# File src/library/stats/R/identify.hclust.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2012 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ rect.hclust <- function(tree, k=NULL, which=NULL, x=NULL, h=NULL, border=2, cluster=NULL) { if(length(h) > 1L | length(k) > 1L) stop("'k' and 'h' must be a scalar") if(!is.null(h)){ if(!is.null(k)) stop("specify exactly one of 'k' and 'h'") k <- min(which(rev(tree$height) length(tree$height)) stop(gettextf("k must be between 2 and %d", length(tree$height)), domain = NA) if(is.null(cluster)) cluster <- cutree(tree, k=k) ## cutree returns classes sorted by data, we need classes ## as occurring in the tree (from left to right) clustab <- table(cluster)[unique(cluster[tree$order])] m <- c(0, cumsum(clustab)) if(!is.null(x)){ if(!is.null(which)) stop("specify exactly one of 'which' and 'x'") which <- x for(n in seq_along(x)) which[n] <- max(which(mk)) stop(gettextf("all elements of 'which' must be between 1 and %d", k), domain = NA) border <- rep_len(border, length(which)) retval <- list() for(n in seq_along(which)) { rect(m[which[n]]+0.66, par("usr")[3L], m[which[n]+1]+0.33, mean(rev(tree$height)[(k-1):k]), border = border[n]) retval[[n]] <- which(cluster==as.integer(names(clustab)[which[n]])) } invisible(retval) } identify.hclust <- function(x, FUN = NULL, N = 20, MAXCLUSTER = 20, DEV.FUN = NULL, ...) { cluster <- cutree(x, k = 2:MAXCLUSTER) retval <- list() oldk <- NULL oldx <- NULL DEV.x <- dev.cur() for(n in 1L:N){ dev.set(DEV.x) X <- locator(1) if(is.null(X)) break k <- min(which(rev(x$height) < X$y), MAXCLUSTER) k <- max(k, 2) if(!is.null(oldx)){ rect.hclust(x, k = oldk, x = oldx, cluster = cluster[, oldk-1], border = "grey") } retval[[n]] <- unlist(rect.hclust(x, k = k, x = X$x, cluster = cluster[, k-1], border = "red")) if(!is.null(FUN)){ if(!is.null(DEV.FUN)){ dev.set(DEV.FUN) } retval[[n]] <- FUN(retval[[n]], ...) } oldx <- X$x oldk <- k } dev.set(DEV.x) invisible(retval) }