\name{grid.grep} \alias{grid.grep} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Search for grobs } \description{ Given a gPath, find all matching grobs on the display list or within a given grob. } \usage{ grid.grep(path, x = NULL, grobs = TRUE, viewports = FALSE, strict = FALSE, grep = FALSE, global = FALSE, no.match = character()) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{path}{ a gPath. } \item{x}{ a grob or \code{NULL}. If \code{NULL}, the display list is searched. } \item{grobs}{A logical value indicating whether to search for grobs.} \item{viewports}{A logical value indicating whether to search for viewports.} \item{strict}{ A boolean indicating whether the \code{path} must be matched exactly. } \item{grep}{ Whether the \code{path} should be treated as a regular expression. } \item{global}{ A boolean indicating whether the function should affect just the first match of the \code{path}, or whether all matches should be affected. } \item{no.match}{ The value to return if no matches are found. } } \value{ Either a gPath or, if \code{global} is \code{TRUE} a list of gPaths. If there are no matches, \code{no.match} is returned. } \seealso{ grid.ls() } \examples{ # A gTree, called "grandparent", with child gTree, # called "parent", with childrenvp vpStack (vp2 within vp1) # and child grob, called "child", with vp vpPath (down to vp2) sampleGTree <- gTree(name="grandparent", children=gList(gTree(name="parent", children=gList(grob(name="child", vp="vp1::vp2")), childrenvp=vpStack(viewport(name="vp1"), viewport(name="vp2"))))) # Searching for grobs grid.grep("parent", sampleGTree) grid.grep("parent", sampleGTree, strict=TRUE) grid.grep("grandparent", sampleGTree, strict=TRUE) grid.grep("grandparent::parent", sampleGTree) grid.grep("parent::child", sampleGTree) grid.grep("[a-z]", sampleGTree, grep=TRUE) grid.grep("[a-z]", sampleGTree, grep=TRUE, global=TRUE) # Searching for viewports grid.grep("vp1", sampleGTree, viewports=TRUE) grid.grep("vp2", sampleGTree, viewports=TRUE) grid.grep("vp", sampleGTree, viewports=TRUE, grep=TRUE) grid.grep("vp2", sampleGTree, viewports=TRUE, strict=TRUE) grid.grep("vp1::vp2", sampleGTree, viewports=TRUE) # Searching for both grid.grep("[a-z]", sampleGTree, viewports=TRUE, grep=TRUE, global=TRUE) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ dplot }