# File src/library/methods/R/refClass.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ ## Classes to support OOP-style classes with reference-semantics for fields ## and class-based methods. ## Implementation of the R-based version of these classes (using environments) envRefInferField <- function(self, field, thisClass, selfEnv = as.environment(self)) { 'Install a field method into the environment of object self from reference class thisClass.' fields <- thisClass@fieldPrototypes if(exists(field, envir = fields, inherits = FALSE)) { ## this allows lazy installation of fields (not currently used) value <- get(field, envir = fields) } else { methods <- thisClass@refMethods if(exists(field, envir = methods, inherits = FALSE)) { value <- get(field, envir = methods) ## install this method and any methods it may call value <- installClassMethod(value, self, field, selfEnv, thisClass) } else stop(gettextf("%s is not a valid field or method name for reference class %s", sQuote(field), dQuote(thisClass@className)), domain = NA) } value } installClassMethod <- function(def, self, me, selfEnv, thisClass) { if(is(def, "externalMethodDef") || !is(def, "refMethodDef")) { ## Don't process either an external method (not needed), ## or a special object in the class refMethods ## environment (will cause an error). Assign it unchanged. assign(me, def, envir = thisClass@refMethods) return(def) } depends <- def@mayCall environment(def) <- selfEnv # for access to fields and methods assign(me, def, envir = selfEnv) ## process those that are not in the instance environment, now that ## this method has been assigned. done <- names(selfEnv) notDone <- setdiff(depends, done) superCase <- match("callSuper", notDone, 0) if(superCase > 0) { if(nzchar(def@superClassMethod)) notDone[[superCase]] <- def@superClassMethod else stop(gettextf("a call to superClass() is in the method %s but there is no superclass definition of this method for class %s", sQuote(me), dQuote(thisClass@className)), domain = NA) } for(what in notDone) installClassMethod(get(what, envir = thisClass@refMethods), self, what, selfEnv, thisClass) if(superCase > 0) { ## provide an environment with the correct callSuper() definition, ## with selfEnv as its parent (can't override the definition of "callSuper" ## in selfEnv--there may be other methods with a callSuper() in them newEnv <- new.env(FALSE, parent = selfEnv) assign("callSuper", get(def@superClassMethod, envir = selfEnv), envir = newEnv) environment(def) <- newEnv assign(me, def, envir = selfEnv) ## the callSuper() inside def now goes to the right method } def } ..hasCodeTools <- FALSE .hasCodeTools <- function() { if(!identical(..hasCodeTools, TRUE)) # will be FALSE when methods is built, keep checking .assignOverBinding("..hasCodeTools",length(list.files(system.file(package = "codetools"))) > 0, .methodsNamespace, FALSE) ..hasCodeTools } .getGlobalFuns <- function(def) { if(.hasCodeTools()) codetools::findGlobals(def, merge = FALSE)$functions else unique(unlist(lapply(def, all.names))) } makeClassMethod <- function(def, name, Class, superClassMethod = "", allMethods) { if(identical(formalArgs(def)[[1]], ".self")) def <- externalRefMethod(def) if(is(def, "externalRefMethod")) { # either just created or passed in as argument ## the method just passes .self and its arguments to the actual method function def@name <- name def@refClassName <- Class def@superClassMethod <- superClassMethod return(def) } depends <- .getGlobalFuns(def) ## find the field methods called ... if("usingMethods" %in% depends) { # including those declared declared <- .declaredMethods(def) ## look for invalid declared methods if(length(declared) && any(! declared %in% allMethods)) warning(gettextf("methods declared in usingMethods() but not found: %s", paste0(declared[! declared %in% allMethods], collapse = ", "))) depends <- c(declared, depends) } depends <- depends[match(depends, allMethods, 0) > 0] new("refMethodDef", def, mayCall = depends, name = name, refClassName = Class, superClassMethod = superClassMethod) } refObjectClass <- function(object) { Class <- class(object) classDef <- getClassDef(Class) if(is(classDef, "refClassRepresentation")) classDef else stop(gettextf("%s is not a reference class", dQuote(Class)), domain = NA) } envRefSetField <- function(object, field, thisClass = refObjectClass(object), env = as.environment(object), value) { fieldClass <- thisClass@fieldClasses[[field]] if(is.null(fieldClass)) stop(gettextf("%s is not a field in class %s", sQuote(field), dQuote(thisClass@className)), domain = NA) else assign(field, value, envir = env) object } .initForEnvRefClass <- function(.Object, ...) { Class <- class(.Object) classDef <- getClass(Class) objectParent <- classDef@refMethods$.objectParent if(is.null(objectParent)) { ## This warning would be reasonable if we required re-installing packages for R 3.3.0 ## warning( ## gettextf("Class definition for Class \"%s\" doesn't have a parent environment for objects defined.\n A package may need to be re-installed", Class)) objectParent <- .NamespaceOrPackage(classDef@package) } selfEnv <- new.env(TRUE, objectParent) ## the parent environment will be used by field methods, to make ## them consistent with functions in this class's package .Object@.xData <- selfEnv ## install prototypes and active bindings prototypes <- classDef@fieldPrototypes fieldClasses <- classDef@fieldClasses fields <- names(fieldClasses) for(field in fields) { fp <- prototypes[[field]] # prototype or NULL if(is(fp, "activeBindingFunction")) { environment(fp) <- selfEnv makeActiveBinding(field, fp, selfEnv) if(is(fp, "defaultBindingFunction")) { ## ensure an initial value class <- fieldClasses[[field]] value <- if(!isVirtualClass(class)) new(class) # else NULL assign(.bindingMetaName(field), value, envir = selfEnv) } } else assign(field, fp, envir = selfEnv) } ## assign references to the object and to its class definition selfEnv$.self <- .Object selfEnv$.refClassDef <- classDef if(is.function(classDef@refMethods$initialize)) { .Object$initialize(...) ## intialize methods are allowed to change .self .Object <- selfEnv$.self } else { if(nargs() > 1) { .Object <- methods::initRefFields(.Object, classDef, selfEnv, list(...)) } } if(is.function(classDef@refMethods$finalize)) reg.finalizer(selfEnv, function(x) x$.self$finalize(), TRUE) lockBinding(".self", selfEnv) lockBinding(".refClassDef", selfEnv) .Object } ## old version, for back compatibility. Could be deleted after 2.15.0 initFieldArgs <- function(.Object, classDef, selfEnv, ...) initRefFields(.Object, classDef, selfEnv, list(...)) initRefFields <- function(.Object, classDef, selfEnv, args) { if(length(args)) { snames <- allNames(args) which <- nzchar(snames) elements <- args[which] supers <- args[!which] elNames <- names(elements) for(super in supers) { if(!is(super, "refClass")) { warning(gettextf("unnamed arguments to $new() must be objects from a reference class; got an object of class %s", dQuote(class(super))), domain = NA) next } fields <- names(super$.refClassDef@fieldClasses) ## need an object$fields for the above ## assign field if it is not already specified fields <- fields[is.na(match(fields, elNames))] for(field in fields) elements[[field]] <- super$field(field) elNames <- names(elements) } ## assign the fields for(field in elNames) envRefSetField(.Object, field, classDef, selfEnv, elements[[field]]) } .Object } .dollarForEnvRefClass <- function(x, name) { what <- substitute(name) if(is.symbol(what)) what <- as.character(what) else what <- name selfEnv <- as.environment(x) if(exists(what, envir = selfEnv, inherits = FALSE)) ## either a field or previously cached method get(what, envir = selfEnv) else if(is(x, "envRefClass")) ## infer (usually) the method, cache it and return it envRefInferField(x, what, getClass(class(x)), selfEnv) else # don't know the reference class(e.g., x is the refMethods env.) stop(gettextf("%s is not a valid field or method name for this class", sQuote(what)), domain = NA) } .dollarGetsForEnvRefClass <- function(x, name, value) { what <- substitute(name) if(is.symbol(what)) what <- as.character(what) else what <- name selfEnv <- as.environment(x) envRefSetField(x, what, refObjectClass(x), selfEnv, value) invisible(x) } utils::globalVariables(".envRefMethods")# (codetools analysis) .envRefMethods <- list( export = function(Class) { ' Returns the result of coercing the object to Class. No effect on the object itself. ' if(match(.refClassDef@className, Class, 0) > 0) return(.self) classDef <- getClass(Class) if(is(classDef, "refClassRepresentation") && !is.na(match(Class, .refClassDef@refSuperClasses))) { value <- new(classDef) env <- as.environment(value) selfEnv <- as.environment(.self) fieldClasses <- classDef@fieldClasses for(field in names(fieldClasses)) { current <- get(field, envir = selfEnv) if(!is(current, fieldClasses[[field]])) stop(gettextf("the class of field %s in the object is not compatible with the desired class %s in the target", sQuote(field), dQuote(fieldClasses[[field]])), domain = NA) assign(field, envir = env, current) } value } else if(is(classDef, "classRepresentation")) # use standard S4 as() methods::as(.self, Class) else if(is.character(Class) && length(Class) == 1) stop(gettextf("%s is not a defined class in this environment", dQuote(Class)), domain = NA) else stop("invalid 'Class' argument: should be a single string") }, import = function(value, Class = class(value)) { ' Imports value, replacing the part of the current object corresponding to Class (if argument Class is missing it is taken to be class(value)). The Class must be one of the reference superclasses of the current class (or that class itself, but then you could just overrwite the object). ' if(!missing(Class)) value <- value$export(Class) classDef <- getClass(Class) if(is(classDef, "refClassRepresentation") && (!is.na(match(Class, .refClassDef@refSuperClasses)) || identical(classDef@className, .refClassDef@className))) { env <- as.environment(value) selfEnv <- as.environment(.self) fieldClasses <- .refClassDef@fieldClasses for(field in names(classDef@fieldClasses)) { current <- get(field, envir = env) if(!is(current, fieldClasses[[field]])) stop(gettextf("the class of field %s in the object is not compatible with the desired class %s in the target", sQuote(field), dQuote(fieldClasses[[field]])), domain = NA) assign(field, envir = selfEnv, current) } invisible(.self) } else stop(gettextf("%s is not one of the reference super classes for this object", dQuote(Class)), domain = NA) }, callSuper = function(...) stop("direct calls to callSuper() are invalid: should only be called from another method"), initFields = function(...) { if(missing(...)) .self else initRefFields(.self, .refClassDef, as.environment(.self), list(...)) }, copy = function(shallow = FALSE) { def <- .refClassDef value <- new(def) vEnv <- as.environment(value) selfEnv <- as.environment(.self) for(field in names(def@fieldClasses)) { if(shallow) assign(field, get(field, envir = selfEnv), envir = vEnv) else { current <- get(field, envir = selfEnv) if(is(current, "envRefClass")) current <- current$copy(FALSE) assign(field, current, envir = vEnv) } } value }, getRefClass = function(Class = .refClassDef) methods::getRefClass(Class), getClass = function(...) if(nargs()) methods::getClass(...) else .refClassDef, field = function(name, value) if(missing(value)) base::get(name, envir = .self) else { if(is.na(match(name, names(.refClassDef@fieldClasses)))) stop(gettextf("%s is not a field in this class", sQuote(name)), domain = NA) base::assign(name, value, envir = .self) }, trace = function(..., classMethod = FALSE) { ' Insert trace debugging for the specified method. The arguments are the same as for the trace() function in package "base". The first argument should be the name of the method to be traced, quoted or not. The additional argument classMethod= can be supplied as TRUE (by name only) in order to trace a method in a generator object (e.g., "new") rather than in the objects generated from that class. ' .TraceWithMethods(..., where = .self, classMethod = classMethod) }, untrace = function(..., classMethod = FALSE) { ' Untrace the method given as the first argument. ' .TraceWithMethods(..., untrace=TRUE, where = .self, classMethod=classMethod) }, show = function() { if(is.null(cl <- tryCatch(class(.self), error=function(e)NULL))) { cat('Prototypical reference class object\n') } else { cat('Reference class object of class ', classLabel(cl), '\n', sep = "") fields <- names(.refClassDef@fieldClasses) for(fi in fields) { cat('Field "', fi, '":\n', sep = "") methods::show(field(fi)) } } }, usingMethods = function(...) { ' Reference methods used by this method are named as the arguments either quoted or unquoted. In the code analysis phase of installing the the present method, the declared methods will be included. It is essntial to declare any methods used in a nonstandard way (e.g., via an apply function). Methods called directly do not need to be declared, but it is harmless to do so. $usingMethods() does nothing at run time. ' NULL } ) ## construct a list of class methods for envRefClass makeEnvRefMethods <- function() { methods <- .envRefMethods allMethods <- names(methods) for(method in allMethods) { methods[[method]] <- makeClassMethod(methods[[method]], method, "envRefClass", "", allMethods) } ## some values to bootstrap the parent environment for objects methods$.objectParent <- .methodsNamespace methods$.objectPackage <- "methods" methods } ## initialize some reference classes .InitRefClasses <- function(envir) { ## class to define a reference class ## Should be split into an abstract class and a standard version ## to use environments, so other variants might use interfaces ## to OOP languages, and proxy objects setClass("refClassRepresentation", representation(fieldClasses = "list", fieldPrototypes = "environment", refMethods = "environment", refSuperClasses = "character"), contains = "classRepresentation", where = envir) ## the virtual class from which all true reference clases ## inherit. Its subclasses require methods ## for getting & setting fields and related tasks setClassUnion("refClass", where = envir) ## the union of all reference objects ## (including those not belonging to refClass) setClassUnion("refObject", c("environment", "externalptr", "name", "refClass"), where = envir) ## a class for field methods, with a slot for their dependencies, ## allowing installation of all required instance methods setClassUnion("SuperClassMethod", "character") ## helper classes for active binding of fields setClass("activeBindingFunction", contains = "function") setClass("defaultBindingFunction", representation(field = "character", className = "character"), contains = "activeBindingFunction") ## class to mark uninitialized fields setClass("uninitializedField", representation(field = "character", className = "character")) ## class for (internal) ref. methods, with object as function's environment setClass("refMethodDef", representation(mayCall = "character", name = "character", refClassName = "character", superClassMethod = "SuperClassMethod"), contains = "function", where = envir) ## and make a traceable version of the class .makeTraceClass(.traceClassName("refMethodDef"), "refMethodDef", FALSE) setIs("refMethodDef", "SuperClassMethod", where = envir) ## external ref. methods with explicit .self argument, standard environment gen <- setClass("externalRefMethod", slots = c(actual = "function"), contains = "refMethodDef", where = envir) assign("externalRefMethod", gen, envir = envir) setClass("envRefClass", contains = c("environment","refClass"), where =envir) ## bootstrap envRefClass as a refClass def <- new("refClassRepresentation", refMethods = as.environment(makeEnvRefMethods())) as(def, "classRepresentation") <- getClassDef("envRefClass", where = envir) assignClassDef("envRefClass", def, where = envir) setMethod("initialize", "envRefClass", methods:::.initForEnvRefClass, where = envir) ## NOTE: "$" method requires setting in .InitStructureMethods() setMethod("$", "envRefClass", .dollarForEnvRefClass, where = envir) setMethod("$<-", "envRefClass", .dollarGetsForEnvRefClass, where = envir) setMethod("show", "envRefClass", function(object) object$show()) setClass("refGeneratorSlot") # a temporary virtual class to allow the next definition ## the refClassGenerator class setClass("refObjectGenerator", representation(generator ="refGeneratorSlot"), contains = c("classGeneratorFunction", "refClass"), where = envir) setMethod("$", "refObjectGenerator", function(x, name) eval.parent(substitute(x@generator$name)), where = envir) setMethod("$<-", "refObjectGenerator", function(x, name, value) eval.parent(substitute(x@generator$name <- value)), where = envir) ## next call is touchy: setRefClass() uses an object of class ## refGeneratorSlot, but the class should have been defined before ## that object is created. setRefClass("refGeneratorSlot", fields = list(def = "ANY", className = "ANY"), methods = .GeneratorMethods, where = envir) setMethod("show", "refClassRepresentation", function(object) showRefClassDef(object), where = envir) setMethod("show", "refObjectGenerator", function(object) showRefClassDef(object$def, "Generator for class"), where = envir) setMethod("show", "refMethodDef", showClassMethod, where = envir) setMethod("show", "externalRefMethod", showClassMethod, where = envir) setMethod("initialize", "externalRefMethod", function(.Object, def, ...) { .Object@.Data <- eval(substitute( function(...) { .f <- DEF .f(.self, ...) }, list(DEF = def))) .Object@actual <- def callNextMethod(.Object, ...) }, where = envir) ## Now do "localRefClass"; doesn't need to be precisely here ## but this ensures it is not done too early or too late setRefClass("localRefClass", methods = .localRefMethods, where = envir) # should this have contains = "VIRTUAL"? setMethod("$<-", "localRefClass", function(x, name, value) { w <- parent.frame() x <- .ensureLocal(x, w) what <- substitute(name) if (is.symbol(what)) what <- as.character(what) else what <- name selfEnv <- as.environment(x) envRefSetField(x, what, refObjectClass(x), selfEnv, value) invisible(x) } , where = envir) } getRefSuperClasses <- function(classes, classDefs) { supers <- character() for(i in seq_along(classes)) { clDef <- classDefs[[i]] supers <- c(supers, clDef@refSuperClasses) } unique(supers) } .getMethodDefs <- function(what, env) { methods <- objects(envir = env, all.names = TRUE) missing <- is.na(match(what, methods)) if(any(missing)) { warning(gettextf( "Methods not found: %s", paste(dQuote(methods[missing]), collapse = ", "))) what <- what[!missing] } if(length(what) < 1) return(NULL) else if(length(what) == 1) get(what, envir = env) else lapply(what, function(x) get(x, envir = env)) } .GeneratorMethods <- list(methods = function(...) { methodsEnv <- def@refMethods if(nargs() == 0) return(sort(names(methodsEnv))) methodDefs <- list(...) if(nargs() == 1 && is(methodDefs[[1]], "character")) return(.getMethodDefs(methodDefs[[1]], methodsEnv)) if(methods:::.classDefIsLocked(def)) stop(gettextf("the definition of class %s in package %s is locked, methods may not be redefined", dQuote(def@className), sQuote(def@package)), domain = NA) ## allow either name=function, ... or a single list if(length(methodDefs) == 1 && is.list(methodDefs[[1]])) methodDefs <- methodDefs[[1]] mnames <- names(methodDefs) if(is.null(mnames) || !all(nzchar(mnames))) stop("arguments to methods() must be named, or one named list") ## look for methods to remove (new definition is NULL) removeThese <- vapply(methodDefs, is.null, NA) if(any(removeThese)) { rmNames <- mnames[removeThese] mnames <- mnames[!removeThese] methodDefs <- methodDefs[!removeThese] remove(list = rmNames, envir = methodsEnv) if(length(mnames) == 0) return(invisible(methodsEnv)) } allMethods <- as.list(methodsEnv) ## get a list of processed methods, plus any ## overriden superclass methods newMethods <- insertClassMethods(allMethods, className, methodDefs, names(def@fieldClasses), FALSE) for(what in names(newMethods)) assign(what, newMethods[[what]], envir = methodsEnv) ## calls to $methods() only work in package source or ## as load actions. Use the topenv() if that seems like ## the namespace in preparation, or the namespace if available env <- topenv(parent.frame()); declare <- TRUE if(!is.null(pkg <- get0(".packageName", envir = env)) && pkg == def@package) {} else if(isNamespaceLoaded(def@package)) env <- asNamespace(def@package) else declare <- FALSE if(declare) utils::globalVariables(names(newMethods), env) invisible(methodsEnv) }, fields = function() { ' Returns the named vector of classes for the fields in this class. Fields defined with accessor functions have class "activeBindingFunction". ' unlist(def@fieldClasses) }, new = function(...) { methods::new(def, ...) }, help = function(topic) { ' Prints simple documentation for the method or field specified by argument topic, which should be the name of the method or field, quoted or not. With no topic, prints the definition of the class. ' if(missing(topic)) { writeLines( c('Usage: $help(topic) where topic is the name of a method (quoted or not)', paste('The definition of class', className, 'follows.'))) methods::show(def) } else { if(is.name(substitute(topic))) topic <- as.character(substitute(topic)) else topic <- as.character(topic) env <- def@refMethods if(exists(topic, envir = env)) { writeLines(.refMethodDoc(topic, env)) } else { cat(gettextf("topic %s is not a method name in class %s\nThe class definition follows\n", sQuote(topic), dQuote(className))) show(def) } } }, lock = function(...) methods:::.lockRefFields(def, ...), ## define accessor functions, store them in the refMethods environment ## of the class definition. accessors = function(...) { firstCap <- function(names) { firstChars <- substr(names, 1,1) modChars <- toupper(firstChars) substr(names, 1, 1) <- modChars list(get = paste0("get", names), set = paste0("set", names)) } if(methods:::.classDefIsLocked(def)) stop(gettextf("the definition of class %s in package %s is locked so fields may not be modified", dQuote(def@className), sQuote(def@package)), domain = NA) fieldNames <- c(...) methodNames <- firstCap(fieldNames) getters <- methodNames$get setters <- methodNames$set accessors <- list() for(i in seq_along(fieldNames)) { what <- fieldNames[[i]] field <- as.name(what) CLASS <- def@fieldClasses[[what]] if(is.null(CLASS)) stop(gettextf("%s is not a field in class %s", sQuote(what), dQuote(def@className)), domain = NA) accessors[[getters[[i]] ]] <- eval(substitute(function() X, list(X = field))) if(CLASS == "ANY") accessors[[setters[[i]] ]] <- eval(substitute(function(value) { value <- as(value, CLASS, strict = FALSE) X <<- value invisible(value) }, list(X = field, CLASS = CLASS))) else accessors[[setters[[i]] ]] <- eval(substitute(function(value) { X <<- value invisible(value) }, list(X = field))) } ## install the accessors methods(accessors) invisible(accessors) } )## end{ .GeneratorMethods } .localRefMethods <- list( ensureLocal = function() { 'Ensure that a shallow copy has been made of this object to localize any further changes. Must be called before any reference class method modifies a field. ' methods:::.ensureLocal(.self, parent.frame()) } ) .makeCall <- function(name, x) { n <- length(argls <- formals(x)) noDeflt <- if(n > 0) vapply(argls, function(x) !is.name(x) || nzchar(as.character(x)), NA) if (n) { arg.names <- names(argls) } Call <- paste0("$", name, "(") for (i in seq_len(n)) { Call <- paste0(Call, arg.names[i], if (noDeflt[[i]]) " = ") if (i != n) Call <- paste0(Call, ", ") } paste0(Call, ")\n") } `insertFields<-` <- function(fieldList, value) { newNames <- names(value) ## check for valid overrides of existing field definitions hasFields <- match(newNames, names(fieldList),0) > 0 if(any(hasFields)) { for(field in newNames[hasFields]) ## the new field class must be a subclass of the old if(is.na(match(fieldList[[field]], c(extends(value[[field]]),"ANY")))) stop(gettextf("the overriding class (\"%s\") of field %s is not a subclass of the existing field definition (\"%s\")", value[[field]], sQuote(field), fieldList[[field]]), domain = NA) } fieldList[newNames] <- value fieldList } .bindingMetaName <- function(fieldName) paste0(".->", fieldName) .makeActiveBinding <- function(thisField) { if(is(thisField, "activeBindingFunction")) thisField else new("activeBindingFunction", thisField) } .makeDefaultBinding <- function(fieldName, fieldClass, readOnly = FALSE, where) { metaName <- .bindingMetaName(fieldName) if(readOnly) ## write-once into the metaName object f <- eval(substitute(function(value) { if(missing(value)) dummyFieldName else { ## this is not eval()ed in this namespace methods:::.setDummyField(.self, dummyField, dummyClass, thisField, TRUE, value) value } }, list(dummyField = metaName, thisField = fieldName, dummyClass = fieldClass, dummyFieldName = as.name(metaName)))) else f <- eval(substitute(function(value) { if(missing(value)) dummyFieldName else { ## this is not eval()ed in this namespace methods:::.setDummyField(.self, dummyField, dummyClass, thisField, FALSE, value) value } }, list(dummyField = metaName, dummyClass = fieldClass, thisField = fieldName, dummyFieldName = as.name(metaName)))) environment(f) <- where ## Does this matter? f <- new("defaultBindingFunction", f, field = fieldName, className = fieldClass) init <- (if(isVirtualClass(fieldClass)) new("uninitializedField", field = fieldName, className = fieldClass) else new(fieldClass)) value <- list(f, init) names(value) <- c(fieldName, metaName) value } .setDummyField <- function(self, metaName, fieldClass, fieldName, onceOnly, value) { if(is(value, fieldClass)) value <- as(value, fieldClass, strict = FALSE) # could be more efficient? else stop(gettextf( "invalid assignment for reference class field %s, should be from class %s or a subclass (was class %s)", sQuote(fieldName), dQuote(fieldClass), dQuote(class(value))), call. = FALSE) selfEnv <- as.environment(self) if(onceOnly) { if(bindingIsLocked(metaName, selfEnv)) stop(gettextf("invalid replacement: reference class field %s is read-only", sQuote(fieldName)), call. = FALSE) else { assign(metaName, value, envir = selfEnv) lockBinding(metaName, selfEnv) } } else assign(metaName, value, envir = selfEnv) } refClassInformation <- function(Class, contains, fields, refMethods, where) { if(length(contains) > 0) { superClassDefs <- lapply(contains, function(what) { if(is(what, "classRepresentation")) what else if(is.character(what)) getClass(what, where = where) else stop(gettextf("the 'contains' argument should be the names of superclasses: got an element of class %s", dQuote(class(what))), domain = NA) }) missingDefs <- vapply(superClassDefs, is.null, NA) if(any(missingDefs)) stop(gettextf("no definition found for inherited class: %s", paste0('"',contains[missingDefs], '"', collapse = ", ")), domain = NA) superClasses <- unlist(lapply(superClassDefs, function(def) def@className), FALSE) isRefSuperClass <- vapply(superClassDefs, function(def) is(def, "refClassRepresentation"), NA) } else { superClassDefs <- list() superClasses <- character() isRefSuperClass <- logical() } if(!any(isRefSuperClass)) { superClasses <- c(superClasses, "envRefClass") isRefSuperClass <- c(isRefSuperClass, TRUE) superClassDefs[["envRefClass"]] <- getClass("envRefClass", where = where) } refSuperClasses <- superClasses[isRefSuperClass] otherRefClasses <- getRefSuperClasses(refSuperClasses, superClassDefs[isRefSuperClass]) refSuperClasses <- unique(c(refSuperClasses, otherRefClasses)) ## process the field definitions. The call from setRefClass ## guarantees that fields is a named list. fieldNames <- names(fields) nf <- length(fields) fieldClasses <- character(nf) names(fieldClasses) <- fieldNames fieldPrototypes <- list() for(i in seq_len(nf)) { thisName <- fieldNames[[i]] thisField <- fields[[i]] ## a field definition can be: ## 1. character string name of the class ## 2. a binding function if(is.character(thisField)) { if(length(thisField) != 1) stop(gettextf("a single class name is needed for field %s, got a character vector of length %d", sQuote(thisName), length(thisField)), domain = NA) if(is.null(getClassDef(thisField, where = where))) stop(gettextf("class %s for field %s is not defined", dQuote(thisField), sQuote(thisName)), domain = NA) fieldClasses[[i]] <- thisField if(thisField != "ANY") fieldPrototypes <- c(fieldPrototypes, .makeDefaultBinding(thisName, thisField, where = where)) else fieldPrototypes[[thisName]] <- new("uninitializedField", field = thisName, className = "ANY") } else if(is.function(thisField)) { fieldClasses[[i]] <- "activeBindingFunction" fieldPrototypes[[thisName]] <- .makeActiveBinding(thisField) } else stop(gettextf("field %s was supplied as an object of class %s; must be a class name or a binding function", sQuote(thisName), dQuote(class(thisField))), domain = NA) } ## assemble inherited information fc <- fp <- cm <- list() #; fr <- character() ## assign in reverse order so nearer superclass overrides for(cl in rev(superClassDefs[isRefSuperClass])) { fcl <- cl@fieldClasses fpl <- as.list(cl@fieldPrototypes, all.names = TRUE) # turn env into list cml <- as.list(cl@refMethods, all.names = TRUE) # ditto insertFields(fc) <- fcl fp[names(fpl)] <- fpl cm[names(cml)] <- cml } insertFields(fc) <- fieldClasses fp[names(fieldPrototypes)] <- fieldPrototypes ## process and insert reference methods cm <- insertClassMethods(cm, Class, refMethods, names(fc), TRUE) list(superClasses = superClasses, refSuperClasses = refSuperClasses, fieldClasses = fc, fieldPrototypes = fp, refMethods = cm) } superClassMethodName <- function(def) paste(def@name, def@refClassName, sep = "#") insertClassMethods <- function(methods, Class, value, fieldNames, returnAll) { ## process reference methods, return either the entire updated methods ## or the processed new methods in value, plus superclass versions theseMethods <- names(value) prevMethods <- names(methods) # catch refs to inherited methods as well allMethods <- unique(c(theseMethods, prevMethods)) returnMethods <- if(returnAll) methods else value check <- TRUE for(method in theseMethods) { prevMethod <- methods[[method]] # NULL or superClass method if(is.null(prevMethod)) { ## kludge because default version of $initialize() breaks bootstrapping of methods package superClassMethod <- if(identical(method, "initialize")) "initFields" else "" } else if(identical(prevMethod@refClassName, Class)) superClassMethod <- prevMethod@superClassMethod else { superClassMethod <- superClassMethodName(prevMethod) returnMethods[[superClassMethod]] <- prevMethod } def <- makeClassMethod(value[[method]], method, Class, superClassMethod, allMethods) check <- check && .checkFieldsInMethod(def, fieldNames, allMethods) returnMethods[[method]] <- def } if(is.na(check) && .methodsIsLoaded()) message(gettextf("code for methods in class %s was not checked for suspicious field assignments (recommended package %s not available?)", dQuote(Class), sQuote("codetools")) , domain = NA) returnMethods } ## refField <- function(class = "ANY", get = .stdGetField, set = .stdSetField, binding = NULL, ## name = "", where = topenv(parent.frame())) { ## if(identical(set, FALSE)) ## set <- .invalidSetField ## new("refFieldDefinition", fieldName = name, fieldClass = class, ## get = get, set = set, binding = binding) ## } setRefClass <- function(Class, fields = character(), contains = character(), methods = list(), where = topenv(parent.frame()), inheritPackage = FALSE, ...) { fields <- inferProperties(fields, "field") ## theseMethods <- names(methods) # non-inherited, for processing later ## collect the method and field definitions info <- refClassInformation(Class, contains, fields, methods, where) ## make codetools happy: superClasses <- refSuperClasses <- fieldClasses <- fieldPrototypes <- refMethods <- NULL ## think Python's multiple assignment operator for(what in c("superClasses", "refSuperClasses", "fieldClasses", "fieldPrototypes", "refMethods")) assign(what, info[[what]]) ## temporarily assign an ordinary class definition ## to allow the checks and defaults from setClass to be applied ## and to get the classGeneratorFunction ## Note: the classGeneratorFunction has the class name, not the explicit definition classFun <- setClass(Class, contains = superClasses, where = where, ...) ## now, override the class definiton with the complete definition classDef <- new("refClassRepresentation", getClassDef(Class, where = where), fieldClasses = fieldClasses, refMethods = as.environment(refMethods), fieldPrototypes = as.environment(fieldPrototypes), refSuperClasses = refSuperClasses) .setObjectParent(classDef@refMethods, if(inheritPackage) refSuperClasses else NULL, where) assignClassDef(Class, classDef, where) generator <- new("refGeneratorSlot") env <- as.environment(generator) env$def <- classDef env$className <- Class .declareVariables(classDef, where) value <- new("refObjectGenerator", classFun, generator = generator) invisible(value) } getRefClass <- function(Class, where = topenv(parent.frame())) { if(is(Class, "refClassRepresentation")) { classDef <- Class Class <- classDef@className } else if(is.character(Class)) { classDef <- getClass(Class, where = where) if(!is(classDef, "refClassRepresentation")) stop(gettextf("class %s is defined but is not a reference class", dQuote(Class)), domain = NA) } else stop(gettextf("class must be a reference class representation or a character string; got an object of class %s", dQuote(class(Class))), domain = NA) generator <- new("refGeneratorSlot") env <- as.environment(generator) env$className <- Class env$def <- classDef classFun <- classGeneratorFunction(Class, where) ## but, the package is always from the class definition, not the local environment classFun@package <- classDef@package new("refObjectGenerator", classFun, generator = generator) } refClassFields <- function(Class) { ClassDef <- getClass(Class) if(is(ClassDef, "refClassRepresentation")) ClassDef@fieldClasses else stop(gettextf("not a reference class: %s", ClassDef@name), domain = NA) } refClassMethods <- function(Class) { ClassDef <- getClass(Class) if(is(ClassDef, "refClassRepresentation")) value <- as.list(ClassDef@refMethods) else stop(gettextf("not a reference class: %s", ClassDef@name), domain = NA) ## possibly temporary: return methods to pure functions for(i in seq_along(value)) value[[i]] <- as(value[[i]], "function") value } showClassMethod <- function(object) { cl <- class(object) cat("Class method definition") if(!.identC(cl, "refMethodDef")) cat(sprintf(" (class %s)", dQuote(cl))) cat(sprintf(" for method %s()\n", object@name)) if(is(object, "externalRefMethod")) show(object@actual) else show(as(object, "function")) if(length(object@mayCall)) .printNames("\nMethods used: ", object@mayCall) } .printNames <- function(header, names, separateLine = TRUE) { names <- paste0('"', names, '"') if(separateLine) { cat(header, "\n", sep = "") cat(names, sep = ", ", fill = TRUE, labels = " ") } else { cat(header, ": ", sep = "") cat(names, sep = ", ", fill = TRUE) } cat("\n") } showRefClassDef <- function(object, title = "Reference Class") { cat(title," \"", object@className,"\":\n", sep="") fields <- object@fieldClasses if(length(fields)) { printPropertiesList(fields, "Class fields") locked <- .getLockedFieldNames(object) if(length(locked)) .printNames("Locked Fields", locked, FALSE) } else cat("\nNo fields defined\n") methods <- names(object@refMethods) if(length(methods)) .printNames("\nClass Methods: ", methods) else cat ("\nNo Class Methods\n") supers <- object@refSuperClasses if(length(supers)) .printNames("Reference Superclasses: ", supers) } .assignExpr <- function(e) { value <- list() value[[codetools::getAssignedVar(e)]] <- deparse(e, nlines = 1L) value } .mergeAssigns <- function(previous, new) { for(what in names(new)) { previous[[what]] <- if(is.null(previous[[what]])) new[[what]] else paste(previous[[what]], new[[what]], sep="; ") } previous } .assignedVars <- function(e) { locals <- list() globals <- list() walker <- codetools::makeCodeWalker(call = function(e, w) { callto <- e[[1]] if(is.symbol(callto)) switch(as.character(callto), "<-" = , "=" = { locals <<- .mergeAssigns(locals, .assignExpr(e)) }, "<<-" = { globals <<- .mergeAssigns(globals, .assignExpr(e)) }) for (ee in as.list(e)) if (! missing(ee)) codetools::walkCode(ee, w) }, leaf = function(e, w) NULL ) codetools::walkCode(e, walker) list(locals = locals, globals = globals) } .checkFieldsInMethod <- function(methodDef, fieldNames, methodNames) { if(!.hasCodeTools()) return(NA) p0q <- function(x) paste0('"', x, '"', collapse = "; ") if(is(methodDef, "refMethodDef")) { methodName <- p0q(methodDef@name) className <- p0q(methodDef@refClassName) } else { methodName <- className <- "" } assigned <- .assignedVars(body(methodDef)) locals <- names(assigned$locals) localsAreFields <- match(locals, fieldNames, 0) > 0 if(any(localsAreFields)) warning(gettextf("local assignment to field name will not change the field:\n %s\n Did you mean to use \"<<-\"? ( in method %s for class %s)", paste(unlist(assigned$locals)[localsAreFields], collapse="; "), methodName, className), domain = NA) globals <- names(assigned$globals) ## check non-fields, but allow to .self (will be an ## error except in $initialize()) globalsNotFields <- is.na(match(globals, c(fieldNames, ".self"))) if(any(globalsNotFields)) warning(gettextf("non-local assignment to non-field names (possibly misspelled?)\n %s\n( in method %s for class %s)", paste(unlist(assigned$globals)[globalsNotFields], collapse="; "), methodName, className), domain = NA) globalsInMethods <- match(globals, methodNames, 0) > 0 if(any(globalsInMethods)) stop(gettextf("non-local assignment to method names is not allowed\n %s\n( in method %s for class %s)", paste(unlist(assigned$globals)[globalsInMethods], collapse="; "), methodName, className), domain = NA) !any(localsAreFields) && !any(globalsNotFields) } .refMethodDoc <- function(topic, env) { f <- get(topic, envir = env) msg <- c("Call:",.makeCall(topic, f), "") bb <- body(f) ## look for self-documentation if(is(bb, "{") && length(bb) > 1 && is(bb[[2]], "character")) msg <- c(msg, bb[[2]], "") msg } ## the locked fields are stored as a hidden object in the fieldPrototypes environment ## but this might change, so the .get, .set functions should be used .lockedFieldsMetaName <- ".#lockedFields" .getLockedFieldNames <- function(def) { env <- def@fieldPrototypes value <- env[[.lockedFieldsMetaName]] if(is.null(value)) character() else value } .setLockedFieldNames <- function(def, value) { env <- def@fieldPrototypes env[[.lockedFieldsMetaName]] <- value value } .lockRefFields <- function(def, ...) { lockedFields <- .getLockedFieldNames(def) if(nargs()<2) return(lockedFields) fields <- c(...) if(is.character(fields) && all(nzchar(fields))) {} else stop("arguments must all be character string names of fields") if(.classDefIsLocked(def)) stop(gettextf("the definition of class %s in package %s is locked so fields may not be modified", dQuote(def@className), sQuote(def@package)), domain = NA) env <- def@fieldPrototypes className <- def@className for(what in fields) { if(what %in% lockedFields) { warning(gettextf("field %s is already locked", sQuote(what)), domain = NA) next } current <- env[[what]] if(is.null(current)) stop(gettextf("%s is not a field in class %s", sQuote(what), dQuote(className)), domain = NA) if(is(current, "activeBindingFunction")) { if(is(current, "defaultBindingFunction")) env[[what]] <- .makeDefaultBinding(current@field, current@className, TRUE, environment(current))[[what]] else stop(gettextf("field %s of class %s has a non-default binding and cannot be locked", sQuote(what), dQuote(className)), domain = NA) } else { ## capture the current prototype value with a read-only binding function binding <- .makeDefaultBinding(current@field, current@className, TRUE, environment(current)) env[[what]] <- binding[[what]] metaName <- .bindingMetaName(what) env[[metaName]] <- current } lockedFields <- c(lockedFields, what) } .setLockedFieldNames(def, lockedFields) invisible(env) } ## set ".objectParent" as the parent environment for objects from this ref. class. ## If there are no ref superclasses from another package, it will be "where", normally ## the namespace of this package; otherwise it will be the .objectParent from the ## superclass(es). These must agree. ## Also sets .objectPackage with the package name, for infomation purposes .setObjectParent <- function(refMethods, refSuperClasses, where) { env <- empty <- emptyenv() for(cl in refSuperClasses) { if(identical(cl, "envRefClass")) break # finished all application classes clRefMethods <- getClass(cl)@refMethods clEnv <- clRefMethods$.objectParent if(identical(env, empty)) { # use this one env <- clEnv pkg <- clRefMethods$.objectPackage } else if(!identical(clEnv, env)) { .nQuote <- function(what) paste0('"', what, '"') stop(gettextf("Reference superclasses must come from the same package for the environment to be defined: got %s and %s", .nQuote(clRefMethods$.objectPackage), .nQuote(pkg))) } } if(identical(env, empty)) { pkg <- where$.packageName if(is.null(pkg)) pkg <- ".GlobalEnv" refMethods$.objectParent <- where refMethods$.objectPackage <- pkg } else { refMethods$.objectParent <- env refMethods$.objectPackage <- pkg } } ## declare field and method names global to avoid spurious ## messages from codetools .declareVariables <- function(def, env) { utils::globalVariables(c(names(def@fieldClasses), names(def@refMethods)), env) } .declaredMethods <- function(method) { methods <- character() if(!.hasCodeTools()) return(methods) .theseMethods <- function(e, w) { if(length(e) < 2) character() else sapply(as.list(e)[-1], function(what) methods <<- c(methods, if(is.symbol(what)) as.character(what) else if(is.character(what)) what else character())) } walker <- codetools::makeCodeWalker( handler = function(v, w) { if(identical(v, "usingMethods")) .theseMethods else NULL }, leaf = function(e, w) NULL) codetools::walkCode(body(method), walker) unique(methods) } getMethodsAndAccessors <- function(Class) { def <- getClass(Class) if(!is(def, "refClassRepresentation")) stop(gettextf("%s is not a reference class", dQuote(def@className))) ff <- def@fieldPrototypes accs <- vapply(ff, function(what) is(what, "activeBindingFunction") && !is(what, "defaultBindingFunction"), NA) c(as.list(def@refMethods), as.list(ff)[accs]) } ## Reference classes that guarantee to change fields only in the ## local environment. The method for `$<-` checks that the lhs object ## has been registered in a list of local reference class objects in ## the frame where the call is evaluated. If not, a shallow copy ## of the object's .self (environment) is made, replaces the variable ## and is registered. The effect should be that locality of assignment ## is preserved wtihout the deep copy generated by the R evaluator ## for complex assignments that are not primitives, e.g., `@<-` .ensureLocal <- function(object, where) { if(!is(object, "envRefClass")) stop(gettextf("Class %s is not a subclass of %s; functional semantics not defined for this class", dQuote(class(object)), dQuote("envRefClass"))) selfEnv <- as.environment(object) if(exists(".localRefObjects", envir = where, inherits = FALSE)) { locals <- get(".localRefObjects", envir = where) for(i in rev(seq_along(locals))) if(identical(selfEnv, locals[[i]])) return(object) } else locals <- list() ## the object should be assigned in environment where= what <- NULL for(obj in as.list(where, all.names=TRUE)) { if(is(obj, "envRefClass") && identical(selfEnv, as.environment(obj))) { what <- obj break } } if(is.null(what)) stop("Could not find local object in supplied environment") ## do a shallow copy and record it as local value <- .shallowCopy(object, selfEnv) locals[[length(locals)+1]] <- as.environment(value) assign(".localRefObjects", locals, envir = where) value } ## a shallow copy of a reference object ## This code depends on knowledge of how classes extend "environment" .shallowCopy <- function(object, selfEnv) { newEnv <- list2env(as.list(selfEnv, all.names=TRUE), hash=TRUE) attr(object, ".xData") <- newEnv assign(".self", object, envir = newEnv) object }