# File src/library/stats/R/dist.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2012 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ dist <- function(x, method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, p = 2) { ## account for possible spellings of euclid?an if(!is.na(pmatch(method, "euclidian"))) method <- "euclidean" METHODS <- c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary", "minkowski") method <- pmatch(method, METHODS) if(is.na(method)) stop("invalid distance method") if(method == -1) stop("ambiguous distance method") x <- as.matrix(x) N <- nrow(x) attrs <- if(method == 6L) list(Size = N, Labels = dimnames(x)[[1L]], Diag = diag, Upper = upper, method = METHODS[method], p = p, call = match.call(), class = "dist") else list(Size = N, Labels = dimnames(x)[[1L]], Diag = diag, Upper = upper, method = METHODS[method], call = match.call(), class = "dist") .Call(C_Cdist, x, method, attrs, p) } format.dist <- function(x, ...) format(as.vector(x), ...) as.matrix.dist <- function(x, ...) { size <- attr(x, "Size") df <- matrix(0, size, size) df[row(df) > col(df)] <- x df <- df + t(df) labels <- attr(x, "Labels") dimnames(df) <- if(is.null(labels)) list(seq_len(size), seq_len(size)) else list(labels,labels) df } as.dist <- function(m, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE) UseMethod("as.dist") as.dist.default <- function(m, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE) { if (inherits(m,"dist")) ans <- m else { ## matrix |-> dist m <- as.matrix(m) if(!is.numeric(m)) # coerce w/o losing attributes storage.mode(m) <- "numeric" p <- nrow(m) if(ncol(m) != p) warning("non-square matrix") ans <- m[row(m) > col(m)] attributes(ans) <- NULL if(!is.null(rownames(m))) attr(ans,"Labels") <- rownames(m) else if(!is.null(colnames(m))) attr(ans,"Labels") <- colnames(m) attr(ans,"Size") <- p attr(ans, "call") <- match.call() class(ans) <- "dist" } if(is.null(attr(ans,"Diag")) || !missing(diag)) attr(ans,"Diag") <- diag if(is.null(attr(ans,"Upper")) || !missing(upper)) attr(ans,"Upper") <- upper ans } print.dist <- function(x, diag = NULL, upper = NULL, digits = getOption("digits"), justify = "none", right = TRUE, ...) { if(length(x)) { if(is.null(diag)) diag <- if(is.null(a <- attr(x, "Diag"))) FALSE else a if(is.null(upper)) upper <- if(is.null(a <- attr(x,"Upper"))) FALSE else a m <- as.matrix(x) cf <- format(m, digits = digits, justify = justify) if(!upper) cf[row(cf) < col(cf)] <- "" if(!diag) cf[row(cf) == col(cf)] <- "" ## Better: use an improved prettyNum() function -> ../../base/R/format.R ##- if(any((i <- m == floor(m)))) ##- cf[i] <- sub("0+$", "", cf[i]) print(if(diag || upper) cf else cf[-1, -attr(x, "Size"), drop = FALSE], quote = FALSE, right = right, ...) } else { cat(data.class(x),"(0)\n", sep = "") } invisible(x) } labels.dist <- function (object, ...) attr(object,"Labels")