% File src/library/parallel/man/clusterApply.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 2003-2014 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{clusterApply} \alias{clusterApply} \alias{clusterApplyLB} \alias{clusterCall} \alias{clusterEvalQ} \alias{clusterExport} \alias{clusterMap} \alias{clusterSplit} \alias{parApply} \alias{parCapply} \alias{parLapply} \alias{parRapply} \alias{parSapply} \alias{parLapplyLB} \alias{parSapplyLB} \title{Apply Operations using Clusters} \description{ These functions provide several ways to parallelize computations using a cluster. } \usage{ clusterCall(cl = NULL, fun, ...) clusterApply(cl = NULL, x, fun, ...) clusterApplyLB(cl = NULL, x, fun, ...) clusterEvalQ(cl = NULL, expr) clusterExport(cl = NULL, varlist, envir = .GlobalEnv) clusterMap(cl = NULL, fun, ..., MoreArgs = NULL, RECYCLE = TRUE, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE, .scheduling = c("static", "dynamic")) clusterSplit(cl = NULL, seq) parLapply(cl = NULL, X, fun, ...) parSapply(cl = NULL, X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE) parApply(cl = NULL, X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) parRapply(cl = NULL, x, FUN, ...) parCapply(cl = NULL, x, FUN, ...) parLapplyLB(cl = NULL, X, fun, ...) parSapplyLB(cl = NULL, X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{cl}{a cluster object, created by this package or by package \CRANpkg{snow}. If \code{NULL}, use the registered default cluster.} \item{fun, FUN}{function or character string naming a function.} \item{expr}{expression to evaluate.} \item{seq}{vector to split.} \item{varlist}{character vector of names of objects to export.} \item{envir}{environment from which t export variables} \item{x}{a vector for \code{clusterApply} and \code{clusterApplyLB}, a matrix for \code{parRapply} and \code{parCapply}.} \item{...}{additional arguments to pass to \code{fun} or \code{FUN}: beware of partial matching to earlier arguments.} \item{MoreArgs}{additional arguments for \code{fun}.} \item{RECYCLE}{logical; if true shorter arguments are recycled.} \item{X}{A vector (atomic or list) for \code{parLapply} and \code{parSapply}, an array for \code{parApply}.} \item{MARGIN}{vector specifying the dimensions to use.} \item{simplify, USE.NAMES}{logical; see \code{\link{sapply}}.} \item{SIMPLIFY}{logical; see \code{\link{mapply}}.} \item{.scheduling}{should tasks be statically allocated to nodes or dynamic load-balancing used?} } \details{ \code{clusterCall} calls a function \code{fun} with identical arguments \code{...} on each node. \code{clusterEvalQ} evaluates a literal expression on each cluster node. It is a parallel version of \code{\link{evalq}}, and is a convenience function invoking \code{clusterCall}. \code{clusterApply} calls \code{fun} on the first node with arguments \code{seq[[1]]} and \code{...}, on the second node with \code{seq[[2]]} and \code{...}, and so on, recycling nodes as needed. \code{clusterApplyLB} is a load balancing version of \code{clusterApply}. If the length \code{p} of \code{seq} is not greater than the number of nodes \code{n}, then a job is sent to \code{p} nodes. Otherwise the first \code{n} jobs are placed in order on the \code{n} nodes. When the first job completes, the next job is placed on the node that has become free; this continues until all jobs are complete. Using \code{clusterApplyLB} can result in better cluster utilization than using \code{clusterApply}, but increased communication can reduce performance. Furthermore, the node that executes a particular job is non-deterministic. \code{clusterMap} is a multi-argument version of \code{clusterApply}, analogous to \code{\link{mapply}} and \code{\link{Map}}. If \code{RECYCLE} is true shorter arguments are recycled (and either none or all must be of length zero); otherwise, the result length is the length of the shortest argument. Nodes are recycled if the length of the result is greater than the number of nodes. (\code{mapply} always uses \code{RECYCLE = TRUE}, and has argument \code{SIMPLIFY = TRUE}. \code{Map} always uses \code{RECYCLE = TRUE}.) \code{clusterExport} assigns the values on the master \R process of the variables named in \code{varlist} to variables of the same names in the global environment (aka \sQuote{workspace}) of each node. The environment on the master from which variables are exported defaults to the global environment. \code{clusterSplit} splits \code{seq} into a consecutive piece for each cluster and returns the result as a list with length equal to the number of nodes. Currently the pieces are chosen to be close to equal in length: the computation is done on the master. \code{parLapply}, \code{parSapply}, and \code{parApply} are parallel versions of \code{lapply}, \code{sapply} and \code{apply}. \code{parLapplyLB}, \code{parSapplyLB} are load-balancing versions, intended for use when applying \code{FUN} to different elements of \code{X} takes quite variable amounts of time, and either the function is deterministic or reproducible results are not required. \code{parRapply} and \code{parCapply} are parallel row and column \code{apply} functions for a matrix \code{x}; they may be slightly more efficient than \code{parApply} but do less post-processing of the result. } \value{ For \code{clusterCall}, \code{clusterEvalQ} and \code{clusterSplit}, a list with one element per node. For \code{clusterApply} and \code{clusterApplyLB}, a list the same length as \code{seq}. \code{clusterMap} follows \code{\link{mapply}}. \code{clusterExport} returns nothing. \code{parLapply} returns a list the length of \code{X}. \code{parSapply} and \code{parApply} follow \code{\link{sapply}} and \code{\link{apply}} respectively. \code{parRapply} and \code{parCapply} always return a vector. If \code{FUN} always returns a scalar result this will be of length the number of rows or columns: otherwise it will be the concatenation of the returned values. An error is signalled on the master if any of the workers produces an error. } \note{ These functions are almost identical to those in package \CRANpkg{snow}. Two exceptions: \code{parLapply} has argument \code{X} not \code{x} for consistency with \code{\link{lapply}}, and \code{parSapply} has been updated to match \code{\link{sapply}}. } \author{ Luke Tierney and R Core. Derived from the \CRANpkg{snow} package. } % donttest, as access to ports might be denied. Tested in the 'tests' directory \examples{\donttest{ ## Use option cl.cores to choose an appropriate cluster size. cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", 2)) clusterApply(cl, 1:2, get("+"), 3) xx <- 1 clusterExport(cl, "xx") clusterCall(cl, function(y) xx + y, 2) ## Use clusterMap like an mapply example clusterMap(cl, function(x, y) seq_len(x) + y, c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3), c(A = 10, B = 0, C = -10)) parSapply(cl, 1:20, get("+"), 3) ## A bootstrapping example, which can be done in many ways: clusterEvalQ(cl, { ## set up each worker. Could also use clusterExport() library(boot) cd4.rg <- function(data, mle) MASS::mvrnorm(nrow(data), mle$m, mle$v) cd4.mle <- list(m = colMeans(cd4), v = var(cd4)) NULL }) res <- clusterEvalQ(cl, boot(cd4, corr, R = 100, sim = "parametric", ran.gen = cd4.rg, mle = cd4.mle)) library(boot) cd4.boot <- do.call(c, res) boot.ci(cd4.boot, type = c("norm", "basic", "perc"), conf = 0.9, h = atanh, hinv = tanh) stopCluster(cl) ## or library(boot) run1 <- function(...) { library(boot) cd4.rg <- function(data, mle) MASS::mvrnorm(nrow(data), mle$m, mle$v) cd4.mle <- list(m = colMeans(cd4), v = var(cd4)) boot(cd4, corr, R = 500, sim = "parametric", ran.gen = cd4.rg, mle = cd4.mle) } cl <- makeCluster(mc <- getOption("cl.cores", 2)) ## to make this reproducible clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123) cd4.boot <- do.call(c, parLapply(cl, seq_len(mc), run1)) boot.ci(cd4.boot, type = c("norm", "basic", "perc"), conf = 0.9, h = atanh, hinv = tanh) stopCluster(cl) }}