# File src/library/stats/R/arma0.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1999-2012 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ arima0 <- function(x, order = c(0, 0, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 0, 0), period = NA), xreg = NULL, include.mean = TRUE, delta = 0.01, transform.pars = TRUE, fixed = NULL, init = NULL, method = c("ML", "CSS"), n.cond, optim.control = list()) { arma0f <- function(p) { par <- as.double(fixed) par[mask] <- p .Call(C_arma0fa, G, par) } arCheck <- function(ar) { p <- max(which(c(1, -ar) != 0)) - 1 if(!p) return(TRUE) all(Mod(polyroot(c(1, -ar[1L:p]))) > 1) } maInvert <- function(ma) { ## polyroot can't cope with leading zero. q <- length(ma) q0 <- max(which(c(1,ma) != 0)) - 1 if(!q0) return(ma) roots <- polyroot(c(1, ma[1L:q0])) ind <- Mod(roots) < 1 if(all(!ind)) return(ma) warning("converting non-invertible initial MA values") if(q0 == 1) return(c(1/ma[1L], rep(0, q-q0))) roots[ind] <- 1/roots[ind] x <- 1 for(r in roots) x <- c(x, 0) - c(0, x)/r c(Re(x[-1L]), rep(0, q-q0)) } series <- deparse(substitute(x)) if(NCOL(x) > 1) stop("only implemented for univariate time series") method <- match.arg(method) x <- as.ts(x) if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("'x' must be numeric") dim(x) <- NULL n <- length(x) if(!missing(order)) if(!is.numeric(order) || length(order) != 3L || any(order < 0)) stop("'order' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 3") if(!missing(seasonal)) if(is.list(seasonal)) { if(is.null(seasonal$order)) stop("'seasonal' must be a list with component 'order'") if(!is.numeric(seasonal$order) || length(seasonal$order) != 3L || any(seasonal$order < 0)) stop("'seasonal$order' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 3") } else if(is.numeric(order)) { if(length(order) == 3) seasonal <- list(order=seasonal) else ("'seasonal' is of the wrong length") } else stop("'seasonal' must be a list with component 'order'") if(is.null(seasonal$period) || is.na(seasonal$period) || seasonal$period == 0) seasonal$period <- frequency(x) arma <- c(order[-2L], seasonal$order[-2L], seasonal$period, order[2L], seasonal$order[2L]) narma <- sum(arma[1L:4L]) if(d <- order[2L]) x <- diff(x, 1, d) if(d <- seasonal$order[2L]) x <- diff(x, seasonal$period, d) xtsp <- tsp(x) tsp(x) <- NULL nd <- order[2L] + seasonal$order[2L] n.used <- length(x) ncond <- n - n.used if(method == "CSS") { ncond1 <- order[1L] + seasonal$period * seasonal$order[1L] ncond <- if(!missing(n.cond)) ncond + max(n.cond, ncond1) else ncond + ncond1 } if(is.null(xreg)) { ncxreg <- 0 } else { if(NROW(xreg) != n) stop("lengths of 'x' and 'xreg' do not match") ncxreg <- NCOL(xreg) } class(xreg) <- NULL if(include.mean && (nd == 0)) { if(is.matrix(xreg) && is.null(colnames(xreg))) colnames(xreg) <- paste0("xreg", 1L:ncxreg) xreg <- cbind(intercept = rep_len(1, n), xreg = xreg) ncxreg <- ncxreg + 1 } if (is.null(fixed)) fixed <- rep_len(NA_real_, narma + ncxreg) else if(length(fixed) != narma + ncxreg) stop("wrong length for 'fixed'") mask <- is.na(fixed) if(!any(mask)) stop("all parameters were fixed") if(transform.pars && any(!mask[1L:narma])) { warning("some ARMA parameters were fixed: setting transform.pars = FALSE") transform.pars <- FALSE } if(ncxreg) { if(d <- order[2L]) xreg <- diff(xreg, 1, d) if(d <- seasonal$order[2L]) xreg <- diff(xreg, seasonal$period, d) xreg <- as.matrix(xreg) if(qr(na.omit(xreg))$rank < ncol(xreg)) stop("'xreg' is collinear") if(is.null(cn <- colnames(xreg))) cn <- paste0("xreg", 1L:ncxreg) } if(anyNA(x) || (ncxreg && anyNA(xreg))) ## only exact recursions handle NAs if(method == "ML" && delta >= 0) { warning("NAs present: setting 'delta' to -1") delta <- -1 } init0 <- rep_len(0, narma) parscale <- rep_len(1, narma) if (ncxreg) { orig.xreg <- (ncxreg == 1) || any(!mask[narma + 1L:ncxreg]) if(!orig.xreg) { S <- svd(na.omit(xreg)) xreg <- xreg %*% S$v } fit <- lm(x ~ xreg - 1, na.action = na.omit) init0 <- c(init0, coef(fit)) ses <- summary(fit)$coefficients[,2] parscale <- c(parscale, ses) } storage.mode(x) <- storage.mode(xreg) <- "double" if(method == "CSS") transform.pars <- 0 G <- .Call(C_setup_starma, as.integer(arma), x, n.used, xreg, ncxreg, delta, transform.pars > 0, ncond - (n - n.used)) on.exit(.Call(C_free_starma, G)) if(!is.null(init)) { if(length(init) != length(init0)) stop("'init' is of the wrong length") if(any(ind <- is.na(init))) init[ind] <- init0[ind] if(transform.pars) { if(any(!mask[1L:narma])) warning("transformed ARMA parameters were fixed") ## check stationarity if(arma[1L] > 0) if(!arCheck(init[1L:arma[1L]])) stop("non-stationary AR part") if(arma[3L] > 0) if(!arCheck(init[sum(arma[1L:2]) + 1L:arma[3L]])) stop("non-stationary seasonal AR part") ## enforce invertibility if(arma[2L] > 0) { ind <- arma[1L] + 1L:arma[2L] init[ind] <- maInvert(init[ind]) } if(arma[4L] > 0) { ind <- sum(arma[1L:3]) + 1L:arma[4L] init[ind] <- maInvert(init[ind]) } init <- .Call(C_Invtrans, G, as.double(init)) } } else init <- init0 .Call(C_Starma_method, G, method == "CSS") if(!("parscale" %in% names(optim.control))) optim.control$parscale <- parscale[mask] res <- optim(init[mask], arma0f, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE, control = optim.control) if((code <- res$convergence) > 0) warning(gettextf("possible convergence problem: optim gave code = %d", code), domain = NA) coef <- res$par if(transform.pars) { cf <- fixed cf[mask] <- coef ## do it this way to ensure hessian was computed inside ## stationarity region A <- .Call(C_Gradtrans, G, as.double(cf))[mask, mask] var <- t(A) %*% solve(res$hessian*length(x)) %*% A coef <- .Call(C_Dotrans, G, as.double(cf))[mask] .Call(C_set_trans, G, 0) } else var <- solve(res$hessian*length(x)) arma0f(coef) # reset pars sigma2 <- .Call(C_get_s2, G) resid <- .Call(C_get_resid, G) tsp(resid) <- xtsp class(resid) <- "ts" n.used <- sum(!is.na(resid)) nm <- NULL if(arma[1L] > 0) nm <- c(nm, paste0("ar", 1L:arma[1L])) if(arma[2L] > 0) nm <- c(nm, paste0("ma", 1L:arma[2L])) if(arma[3L] > 0) nm <- c(nm, paste0("sar", 1L:arma[3L])) if(arma[4L] > 0) nm <- c(nm, paste0("sma", 1L:arma[4L])) fixed[mask] <- coef if(ncxreg > 0) { nm <- c(nm, cn) if(!orig.xreg) { ind <- narma + 1L:ncxreg fixed[ind] <- S$v %*% fixed[ind] A <- diag(narma + ncxreg) A[ind, ind] <- S$v A <- A[mask, mask] var <- A %*% var %*% t(A) } } names(fixed) <- nm names(arma) <- c("ar", "ma", "sar", "sma", "period", "diff", "sdiff") dimnames(var) <- list(nm[mask], nm[mask]) value <- 2 * n.used * res$value + n.used + n.used*log(2*pi) aic <- if(method != "CSS") value + 2*length(coef) + 2 else NA res <- list(coef = fixed, sigma2 = sigma2, var.coef = var, mask = mask, loglik = -0.5*value, aic = aic, arma = arma, residuals = resid, call = match.call(), series = series, code = code, n.cond = ncond) class(res) <- "arima0" res } print.arima0 <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), se = TRUE, ...) { cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 75L), "", sep = "\n") cat("Coefficients:\n") coef <- round(x$coef, digits = digits) if (se && nrow(x$var.coef)) { ses <- rep_len(0, length(coef)) ses[x$mask] <- round(sqrt(diag(x$var.coef)), digits = digits) coef <- matrix(coef, 1, dimnames = list(NULL, names(coef))) coef <- rbind(coef, s.e. = ses) } print.default(coef, print.gap = 2) cm <- x$call$method if(is.null(cm) || cm != "CSS") cat("\nsigma^2 estimated as ", format(x$sigma2, digits = digits), ": log likelihood = ", format(round(x$loglik,2)), ", aic = ", format(round(x$aic,2)), "\n", sep = "") else cat("\nsigma^2 estimated as ", format(x$sigma2, digits = digits), ": part log likelihood = ", format(round(x$loglik,2)), "\n", sep = "") invisible(x) } predict.arima0 <- function(object, n.ahead = 1L, newxreg = NULL, se.fit=TRUE, ...) { myNCOL <- function(x) if(is.null(x)) 0 else NCOL(x) data <- eval.parent(parse(text = object$series)) xr <- object$call$xreg xreg <- if(!is.null(xr)) eval.parent(xr) else NULL ncxreg <- myNCOL(xreg) if(myNCOL(newxreg) != ncxreg) stop("'xreg' and 'newxreg' have different numbers of columns") class(xreg) <- NULL xtsp <- tsp(object$residuals) n <- length(data) arma <- object$arma coefs <- object$coef narma <- sum(arma[1L:4L]) if(length(coefs) > narma) { if(names(coefs)[narma+1] == "intercept") { xreg <- cbind(intercept = rep_len(1, n), xreg) newxreg <- cbind(intercept = rep_len(1, n.ahead), newxreg) ncxreg <- ncxreg+1 } data <- data - as.matrix(xreg) %*% coefs[-(1L:narma)] xm <- drop(as.matrix(newxreg) %*% coefs[-(1L:narma)]) } else xm <- 0 ## check invertibility of MA part(s) if(arma[2L] > 0) { ma <- coefs[arma[1L] + 1L:arma[2L]] if(any(Mod(polyroot(c(1, ma))) < 1)) warning("MA part of model is not invertible") } if(arma[4L] > 0) { ma <- coefs[sum(arma[1L:3L]) + 1L:arma[4L]] if(any(Mod(polyroot(c(1, ma))) < 1)) warning("seasonal MA part of model is not invertible") } storage.mode(data) <- "double" G <- .Call(C_setup_starma, as.integer(arma), data, n, rep_len(0., n), 0., -1., 0., 0.) on.exit(.Call(C_free_starma, G)) .Call(C_Starma_method, G, TRUE) .Call(C_arma0fa, G, as.double(coefs)) z <- .Call(C_arma0_kfore, G, arma[6L], arma[7L], n.ahead) pred <- ts(z[[1L]] + xm, start = xtsp[2L] + deltat(data), frequency = xtsp[3L]) if(se.fit) { se <- ts(sqrt(z[[2L]]), start = xtsp[2L] + deltat(data), frequency = xtsp[3L]) return(list(pred=pred, se=se)) } else return(pred) } arima0.diag <- function(...) .Defunct() tsdiag.Arima <- tsdiag.arima0 <- function(object, gof.lag = 10, ...) { ## plot standardized residuals, acf of residuals, Ljung-Box p-values oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1)) on.exit(par(oldpar)) rs <- object$residuals stdres <- rs/sqrt(object$sigma2) plot(stdres, type = "h", main = "Standardized Residuals", ylab = "") abline(h = 0) acf(object$residuals, plot = TRUE, main = "ACF of Residuals", na.action = na.pass) nlag <- gof.lag pval <- numeric(nlag) for(i in 1L:nlag) pval[i] <- Box.test(rs, i, type="Ljung-Box")$p.value plot(1L:nlag, pval, xlab = "lag", ylab = "p value", ylim = c(0,1), main = "p values for Ljung-Box statistic") abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2, col = "blue") } tsdiag <- function(object, gof.lag, ...) UseMethod("tsdiag")