% File src/library/methods/man/methods-defunct.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2012 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{methods-defunct} \alias{methods-defunct} \alias{getAllMethods} \alias{mlistMetaName} \alias{removeMethodsObject} \alias{getAccess} \alias{getClassName} \alias{getClassPackage} \alias{getExtends} \alias{getProperties} \alias{getPrototype} \alias{getSubclasses} \alias{getVirtual} \alias{seemsS4Object} \alias{allGenerics} \alias{trySilent} \alias{traceOn} \alias{traceOff} \title{Defunct Functions in Package \pkg{methods}} \description{ Defunct functions in package \pkg{methods}. } \usage{ % Removed in 2.8.0 getAccess(ClassDef) getClassName(ClassDef) getClassPackage(ClassDef) getExtends(ClassDef) getProperties(ClassDef) getPrototype(ClassDef) getSubclasses(ClassDef) getVirtual(ClassDef) getAllMethods(f, fdef, where) mlistMetaName (name, package) removeMethodsObject(f, where) seemsS4Object(object) % Removed in 2.9.0 allGenerics() % Removed in 2.11.0 trySilent(expr) % Removed in 3.0.0 traceOn(what, tracer=browseAll, exit=NULL) traceOff(what) } \details{ The first block of functions should be replaced by direct access to the slots, or by use of higher-level alternatives. The functions and corresponding slots are: \tabular{ll}{ \code{getAccess} \tab \code{"access"} \cr \code{getClassName} \tab \code{"className"} \cr \code{getClassPackage} \tab \code{"package"} \cr \code{getExtends} \tab \code{"contains"} \cr \code{getProperties} \tab \code{"slots"} \cr \code{getPrototype} \tab \code{"prototype"} \cr \code{getSubclasses} \tab \code{"subclasses"} \cr \code{getVirtual} \tab \code{"virtual"} } \code{getAllMethods} replicated the behavior of \code{\link{getMethods}}, which should be called instead to obtain approximately the old behavior of \code{getAllMethods}. However, a better substitution is to use \code{\link{findMethods}}, which returns a simpler structure. \code{mlistMetaName} was a utility to return the mangled name for the object that stored the \code{MethodsList} representation of the methods for a particular generic function, typically in the environment of a package. These objects are no longer used. \code{removeMethodsObject} removed the metadata object containing methods for \code{f}. \code{seemsS4Object} was similar to \code{\link{isS4}} and superseded by the introduction of the S4 bit in \R 2.4.0. \code{allGenerics} is superseded by \code{\link{getGenerics}}. \code{trySilent(ex)} was a deprecated equivalent of \code{\link{try}(e, silent=TRUE)}; in \R programming it is typically more efficient and flexible to work with something like \code{\link{tryCatch}(ex, error = function(e) e)} instead. The functions \code{traceOn} and \code{traceOff} have been replaced by extended versions of the functions \code{\link{trace}} and \code{\link{untrace}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{Defunct}} } \keyword{internal}