# File src/library/graphics/R/boxplot.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ boxplot <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("boxplot") boxplot.default <- function(x, ..., range = 1.5, width = NULL, varwidth = FALSE, notch = FALSE, outline = TRUE, names, plot = TRUE, border = par("fg"), col = NULL, log = "", pars = list(boxwex = 0.8, staplewex = 0.5, outwex = 0.5), horizontal = FALSE, add = FALSE, at = NULL) { args <- list(x, ...) namedargs <- if(!is.null(attributes(args)$names)) attributes(args)$names != "" else rep_len(FALSE, length(args)) ## pars <- c(args[namedargs], pars) groups <- if(is.list(x)) x else args[!namedargs] if(0L == (n <- length(groups))) stop("invalid first argument") if(length(class(groups))) groups <- unclass(groups) if(!missing(names)) attr(groups, "names") <- names else { if(is.null(attr(groups, "names"))) attr(groups, "names") <- 1L:n names <- attr(groups, "names") } cls <- sapply(groups, function(x) class(x)[1L]) cl <- if(all(cls == cls[1L])) cls[1L] else NULL for(i in 1L:n) groups[i] <- list(boxplot.stats(unclass(groups[[i]]), range)) # do.conf=notch) stats <- matrix(0, nrow = 5L, ncol = n) conf <- matrix(0, nrow = 2L, ncol = n) ng <- out <- group <- numeric(0L) ct <- 1 for(i in groups) { stats[,ct] <- i$stats conf [,ct] <- i$conf ng <- c(ng, i$n) if((lo <- length(i$out))) { out <- c(out,i$out) group <- c(group, rep.int(ct, lo)) } ct <- ct+1 } if(length(cl) && cl != "numeric") oldClass(stats) <- cl z <- list(stats = stats, n = ng, conf = conf, out = out, group = group, names = names) if(plot) { if(is.null(pars$boxfill) && is.null(args$boxfill)) pars$boxfill <- col do.call("bxp", c(list(z, notch = notch, width = width, varwidth = varwidth, log = log, border = border, pars = pars, outline = outline, horizontal = horizontal, add = add, at = at), args[namedargs])) invisible(z) } else z } boxplot.matrix <- function(x, use.cols = TRUE, ...) { ## Purpose: Boxplot for each column or row [use.cols= TRUE / FALSE] of a matrix ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: x: a numeric matrix; use.cols: logical, columns (T) or rows (F) ## groups <- if(use.cols) { split(c(x), rep.int(1L:ncol(x), rep.int(nrow(x), ncol(x)))) } else split(c(x), seq(nrow(x))) ## Make use of col/row names if present if (length(nam <- dimnames(x)[[1+use.cols]])) names(groups) <- nam invisible(boxplot(groups, ...)) } boxplot.formula <- function(formula, data = NULL, ..., subset, na.action = NULL) { if(missing(formula) || (length(formula) != 3L)) stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE) if(is.matrix(eval(m$data, parent.frame()))) m$data <- as.data.frame(data) m$... <- NULL m$na.action <- na.action # force use of default for this method ## need stats:: for non-standard evaluation m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame) mf <- eval(m, parent.frame()) response <- attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "response") boxplot(split(mf[[response]], mf[-response]), ...) } bxp <- function(z, notch = FALSE, width = NULL, varwidth = FALSE, outline = TRUE, notch.frac = 0.5, log = "", border = par("fg"), pars = NULL, frame.plot = axes, horizontal = FALSE, add = FALSE, at = NULL, show.names = NULL, ...) { pars <- c(list(...), pars) ## this could give duplicates, so ensure first mentioned wins. pars <- pars[unique(names(pars))] bplt <- function(x, wid, stats, out, conf, notch, xlog, i) { ## Draw single box plot ok <- TRUE if(!anyNA(stats)) { ## stats = +/- Inf: polygon & segments should handle ## Compute 'x + w' -- "correctly" in log-coord. case: xP <- if(xlog) function(x,w) x * exp(w) else function(x,w) x + w wid <- wid/2 if (notch) { ## check for overlap of notches and hinges ok <- stats[2L] <= conf[1L] && conf[2L] <= stats[4L] xx <- xP(x, wid * c(-1, 1, 1, notch.frac, 1, 1, -1,-1,-notch.frac,-1)) yy <- c(stats[c(2, 2)], conf[1L], stats[3L], conf[2L], stats[c(4, 4)], conf[2L], stats[3L], conf[1L]) } else { xx <- xP(x, wid * c(-1, 1, 1, -1)) yy <- stats[c(2, 2, 4, 4)] } if(!notch) notch.frac <- 1 wntch <- notch.frac*wid ## the box filling over which to draw the rest: xypolygon(xx, yy, lty = "blank", col = boxfill[i]) ## Median xysegments(xP(x, -wntch), stats[3L], xP(x, +wntch), stats[3L], lty = medlty[i], lwd = medlwd[i], col = medcol[i], lend = 1) ## avoid oerlap by butt line endings. xypoints(x, stats[3L], pch = medpch[i], cex = medcex[i], col = medcol[i], bg = medbg[i]) ## Whiskers xysegments(rep.int(x, 2), stats[c(1,5)], rep.int(x, 2), stats[c(2,4)], lty = whisklty[i], lwd = whisklwd[i], col = whiskcol[i]) xysegments(rep.int(xP(x, -wid * staplewex[i]), 2), stats[c(1,5)], rep.int(xP(x, +wid * staplewex[i]), 2), stats[c(1,5)], lty = staplelty[i], lwd = staplelwd[i], col = staplecol[i]) ## finally the box borders xypolygon(xx, yy, lty = boxlty[i], lwd = boxlwd[i], border = boxcol[i]) if ((nout <- length(out))) { ## Outliers xysegments(rep(x - wid * outwex, nout), out, rep(x + wid * outwex, nout), out, lty = outlty[i], lwd = outlwd[i], col = outcol[i]) xypoints(rep.int(x, nout), out, pch = outpch[i], lwd = outlwd[i], cex = outcex[i], col = outcol[i], bg = outbg[i]) } if(any(inf <- !is.finite(out))) { ## FIXME: should MARK on plot !! (S-plus doesn't either) warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(unique(out[inf])), "Outlier (%s) in boxplot %d is not drawn", "Outliers (%s) in boxplot %d are not drawn"), paste(unique(out[inf]), collapse=", "), i), domain = NA) } } return(ok) } ## bplt if(!is.list(z) || 0L == (n <- length(z$n))) stop("invalid first argument") if(is.null(at)) at <- 1L:n else if(length(at) != n) stop(gettextf("'at' must have same length as 'z$n', i.e. %d", n), domain = NA) ## just for compatibility with S if(is.null(z$out)) z$out <- numeric() if(is.null(z$group) || !outline) z$group <- integer() if(is.null(pars$ylim)) ylim <- range(z$stats[is.finite(z$stats)], if(outline) z$out [is.finite(z$out)], if(notch) z$conf [is.finite(z$conf)]) else { ylim <- pars$ylim pars$ylim <- NULL } if(length(border) == 0L) border <- par("fg") dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush()) if (!add) { if(is.null(pars$xlim)) xlim <- range(at, finite=TRUE) + c(-0.5, 0.5) else { xlim <- pars$xlim pars$xlim <- NULL } plot.new() ## shall we switch log for horizontal with ## switch(log, x="y", y="x", log) ?? if (horizontal) plot.window(ylim = xlim, xlim = ylim, log = log, xaxs = pars$yaxs) else plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = log, yaxs = pars$yaxs) } xlog <- (par("ylog") && horizontal) || (par("xlog") && !horizontal) pcycle <- function(p, def1, def2 = NULL)# or rather NA {to be rep()ed}? rep(if(length(p)) p else if(length(def1)) def1 else def2, length.out = n) ## we have to be careful to avoid partial matching here p <- function(sym) pars[[sym, exact = TRUE]] boxlty <- pcycle(pars$boxlty, p("lty"), par("lty")) boxlwd <- pcycle(pars$boxlwd, p("lwd"), par("lwd")) boxcol <- pcycle(pars$boxcol, border) boxfill <- pcycle(pars$boxfill, par("bg")) boxwex <- pcycle(pars$boxwex, 0.8 * { if(n <= 1) 1 else stats::quantile(diff(sort(if(xlog) log(at) else at)), 0.10) }) medlty <- pcycle(pars$medlty, p("lty"), par("lty")) medlwd <- pcycle(pars$medlwd, 3*p("lwd"), 3*par("lwd")) medpch <- pcycle(pars$medpch, NA_integer_)# NA when that works medcex <- pcycle(pars$medcex, p("cex"), par("cex")) medcol <- pcycle(pars$medcol, border) medbg <- pcycle(pars$medbg, p("bg"), par("bg")) whisklty <- pcycle(pars$whisklty, p("lty"), "dashed") whisklwd <- pcycle(pars$whisklwd, p("lwd"), par("lwd")) whiskcol <- pcycle(pars$whiskcol, border) staplelty <- pcycle(pars$staplelty, p("lty"), par("lty")) staplelwd <- pcycle(pars$staplelwd, p("lwd"), par("lwd")) staplecol <- pcycle(pars$staplecol, border) staplewex <- pcycle(pars$staplewex, 0.5) outlty <- pcycle(pars$outlty, "blank") outlwd <- pcycle(pars$outlwd, p("lwd"), par("lwd")) outpch <- pcycle(pars$outpch, p("pch"), par("pch")) outcex <- pcycle(pars$outcex, p("cex"), par("cex")) outcol <- pcycle(pars$outcol, border) outbg <- pcycle(pars$outbg, p("bg"), par("bg")) outwex <- pcycle(pars$outwex, 0.5) width <- if(!is.null(width)) { if(length(width) != n | anyNA(width) | any(width <= 0)) stop("invalid boxplot widths") boxwex * width/max(width) } else if(varwidth) boxwex * sqrt(z$n/max(z$n)) else if(n == 1) 0.5 * boxwex else rep.int(boxwex, n) if(horizontal) { xypoints <- function(x, y, ...) points(y, x, ...) xypolygon <- function(x, y, ...) polygon(y, x, ...) xysegments <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, ...) segments(y0, x0, y1, x1, ...) } else { xypoints <- points xypolygon <- polygon xysegments <- segments } ok <- TRUE for(i in 1L:n) ok <- ok & bplt(at[i], wid = width[i], stats = z$stats[,i], out = z$out[z$group == i], conf = z$conf[,i], notch = notch, xlog = xlog, i = i) if(!ok) warning("some notches went outside hinges ('box'): maybe set notch=FALSE") axes <- is.null(pars$axes) if(!axes) { axes <- pars$axes; pars$axes <- NULL } if(axes) { ax.pars <- pars[names(pars) %in% c("xaxt", "yaxt", "xaxp", "yaxp", "las", "cex.axis", "col.axis", "format")] if (is.null(show.names)) show.names <- n > 1 if (show.names) do.call("axis", c(list(side = 1 + horizontal, at = at, labels = z$names), ax.pars)) do.call("Axis", c(list(x = z$stats, side = 2 - horizontal), ax.pars)) } do.call("title", pars[names(pars) %in% c("main", "cex.main", "col.main", "sub", "cex.sub", "col.sub", "xlab", "ylab", "cex.lab", "col.lab")]) if(frame.plot) box() invisible(at) }