% File src/library/graphics/man/dotchart.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2011 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{dotchart} \alias{dotchart} \title{Cleveland's Dot Plots} \description{ Draw a Cleveland dot plot. } \usage{ dotchart(x, labels = NULL, groups = NULL, gdata = NULL, cex = par("cex"), pt.cex = cex, pch = 21, gpch = 21, bg = par("bg"), color = par("fg"), gcolor = par("fg"), lcolor = "gray", xlim = range(x[is.finite(x)]), main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{either a vector or matrix of numeric values (\code{NA}s are allowed). If \code{x} is a matrix the overall plot consists of juxtaposed dotplots for each row. Inputs which satisfy \code{\link{is.numeric}(x)} but not \code{is.vector(x) || is.matrix(x)} are coerced by \code{\link{as.numeric}}, with a warning.} \item{labels}{a vector of labels for each point. For vectors the default is to use \code{names(x)} and for matrices the row labels \code{dimnames(x)[[1]]}.} \item{groups}{an optional factor indicating how the elements of \code{x} are grouped. If \code{x} is a matrix, \code{groups} will default to the columns of \code{x}.} \item{gdata}{data values for the groups. This is typically a summary such as the median or mean of each group.} \item{cex}{the character size to be used. Setting \code{cex} to a value smaller than one can be a useful way of avoiding label overlap. Unlike many other graphics functions, this sets the actual size, not a multiple of \code{par("cex")}.} \item{pt.cex}{the \code{cex} to be applied to plotting symbols. This behaves like \code{cex} in \code{plot()}.} \item{pch}{the plotting character or symbol to be used.} \item{gpch}{the plotting character or symbol to be used for group values.} \item{bg}{the background color of plotting characters or symbols to be used; use \code{\link{par}(bg= *)} to set the background color of the whole plot.} \item{color}{the color(s) to be used for points and labels.} \item{gcolor}{the single color to be used for group labels and values.} \item{lcolor}{the color(s) to be used for the horizontal lines.} \item{xlim}{horizontal range for the plot, see \code{\link{plot.window}}, for example.} \item{main}{overall title for the plot, see \code{\link{title}}.} \item{xlab, ylab}{axis annotations as in \code{title}.} \item{\dots}{\link{graphical parameters} can also be specified as arguments.} } \value{ This function is invoked for its side effect, which is to produce two variants of dotplots as described in Cleveland (1985). Dot plots are a reasonable substitute for bar plots. } \references{ Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) \emph{The New S Language}. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. Cleveland, W. S. (1985) \emph{The Elements of Graphing Data.} Monterey, CA: Wadsworth. Murrell, P. (2005) \emph{R Graphics}. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. } \examples{ dotchart(VADeaths, main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940") op <- par(xaxs = "i") # 0 -- 100\% dotchart(t(VADeaths), xlim = c(0,100), main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940") par(op) } \keyword{hplot}