# File src/library/grid/R/grid.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ # FIXME: all grid functions should check that .grid.started is TRUE .grid.loaded <- FALSE push.vp <- function(vp, recording) { UseMethod("push.vp") } push.vp.default <- function(vp, recording) { stop("only valid to push viewports") } push.vp.viewport <- function(vp, recording) { # Record on the display list if (recording) record(vp) # Store the entire set of gpar settings JUST PRIOR to push # We refer to this when calculating the viewport transform # We cannot simply rely on parent's gpar because we may be # being pushed from within a gTree which has enforced gpar # settings (i.e., the gTree$gp is enforced between this viewport # and the this viewport's parent$gp) vp$parentgpar <- grid.Call(L_getGPar) # Enforce gpar settings set.gpar(vp$gp) # Store the entire set of gpar settings for this viewport vp$gpar <- grid.Call(L_getGPar) # Pass in the pushedvp structure which will be used to store # things like the viewport transformation, parent-child links, ... # In C code, a pushedvp object is created, with a call to pushedvp(), # for the system to keep track of # (it happens in C code so that a "normal" vp gets recorded on the # display list rather than a "pushedvp") grid.Call.graphics(L_setviewport, vp, TRUE) } # For all but the last viewport, push the # viewport then pop it # For the last viewport, just push push.vp.vpList <- function(vp, recording) { push.vp.parallel <- function(vp, recording) { push.vp(vp, recording) upViewport(depth(vp), recording) } if (length(vp) == 1) push.vp(vp[[1L]], recording) else { lapply(vp[1L:(length(vp) - 1)], push.vp.parallel, recording) push.vp(vp[[length(vp)]], recording) } } # Push viewports in series push.vp.vpStack <- function(vp, recording) { lapply(vp, push.vp, recording) } # Push parent # Children are a vpList push.vp.vpTree <- function(vp, recording) { # Special case if user has saved the entire vpTree # parent will be the ROOT viewport, which we don't want to # push (grid ensures it is ALWAYS there) if (!(vp$parent$name %in% "ROOT")) push.vp(vp$parent, recording) push.vp(vp$children, recording) } # "push"ing a vpPath is just a downViewport(..., strict=TRUE) push.vp.vpPath <- function(vp, recording) { downViewport(vp, strict=TRUE, recording) } push.viewport <- function(..., recording=TRUE) { .Defunct("pushViewport") } pushViewport <- function(..., recording=TRUE) { if (missing(...)) stop("must specify at least one viewport") else { vps <- list(...) lapply(vps, push.vp, recording) } invisible() } # Helper functions called from C no.children <- function(children) { length(names(children)) == 0 } child.exists <- function(name, children) { exists(name, envir=children, inherits=FALSE) } child.list <- function(children) { ls(children, all.names=TRUE) # sorted (needed ?) } pathMatch <- function(path, pathsofar, strict) { if (is.null(pathsofar)) is.null(path) else { pattern <- paste0(if(strict) "^", path, "$") grepl(pattern, pathsofar) } } growPath <- function(pathsofar, name) { paste(pathsofar, name, sep=.grid.pathSep) } # Rather than pushing a new viewport, navigate down to one that has # already been pushed downViewport <- function(name, strict=FALSE, recording=TRUE) { UseMethod("downViewport") } # For interactive use, allow user to specify # vpPath directly (i.e., w/o calling vpPath) downViewport.default <- function(name, strict=FALSE, recording=TRUE) { name <- as.character(name) downViewport(vpPath(name), strict, recording=recording) } # Build vpPath from one (pushed) viewport up to another (pushed) viewport # 'anc' is assumed to be an ancestor of 'desc' # 'depth' is the depth that the final depth should have buildPath <- function(desc, anc, depth) { path <- desc$name while (!identical(desc$parent, anc)) { if (is.null(desc$parent)) stop("Down viewport failed to record on display list") desc <- desc$parent path <- c(desc$name, path) } result <- vpPath(path) if (depth(result) != depth) warning("Down viewport incorrectly recorded on display list") result } downViewport.vpPath <- function(name, strict=FALSE, recording=TRUE) { start <- grid.Call(L_currentViewport) if (name$n == 1) result <- grid.Call.graphics(L_downviewport, name$name, strict) else result <- grid.Call.graphics(L_downvppath, name$path, name$name, strict) # If the downViewport() fails, there is an error in C code # so none of the following code will be run # Enforce the gpar settings for the viewport pvp <- grid.Call(L_currentViewport) # Do not call set.gpar because set.gpar accumulates cex grid.Call.graphics(L_setGPar, pvp$gpar) # Record the viewport operation # ... including the depth navigated down if (recording) { attr(name, "depth") <- result # Record the strict path down path <- buildPath(pvp, start, result) record(path) } invisible(result) } # Similar to down.viewport() except it starts searching from the # top-level viewport, so the result may be "up" or even "across" # the current viewport tree seekViewport <- function(name, recording=TRUE) { # up to the top-level upViewport(0, recording=recording) downViewport(name, recording=recording) } # Depth of the current viewport vpDepth <- function() { pvp <- grid.Call(L_currentViewport) count <- 0 while (!is.null(pvp$parent)) { pvp <- pvp$parent count <- count + 1 } count } pop.viewport <- function(n=1, recording=TRUE) { .Defunct("popViewport") } popViewport <- function(n=1, recording=TRUE) { if (n < 0) stop("must pop at least one viewport") if (n == 0) n <- vpDepth() if (n > 0) { grid.Call.graphics(L_unsetviewport, as.integer(n)) # Record on the display list if (recording) { class(n) <- "pop" record(n) } } invisible() } # Rather than removing the viewport from the viewport stack (tree), # simply navigate up, leaving pushed viewports in place. upViewport <- function(n=1, recording=TRUE) { if (n < 0) stop("must navigate up at least one viewport") if (n == 0) { n <- vpDepth() upPath <- current.vpPath() } if (n > 0) { path <- current.vpPath() upPath <- path[(depth(path) - n + 1):depth(path)] grid.Call.graphics(L_upviewport, as.integer(n)) # Record on the display list if (recording) { class(n) <- "up" record(n) } } invisible(upPath) } # Return the full vpPath to the current viewport current.vpPath <- function() { names <- NULL pvp <- grid.Call(L_currentViewport) while (!rootVP(pvp)) { names <- c(names, pvp$name) pvp <- pvp$parent } if (!is.null(names)) vpPathFromVector(rev(names)) else names } # Function to obtain the current viewport current.viewport <- function() { # The system stores a pushedvp; the user should only # ever see normal viewports, so convert. vpFromPushedvp(grid.Call(L_currentViewport)) } # Return the parent of the current viewport # (could be NULL) current.parent <- function(n=1) { if (n < 1) stop("Invalid number of generations") vp <- grid.Call(L_currentViewport) generation <- 1 while (generation <= n) { if (is.null(vp)) stop("Invalid number of generations") vp <- vp$parent generation <- generation + 1 } if (!is.null(vp)) vpFromPushedvp(vp) else vp } vpListFromNode <- function(node) { vpListFromList(eapply(node$children, vpTreeFromNode, all.names=TRUE)) } vpTreeFromNode <- function(node) { # If no children then just return viewport if (no.children(node$children)) vpFromPushedvp(node) # Otherwise return vpTree else vpTree(vpFromPushedvp(node), vpListFromNode(node)) } # Obtain the current viewport tree # Either from the current location in the tree down # or ALL of the tree current.vpTree <- function(all=TRUE) { cpvp <- grid.Call(L_currentViewport) moving <- all && vpDepth() > 0 if (moving) { savedname <- cpvp$name upViewport(0, recording=FALSE) cpvp <- grid.Call(L_currentViewport) } tree <- vpTreeFromNode(cpvp) if (moving) { downViewport(savedname, recording=FALSE) } tree } current.transform <- function() { grid.Call(L_currentViewport)$trans } current.rotation <- function() { grid.Call(L_currentViewport)$rotation } # Call this function if you want the graphics device erased or moved # on to a new page. High-level plotting functions should call this. # NOTE however, that if you write a function which calls grid.newpage, # you should provide an argument to allow people to turn it off # so that they can use your function within a parent viewport # (rather than the whole device) if they want to. grid.newpage <- function(recording=TRUE) { for (fun in getHook("before.grid.newpage")) { if(is.character(fun)) fun <- get(fun) try(fun()) } # NOTE that we do NOT do grid.Call here because we have to do # things slightly differently if grid.newpage is the first grid operation # on a new device .Call(L_newpagerecording) .Call(L_newpage) .Call(L_initGPar) .Call(L_initViewportStack) if (recording) { .Call(L_initDisplayList) grDevices:::recordPalette() for (fun in getHook("grid.newpage")) { if(is.character(fun)) fun <- get(fun) try(fun()) } } invisible() } ########### # DISPLAY LIST FUNCTIONS ########### # Keep a list of all drawing operations (since last grid.newpage()) so # that we can redraw upon edit. inc.display.list <- function() { display.list <- grid.Call(L_getDisplayList) dl.index <- grid.Call(L_getDLindex) dl.index <- dl.index + 1 n <- length(display.list) # The " - 1" below is because dl.index is now stored internally # so is a C-style zero-based index rather than an R-style # 1-based index if (dl.index > (n - 1)) { temp <- display.list display.list <- vector("list", n + 100L) display.list[1L:n] <- temp } grid.Call(L_setDisplayList, display.list) grid.Call(L_setDLindex, as.integer(dl.index)) } # This will either ... # (i) turn on AND INITIALISE the display list or ... # (ii) turn off AND ERASE the display list grid.display.list <- function(on=TRUE) { grid.Call(L_setDLon, as.logical(on)) if (on) { grid.Call(L_setDisplayList, vector("list", 100L)) grid.Call(L_setDLindex, 0L) } else grid.Call(L_setDisplayList, NULL) } record <- function(x) { if (grid.Call(L_getDLon)) UseMethod("record") } # When there is a pop.viewport, the number of viewports popped # gets put on the display list record.default <- function(x) { if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("invalid object inserted on the display list") grid.Call(L_setDLelt, x) inc.display.list() } record.grob <- function(x) { grid.Call(L_setDLelt, x) inc.display.list() } record.viewport <- function(x) { grid.Call(L_setDLelt, x) inc.display.list() } record.vpPath <- function(x) { grid.Call(L_setDLelt, x) inc.display.list() } # This controls whether grid is using the graphics engine's display list engine.display.list <- function(on=TRUE) { grid.Call(L_setEngineDLon, as.logical(on)) } # Rerun the grid DL grid.refresh <- function() { draw.all() } # Call a function on each element of the grid display list # AND replace the element with the result # This is blood-curdlingly dangerous for the state of the # display list # Two token efforts at safety are made: # - generate all of the new elements first THEN assign them all # (so if there is an error in generating any one element # you don't end up with a trashed display list) # - check that the new element is either NULL or the same # class as the element it is replacing grid.DLapply <- function(FUN, ...) { FUN <- match.fun(FUN) # Traverse DL and do something to each entry # gridDL <- grid.Call(L_getDisplayList) gridDLindex <- grid.Call(L_getDLindex) newDL <- vector("list", gridDLindex) for (i in 1:(gridDLindex - 1)) { elt <- grid.Call(L_getDLelt, i) newElt <- FUN(elt, ...) if (!(is.null(newElt) || inherits(newElt, class(elt)))) stop("invalid modification of the display list") newDL[[i]] <- newElt } for (i in 1:(gridDLindex - 1)) { grid.Call(L_setDLindex, i) grid.Call(L_setDLelt, newDL[[i]]) } grid.Call(L_setDLindex, gridDLindex) } # Wrapper for .Call and .Call.graphics # Used to make sure that grid-specific initialisation occurs just before # the first grid graphics output OR the first querying of grid state # (on the current device) # The general rule is you should use these rather than .Call or # .Call.graphics unless you have a good reason and you know what # you are doing -- this will be a bit of overkill, but is for safety grid.Call <- function(fnname, ...) { .Call(L_gridDirty) .Call(dontCheck(fnname), ...) # skip code analysis checks, keep runtime checks } grid.Call.graphics <- function(fnname, ...) { # Only record graphics operations on the graphics engine's display # list if the engineDLon flag is set engineDLon <- grid.Call(L_getEngineDLon) if (engineDLon) { # NOTE that we need a .Call.graphics("L_gridDirty") so that # the first thing on the engine display list is a dirty # operation; this is necessary in case the display list is # played on another device (e.g., via replayPlot() or dev.copy()) .Call.graphics(L_gridDirty) result <- .Call.graphics(dontCheck(fnname), ...) } else { .Call(L_gridDirty) result <- .Call(dontCheck(fnname), ...) } result } # A call to recordGraphics() outside of [pre|post]drawDetails methods # will not record the expr on the grid DL. # If a user REALLY wants to call recordGraphics(), they should use # grid.record() instead drawDetails.recordedGrob <- function(x, recording) { eval(x$expr, x$list, getNamespace("grid")) } grid.record <- function(expr, list, name=NULL, gp=NULL, vp=NULL) { grid.draw(grob(expr=substitute(expr), list=list, name=name, gp=gp, vp=vp, cl="recordedGrob")) } recordGrob <- function(expr, list, name=NULL, gp=NULL, vp=NULL) { grob(expr=substitute(expr), list=list, name=name, gp=gp, vp=vp, cl="recordedGrob") } # Must only generate a grob, not modify drawing context makeContent.delayedgrob <- function(x) { grob <- eval(x$expr, x$list, getNamespace("grid")) if (is.grob(grob)) { children <- gList(grob) } else if (is.gList(grob)) { children <- grob } else { stop("'expr' must return a grob or gList") } x <- setChildren(x, children) x } grid.delay <- function(expr, list, name=NULL, gp=NULL, vp=NULL) { grid.draw(gTree(expr=substitute(expr), list=list, name=name, gp=gp, vp=vp, cl="delayedgrob")) } delayGrob <- function(expr, list, name=NULL, gp=NULL, vp=NULL) { gTree(expr=substitute(expr), list=list, name=name, gp=gp, vp=vp, cl="delayedgrob") }