# File src/library/stats/R/mlm.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1998 B. D. Ripley # Copyright (C) 1998-2012 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ ## mlm := multivariate lm() summary.mlm <- function(object, ...) { coef <- coef(object) ny <- ncol(coef) effects <- object$effects resid <- object$residuals fitted <- object$fitted.values ynames <- colnames(coef) if(is.null(ynames)) { lhs <- object$terms[[2L]] if(mode(lhs) == "call" && lhs[[1L]] == "cbind") ynames <- as.character(lhs)[-1L] else ynames <- paste0("Y", seq_len(ny)) } ## we need to ensure that _all_ responses are named ind <- ynames == "" if(any(ind)) ynames[ind] <- paste0("Y", seq_len(ny))[ind] value <- setNames(vector("list", ny), paste("Response", ynames)) cl <- oldClass(object) class(object) <- cl[match("mlm", cl):length(cl)][-1L] # Need to put the evaluated formula in place object$call$formula <- formula(object) for(i in seq(ny)) { object$coefficients <- setNames(coef[, i], rownames(coef)) ## if there is one coef, above drops names object$residuals <- resid[, i] object$fitted.values <- fitted[, i] object$effects <- effects[, i] object$call$formula[[2L]] <- object$terms[[2L]] <- as.name(ynames[i]) value[[i]] <- summary(object, ...) } class(value) <- "listof" value } ### SSD(object) returns object of class "SSD": ### $SSD matrix of sums of squares & products ### $df degrees of freedom. ### estVar(object)returns the estimated covariance matrix SSD <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("SSD") estVar <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("estVar") SSD.mlm <- function(object, ...){ ## It's not all that hard to incorporate weights, but will ## anyone use them? if (!is.null(object$weights)) stop("'mlm' objects with weights are not supported") ## avoid residuals(objects) -- if na.exclude was used ## that will introduce NAs structure(list(SSD=crossprod(object$residuals), call=object$call, df=object$df.residual), class="SSD") } estVar.SSD <- function(object, ...) object$SSD/object$df estVar.mlm <- function(object, ...) estVar(SSD(object)) ### Convenience functions: ### Tr: is the trace operator ### proj: the projection operator possibly generalized to matrices. ### Rg: matrix rank ### Thin.row, Thin.col: thin matrix to full (row/column) rank Tr <- function(matrix) sum(diag(matrix)) proj.matrix <- function(X, orth=FALSE){ X <- Thin.col(X) P <- if (ncol(X) == 0) matrix(0,nrow(X),nrow(X)) else ## Brute force. There must be a better way... X %*% solve(crossprod(X),t(X)) if (orth) diag(nrow=nrow(X)) - P else P } ## qr() will miss the cases where a row has all near-zeros, ## sensibly in some ways, annoying in others... Rank <- function(X, tol = 1e-7) qr(zapsmall(X, digits = -log10(tol)+5), tol=tol, LAPACK=FALSE)$rank Thin.row <- function(X, tol = 1e-7) { X <- zapsmall(X, digits = -log10(tol)+5) QR <- qr(t(X), tol = tol, LAPACK = FALSE) X[QR$pivot[seq_len(QR$rank)], , drop = FALSE] } Thin.col <- function(X, tol = 1e-7) { X <- zapsmall(X, digits = -log10(tol)+5) QR <- qr(X, tol = tol, LAPACK = FALSE) X[,QR$pivot[seq_len(QR$rank)], drop = FALSE] } mauchly.test <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("mauchly.test", object) mauchly.test.mlm <- function(object, ...) mauchly.test(SSD(object), ...) mauchly.test.SSD <- function(object, Sigma=diag(nrow=p), T = Thin.row(proj(M)-proj(X)), M = diag(nrow=p), X = ~0, idata=data.frame(index=seq_len(p)),...) { p <- ncol(object$SSD) Xmis <- missing(X) Mmis <- missing(M) if (missing(T)){ orig.X <- X orig.M <- M if (inherits(M, "formula")) M <- model.matrix(M, idata) if (inherits(X, "formula")) X <- model.matrix(X, idata) if (Rank(cbind(M,X)) != Rank(M)) stop("X does not define a subspace of M") } Psi <- T %*% Sigma %*% t(T) B <- T %*% object$SSD %*% t(T) pp <- nrow(T) U <- solve(Psi,B) n <- object$df logW <- log(det(U)) - pp * log(Tr(U/pp)) ## Asymptotic mumbojumbo (from TWA).... rho <- 1 - (2*pp^2 + pp + 2)/(6*pp*n) w2 <- (pp+2)*(pp-1)*(pp-2)*(2*pp^3+6*pp^2+3*p + 2)/(288*(n*pp*rho)^2) z <- -n * rho * logW f <- pp * (pp + 1)/2 - 1 Pr1 <- pchisq(z, f, lower.tail=FALSE) Pr2 <- pchisq(z, f+4, lower.tail=FALSE) pval <- Pr1 + w2 * (Pr2 - Pr1) transformnote <- if (!missing(T)) c("\nContrast matrix", apply(format(T), 1L, paste, collapse=" ")) else c( if (!Xmis) c("\nContrasts orthogonal to", if (is.matrix(orig.X)) apply(format(X), 2L, paste, collapse=" ") else deparse(formula(orig.X)),"", if (!Mmis) c("\nContrasts spanned by", if (is.matrix(orig.M)) apply(format(M), 2L, paste, collapse=" ") else deparse(formula(orig.M)),"" ) ) ) retval <- list(statistic=c(W=exp(logW)),p.value=pval, method=c("Mauchly's test of sphericity", transformnote), data.name=paste("SSD matrix from", deparse(object$call), collapse=" ")) class(retval) <- "htest" retval } sphericity <- function(object, Sigma=diag(nrow=p), T = Thin.row(proj(M)-proj(X)), M = diag(nrow=p), X = ~0, idata=data.frame(index=seq_len(p))) { p <- ncol(object$SSD) if (missing(T)){ if (inherits(M, "formula")) M <- model.matrix(M, idata) if (inherits(X, "formula")) X <- model.matrix(X, idata) if (Rank(cbind(M,X)) != Rank(M)) stop("X does not define a subspace of M") } Psi <- T %*% Sigma %*% t(T) B <- T %*% object$SSD %*% t(T) pp <- nrow(T) U <- solve(Psi,B) sigma <- Tr(U)/pp/object$df lambda <- Re(eigen(U, only.values = TRUE)$values) GG.eps <- sum(lambda)^2/sum(lambda^2)/pp n <- object$df HF.eps <- ((n + 1) * pp * GG.eps - 2) / (pp * (n - pp * GG.eps)) return(list(GG.eps=GG.eps,HF.eps=HF.eps,sigma=sigma)) } anova.mlm <- function(object, ..., test = c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy", "Spherical"), Sigma = diag(nrow = p), T = Thin.row(proj(M) - proj(X)), M = diag(nrow = p), X = ~0, idata = data.frame(index = seq_len(p)), tol = 1e-7) { if(length(list(object, ...)) > 1){ cl <- match.call() cl[[1L]] <- anova.mlmlist return(eval.parent(cl)) } else { p <- ncol(SSD(object)$SSD) Xmis <- missing(X) Mmis <- missing(M) if (missing(T)){ orig.M <- M # keep for printing orig.X <- X if (inherits(M, "formula")) M <- model.matrix(M, idata) if (inherits(X, "formula")) X <- model.matrix(X, idata) if (Rank(cbind(M,X)) != Rank(M)) stop("X does not define a subspace of M") } title <- "Analysis of Variance Table\n" transformnote <- if (!missing(T)) c("\nContrast matrix", apply(format(T), 1L, paste, collapse=" ")) else c( if (!Xmis) c("\nContrasts orthogonal to", if (is.matrix(orig.X)) apply(format(X), 2L, paste, collapse=" ") else deparse(formula(orig.X)),"", if (!Mmis) c("\nContrasts spanned by", if (is.matrix(orig.M)) apply(format(M), 2L, paste, collapse=" ") else deparse(formula(orig.M)),"" ) ) ) epsnote <- NULL ssd <- SSD(object) rk <- object$rank pp <- nrow(T) if(rk > 0) { p1 <- 1L:rk comp <- object$effects[p1, , drop=FALSE] asgn <- object$assign[object$qr$pivot][p1] nmeffects <- c("(Intercept)", attr(object$terms, "term.labels")) tlabels <- nmeffects[1 + unique(asgn)] ix <- split(seq_len(nrow(comp)), asgn) ss <- lapply(ix, function(i) crossprod(comp[i,,drop=FALSE])) # This was broken. Something similar might work if we implement # split.matrix a la split.data.frame # ss <- lapply(split(comp,asgn), function(x) crossprod(t(x))) df <- sapply(split(asgn, asgn), length) } else { # ss <- ssr # df <- dfr # tlabels <- character(0L) } test <- match.arg(test) nmodels <- length(ss) if(test == "Spherical"){ df.res <- ssd$df sph <- sphericity(ssd, T=T, Sigma=Sigma) epsnote <- c(paste(format(c("Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon:", "Huynh-Feldt epsilon:")), format(c(sph$GG.eps, sph$HF.eps), digits = 4L)), "") Psi <- T %*% Sigma %*% t(T) stats <- matrix(NA, nmodels+1, 6L) colnames(stats) <- c("F", "num Df", "den Df", "Pr(>F)", "G-G Pr", "H-F Pr") for(i in seq_len(nmodels)) { s2 <- Tr(solve(Psi,T %*% ss[[i]] %*% t(T)))/pp/df[i] Fval <- s2/sph$sigma stats[i,1L:3L] <- abs(c(Fval, df[i]*pp, df.res*pp)) } stats[,4] <- pf(stats[,1L], stats[,2L], stats[,3L], lower.tail=FALSE) stats[,5] <- pf(stats[,1L], stats[,2L]*sph$GG.eps, stats[,3L]*sph$GG.eps, lower.tail=FALSE) stats[,6] <- pf(stats[,1L], stats[,2L]*min(1,sph$HF.eps), stats[,3L]*min(1,sph$HF.eps), lower.tail=FALSE) } else { ## Try to distinguish bad scaling and near-perfect fit ## Notice that we must transform by T before scaling sc <- sqrt(diag(T %*% ssd$SSD %*% t(T))) D <- sqrt(sc^2 + rowSums(as.matrix(sapply(ss, function(X) diag(T %*% X %*% t(T)))))) sc <- ifelse(sc/D < 1e-6, 1, 1/sc) scm <- tcrossprod(sc) df.res <- ssd$df rss.qr <- qr((T %*% ssd$SSD %*% t(T)) * scm, tol=tol) if(rss.qr$rank < pp) stop(gettextf("residuals have rank %s < %s", rss.qr$rank, pp), domain = NA) eigs <- array(NA, c(nmodels, pp)) stats <- matrix(NA, nmodels+1L, 5L, dimnames = list(NULL, c(test, "approx F", "num Df", "den Df", "Pr(>F)"))) for(i in seq_len(nmodels)) { eigs[i, ] <- Re(eigen(qr.coef(rss.qr, (T %*% ss[[i]] %*% t(T)) * scm), symmetric = FALSE, only.values = TRUE)$values) stats[i, 1L:4L] <- switch(test, "Pillai" = Pillai(eigs[i, ], df[i], df.res), "Wilks" = Wilks (eigs[i, ], df[i], df.res), "Hotelling-Lawley" = HL (eigs[i, ], df[i], df.res), "Roy" = Roy (eigs[i, ], df[i], df.res)) ok <- stats[, 2L] >= 0 & stats[, 3L] > 0 & stats[, 4L] > 0 ok <- !is.na(ok) & ok stats[ok, 5L] <- pf(stats[ok, 2L], stats[ok, 3L], stats[ok, 4L], lower.tail = FALSE) } } table <- data.frame(Df=c(df,ssd$df), stats, check.names=FALSE) row.names(table) <- c(tlabels, "Residuals") # if(attr(object$terms,"intercept")) table <- table[-1, ] structure(table, heading = c(title, transformnote, epsnote), class = c("anova", "data.frame")) # f <- ms/(ssr/dfr) # P <- pf(f, df, dfr, lower.tail = FALSE) # table <- data.frame(df, ss, ms, f, P) # table[length(P), 4:5] <- NA # dimnames(table) <- list(c(tlabels, "Residuals"), # c("Df","Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "F value", "Pr(>F)")) # if(attr(object$terms,"intercept")) table <- table[-1, ] # structure(table, heading = c("Analysis of Variance Table\n", # paste("Response:", deparse(formula(object)[[2L]]))), # class= c("anova", "data.frame"))# was "tabular" } } Pillai <- function(eig, q, df.res) { test <- sum(eig/(1 + eig)) p <- length(eig) s <- min(p, q) n <- 0.5 * (df.res - p - 1) m <- 0.5 * (abs(p - q) - 1) tmp1 <- 2 * m + s + 1 tmp2 <- 2 * n + s + 1 c(test, (tmp2/tmp1 * test)/(s - test), s*tmp1, s*tmp2) } Wilks <- function(eig, q, df.res) { test <- prod(1/(1 + eig)) p <- length(eig) tmp1 <- df.res - 0.5 * (p - q + 1) tmp2 <- (p * q - 2)/4 tmp3 <- p^2 + q^2 - 5 tmp3 <- if(tmp3 > 0) sqrt(((p*q)^2 - 4)/tmp3) else 1 c(test, ((test^(-1/tmp3) - 1) * (tmp1 * tmp3 - 2 * tmp2))/p/q, p * q, tmp1 * tmp3 - 2 * tmp2) } HL <- function(eig, q, df.res) { test <- sum(eig) p <- length(eig) m <- 0.5 * (abs(p - q) - 1) n <- 0.5 * (df.res - p - 1) s <- min(p, q) tmp1 <- 2 * m + s + 1 tmp2 <- 2 * (s * n + 1) c(test, (tmp2 * test)/s/s/tmp1, s * tmp1, tmp2) } Roy <- function(eig, q, df.res) { p <- length(eig) test <- max(eig) tmp1 <- max(p, q) tmp2 <- df.res - tmp1 + q c(test, (tmp2 * test)/tmp1, tmp1, tmp2) } anova.mlmlist <- function (object, ..., test=c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy","Spherical"), Sigma=diag(nrow=p), T = Thin.row(proj(M)-proj(X)), M = diag(nrow=p), X = ~0, idata=data.frame(index=seq_len(p)), tol = 1e-7) { objects <- list(object, ...) p <- ncol(SSD(object)$SSD) Xmis <- missing(X) Mmis <- missing(M) if (missing(T)){ orig.M <- M # keep for printing orig.X <- X if (inherits(M, "formula")) M <- model.matrix(M, idata) if (inherits(X, "formula")) X <- model.matrix(X, idata) if (Rank(cbind(M,X)) != Rank(M)) stop("X does not define a subspace of M") } pp <- nrow(T) responses <- as.character(lapply(objects, function(x) deparse(x$terms[[2L]]))) sameresp <- responses == responses[1L] if (!all(sameresp)) { objects <- objects[sameresp] warning(gettextf("models with response %s removed because response differs from model 1", sQuote(deparse(responses[!sameresp]))), domain = NA) } ns <- sapply(objects, function(x) length(x$residuals)) if(any(ns != ns[1L])) stop("models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset") ## calculate the number of models nmodels <- length(objects) if (nmodels == 1) return(anova.mlm(object)) ## extract statistics resdf <- as.numeric(lapply(objects, df.residual)) df <- c(NA,diff(resdf)) resssd <- lapply(objects, SSD) deltassd <- mapply(function(x,y) y$SSD - x$SSD, resssd[-nmodels], resssd[-1L], SIMPLIFY=FALSE) resdet <- sapply(resssd, function(x) det(T %*% (x$SSD/x$df) %*% t(T))^(1/pp)) ## construct table and title table <- data.frame(resdf, df, resdet) variables <- lapply(objects, function(x) paste(deparse(formula(x)), collapse = "\n") ) dimnames(table) <- list(seq_len(nmodels), c("Res.Df", "Df", "Gen.var.")) title <- "Analysis of Variance Table\n" topnote <- paste0("Model ", format(seq_len(nmodels)),": ", variables, collapse = "\n") transformnote <- if (!missing(T)) c("\nContrast matrix", apply(format(T), 1L, paste, collapse = " ")) else c( if (!Xmis) c("\nContrasts orthogonal to", if (is.matrix(orig.X)) apply(format(X), 2L, paste, collapse = " ") else deparse(formula(orig.X)),"", if (!Mmis) c("\nContrasts spanned by", if (is.matrix(orig.M)) apply(format(M), 2L, paste, collapse = " ") else deparse(formula(orig.M)), "") ) ) epsnote <- NULL ## calculate test statistic test <- match.arg(test) if(test == "Spherical"){ bigmodel <- order(resdf)[1L] df.res <- resdf[bigmodel] sph <- sphericity(resssd[[bigmodel]],T=T,Sigma=Sigma) epsnote <- c(paste(format(c("Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon:", "Huynh-Feldt epsilon:")), format(c(sph$GG.eps, sph$HF.eps), digits = 4L)), "") Psi <- T %*% Sigma %*% t(T) stats <- matrix(NA, nmodels, 6L) dimnames(stats) <- list(seq_len(nmodels), c("F", "num Df", "den Df", "Pr(>F)", "G-G Pr", "H-F Pr")) for(i in 2:nmodels) { s2 <- Tr(solve(Psi,T %*% deltassd[[i-1]] %*% t(T)))/pp/df[i] Fval <- s2/sph$sigma stats[i,1L:3] <- abs(c(Fval, df[i]*pp, df.res*pp)) } stats[,4] <- pf(stats[,1], stats[,2], stats[,3], lower.tail = FALSE) stats[,5] <- pf(stats[,1], stats[,2]*sph$GG.eps, stats[,3]*sph$GG.eps, lower.tail = FALSE) stats[,6] <- pf(stats[,1], stats[,2]*min(1,sph$HF.eps), stats[,3]*min(1,sph$HF.eps), lower.tail = FALSE) table <- cbind(table, stats) } else if(!is.null(test)) { bigmodel <- order(resdf)[1L] df.res <- resdf[bigmodel] ## Try to distinguish bad scaling and near-perfect fit ## Notice that we must transform by T before scaling sc <- sqrt(diag(T %*% resssd[[bigmodel]]$SSD %*% t(T))) D <- sqrt(sc^2+apply(abs(sapply(deltassd, function(X) diag((T %*% X %*% t(T))))), 1,max)) sc <- ifelse(sc/D < 1e-6, 1, 1/sc) scm <- tcrossprod(sc) rss.qr <- qr((T %*% resssd[[bigmodel]]$SSD %*% t(T)) * scm, tol=tol) if(rss.qr$rank < pp) stop(gettextf("residuals have rank %s < %s", rss.qr$rank, pp), domain = NA) eigs <- array(NA, c(nmodels, pp)) stats <- matrix(NA, nmodels, 5L) dimnames(stats) <- list(seq_len(nmodels), c(test, "approx F", "num Df", "den Df", "Pr(>F)")) for(i in 2:nmodels) { sg <- (df[i] > 0) - (df[i] < 0) eigs[i, ] <- Re(eigen(qr.coef(rss.qr, sg * (T %*% deltassd[[i-1]] %*% t(T)) * scm), symmetric = FALSE, only.values = TRUE)$values) stats[i, 1L:4] <- switch(test, "Pillai" = Pillai(eigs[i, ], sg * df[i], resdf[bigmodel]), "Wilks" = Wilks(eigs[i, ], sg * df[i], resdf[bigmodel]), "Hotelling-Lawley" = HL(eigs[i, ], sg * df[i], resdf[bigmodel]), "Roy" = Roy(eigs[i, ], sg * df[i], resdf[bigmodel])) ok <- stats[, 2] >= 0 & stats[, 3] > 0 & stats[, 4] > 0 ok <- !is.na(ok) & ok stats[ok, 5] <- pf(stats[ok, 2], stats[ok, 3], stats[ok, 4], lower.tail = FALSE) } table <- cbind(table,stats) } structure(table, heading = c(title, topnote, transformnote, epsnote), class = c("anova", "data.frame")) } deviance.mlm <- function(object, ...) { colSums(if(is.null(w <- object$weights)) object$residuals^2 else w * object$residuals^2) } plot.mlm <- function (x, ...) .NotYetImplemented()