# File src/library/stats/R/HoltWinters.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 2002-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ # Originally contributed by David Meyer HoltWinters <- function (x, # smoothing parameters alpha = NULL, # level beta = NULL, # trend gamma = NULL, # seasonal component seasonal = c("additive", "multiplicative"), start.periods = 2, # starting values l.start = NULL, # level b.start = NULL, # trend s.start = NULL, # seasonal components vector of length `period' # starting values for optim optim.start = c(alpha = 0.3, beta = 0.1, gamma = 0.1), optim.control = list() ) { x <- as.ts(x) seasonal <- match.arg(seasonal) f <- frequency(x) if(!is.null(alpha) && (alpha == 0)) stop ("cannot fit models without level ('alpha' must not be 0 or FALSE)") if(!all(is.null(c(alpha, beta, gamma))) && any(c(alpha, beta, gamma) < 0 || c(alpha, beta, gamma) > 1)) stop ("'alpha', 'beta' and 'gamma' must be within the unit interval") if((is.null(gamma) || gamma > 0)) { if (seasonal == "multiplicative" && any(x == 0)) stop ("data must be non-zero for multiplicative Holt-Winters") if (start.periods < 2) stop ("need at least 2 periods to compute seasonal start values") } ## initialization if(!is.null(gamma) && is.logical(gamma) && !gamma) { ## non-seasonal Holt-Winters expsmooth <- !is.null(beta) && is.logical(beta) && !beta if(is.null(l.start)) l.start <- if(expsmooth) x[1L] else x[2L] if(is.null(b.start)) if(is.null(beta) || !is.logical(beta) || beta) b.start <- x[2L] - x[1L] start.time <- 3 - expsmooth s.start <- 0 } else { ## seasonal Holt-Winters start.time <- f + 1 wind <- start.periods * f ## decompose series st <- decompose(ts(x[1L:wind], start = start(x), frequency = f), seasonal) if (is.null(l.start) || is.null(b.start)) { ## level & intercept dat <- na.omit(st$trend) cf <- coef(.lm.fit(x=cbind(1,seq_along(dat)), y=dat)) if (is.null(l.start)) l.start <- cf[1L] if (is.null(b.start)) b.start <- cf[2L] } if (is.null(s.start)) s.start <- st$figure } ## Call to filtering loop lenx <- as.integer(length(x)) if (is.na(lenx)) stop("invalid length(x)") len <- lenx - start.time + 1 hw <- function(alpha, beta, gamma) .C(C_HoltWinters, as.double(x), lenx, as.double(max(min(alpha, 1), 0)), as.double(max(min(beta, 1), 0)), as.double(max(min(gamma, 1), 0)), as.integer(start.time), ## no idea why this is so: same as seasonal != "multiplicative" as.integer(! + (seasonal == "multiplicative")), as.integer(f), as.integer(!is.logical(beta) || beta), as.integer(!is.logical(gamma) || gamma), a = as.double(l.start), b = as.double(b.start), s = as.double(s.start), ## return values SSE = as.double(0), level = double(len + 1L), trend = double(len + 1L), seasonal = double(len + f) ) ## if alpha and/or beta and/or gamma are omitted, use optim to find the ## values minimizing the squared prediction error if (is.null(gamma)) { ## optimize gamma if (is.null(alpha)) { ## optimize alpha if (is.null(beta)) { ## optimize beta ## --> optimize alpha, beta, and gamma error <- function (p) hw(p[1L], p[2L], p[3L])$SSE sol <- optim(optim.start, error, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(0, 0, 0), upper = c(1, 1, 1), control = optim.control) if(sol$convergence || any(sol$par < 0 | sol$par > 1)) { if (sol$convergence > 50) { warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s", sol$message), domain = NA) } else stop("optimization failure") } alpha <- sol$par[1L] beta <- sol$par[2L] gamma <- sol$par[3L] } else { ## !optimize beta ## --> optimize alpha and gamma error <- function (p) hw(p[1L], beta, p[2L])$SSE sol <- optim(c(optim.start["alpha"], optim.start["gamma"]), error, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(1, 1), control = optim.control) if(sol$convergence || any(sol$par < 0 | sol$par > 1)) { if (sol$convergence > 50) { warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s", sol$message), domain = NA) } else stop("optimization failure") } alpha <- sol$par[1L] gamma <- sol$par[2L] } } else { ## !optimize alpha if (is.null(beta)) { ## optimize beta ## --> optimize beta and gamma error <- function (p) hw(alpha, p[1L], p[2L])$SSE sol <- optim(c(optim.start["beta"], optim.start["gamma"]), error, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(1, 1), control = optim.control) if(sol$convergence || any(sol$par < 0 | sol$par > 1)) { if (sol$convergence > 50) { warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s", sol$message), domain = NA) } else stop("optimization failure") } beta <- sol$par[1L] gamma <- sol$par[2L] } else { ## !optimize beta ## --> optimize gamma error <- function (p) hw(alpha, beta, p)$SSE gamma <- optimize(error, lower = 0, upper = 1)$minimum } } } else { ## !optimize gamma if (is.null(alpha)) { ## optimize alpha if (is.null(beta)) { ## optimize beta ## --> optimize alpha and beta error <- function (p) hw(p[1L], p[2L], gamma)$SSE sol <- optim(c(optim.start["alpha"], optim.start["beta"]), error, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(1, 1), control = optim.control) if(sol$convergence || any(sol$par < 0 | sol$par > 1)) { if (sol$convergence > 50) { warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s", sol$message), domain = NA) } else stop("optimization failure") } alpha <- sol$par[1L] beta <- sol$par[2L] } else { ## !optimize beta ## --> optimize alpha error <- function (p) hw(p, beta, gamma)$SSE alpha <- optimize(error, lower = 0, upper = 1)$minimum } } else { ## !optimize alpha if(is.null(beta)) { ## optimize beta ## --> optimize beta error <- function (p) hw(alpha, p, gamma)$SSE beta <- optimize(error, lower = 0, upper = 1)$minimum } ## else optimize nothing! } } ## get (final) results final.fit <- hw(alpha, beta, gamma) ## return fitted values and estimated coefficients along with parameters used fitted <- ts(cbind(xhat = final.fit$level[-len-1], level = final.fit$level[-len-1], trend = if (!is.logical(beta) || beta) final.fit$trend[-len-1], season = if (!is.logical(gamma) || gamma) final.fit$seasonal[1L:len]), start = start(lag(x, k = 1 - start.time)), frequency = frequency(x) ) if (!is.logical(beta) || beta) fitted[,1] <- fitted[,1] + fitted[,"trend"] if (!is.logical(gamma) || gamma) fitted[,1] <- if (seasonal == "multiplicative") fitted[,1] * fitted[,"season"] else fitted[,1] + fitted[,"season"] structure(list(fitted = fitted, x = x, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, gamma = gamma, coefficients = c(a = final.fit$level[len + 1], b = if (!is.logical(beta) || beta) final.fit$trend[len + 1], s = if (!is.logical(gamma) || gamma) final.fit$seasonal[len + 1L:f]), seasonal = seasonal, SSE = final.fit$SSE, call = match.call() ), class = "HoltWinters" ) } ## Predictions, optionally with prediction intervals predict.HoltWinters <- function (object, n.ahead = 1L, prediction.interval = FALSE, level = 0.95, ...) { f <- frequency(object$x) vars <- function(h) { psi <- function(j) object$alpha * (1 + j * object$beta) + (j %% f == 0) * object$gamma * (1 - object$alpha) var(residuals(object)) * if (object$seasonal == "additive") sum(1, (h > 1) * sapply(1L:(h-1), function(j) crossprod(psi(j)))) else { rel <- 1 + (h - 1) %% f sum(sapply(0:(h-1), function(j) crossprod (psi(j) * object$coefficients[2 + rel] / object$coefficients[2 + (rel - j) %% f]))) } } ## compute predictions # level fit <- rep(as.vector(object$coefficients[1L]) ,n.ahead) # trend if (!is.logical(object$beta) || object$beta) fit <- fit + as.vector((1L:n.ahead)*object$coefficients[2L]) # seasonal component if (!is.logical(object$gamma) || object$gamma) if (object$seasonal == "additive") fit <- fit + rep(object$coefficients[-(1L:(1+(!is.logical(object$beta) || object$beta)))], length.out=length(fit)) else fit <- fit * rep(object$coefficients[-(1L:(1+(!is.logical(object$beta) || object$beta)))], length.out=length(fit)) ## compute prediction intervals if (prediction.interval) int <- qnorm((1 + level) / 2) * sqrt(sapply(1L:n.ahead,vars)) ts( cbind(fit = fit, upr = if(prediction.interval) fit + int, lwr = if(prediction.interval) fit - int ), start = end(lag(fitted(object)[,1], k = -1)), frequency = frequency(fitted(object)[,1]) ) } residuals.HoltWinters <- function (object, ...) object$x - object$fitted[,1] plot.HoltWinters <- function (x, predicted.values = NA, intervals = TRUE, separator = TRUE, col = 1, col.predicted = 2, col.intervals = 4, col.separator = 1, lty = 1, lty.predicted = 1, lty.intervals = 1, lty.separator = 3, ylab = "Observed / Fitted", main = "Holt-Winters filtering", ylim = NULL, ...) { if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(na.omit(c(fitted(x)[,1], x$x, predicted.values))) preds <- length(predicted.values) > 1 || !is.na(predicted.values) dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush()) ## plot fitted/predicted values plot(ts(c(fitted(x)[,1], if(preds) predicted.values[,1]), start = start(fitted(x)[,1]), frequency = frequency(fitted(x)[,1])), col = col.predicted, ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, main = main, lty = lty.predicted, ... ) ## plot prediction interval if(preds && intervals && ncol(predicted.values) > 1) { lines(predicted.values[,2], col = col.intervals, lty = lty.intervals) lines(predicted.values[,3], col = col.intervals, lty = lty.intervals) } ## plot observed values lines(x$x, col = col, lty = lty) ## plot separator if (separator && preds) abline (v = time(x$x)[length(x$x)], lty = lty.separator, col = col.separator) } ## print function print.HoltWinters <- function (x, ...) { cat("Holt-Winters exponential smoothing", if (is.logical(x$beta) && !x$beta) "without" else "with", "trend and", if (is.logical(x$gamma) && !x$gamma) "without" else paste0(if (is.logical(x$beta) && !x$beta) "with ", x$seasonal), "seasonal component.") cat("\n\nCall:\n", deparse (x$call), "\n\n", sep = "") cat("Smoothing parameters:\n") cat(" alpha: ", x$alpha, "\n", sep = "") cat(" beta : ", x$beta, "\n", sep = "") cat(" gamma: ", x$gamma, "\n\n", sep = "") cat("Coefficients:\n") print(t(t(x$coefficients))) invisible(x) } # decompose additive/multiplicative series into trend/seasonal figures/noise decompose <- function (x, type = c("additive", "multiplicative"), filter = NULL) { type <- match.arg(type) l <- length(x) f <- frequency(x) if (f <= 1 || length(na.omit(x)) < 2 * f) stop("time series has no or less than 2 periods") ## filter out seasonal components if (is.null(filter)) filter <- if (!f %% 2) c(0.5, rep_len(1, f - 1), 0.5) / f else rep_len(1, f) / f trend <- filter(x, filter) ## compute seasonal components season <- if (type == "additive") x - trend else x / trend ## average seasonal figures periods <- l %/% f index <- seq.int(1L, l, by = f) - 1L figure <- numeric(f) for (i in 1L:f) figure[i] <- mean(season[index + i], na.rm = TRUE) ## normalize figure figure <- if (type == "additive") figure - mean(figure) else figure / mean(figure) seasonal <- ts(rep(figure, periods+1)[seq_len(l)], start = start(x), frequency = f) ## return values structure(list(x = x, seasonal = seasonal, trend = trend, random = if (type == "additive") x - seasonal - trend else x / seasonal / trend, figure = figure, type = type), class = "decomposed.ts") } plot.decomposed.ts <- function(x, ...) { xx <- x$x # added in 2.14.0 if(is.null(xx)) xx <- with(x, if (type == "additive") random + trend + seasonal else random * trend * seasonal) plot(cbind(observed = xx, trend = x$trend, seasonal = x$seasonal, random = x$random ), main = paste("Decomposition of", x$type, "time series"), ...) }