# File src/library/grid/R/layout.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2013 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ is.layout <- function(l) { inherits(l, "layout") } # FIXME: The internal C code now does a lot of recycling of # unit values, units, and data. Can some/most/all of the # recycling stuff below be removed ? valid.layout <- function(nrow, ncol, widths, heights, respect, just) { nrow <- as.integer(nrow) ncol <- as.integer(ncol) # make sure we're dealing with a unit object if (!is.logical(respect)) { respect <- as.matrix(respect) if (!is.matrix(respect) || any(dim(respect) != c(nrow, ncol))) stop("'respect' must be logical or an 'nrow' by 'ncol' matrix") } if (is.matrix(respect)) { respect.mat <- matrix(as.integer(respect), dim(respect)[1L], dim(respect)[2L]) respect <- 2 } else respect.mat <- matrix(0L, nrow, ncol) valid.just <- valid.just(just) l <- list(nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, widths = widths, heights = heights, respect = respect, valid.respect=as.integer(respect), respect.mat = respect.mat, just=just, valid.just=valid.just) class(l) <- "layout" l } layout.torture <- function() { top.vp <- viewport(y=0, height=unit(1, "npc") - unit(1.5, "lines"), just=c("centre", "bottom")) do.label <- function(label) { grid.rect(y=1, height=unit(1.5, "lines"), just=c("center", "top")) grid.text(label, y=unit(1, "npc") - unit(1, "lines"), gp=gpar(font=2)) } # 1 = all relative widths and heights grid.show.layout(grid.layout(3,2), vp=top.vp) do.label("All dimensions relative -- no respect") # (1) with full respect grid.show.layout(grid.layout(3,2, respect=TRUE), vp=top.vp) do.label("All dimensions relative -- full respect") # (1) with partial respect grid.show.layout(grid.layout(3,2,respect=matrix(c(1,0,0,0,0,0), 3L, 2L, TRUE)), vp=top.vp) do.label("All dimensions relative -- only top-left cell respected") # (1) with slightly weirder partial respect grid.show.layout(grid.layout(3,2,respect=matrix(c(1,0,0,0,0,1), 3L, 2L, TRUE)), vp=top.vp) do.label("All relative -- top-left, bottom-right respected") # 2 = combination of absolute and relative widths and heights grid.show.layout(grid.layout(2, 3, widths=unit(c(2,4,1), c("null", "cm", "null")), heights=unit(c(6,4), c("cm", "null"))), vp=top.vp) do.label("Absolute and relative -- no respect") # (2) with full respect grid.show.layout(grid.layout(2, 3, widths=unit(c(2,4,1), c("null", "cm", "null")), heights=unit(c(6,4), c("cm", "null")), respect=TRUE), vp=top.vp) do.label("Absolute and relative -- full respect") # (2) with partial respect grid.show.layout(grid.layout(2, 3, widths=unit(c(2,4,1), c("null", "cm", "null")), heights=unit(c(6,4), c("cm", "null")), respect=matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,1), 2L, 3L, TRUE)), vp=top.vp) do.label("Absolute and relative -- bottom-right respected") } # Return the region allocated by the layout of the current viewport layoutRegion <- function(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1) { region <- grid.Call(L_layoutRegion, # This conversion matches the vailidity check in # valid.viewport() if (is.null(layout.pos.row)) layout.pos.row else as.integer(rep(layout.pos.row, length.out=2)), if (is.null(layout.pos.col)) layout.pos.col else as.integer(rep(layout.pos.col, length.out=2))) list(left=unit(region[1L], "npc"), bottom=unit(region[2L], "npc"), width=unit(region[3L], "npc"), height=unit(region[4L], "npc")) } #################### # Accessors #################### layout.nrow <- function(lay) { lay$nrow } layout.ncol <- function(lay) { lay$ncol } layout.widths <- function(lay) { lay$widths } layout.heights <- function(lay) { lay$heights } layout.respect <- function(lay) { switch(lay$respect + 1, FALSE, TRUE, lay$respect.mat) } #################### # Public constructor function #################### grid.layout <- function (nrow = 1, ncol = 1, widths = unit(rep_len(1, ncol), "null"), heights = unit(rep_len(1, nrow), "null"), default.units = "null", respect = FALSE, just="centre") { if (!is.unit(widths)) widths <- unit(widths, default.units) if (!is.unit(heights)) heights <- unit(heights, default.units) valid.layout(nrow, ncol, widths, heights, respect, just) } #################### # Utility Functions #################### dim.layout <- function(x) { c(x$nrow, x$ncol) }