# File src/library/grid/R/unit.R
# Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
# Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
# https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
# Create an object of class "unit"
# Simple units are of the form 'unit(1, "cm")' or 'unit(1L:3, "cm")' or
# 'unit(c(1,3,6), c("cm", "inch", "npc"))'
# More complicated units are of the form 'unit(1, "string", "a string")'
# or 'unit(1, "grob", a.grob)'
unit <- function(x, units, data=NULL) {
# Used to throw error if !is.numeric(x), but this way
# user can specify unit(NA, "npc") rather than
# having to specify unit(as.numeric(NA), "npc")
x <- as.numeric(x)
units <- as.character(units)
if (length(x) == 0 || length(units) == 0)
stop("'x' and 'units' must have length > 0")
valid.unit(x, units, recycle.data(data, FALSE, length(x), units))
valid.unit <- function(x, units, data) {
structure(x, class = "unit",
"valid.unit" = valid.units(units),
"data" = valid.data(rep(units, length.out=length(x)), data),
"unit" = units)
grid.convert <- function(x, unitTo, axisFrom="x", typeFrom="location",
axisTo=axisFrom, typeTo=typeFrom,
valueOnly=FALSE) {
convertUnit <- function(x, unitTo, axisFrom="x", typeFrom="location",
axisTo=axisFrom, typeTo=typeFrom,
valueOnly=FALSE) {
whatfrom <- match(axisFrom, c("x", "y")) - 1L +
2L*(match(typeFrom, c("location", "dimension")) - 1L)
whatto <- match(axisTo, c("x", "y")) - 1L +
2L*(match(typeTo, c("location", "dimension")) - 1L)
if (!is.unit(x))
stop("'x' argument must be a unit object")
if (is.na(whatfrom) || is.na(whatto))
stop("invalid 'axis' or 'type'")
value <- grid.Call(L_convert, x, as.integer(whatfrom),
as.integer(whatto), valid.units(unitTo))
if (!valueOnly)
unit(value, unitTo)
grid.convertX <- function(x, unitTo, valueOnly=FALSE) {
convertX <- function(x, unitTo, valueOnly=FALSE) {
convertUnit(x, unitTo, "x", "location", "x", "location",
grid.convertY <- function(x, unitTo, valueOnly=FALSE) {
convertY <- function(x, unitTo, valueOnly=FALSE) {
convertUnit(x, unitTo, "y", "location", "y", "location",
grid.convertWidth <- function(x, unitTo, valueOnly=FALSE) {
convertWidth <- function(x, unitTo, valueOnly=FALSE) {
convertUnit(x, unitTo, "x", "dimension", "x", "dimension",
grid.convertHeight <- function(x, unitTo, valueOnly=FALSE) {
convertHeight <- function(x, unitTo, valueOnly=FALSE) {
convertUnit(x, unitTo, "y", "dimension", "y", "dimension",
convertNative <- function(unit, dimension="x", type="location") {
# This is like the "convert" functions: it evaluates units (immediately)
# in the current context
calcStringMetric <- function(text) {
# .Call rather than .Call.graphics because it is a one-off calculation
metric <- grid.Call(L_stringMetric, text)
names(metric) <- c("ascent", "descent", "width")
# NOTE: the order of the strings in these conversion functions must
# match the order of the enums in ../src/grid.h
# AND in ../src/unit.c (see UnitTable)
# NOTE: ../src/unit.c also allows some pseudonyms (e.g., "in" for "inches")
.grid.unit.list <- c("npc", "cm", "inches", "lines",
"native", "null", "snpc", "mm",
"points", "picas", "bigpts",
"dida", "cicero", "scaledpts",
"strwidth", "strheight",
"strascent", "strdescent",
"vplayoutwidth", "vplayoutheight", "char",
"grobx", "groby", "grobwidth", "grobheight",
"grobascent", "grobdescent",
"mylines", "mychar", "mystrwidth", "mystrheight")
stringUnit <- function(unit) {
unit %in% c("strwidth", "strheight", "strascent", "strdescent")
grobUnit <- function(unit) {
unit %in% c("grobx", "groby", "grobwidth", "grobheight",
"grobascent", "grobdescent")
dataUnit <- function(unit) {
stringUnit(unit) | grobUnit(unit)
recycle.data <- function(data, data.per, max.n, units) {
# FIRST STEP: check that data needs to be recycled
if (any(dataUnit(units))) {
# VERY IMPORTANT: Even if there is only one data specified
# and/or only one data needed, we want this to be a LIST of
# data values so that a single data and several data can be
# handled equivalently
# The test for whether it is only a single value currently
# consists of a check for mode="character" (i.e., a single
# string) or mode="expression" (i.e., a single expression)
# or class="grob" (i.e., a single grob) or class="gPath"
if (is.character(data) || is.language(data) ||
is.grob(data) || inherits(data, "gPath"))
data <- list(data)
if (data.per)
n <- max.n
n <- length(data)
original <- data
length(data) <- n
n.o <- length(original)
if (n.o < n)
for (i in (n.o + 1L):n)
data[[i]] <- original[[(i - 1L) %% n.o + 1L]]
# Make sure that and "str*" and "grob*" units have data
valid.data <- function(units, data) {
n <- length(units)
str.units <- stringUnit(units)
if (any(str.units))
for (i in (1L:n)[str.units])
if (!(length(data) >= i &&
(is.character(data[[i]]) || is.language(data[[i]]))))
stop("no string supplied for 'strwidth/height' unit")
# Make sure that a grob has been specified
grob.units <- grobUnit(units)
if (any(grob.units))
for (i in (1L:n)[grob.units]) {
if (!(length(data) >= i &&
(is.grob(data[[i]]) || inherits(data[[i]], "gPath") ||
stop("no 'grob' supplied for 'grobwidth/height' unit")
if (is.character(data[[i]]))
data[[i]] <- gPath(data[[i]])
if (inherits(data[[i]], "gPath"))
if (depth(data[[i]]) > 1)
stop("'gPath' must have depth 1 in 'grobwidth/height' units")
# Make sure that where no data is required, the data is NULL
if (!all(sapply(data[!(str.units | grob.units)], is.null)))
stop("non-NULL value supplied for plain unit")
valid.units <- function(units) {
.Call(validUnits, units)
as.character.unit <- function(x, ...) {
class(x) <- NULL
paste0(x, attr(x, "unit"))
unit.arithmetic <- function(func.name, arg1, arg2=NULL) {
ua <- list(fname=func.name, arg1=arg1, arg2=arg2)
class(ua) <- c("unit.arithmetic", "unit")
Ops.unit <- function(e1, e2) {
ok <- switch(.Generic, "+"=TRUE, "-"=TRUE, "*"=TRUE, FALSE)
if (!ok)
stop(gettextf("operator '%s' not meaningful for units", .Generic),
domain = NA)
if (.Generic == "*")
# can only multiply a unit by a scalar
if (nzchar(.Method[1L])) {
if (nzchar(.Method[2L]))
stop("only one operand may be a unit")
else if (is.numeric(e2))
# NOTE that we always put the scalar first
# Use as.numeric to force e2 to be REAL
unit.arithmetic(.Generic, as.numeric(e2), e1)
stop("non-unit operand must be numeric")
} else {
if (is.numeric(e1))
# Use as.numeric to force e1 to be REAL
unit.arithmetic(.Generic, as.numeric(e1), e2)
stop("non-unit operand must be numeric")
# Check that both arguments are units
if (nzchar(.Method[1L]) && nzchar(.Method[2L]))
unit.arithmetic(.Generic, e1, e2)
stop("both operands must be units")
## The na.rm arg is ignored here, and the S3 groupGeneric is
## Summary(x, ...)
Summary.unit <- function(..., na.rm=FALSE) {
# NOTE that this call to unit.c makes sure that arg1 is
# a single unit object
x <- unit.c(...)
ok <- switch(.Generic, "max"=TRUE, "min"=TRUE, "sum"=TRUE, FALSE)
if (!ok)
stop(gettextf("'Summary' function '%s' not meaningful for units",
.Generic), domain = NA)
unit.arithmetic(.Generic, x)
is.unit.arithmetic <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "unit.arithmetic")
as.character.unit.arithmetic <- function(x, ...) {
# bit too customised for my liking, but whatever ...
# NOTE that paste coerces arguments to mode character hence
# this will recurse.
fname <- x$fname
if (fname == "+" || fname == "-" || fname == "*")
paste0(x$arg1, fname, x$arg2)
paste0(fname, "(", paste(x$arg1, collapse=", "), ")")
unit.pmax <- function(...) {
select.i <- function(unit, i) {
`[`(unit, i, top=FALSE)
x <- list(...)
numargs <- length(x)
if (numargs == 0L)
stop("no arguments where at least one expected")
# how long will the result be?
maxlength <- 0L
for (i in seq_len(numargs))
if (length(x[[i]]) > maxlength)
maxlength <- length(x[[i]])
# maxlength guaranteed >= 1
result <- max(unit.list.from.list(lapply(x, select.i, 1L)))
if (maxlength > 1L)
for (i in 2L:maxlength)
result <- unit.c(result, max(unit.list.from.list(lapply(x, select.i, i))))
unit.pmin <- function(...) {
select.i <- function(unit, i) {
`[`(unit, i, top=FALSE)
x <- list(...)
numargs <- length(x)
if (numargs == 0L)
stop("Zero arguments where at least one expected")
# how long will the result be?
maxlength <- 0L
for (i in seq_len(numargs))
if (length(x[[i]]) > maxlength)
maxlength <- length(x[[i]])
# maxlength guaranteed >= 1
result <- min(unit.list.from.list(lapply(x, select.i, 1L)))
if (maxlength > 1L)
for (i in 2L:maxlength)
result <- unit.c(result, min(unit.list.from.list(lapply(x, select.i, i))))
# The idea with these is to allow arbitrary combinations
# of unit objects and unit arithmetic objects
# create a unit list from a unit, unit.arithmetic, or unit.list object
unit.list <- function(unit) {
if (is.unit.list(unit))
structure(class = c("unit.list", "unit"),
lapply(seq_along(unit), function(i) unit[i]))
is.unit.list <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "unit.list")
as.character.unit.list <- function(x, ...) {
## *apply cannot work on 'x' directly because of "wrong" length()s
vapply(seq_along(x), function(i) as.character(x[[i]]), "")
# These work on any sort of unit object
is.unit <- function(unit) {
inherits(unit, "unit")
print.unit <- function(x, ...)
print(as.character(x), quote=FALSE, ...)
# Unit subsetting
# The idea of the "top" argument is to allow the function to
# know if it has been called from the command-line or from
# a previous (recursive) call to "[.unit" or "[.unit.arithmetic"
# this allows recycling beyond the end of the unit object
# except at the top level
# NOTE that "unit" and "data" attributes will be recycled
`[.unit` <- function(x, index, top=TRUE, ...) {
this.length <- length(x)
if (is.logical(index))
index <- which(index)
else { # Allow for negative integer index
if (any(index < 0)) {
if (any(index > 0))
stop("cannot mix signs of indices")
index <- (1L:this.length)[index]
if (top && any(index > this.length))
stop("index out of bounds ('unit' subsetting)")
cl <- class(x)
units <- attr(x, "unit")
valid.units <- attr(x, "valid.unit")
data <- attr(x, "data")
class(x) <- NULL
i_1 <- index - 1L
# The line below may seem slightly odd, but it should only be
# used to recycle values when this method is called to
# subset an argument in a unit.arithmetic object
x <- x[i_1 %% this.length + 1L]
attr(x, "unit") <- units[i_1 %% length(units) + 1L]
attr(x, "valid.unit") <- valid.units[i_1 %% length(valid.units) + 1L]
data.list <- data[i_1 %% length(data) + 1L]
attr(x, "data") <- data.list
class(x) <- cl
# NOTE that units will be recycled to the length of the largest
# of the arguments
`[.unit.arithmetic` <- function(x, index, top=TRUE, ...) {
this.length <- length(x)
if (is.logical(index))
index <- which(index)
else { # Allow for negative integer index
if (any(index < 0)) {
if (any(index > 0))
stop("cannot mix signs of indices")
index <- (1L:this.length)[index]
if (top && any(index > this.length))
stop("index out of bounds (unit arithmetic subsetting)")
repSummaryUnit <- function(x, n) {
val <- get(x$fname)(x$arg1)
newUnits <- lapply(integer(n), function(z) val)
class(newUnits) <- c("unit.list", "unit")
"+"=`[`(x$arg1, (index - 1L) %% this.length + 1L, top=FALSE) +
`[`(x$arg2, (index - 1L) %% this.length + 1L, top=FALSE),
"-"=`[`(x$arg1, (index - 1L) %% this.length + 1L, top=FALSE) -
`[`(x$arg2, (index - 1L) %% this.length + 1L, top=FALSE),
# Recycle multiplier if necessary
"*"=`[`(x$arg1, (index - 1L) %% length(x$arg1) + 1L) *
`[`(x$arg2, (index - 1L) %% this.length + 1L, top=FALSE),
"min"=repSummaryUnit(x, length(index)),
"max"=repSummaryUnit(x, length(index)),
"sum"=repSummaryUnit(x, length(index)))
`[.unit.list` <- function(x, index, top=TRUE, ...) {
this.length <- length(x)
if (is.logical(index))
index <- which(index)
else { # Allow for negative integer index
if (any(index < 0)) {
if (any(index > 0))
stop("cannot mix signs of indices")
index <- (1L:this.length)[index]
if (top && any(index > this.length))
stop("index out of bounds (unit list subsetting)")
structure(class = class(x),
unclass(x)[(index - 1L) %% this.length + 1L])
# `[<-.unit` methods
# The basic approach is to convert everything to a unit.list,
# unclass (so everything is list), rely on list subassignment, reclass
`[<-.unit` <- function(x, i, value) {
if (!is.unit(value))
stop("Value being assigned must be a unit")
valueList <- unclass(unit.list(value))
xList <- unclass(unit.list(x))
xList[i] <- valueList
class(xList) <- c("unit.list", "unit")
# str() method
# Should work fine on atomic units and on unit.list
# The problem arises with unit.arithmetic, which are stored as lists
# but act like vectors
# (e.g., report length greater than number of list components)
str.unit.arithmetic <- function(object, ...) {
cat("Class 'unit.arithmetic' [1:", length(object), "] ", sep="")
str(unclass(object), ...)
# "c"ombining unit objects
# NOTE that I have not written methods for c()
# because method dispatch occurs on the first argument to
# "c" so c(unit(...), ...) would come here, but c(whatever, unit(...), ...)
# would go who-knows-where.
# A particularly nasty example is: c(1, unit(1, "npc")) which will
# produce the same result as c(1, 1)
# Same problem for trying to control c(, )
# versus c(, ), etc ...
# If any arguments are unit.arithmetic or unit.list, then the result will be
# unit.list
unit.c <- function(...) {
x <- list(...)
if (!all(sapply(x, is.unit)))
stop("it is invalid to combine 'unit' objects with other types")
listUnit <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "unit.list") ||
inherits(x, "unit.arithmetic")
ual <- any(sapply(x, listUnit))
if (ual)
else {
values <- unlist(x)
unitUnits <- function(x) {
rep(attr(x, "unit"), length.out=length(x))
units <- unlist(lapply(x, unitUnits))
unitData <- function(x) {
data <- attr(x, "data")
if (is.null(data))
vector("list", length(x))
recycle.data(data, TRUE, length(x), unitUnits(x))
data <- do.call("c", lapply(x, unitData))
unit(values, units, data=data)
unit.list.from.list <- function(x)
structure(class = c("unit.list", "unit"),
do.call("c", lapply(x, unit.list)))
# rep'ing unit objects
rep.unit <- function(x, times=1, length.out=NA, each=1, ...) {
if (length(x) == 0)
stop("invalid 'unit' object")
# Determine an approprite index, then call subsetting code
repIndex <- rep(seq_along(x), times=times, length.out=length.out, each=each)
x[repIndex, top=FALSE]
# Vestige from when rep() was not generic
unit.rep <- function (x, ...)
warning("'unit.rep' has been deprecated in favour of a unit method for the generic rep function", domain = NA)
rep(x, ...)
# Length of unit objects
length.unit <- function(x) {
length.unit.list <- function(x) {
length.unit.arithmetic <- function(x) {
"+"=max(length(x$arg1), length(x$arg2)),
"-"=max(length(x$arg1), length(x$arg2)),
"*"=max(length(x$arg1), length(x$arg2)),
"min" = 1L,
"max" = 1L,
"sum" = 1L)
# Vestige of when length was not generic
unit.length <- function(unit) {
warning("'unit.length' has been deprecated in favour of a unit method for the generic length function", domain = NA)
# Convenience functions
stringWidth <- function(string) {
n <- length(string)
if (is.language(string)) {
data <- vector("list", n)
for (i in 1L:n)
data[[i]] <- string[i]
} else {
data <- as.list(as.character(string))
unit(rep_len(1, n), "strwidth", data=data)
stringHeight <- function(string) {
n <- length(string)
if (is.language(string)) {
data <- vector("list", n)
for (i in 1L:n)
data[[i]] <- string[i]
} else {
data <- as.list(as.character(string))
unit(rep_len(1, n), "strheight", data=data)
stringAscent <- function(string) {
n <- length(string)
if (is.language(string)) {
data <- vector("list", n)
for (i in 1L:n)
data[[i]] <- string[i]
} else {
data <- as.list(as.character(string))
unit(rep_len(1, n), "strascent", data=data)
stringDescent <- function(string) {
n <- length(string)
if (is.language(string)) {
data <- vector("list", n)
for (i in 1L:n)
data[[i]] <- string[i]
} else {
data <- as.list(as.character(string))
unit(rep_len(1, n), "strdescent", data=data)
convertTheta <- function(theta) {
if (is.character(theta))
# Allow some aliases for common angles
stop("invalid 'theta'"))
# Ensure theta in [0, 360)
theta <- as.numeric(theta) %% 360
# grobX
grobX <- function(x, theta) {
UseMethod("grobX", x)
grobX.grob <- function(x, theta) {
unit(convertTheta(theta), "grobx", data=x)
grobX.gList <- function(x, theta) {
unit(rep(convertTheta(theta), length(gList)), "grobx", data=x)
grobX.gPath <- function(x, theta) {
unit(convertTheta(theta), "grobx", data=x)
grobX.default <- function(x, theta) {
unit(convertTheta(theta), "grobx", data=gPath(as.character(x)))
# grobY
grobY <- function(x, theta) {
UseMethod("grobY", x)
grobY.grob <- function(x, theta) {
unit(convertTheta(theta), "groby", data=x)
grobY.gList <- function(x, theta) {
unit(rep(convertTheta(theta), length(gList)), "groby", data=x)
grobY.gPath <- function(x, theta) {
unit(convertTheta(theta), "groby", data=x)
grobY.default <- function(x, theta) {
unit(convertTheta(theta), "groby", data=gPath(as.character(x)))
# grobWidth
grobWidth <- function(x) {
grobWidth.grob <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobwidth", data=x)
grobWidth.gList <- function(x) {
unit(rep_len(1, length(gList)), "grobwidth", data=x)
grobWidth.gPath <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobwidth", data=x)
grobWidth.default <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobwidth", data=gPath(as.character(x)))
# grobHeight
grobHeight <- function(x) {
grobHeight.grob <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobheight", data=x)
grobHeight.gList <- function(x) {
unit(rep_len(1, length(gList)), "grobheight", data=x)
grobHeight.gPath <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobheight", data=x)
grobHeight.default <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobheight", data=gPath(as.character(x)))
# grobAscent
grobAscent <- function(x) {
grobAscent.grob <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobascent", data=x)
grobAscent.gList <- function(x) {
unit(rep_len(1, length(gList)), "grobascent", data=x)
grobAscent.gPath <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobascent", data=x)
grobAscent.default <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobascent", data=gPath(as.character(x)))
# grobDescent
grobDescent <- function(x) {
grobDescent.grob <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobdescent", data=x)
grobDescent.gList <- function(x) {
unit(rep_len(1, length(gList)), "grobdescent", data=x)
grobDescent.gPath <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobdescent", data=x)
grobDescent.default <- function(x) {
unit(1, "grobdescent", data=gPath(as.character(x)))
# Function to decide which values in a unit are "absolute" (do not depend
# on parent's drawing context or size)
# Only deals with unit of length() 1
absolute <- function(unit) {
!is.na(match(attr(unit, "unit"),
c("cm", "inches", "lines", "null",
"mm", "points", "picas", "bigpts",
"dida", "cicero", "scaledpts",
"strwidth", "strheight", "strascent", "strdescent", "char",
"mylines", "mychar", "mystrwidth", "mystrheight",
# pseudonyms (from unit.c)
"centimetre", "centimetres", "centimeter", "centimeters",
"in", "inch",
"millimetre", "millimetres", "millimeter", "millimeters",
"point", "pt")))
# OLD absolute.unit
absolute.units <- function(unit) {
absolute.units.unit <- function(unit) {
n <- length(unit)
new.unit <- if (absolute(unit[1L])) unit[1L] else unit(1, "null")
if(n > 1) for(i in 2L:n)
new.unit <- unit.c(new.unit, absolute.units(unit[i]))
absolute.units.unit.list <- function(unit) {
structure(class = class(unit),
lapply(unit, absolute.units))
absolute.units.unit.arithmetic <- function(unit) {
"+"=unit.arithmetic("+", absolute.units(unit$arg1),
"-"=unit.arithmetic("-", absolute.units(unit$arg1),
"*"=unit.arithmetic("*", unit$arg1, absolute.units(unit$arg2)),
"min"=unit.arithmetic("min", absolute.units(unit$arg1)),
"max"=unit.arithmetic("max", absolute.units(unit$arg1)),
"sum"=unit.arithmetic("sum", absolute.units(unit$arg1)))