMode = RGui; /* some compilers want initialized for export */ int ConsoleAcceptCmd; void set_workspace_name(const char *fn); /* ../main/startup.c */ /* used to avoid some flashing during cleaning up */ Rboolean AllDevicesKilled = FALSE; static int (*R_YesNoCancel)(const char *s); static DWORD mainThreadId; static char oldtitle[512]; __declspec(dllexport) Rboolean UserBreak = FALSE; /* callbacks */ static void (*R_CallBackHook) (void); static void R_DoNothing(void) {} static void (*my_R_Busy)(int); /* * Called at I/O, during eval etc to process GUI events. */ typedef void (*DO_FUNC)(); static void (* R_Tcl_do)(void) = NULL; /* Initialized to be sure */ void set_R_Tcldo(DO_FUNC ptr) { if (R_Tcl_do) error("Thief about! Something other than package tcltk has set or is attempting to set R_Tcl_do"); R_Tcl_do = ptr; return; } void unset_R_Tcldo(DO_FUNC ptr) { /* This needs to be a warning not an error, or tcltk will not be able to be detached. */ if (R_Tcl_do != ptr) warning("Thief about! Something other than package tcltk has set or is attempting to unset R_Tcl_do"); R_Tcl_do = NULL; return; } void R_ProcessEvents(void) { while (peekevent()) doevent(); if (cpuLimit > 0.0 || elapsedLimit > 0.0) { double cpu, data[5]; R_getProcTime(data); cpu = data[0] + data[1]; /* children? */ if (elapsedLimit > 0.0 && data[2] > elapsedLimit) { cpuLimit = elapsedLimit = -1; if (elapsedLimit2 > 0.0 && data[2] > elapsedLimit2) { elapsedLimit2 = -1.0; error(_("reached session elapsed time limit")); } else error(_("reached elapsed time limit")); } if (cpuLimit > 0.0 && cpu > cpuLimit) { cpuLimit = elapsedLimit = -1; if (cpuLimit2 > 0.0 && cpu > cpuLimit2) { cpuLimit2 = -1.0; error(_("reached session CPU time limit")); } else error(_("reached CPU time limit")); } } if (UserBreak) { UserBreak = FALSE; onintr(); } R_CallBackHook(); if(R_Tcl_do) R_Tcl_do(); } void R_WaitEvent(void) { if (!peekevent()) waitevent(); } /* * 1) FATAL MESSAGES AT STARTUP */ void R_Suicide(const char *s) { char pp[1024]; snprintf(pp, 1024, _("Fatal error: %s\n"), s); R_ShowMessage(pp); R_CleanUp(SA_SUICIDE, 2, 0); } /* * 2. CONSOLE I/O */ /* * We support 4 different type of input. * 1) from the gui console; * 2) from a character mode console (interactive); * 3) from a pipe under --ess, i.e, interactive. * 4) from a file or from a pipe (not interactive) * * Hence, it is better to have a different function for every * situation. * Same, it is true for output (but in this case, 2=3=4) * * BTW, 3 and 4 are different on input since fgets,ReadFile... * "blocks" => (e.g.) you cannot give focus to the graphics device if * you are wating for input. For this reason, input is got in a different * thread * * All works in this way: * R_ReadConsole calls TrueReadConsole which points to: * case 1: GuiReadConsole * case 2 and 3: ThreadedReadConsole * case 4: FileReadConsole * ThreadedReadConsole wake up our 'reader thread' and wait until * a new line of input is available. The 'reader thread' uses * InThreadReadConsole to get it. InThreadReadConsole points to: * case 2: CharReadConsole * case 3: FileReadConsole */ /* Global variables */ static int (*TrueReadConsole) (const char *, char *, int, int); static int (*InThreadReadConsole) (const char *, char *, int, int); static void (*TrueWriteConsole) (const char *, int); static void (*TrueWriteConsoleEx) (const char *, int, int); HANDLE EhiWakeUp; static const char *tprompt; static char *tbuf; static int tlen, thist, lineavailable; /* Fill a text buffer with user typed console input. */ int R_ReadConsole(const char *prompt, unsigned char *buf, int len, int addtohistory) { R_ProcessEvents(); return TrueReadConsole(prompt, (char *) buf, len, addtohistory); } /* Write a text buffer to the console. */ /* All system output is filtered through this routine. */ void R_WriteConsole(const char *buf, int len) { R_ProcessEvents(); if (TrueWriteConsole) TrueWriteConsole(buf, len); else TrueWriteConsoleEx(buf, len, 0); } void R_WriteConsoleEx(const char *buf, int len, int otype) { R_ProcessEvents(); if (TrueWriteConsole) TrueWriteConsole(buf, len); else TrueWriteConsoleEx(buf, len, otype); } /*1: from GUI console */ int R_is_running = 0; void Rconsolesetwidth(int cols) { if(R_is_running && setWidthOnResize) R_SetOptionWidth(cols); } static int GuiReadConsole(const char *prompt, char *buf, int len, int addtohistory) { int res; const char *NormalPrompt = CHAR(STRING_ELT(GetOption1(install("prompt")), 0)); if(!R_is_running) { R_is_running = 1; Rconsolesetwidth(consolecols(RConsole)); } ConsoleAcceptCmd = !strcmp(prompt, NormalPrompt); res = consolereads(RConsole, prompt, buf, len, addtohistory); ConsoleAcceptCmd = 0; return !res; } /* 2 and 3: reading in a thread */ /* 'Reader thread' main function */ static void __cdecl ReaderThread(void *unused) { while(1) { WaitForSingleObject(EhiWakeUp,INFINITE); tlen = InThreadReadConsole(tprompt,tbuf,tlen,thist); lineavailable = 1; PostThreadMessage(mainThreadId, 0, 0, 0); } } static int ThreadedReadConsole(const char *prompt, char *buf, int len, int addtohistory) { sighandler_t oldint,oldbreak; /* * SIGINT/SIGBREAK when ESS is waiting for output are a real pain: * they get processed after user hit . * The '^C\n' in raw Rterm is nice. But, do we really need it ? */ oldint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); oldbreak = signal(SIGBREAK, SIG_IGN); mainThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); lineavailable = 0; tprompt = prompt; tbuf = buf; tlen = len; thist = addtohistory; SetEvent(EhiWakeUp); while (1) { R_WaitEvent(); if (lineavailable) break; doevent(); if(R_Tcl_do) R_Tcl_do(); } lineavailable = 0; /* restore handler */ signal(SIGINT, oldint); signal(SIGBREAK, oldbreak); return tlen; } /*2: from character console with getline (only used as InThreadReadConsole)*/ static int CharReadConsole(const char *prompt, char *buf, int len, int addtohistory) { int res = getline(prompt, buf, len); if (addtohistory) gl_histadd(buf); return !res; } /*3: (as InThreadReadConsole) and 4: non-interactive */ static void *cd = NULL; static int FileReadConsole(const char *prompt, char *buf, int len, int addhistory) { int ll, err = 0; if (!R_Slave) { fputs(prompt, stdout); fflush(stdout); } if (fgets(buf, len, ifp ? ifp : stdin) == NULL) return 0; /* translate if necessary */ if(strlen(R_StdinEnc) && strcmp(R_StdinEnc, "native.enc")) { size_t res, inb = strlen(buf), onb = len; const char *ib = buf; char obuf[len+1], *ob = obuf; if(!cd) { cd = Riconv_open("", R_StdinEnc); if(cd == (void *)-1) error(_("encoding '%s' is not recognised"), R_StdinEnc); } res = Riconv(cd, &ib, &inb, &ob, &onb); *ob = '\0'; err = (res == (size_t)(-1)); /* errors lead to part of the input line being ignored */ if(err) printf(_("\n"), R_StdinEnc); strncpy(buf, obuf, len); } /* according to system.txt, should be terminated in \n, so check this at eof or error */ ll = strlen(buf); if ((err || feof(ifp ? ifp: stdin)) && buf[ll - 1] != '\n' && ll < len) { buf[ll++] = '\n'; buf[ll] = '\0'; } if (!R_Interactive && !R_Slave) { fputs(buf, stdout); fflush(stdout); } return 1; } /* Rgui */ static void GuiWriteConsole(const char *buf,int len) { if (RConsole) consolewrites(RConsole, buf); else MessageBox(NULL, buf, "Console not found", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } /* Rterm write */ static void TermWriteConsole(const char *buf, int len) { printf("%s", buf); } /* Indicate that input is coming from the console */ void R_ResetConsole(void) { } /* Stdio support to ensure the console file buffer is flushed */ void R_FlushConsole(void) { if (CharacterMode == RTerm && R_Interactive) fflush(stdout); else if (CharacterMode == RGui && RConsole) consoleflush(RConsole); } /* Reset stdin if the user types EOF on the console. */ void R_ClearerrConsole(void) { if (CharacterMode == RTerm) clearerr(stdin); } /* * 3) ACTIONS DURING (LONG) COMPUTATIONS */ static void GuiBusy(int which) { if (which == 1) gsetcursor(RConsole, WatchCursor); if (which == 0) gsetcursor(RConsole, ArrowCursor); } static void CharBusy(int which) { } void R_Busy(int which) { my_R_Busy(which); } /* * 4) INITIALIZATION AND TERMINATION ACTIONS */ /* R_CleanUp is invoked at the end of the session to give the user the option of saving their data. If ask == SA_SAVEASK the user should be asked if possible (and this option should not occur in non-interactive use). If ask = SA_SAVE or SA_NOSAVE the decision is known. If ask = SA_DEFAULT use the SaveAction set at startup. In all these cases run .Last() unless quitting is cancelled. If ask = SA_SUICIDE, no save, no .Last, possibly other things. */ void R_CleanUp(SA_TYPE saveact, int status, int runLast) { if(saveact == SA_DEFAULT) /* The normal case apart from R_Suicide */ saveact = SaveAction; if(saveact == SA_SAVEASK) { if(R_Interactive) { switch (R_YesNoCancel(G_("Save workspace image?"))) { case YES: saveact = SA_SAVE; break; case NO: saveact = SA_NOSAVE; break; case CANCEL: // There might be residual events with destroyed handles R_ProcessEvents(); jump_to_toplevel(); break; } } else saveact = SaveAction; } switch (saveact) { case SA_SAVE: if(runLast) R_dot_Last(); if(R_DirtyImage) R_SaveGlobalEnv(); if (CharacterMode == RGui) { R_setupHistory(); /* re-read the history size and filename */ wgl_savehistory(R_HistoryFile, R_HistorySize); } else if(R_Interactive && CharacterMode == RTerm) { R_setupHistory(); /* re-read the history size and filename */ gl_savehistory(R_HistoryFile, R_HistorySize); } break; case SA_NOSAVE: if(runLast) R_dot_Last(); break; case SA_SUICIDE: default: break; } R_RunExitFinalizers(); editorcleanall(); CleanEd(); KillAllDevices(); /* Unix does not do this under SA_SUICIDE */ AllDevicesKilled = TRUE; /* used in devWindows.c to inhibit callbacks */ R_CleanTempDir(); /* changes directory */ if (R_Interactive && CharacterMode == RTerm) SetConsoleTitle(oldtitle); if (R_CollectWarnings && saveact != SA_SUICIDE && CharacterMode == RTerm) /* no point in doing this for Rgui as the console is about to close */ PrintWarnings(); /* from device close and (if run) .Last */ app_cleanup(); RConsole = NULL; // Add some protection against calling this more than once: // caused by signals on Unix, so maybe cannot happen here. if(ifp) { fclose(ifp); /* input file from -f or --file= */ ifp = NULL; } if(ifile[0]) { unlink(ifile); /* input file from -e */ ifile[0] = '\0'; } exit(status); } /* * 7) PLATFORM DEPENDENT FUNCTIONS */ /* This function can be used to display the named files with the given titles and overall title. On GUI platforms we could use a read-only window to display the result. Here we just make up a temporary file and invoke a pager on it. */ /* * nfile = number of files * file = array of filenames * headers = the 'headers' args of file.show. Printed before each file. * wtitle = title for window: the 'title' arg of file.show * del = flag for whether files should be deleted after use * pager = pager to be used. */ extern FILE *R_wfopen(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *mode); extern size_t Rf_utf8towcs(wchar_t *wc, const char *s, size_t n); int R_ShowFiles(int nfile, const char **file, const char **headers, const char *wtitle, Rboolean del, const char *pager) { int i; char buf[1024]; if (nfile > 0) { if (pager == NULL || strlen(pager) == 0) pager = "internal"; for (i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { if(!access(file[i], R_OK)) { if (!strcmp(pager, "internal")) { newpager(wtitle, file[i], CE_NATIVE, headers[i], del); } else if (!strcmp(pager, "console")) { size_t len; FILE *f; f = R_fopen(file[i], "rt"); if(f) { while((len = fread(buf, 1, 1023, f))) { buf[len] = '\0'; R_WriteConsole(buf, strlen(buf)); } fclose(f); if (del) DeleteFile(file[i]); /* add a blank line */ R_WriteConsole("", 0); } else { snprintf(buf, 1024, _("cannot open file '%s': %s"), file[i], strerror(errno)); warning(buf); } } else { /* Quote path if necessary */ if(pager[0] != '"' && Rf_strchr(pager, ' ')) snprintf(buf, 1024, "\"%s\" \"%s\"", pager, file[i]); else snprintf(buf, 1024, "%s \"%s\"", pager, file[i]); runcmd(buf, CE_NATIVE, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } else { snprintf(buf, 1024, _("file.show(): file '%s' does not exist\n"), file[i]); warning(buf); } } return 0; } return 1; } /* This function can be used to open the named files in text editors, with the given titles and overall title. If the file does not exist then the editor should be opened to create a new file. */ /* * nfile = number of files * file = array of filenames * editor = editor to be used. */ /* As from R 2.7.0 we assume file, editor are in UTF-8 */ int R_EditFiles(int nfile, const char **file, const char **title, const char *editor) { int i; char buf[1024]; if (nfile > 0) { if (editor == NULL || strlen(editor) == 0) editor = "internal"; for (i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { if (!strcmp(editor, "internal")) { Rgui_Edit(file[i], CE_UTF8, title[i], 0); } else { /* Quote path if necessary */ if (editor[0] != '"' && Rf_strchr(editor, ' ')) snprintf(buf, 1024, "\"%s\" \"%s\"", editor, file[i]); else snprintf(buf, 1024, "%s \"%s\"", editor, file[i]); runcmd(buf, CE_UTF8, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } return 0; } return 1; } #if 0 /* Prompt the user for a file name. Return the length of */ /* the name typed. On Gui platforms, this should bring up */ /* a dialog box so a user can choose files that way. */ extern int DialogSelectFile(char *buf, int len); /* from rui.c */ int R_ChooseFile(int new, char *buf, int len) { return DialogSelectFile(buf, len); } #endif /* code for R_ShowMessage, R_YesNoCancel */ void (*pR_ShowMessage)(const char *s); void R_ShowMessage(const char *s) { (*pR_ShowMessage)(s); } static void char_message(const char *s) { if (!s) return; if (R_Consolefile) { /* flush out standard output in case it uses R_Consolefile */ if (R_Outputfile) fflush(R_Outputfile); fprintf(R_Consolefile, "%s\n", s); fflush(R_Consolefile); } else R_WriteConsole(s, strlen(s)); } static int char_YesNoCancel(const char *s) { char ss[128]; unsigned char a[3]; snprintf(ss, 128, "%s [y/n/c]: ", s); R_ReadConsole(ss, a, 3, 0); switch (a[0]) { case 'y': case 'Y': return YES; case 'n': case 'N': return NO; default: return CANCEL; } } /*--- Initialization Code ---*/ static char RHome[MAX_PATH + 7]; static char UserRHome[MAX_PATH + 7]; extern char *getRHOME(int), *getRUser(void); /* in rhome.c */ void R_setStartTime(void); void R_SetWin32(Rstart Rp) { int dummy; { /* Idea here is to ask about the memory block an automatic variable is in. VirtualQuery rounds down to the beginning of the page, and tells us where the allocation started and how many bytes the pages go up */ MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION buf; uintptr_t bottom, top; VirtualQuery(&dummy, &buf, sizeof(buf)); bottom = (uintptr_t) buf.AllocationBase; top = (uintptr_t) buf.BaseAddress + buf.RegionSize; /* printf("stackbase %lx, size %lx\n", top, top-bottom); */ R_CStackStart = top; R_CStackLimit = top - bottom; } R_CStackDir = 1; R_Home = Rp->rhome; if(strlen(R_Home) >= MAX_PATH) R_Suicide("Invalid R_HOME"); snprintf(RHome, MAX_PATH+7, "R_HOME=%s", R_Home); for (char *p = RHome; *p; p++) if (*p == '\\') *p = '/'; putenv(RHome); strcpy(UserRHome, "R_USER="); strcat(UserRHome, Rp->home); putenv(UserRHome); if( !getenv("HOME") ) { strcpy(UserRHome, "HOME="); strcat(UserRHome, getRUser()); putenv(UserRHome); } /* This is here temporarily while the GCC version is chosen */ char gccversion[30]; snprintf(gccversion, 30, "R_COMPILED_BY=gcc %d.%d.%d", __GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__); putenv(gccversion); /* Rterm and Rgui set CharacterMode during startup, then set Rp->CharacterMode from it in cmdlineoptions(). Rproxy never calls cmdlineoptions, so we need the line below */ CharacterMode = Rp->CharacterMode; switch(CharacterMode) { case RGui: R_GUIType = "Rgui"; break; case RTerm: R_GUIType = "RTerm"; break; default: R_GUIType = "unknown"; } TrueReadConsole = Rp->ReadConsole; TrueWriteConsole = Rp->WriteConsole; TrueWriteConsoleEx = Rp->WriteConsoleEx; R_CallBackHook = Rp->CallBack; pR_ShowMessage = Rp->ShowMessage; R_YesNoCancel = Rp->YesNoCancel; my_R_Busy = Rp->Busy; /* Process R_HOME/etc/Renviron.site, then .Renviron or ~/.Renviron, if it exists. Only used here in embedded versions */ if(!Rp->NoRenviron) { process_site_Renviron(); process_user_Renviron(); } Rwin_fpset(); /* in extra.c */ } /* Remove and process NAME=VALUE command line arguments */ static void Putenv(const char *str) { char *buf; buf = (char *) malloc((strlen(str) + 1) * sizeof(char)); if(!buf) R_ShowMessage("allocation failure in reading Renviron"); strcpy(buf, str); putenv(buf); /* no free here: storage remains in use */ } static void env_command_line(int *pac, char **argv) { int ac = *pac, newac = 1; /* Remember argv[0] is process name */ char **av = argv; Rboolean hadE = FALSE; /* We don't want to parse -e expressions */ while(--ac) { ++av; if(strcmp(*av, "-e") == 0) { hadE = TRUE; argv[newac++] = *av; continue; } if(!hadE && **av != '-' && Rf_strchr(*av, '=')) Putenv(*av); else argv[newac++] = *av; hadE = FALSE; } *pac = newac; } char *PrintUsage(void) { static char msg[5000]; char msg0[] = "Start R, a system for statistical computation and graphics, with the\nspecified options\n\nEnvVars: Environmental variables can be set by NAME=value strings\n\nOptions:\n -h, --help Print usage message and exit\n --version Print version info and exit\n --encoding=enc Specify encoding to be used for stdin\n --encoding enc ditto\n --save Do save workspace at the end of the session\n --no-save Don't save it\n", msg1[] = " --no-environ Don't read the site and user environment files\n --no-site-file Don't read the site-wide Rprofile\n --no-init-file Don't read the .Rprofile or ~/.Rprofile files\n --restore Do restore previously saved objects at startup\n --no-restore-data Don't restore previously saved objects\n --no-restore-history Don't restore the R history file\n --no-restore Don't restore anything\n", msg2[] = " --vanilla Combine --no-save, --no-restore, --no-site-file,\n --no-init-file and --no-environ\n", msg2b[] = " --max-mem-size=N Set limit for memory to be used by R\n --max-ppsize=N Set max size of protect stack to N\n", msg3[] = " -q, --quiet Don't print startup message\n --silent Same as --quiet\n --slave Make R run as quietly as possible\n --verbose Print more information about progress\n --args Skip the rest of the command line\n", msg4[] = " --ess Don't use getline for command-line editing\n and assert interactive use\n -f file Take input from 'file'\n --file=file ditto\n -e expression Use 'expression' as input\n\nOne or more -e options can be used, but not together with -f or --file\n", msg5[] = "\nAn argument ending in .RData (in any case) is taken as the path\nto the workspace to be restored (and implies --restore)"; if(CharacterMode == RTerm) strcpy(msg, "Usage: Rterm [options] [< infile] [> outfile] [EnvVars]\n\n"); else strcpy(msg, "Usage: Rgui [options] [EnvVars]\n\n"); strcat(msg, msg0); strcat(msg, msg1); strcat(msg, msg2); strcat(msg, msg2b); strcat(msg, msg3); if(CharacterMode == RTerm) strcat(msg, msg4); strcat(msg, msg5); strcat(msg, "\n"); return msg; } void R_setupHistory(void) { int value, ierr; char *p; if ((R_HistoryFile = getenv("R_HISTFILE")) == NULL) R_HistoryFile = ".Rhistory"; R_HistorySize = 512; if ((p = getenv("R_HISTSIZE"))) { value = R_Decode2Long(p, &ierr); if (ierr != 0 || value < 0) R_ShowMessage("WARNING: invalid R_HISTSIZE ignored;"); else R_HistorySize = value; } } #include static int isDir(char *path) { struct stat sb; int isdir = 0; if(!path) return 0; if(stat(path, &sb) == 0) { isdir = (sb.st_mode & S_IFDIR) > 0; /* is a directory */ /* We want to know if the directory is writable by this user, which mode does not tell us */ isdir &= (access(path, W_OK) == 0); } return isdir; } int cmdlineoptions(int ac, char **av) { int i, ierr; R_size_t value; char *p; char s[1024], cmdlines[10000]; R_size_t Virtual; structRstart rstart; Rstart Rp = &rstart; Rboolean usedRdata = FALSE, processing = TRUE; /* ensure R_Home gets set early: we are in rgui or rterm here */ R_Home = getRHOME(3); /* need this for moduleCdynload for iconv.dll */ InitFunctionHashing(); snprintf(RHome, MAX_PATH+7, "R_HOME=%s", R_Home); putenv(RHome); BindDomain(R_Home); R_setStartTime(); /* Store the command line arguments before they are processed by the different option handlers. We do this here so that we get all the name=value pairs. Otherwise these will have been removed by the time we get to call R_common_command_line(). */ R_set_command_line_arguments(ac, av); /* set defaults for R_max_memory. This is set here so that embedded applications get no limit */ { MEMORYSTATUSEX ms; ms.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX); GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&ms); /* Win2k or later */ Virtual = ms.ullTotalVirtual; /* uint64 = DWORDLONG */ #ifdef _WIN64 R_max_memory = ms.ullTotalPhys; #else R_max_memory = min(Virtual - 512*Mega, ms.ullTotalPhys); #endif /* need enough to start R, with some head room */ R_max_memory = max(32 * Mega, R_max_memory); } R_DefParams(Rp); Rp->CharacterMode = CharacterMode; for (i = 1; i < ac; i++) if (!strcmp(av[i], "--no-environ") || !strcmp(av[i], "--vanilla")) Rp->NoRenviron = TRUE; Rp->CallBack = R_DoNothing; /* Here so that --ess and similar can change */ InThreadReadConsole = NULL; if (CharacterMode == RTerm) { if (isatty(0) && isatty(1)) { Rp->R_Interactive = TRUE; Rp->ReadConsole = ThreadedReadConsole; InThreadReadConsole = CharReadConsole; } else { Rp->R_Interactive = FALSE; Rp->ReadConsole = FileReadConsole; } /* Windows 95/98/ME have a shell that cannot redirect stderr, so don't use that on those OSes */ { OSVERSIONINFO verinfo; verinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&verinfo); switch(verinfo.dwPlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: R_Consolefile = stdout; /* used for errors */ break; default: R_Consolefile = stderr; /* used for errors */ } } R_Consolefile = stderr; /* used for errors */ R_Outputfile = stdout; /* used for sink-able output */ Rp->WriteConsole = TermWriteConsole; Rp->ShowMessage = char_message; Rp->YesNoCancel = char_YesNoCancel; Rp->Busy = CharBusy; } else { Rp->R_Interactive = TRUE; Rp->ReadConsole = GuiReadConsole; Rp->WriteConsole = GuiWriteConsole; Rp->ShowMessage = askok; Rp->YesNoCancel = askyesnocancel; Rp->Busy = GuiBusy; } pR_ShowMessage = Rp->ShowMessage; /* used here */ TrueWriteConsole = Rp->WriteConsole; /* Rp->WriteConsole is guaranteed to be set above, so we know WriteConsoleEx is not used */ R_CallBackHook = Rp->CallBack; /* process environment variables * precedence: command-line, .Renviron, inherited */ if(!Rp->NoRenviron) { process_site_Renviron(); process_user_Renviron(); Rp->NoRenviron = TRUE; } env_command_line(&ac, av); R_common_command_line(&ac, av, Rp); char *q = getenv("R_MAX_MEM_SIZE"); if (q && q[0]) { value = R_Decode2Long(q, &ierr); if(ierr || value < 32 * Mega || value > Virtual) { snprintf(s, 1024, _("WARNING: R_MAX_MEM_SIZE value is invalid: ignored\n")); R_ShowMessage(s); } else R_max_memory = value; } cmdlines[0] = '\0'; while (--ac) { if (processing && **++av == '-') { if (!strcmp(*av, "--help") || !strcmp(*av, "-h")) { R_ShowMessage(PrintUsage()); exit(0); }else if (!strcmp(*av, "--no-environ")) { Rp->NoRenviron = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp(*av, "--ess")) { /* Assert that we are interactive even if input is from a file */ Rp->R_Interactive = TRUE; Rp->ReadConsole = ThreadedReadConsole; InThreadReadConsole = FileReadConsole; setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); } else if (!strcmp(*av, "--internet2")) { /* This is now the default */ } else if (!strcmp(*av, "--mdi")) { MDIset = 1; } else if (!strcmp(*av, "--sdi") || !strcmp(*av, "--no-mdi")) { MDIset = -1; } else if (!strncmp(*av, "--max-mem-size", 14)) { if(strlen(*av) < 16) { ac--; av++; p = *av; } else p = &(*av)[15]; if (p == NULL) { R_ShowMessage(_("WARNING: no max-mem-size given\n")); break; } value = R_Decode2Long(p, &ierr); if(ierr) { if(ierr < 0) snprintf(s, 1024, _("WARNING: --max-mem-size value is invalid: ignored\n")); else snprintf(s, 1024, _("WARNING: --max-mem-size=%lu%c: too large and ignored\n"), (unsigned long) value, (ierr == 1) ? 'M': ((ierr == 2) ? 'K': 'G')); R_ShowMessage(s); } else if (value < 32 * Mega) { snprintf(s, 1024, _("WARNING: --max-mem-size=%4.1fM: too small and ignored\n"), value/(1024.0 * 1024.0)); R_ShowMessage(s); } else if (value > Virtual) { snprintf(s, 1024, _("WARNING: --max-mem-size=%4.0fM: too large and taken as %uM\n"), value/(1024.0 * 1024.0), (unsigned int) (Virtual/(1024.0 * 1024.0))); R_max_memory = Virtual; R_ShowMessage(s); } else R_max_memory = value; } else if(!strcmp(*av, "--debug")) { DebugMenuitem = TRUE; breaktodebugger(); } else if(!strcmp(*av, "--args")) { break; } else if(CharacterMode == RTerm && !strcmp(*av, "-f")) { ac--; av++; if (!ac) { snprintf(s, 1024, _("option '%s' requires an argument"), "-f"); R_Suicide(s); } Rp->R_Interactive = FALSE; Rp->ReadConsole = FileReadConsole; if(strcmp(*av, "-")) { ifp = R_fopen(*av, "r"); if(!ifp) { snprintf(s, 1024, _("cannot open file '%s': %s"), *av, strerror(errno)); R_Suicide(s); } } } else if(CharacterMode == RTerm && !strncmp(*av, "--file=", 7)) { Rp->R_Interactive = FALSE; Rp->ReadConsole = FileReadConsole; if(strcmp((*av)+7, "-")) { ifp = R_fopen( (*av)+7, "r"); if(!ifp) { snprintf(s, 1024, _("cannot open file '%s': %s"), (*av)+7, strerror(errno)); R_Suicide(s); } } } else if(CharacterMode == RTerm && !strcmp(*av, "-e")) { ac--; av++; if (!ac || !strlen(*av)) { snprintf(s, 1024, _("option '%s' requires a non-empty argument"), "-e"); R_Suicide(s); } if(strlen(cmdlines) + strlen(*av) + 2 <= 10000) { strcat(cmdlines, *av); strcat(cmdlines, "\n"); } else { snprintf(s, 1024, _("WARNING: '-e %s' omitted as input is too long\n"), *av); R_ShowMessage(s); } } else { snprintf(s, 1024, _("WARNING: unknown option '%s'\n"), *av); R_ShowMessage(s); } } else { /* Look for *.RData, as given by drag-and-drop and file association */ char path[MAX_PATH]; if(!usedRdata && strlen(*av) >= 6 && stricmp(*av+strlen(*av)-6, ".RData") == 0) { set_workspace_name(*av); strcpy(path, *av); /* this was generated by Windows so must fit */ for (p = path; *p; p++) if (*p == '\\') *p = '/'; p = Rf_strrchr(path, '/'); if(p) { *p = '\0'; chdir(path); } usedRdata = TRUE; Rp->RestoreAction = SA_RESTORE; } else { snprintf(s, 1024, _("ARGUMENT '%s' __ignored__\n"), *av); R_ShowMessage(s); } } } if(strlen(cmdlines)) { if(ifp) R_Suicide(_("cannot use -e with -f or --file")); Rp->R_Interactive = FALSE; Rp->ReadConsole = FileReadConsole; { char *tm; tm = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (!isDir(tm)) { tm = getenv("TMP"); if (!isDir(tm)) { tm = getenv("TEMP"); if (!isDir(tm)) tm = getenv("R_USER"); /* this one will succeed */ } } /* in case getpid() is not unique -- has been seen under Windows */ snprintf(ifile, 1024, "%s/Rscript%x%x", tm, getpid(), (unsigned int) GetTickCount()); ifp = fopen(ifile, "w+b"); if(!ifp) R_Suicide(_("creation of tmpfile failed -- set TMPDIR suitably?")); } fwrite(cmdlines, strlen(cmdlines)+1, 1, ifp); fflush(ifp); rewind(ifp); } if (ifp && Rp->SaveAction != SA_SAVE) Rp->SaveAction = SA_NOSAVE; Rp->rhome = R_Home; Rp->home = getRUser(); R_SetParams(Rp); /* * Since users' expectations for save/no-save will differ, we decided * that they should be forced to specify in the non-interactive case. */ if (!R_Interactive && Rp->SaveAction != SA_SAVE && Rp->SaveAction != SA_NOSAVE) R_Suicide(_("you must specify '--save', '--no-save' or '--vanilla'")); if (InThreadReadConsole && (!(EhiWakeUp = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)) || (_beginthread(ReaderThread, 0, NULL) == -1))) R_Suicide(_("impossible to create 'reader thread'; you must free some system resources")); R_setupHistory(); return 0; } /* only for back-compatibility: used by Rserve */ void setup_term_ui(void) { initapp(0, 0); readconsolecfg(); } void saveConsoleTitle(void) { GetConsoleTitle(oldtitle, 512); }