% File src/library/graphics/man/hist.POSIXt.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2015 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{hist.POSIXt} \alias{hist.POSIXt} \alias{hist.Date} \title{Histogram of a Date or Date-Time Object} \description{ Method for \code{\link{hist}} applied to date or date-time objects. } \usage{ \method{hist}{POSIXt}(x, breaks, \dots, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), plot = TRUE, freq = FALSE, start.on.monday = TRUE, format, right = TRUE) \method{hist}{Date}(x, breaks, \dots, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), plot = TRUE, freq = FALSE, start.on.monday = TRUE, format, right = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object inheriting from class \code{"POSIXt"} or \code{"Date"}.} \item{breaks}{ a vector of cut points \emph{or} number giving the number of intervals which \code{x} is to be cut into \emph{or} an interval specification, one of \code{"days"}, \code{"weeks"}, \code{"months"}, \code{"quarters"} or \code{"years"}, plus \code{"secs"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"hours"} for date-time objects. } \item{\dots}{\link{graphical parameters}, or arguments to \code{\link{hist.default}} such as \code{include.lowest}, \code{right} and \code{labels}.} \item{xlab}{a character string giving the label for the x axis, if plotted.} \item{plot}{logical. If \code{TRUE} (default), a histogram is plotted, otherwise a list of breaks and counts is returned.} \item{freq}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, the histogram graphic is a representation of frequencies, i.e, the \code{counts} component of the result; if \code{FALSE}, \emph{relative} frequencies (probabilities) are plotted.} \item{start.on.monday}{logical. If \code{breaks = "weeks"}, should the week start on Mondays or Sundays?} \item{format}{for the x-axis labels. See \code{\link{strptime}}.} \item{right}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, the histogram cells are right-closed (left open) intervals.} } \details{ Note that unlike the default method, \code{breaks} is a required argument. Using \code{breaks = "quarters"} will create intervals of 3 calendar months, with the intervals beginning on January 1, April 1, July 1 or October 1, based upon \code{min(x)} as appropriate. With the default \code{right = TRUE}, breaks will be set on the last day of the previous period when \code{breaks} is \code{"months"}, \code{"quarters"} or \code{"years"}. Use \code{right = FALSE} to set them to the first day of the interval shown in each bar. } \value{ An object of class \code{"histogram"}: see \code{\link{hist}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{seq.POSIXt}}, \code{\link{axis.POSIXct}}, \code{\link{hist}} } \examples{ hist(.leap.seconds, "years", freq = TRUE) hist(.leap.seconds, seq(ISOdate(1970, 1, 1), ISOdate(2020, 1, 1), "5 years")) ## 100 random dates in a 10-week period random.dates <- as.Date("2001/1/1") + 70*stats::runif(100) hist(random.dates, "weeks", format = "\%d \%b") } \keyword{chron} \keyword{dplot} \keyword{hplot}