# File src/library/methods/R/show.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2014 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ showDefault <- function(object, oldMethods = TRUE) { clDef <- getClass(cl <- class(object), .Force=TRUE) cl <- classLabel(cl) if(!is.null(clDef) && isS4(object) && is.na(match(clDef@className, .BasicClasses)) ) { cat("An object of class ", cl, "\n", sep="") slots <- slotNames(clDef) dataSlot <- .dataSlot(slots) if(length(dataSlot) > 0) { dataPart <- slot(object, dataSlot) show(dataPart) slots <- slots[is.na(match(slots, dataSlot))] } else if(length(slots) == 0L) show(unclass(object)) for(what in slots) { if(identical(what, ".Data")) next ## should have been done above cat("Slot ", deparse(what), ":\n", sep="") print(slot(object, what)) cat("\n") } } ## else if(isS4(object) && isClass(clDef) && extends(clDef, "oldClass") && ## length(slotNames(clDef)) > 0) { ## ## print the old-style object ## cat("An object of class ", cl, "\n", sep="") ## slots <- slotNames(clDef) ## i <- match(".S3Class", slots) ## if(is.na(i)) { } # but should not happen with new objects ## else { ## S3Class <- classLabel(object@.S3Class) ## slots <- slots[! slots %in% names(slotsFromS3(object))] ## if(!identical(cl, S3Class)) { ## if(length(S3Class) > 1) ## cat(" (S3 class: c(", paste0('"', S3Class, '"', collapse = ", "), "))\n", sep="") ## else ## cat(" (S3 class: \"",S3Class, "\")\n", sep = "") ## } ## } ## for( cl2 in rev(extends(clDef))) ## if(!.identC(cl2, "oldClass") && extends(cl2, "oldClass")) { ## print(as(object, cl2), useS4 = FALSE) # see comment NBB below ## break ## } ## for(what in slots) { ## cat("Slot \"",what, "\":\n", sep="") ## print(slot(object, what)) ## cat("\n") ## } ## } else ## NBB: This relies on the delicate fact ## that print will NOT recursively call show if it gets more than one argument! print(object, useS4 = FALSE) invisible() # documented return for show(). } .extraSlotsDone <- new.env() # any unique reference value would do showExtraSlots <- function(object, ignore) { if(is(ignore, "classRepresentation")) ignore <- slotNames(ignore) else if(!is(ignore, "character")) stop(gettextf("invalid 'ignore' argument; should be a class definition or a character vector, got an object of class %s", dQuote(class(ignore))), domain = NA) slots <- slotNames(class(object)) for(s in slots[is.na(match(slots, ignore))]) { cat("Slot ",s, ":\n", sep="") show(slot(object, s)) } .extraSlotsDone # a signal not to call this function (again) } ## temporary definition of show, to become the default method ## when .InitShowMethods is called show <- function(object) showDefault(object, FALSE) .InitShowMethods <- function(envir) { if(!isGeneric("show", envir)) setGeneric("show", where = envir, simpleInheritanceOnly = TRUE) setMethod("show", "MethodDefinition", function(object) { cl <- class(object) nonStandard <- if(.identC(cl, "MethodDefinition")) "" else paste0(" (Class ", classLabel(cl),")") cat("Method Definition",nonStandard,":\n\n", sep = "") show(object@.Data) mm <- methodSignatureMatrix(object) cat("\nSignatures:\n") print(mm) }, where = envir) setMethod("show", "MethodWithNext", function(object) { callNextMethod() cat("\nExcluded from nextMethod:\n") print(unlist(object@excluded)) }, where = envir) setMethod("show", "genericFunction", function(object) { cat(class(object)," for \"", object@generic, "\" defined from package \"", object@package, "\"\n", sep = "") if(length(object@group)) cat(" belonging to group(s):", paste(unlist(object@group), collapse =", "), "\n") if(length(object@valueClass)) cat(" defined with value class: \"", object@valueClass, "\"\n", sep="") cat("\n") show(object@.Data) cat("Methods may be defined for arguments: ", paste(object@signature, collapse=", "), "\n", "Use showMethods(\"", object@generic, "\") for currently available ones.\n", sep="") if(.simpleInheritanceGeneric(object)) cat("(This generic function excludes non-simple inheritance; see ?setIs)\n"); }, where = envir) setMethod("show", "classRepresentation", function(object){ if(!.identC(class(object), "classRepresentation")) cat("Extended class definition (", classLabel(class(object)), ")\n") printClassRepresentation(object) }, where = envir) ## a show() method for the signature class setMethod("show", "signature", function(object) { message(gettextf("An object of class %s", dQuote(class(object))), domain = NA) val <- object@.Data names(val) <- object@names callNextMethod(val) } , where = envir) } .showPackage <- function(className) { if(is.logical(opt <- getOption("showPackageForClass"))) opt else is.list(.Call(C_R_getClassFromCache, as.character(className), .classTable)) } ## an informative string label for a class classLabel <- function(Class) { if(is.character(Class) && length(Class)) { className <- Class[[1L]] packageName <- attr(Class, "package") if(is.null(packageName)) packageName <- "" } else { if(is(Class, "classRepresentation")) { className <- Class@className packageName <- Class@package } else stop(gettextf("invalid call to 'classLabel': expected a name or a class definition, got an object of class %s", classLabel(class(Class))), domain = NA) } if(.showPackage(className)) { packageName <- if(identical(packageName, ".GlobalEnv")) " (from the global environment)" else paste0(" (from package \"", packageName, "\")") paste0('"', className, '"', packageName) } else paste0('"', className, '"') }