% File src/library/graphics/man/axTicks.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2011 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{axTicks} \alias{axTicks} \title{Compute Axis Tickmark Locations} \description{ Compute pretty tickmark locations, the same way as \R does internally. This is only non-trivial when \bold{log} coordinates are active. By default, gives the \code{at} values which \code{\link{axis}(side)} would use. } \usage{ axTicks(side, axp = NULL, usr = NULL, log = NULL, nintLog = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{side}{integer in 1:4, as for \code{\link{axis}}.} \item{axp}{numeric vector of length three, defaulting to \code{\link{par}("xaxp")} or \code{\link{par}("yaxp")} depending on the \code{side} argument (\code{par("xaxp")} if \code{side} is 1 or 3, \code{par("yaxp")} if side is 2 or 4).} \item{usr}{numeric vector of length two giving user coordinate limits, defaulting to the relevant portion of \code{\link{par}("usr")} (\code{par("usr")[1:2]} or \code{par("usr")[3:4]} for \code{side} in (1,3) or (2,4) respectively).} \item{log}{logical indicating if log coordinates are active; defaults to \code{\link{par}("xlog")} or \code{\link{par}("ylog")} depending on \code{side}.} \item{nintLog}{(only used when \code{log} is true): approximate (lower bound for the) number of tick intervals; defaults to \code{\link{par}("lab")[j]} where \code{j} is 1 or 2 depending on \code{side}. Set this to \code{Inf} if you want the same behavior as in earlier \R versions (than 2.14.x).} } \details{ The \code{axp}, \code{usr}, and \code{log} arguments must be consistent as their default values (the \code{par(..)} results) are. If you specify all three (as non-NULL), the graphics environment is not used at all. Note that the meaning of \code{axp} differs significantly when \code{log} is \code{TRUE}; see the documentation on \code{\link{par}(xaxp = .)}. \code{axTicks()} can be used an \R interface to the C function \code{CreateAtVector()} in \file{..../src/main/plot.c} which is called by \code{\link{axis}(side, *)} when no argument \code{at} is specified. The delicate case, \code{log = TRUE}, now makes use of \code{\link{axisTicks}} (in package \pkg{grDevices}) unless \code{nintLog = Inf} which exists for back compatibility. } \value{ numeric vector of coordinate values at which axis tickmarks can be drawn. By default, when only the first argument is specified, these values should be identical to those that \code{\link{axis}(side)} would use or has used. Note that the values are decreasing when \code{usr} is (\dQuote{reverse axis} case). } \seealso{\code{\link{axis}}, \code{\link{par}}. \code{\link{pretty}} uses the same algorithm (but independently of the graphics environment) and has more options. However it is not available for \code{log = TRUE.} \code{\link[grDevices]{axisTicks}()} (package \pkg{grDevices}). } \examples{ plot(1:7, 10*21:27) axTicks(1) axTicks(2) stopifnot(identical(axTicks(1), axTicks(3)), identical(axTicks(2), axTicks(4))) ## Show how axTicks() and axis() correspond : op <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1)) for(x in 9999 * c(1, 2, 8)) { plot(x, 9, log = "x") cat(formatC(par("xaxp"), width = 5),";", T <- axTicks(1),"\n") rug(T, col = adjustcolor("red", 0.5), lwd = 4) } par(op) x <- 9.9*10^(-3:10) plot(x, 1:14, log = "x") axTicks(1) # now length 5, in R <= 2.13.x gave the following axTicks(1, nintLog = Inf) # rather too many ## An example using axTicks() without reference to an existing plot ## (copying R's internal procedures for setting axis ranges etc.), ## You do need to supply _all_ of axp, usr, log, nintLog ## standard logarithmic y axis labels ylims <- c(0.2, 88) get_axp <- function(x) 10^c(ceiling(x[1]), floor(x[2])) ## mimic par("yaxs") == "i" usr.i <- log10(ylims) (aT.i <- axTicks(side = 2, usr = usr.i, axp = c(get_axp(usr.i), n = 3), log = TRUE, nintLog = 5)) ## mimic (default) par("yaxs") == "r" usr.r <- extendrange(r = log10(ylims), f = 0.04) (aT.r <- axTicks(side = 2, usr = usr.r, axp = c(get_axp(usr.r), 3), log = TRUE, nintLog = 5)) ## Prove that we got it right : plot(0:1, ylims, log = "y", yaxs = "i") stopifnot(all.equal(aT.i, axTicks(side = 2))) plot(0:1, ylims, log = "y", yaxs = "r") stopifnot(all.equal(aT.r, axTicks(side = 2))) } \keyword{dplot}