# File src/library/stats/R/model.tables.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright 1998 B. D. Ripley # Copyright (C) 1998-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ model.tables <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("model.tables") model.tables.aov <- function(x, type = "effects", se = FALSE, cterms, ...) { if(inherits(x, "maov")) stop("'model.tables' is not implemented for multiple responses") type <- match.arg(type, c("effects", "means", "residuals")) if(type == "residuals") stop(gettextf("type '%s' is not implemented yet", type), domain = NA) prjs <- proj(x, unweighted.scale = TRUE) if(is.null(x$call)) stop("this fit does not inherit from \"lm\"") mf <- model.frame(x) factors <- attr(prjs, "factors") nf <- names(factors) dn.proj <- setNames(as.list(nf), nf) m.factors <- factors t.factor <- attr(prjs, "t.factor") vars <- colnames(t.factor) which <- match(vars, names(dn.proj)) which <- which[!is.na(which)] dn.proj <- dn.proj[which] m.factors <- m.factors[which] ## with cterms, can specify subset of tables by name if(!missing(cterms)) { if(any(is.na(match(cterms, names(factors))))) stop("'cterms' argument must match terms in model object") dn.proj <- dn.proj[cterms] m.factors <- m.factors[cterms] } if(type == "means") { dn.proj <- lapply(dn.proj, function(x, mat, vn) c("(Intercept)", vn[(t(mat) %*% (as.logical(mat[, x]) - 1)) == 0]), t.factor, vars) } tables <- make.tables.aovproj(dn.proj, m.factors, prjs, mf) ## This was reordering some interaction terms, e.g. N + V:N ##n <- replications(paste("~", paste(names(tables), collapse = "+")), ## data = mf) n <- NULL for(xx in names(tables)) n <- c(n, replications(paste("~", xx), data=mf)) if(se) if(is.list(n)) { message("Design is unbalanced - use se.contrast() for se's") se <- FALSE } else se.tables <- se.aov(x, n, type = type) if(type == "means" && "(Intercept)" %in% colnames(prjs)) { gmtable <- mean(prjs[,"(Intercept)"]) class(gmtable) <- "mtable" tables <- c("Grand mean" = gmtable, tables) } result <- list(tables = tables, n = n) if(se) result$se <- se.tables attr(result, "type") <- type class(result) <- c("tables_aov", "list.of") result } se.aov <- function(object, n, type = "means") { ## for balanced designs only rdf <- object$df.residual rse <- sqrt(sum(object$residuals^2)/rdf) if(type == "effects") result <- rse/sqrt(n) if(type == "means") result <- lapply(n, function(x, d) { nn <- unique(x) nn <- nn[!is.na(nn)] mat <- outer(nn, nn, function(x, y) 1/x + 1/y) dimnames(mat) <- list(paste(nn), paste(nn)) d * sqrt(mat) }, d=rse) attr(result, "type") <- type class(result) <- "mtable" result } model.tables.aovlist <- function(x, type = "effects", se = FALSE, ...) { type <- match.arg(type, c("effects", "means", "residuals")) if(type == "residuals") stop(gettextf("type '%s' is not implemented yet", type), domain = NA) prjs <- proj(x, unweighted.scale = TRUE) mf <- model.frame.aovlist(x) factors <- lapply(prjs, attr, "factors") dn.proj <- unlist(lapply(factors, names), recursive = FALSE) m.factors <- unlist(factors, recursive = FALSE) dn.strata <- rep.int(names(factors), lengths(factors)) names(dn.strata) <- names(m.factors) <- names(dn.proj) <- unlist(dn.proj) t.factor <- attr(prjs, "t.factor") efficiency <- FALSE if(type == "effects" || type == "means") { if(anyDuplicated(names(dn.proj)[names(dn.proj) != "Residuals"])) { efficiency <- eff.aovlist(x) ## Elect to use the effects from the lowest stratum: ## usually expect this to be highest efficiency eff.used <- apply(efficiency, 2L, function(x, ind = seq_len(x)) { temp <- (x > 0) if(sum(temp) == 1) temp else max(ind[temp]) == ind }) } } if(any(efficiency)) { if(is.list(eff.used)) stop("design is unbalanced so cannot proceed") which <- match(outer(rownames(efficiency), colnames(efficiency), paste)[eff.used], paste(dn.strata, dn.proj)) efficiency <- efficiency[eff.used] } else which <- match(colnames(t.factor), names(dn.proj)) which <- which[!is.na(which)] dn.proj <- dn.proj[which] dn.strata <- dn.strata[which] m.factors <- m.factors[which] if(type == "means") { t.factor <- t.factor[, names(dn.proj), drop = FALSE] dn.proj <- lapply(dn.proj, function(x, mat, vn) vn[(t(mat) %*% (as.logical(mat[, x]) - 1)) == 0], t.factor, colnames(t.factor)) } tables <- if(any(efficiency)) { names(efficiency) <- names(dn.proj) make.tables.aovprojlist(dn.proj, dn.strata, m.factors, prjs, mf, efficiency) } else make.tables.aovprojlist(dn.proj, dn.strata, m.factors, prjs, mf) if(type == "means") { gmtable <- mean(prjs[["(Intercept)"]]) class(gmtable) <- "mtable" tables <- lapply(tables, "+", gmtable) tables <- c("Grand mean" = gmtable, tables) } # n <- replications(attr(x, "call"), data = mf) n <- replications(terms(x), data = mf) if(se) if(type == "effects" && is.list(n)) { message("Standard error information not returned as design is unbalanced. \nStandard errors can be obtained through 'se.contrast'.") se <- FALSE } else if(type != "effects") { warning(gettextf("SEs for type '%s' are not yet implemented", type), domain = NA) se <- FALSE } else { se.tables <- se.aovlist(x, dn.proj, dn.strata, factors, mf, efficiency, n, type = type) } result <- list(tables = tables, n = n) if(se) result$se <- se.tables attr(result, "type") <- type class(result) <- c("tables_aov", "list.of") result } se.aovlist <- function(object, dn.proj, dn.strata, factors, mf, efficiency, n, type = "diff.means", ...) { if(type != "effects") stop(gettextf("SEs for type '%s' are not yet implemented", type), domain = NA) RSS <- sapply(object, function(x) sum(x$residuals^2)/x$df.residual) res <- vector(length = length(n), mode = "list") names(res) <- names(n) for(i in names(n)) { sse <- RSS[[dn.strata[dn.proj[[i]]]]] if(any(efficiency)) sse <- sse/efficiency[i] res[[i]] <- as.vector(sqrt(sse/n[i])) class(res[[i]]) <- "mtable" } attr(res, "type") <- type res } make.tables.aovproj <- function(proj.cols, mf.cols, prjs, mf, fun = "mean", prt = FALSE, ...) { tables <- setNames(vector("list", length(proj.cols)), names(proj.cols)) for(i in seq_along(tables)) { terms <- proj.cols[[i]] terms <- terms[terms %in% colnames(prjs)] data <- if(length(terms) == 1L) prjs[, terms] else prjs[, terms] %*% as.matrix(rep.int(1, length(terms))) tables[[i]] <- tapply(data, mf[mf.cols[[i]]], get(fun, mode="function")) class(tables[[i]]) <- "mtable" if(prt) print(tables[i], ..., quote = FALSE) } tables } make.tables.aovprojlist <- function(proj.cols, strata.cols, model.cols, projections, model, eff, fun = "mean", prt = FALSE, ...) { tables <- setNames(vector("list", length(proj.cols)), names(proj.cols)) if(!missing(eff)) { for(i in seq_along(tables)) { terms <- proj.cols[[i]] if(all(is.na(eff.i <- match(terms, names(eff))))) eff.i <- rep.int(1, length(terms)) if(length(terms) == 1L) data <- projections[[strata.cols[i]]][, terms]/ eff[eff.i] else { if(length(strata <- unique(strata.cols[terms])) == 1L) data <- projections[[strata]][, terms] %*% as.matrix(1/eff[eff.i]) else { mat <- NULL for(j in strata) { mat <- cbind(mat, projections[[j]][, terms[!is.na(match(terms, names(strata.cols)[strata.cols == j]))]]) } data <- mat %*% as.matrix(1/eff[eff.i]) } } tables[[i]] <- tapply(data, model[model.cols[[i]]], get(fun, mode="function")) attr(tables[[i]], "strata") <- strata.cols[i] class(tables[[i]]) <- "mtable" if(prt) print(tables[i], ..., quote = FALSE) } } else for(i in seq_along(tables)) { terms <- proj.cols[[i]] if(length(terms) == 1L) data <- projections[[strata.cols[i]]][, terms] else { if(length(strata <- unique(strata.cols[terms])) == 1L) data <- projections[[strata]][, terms] %*% as.matrix(rep.int(1, length(terms))) else { mat <- NULL for(j in strata) { mat <- cbind(mat, projections[[j]][, terms[!is.na(match(terms, names(strata.cols)[strata.cols == j]))]]) } data <- mat %*% as.matrix(rep.int(1, length(terms))) } } tables[[i]] <- tapply(data, model[model.cols[[i]]], get(fun)) attr(tables[[i]], "strata") <- strata.cols[i] class(tables[[i]]) <- "mtable" if(prt) print(tables[i], ..., quote = FALSE) } tables } replications <- function(formula, data = NULL, na.action) { if(missing(data) && inherits(formula, "data.frame")) { data <- formula formula <- ~ . } if(!inherits(formula, "terms")) { formula <- as.formula(formula) if(length(formula) < 3L) { f <- y ~ x f[[3L]] <- formula[[2L]] formula <- f } formula <- terms(formula, data = data) } if(missing(na.action)) if(!is.null(tj <- attr(data, "na.action")) && is.function(tj)) na.action <- tj else { naa <- getOption("na.action") if(!is.null(naa)) na.action <- match.fun(naa) else na.action <- na.fail } f <- attr(formula, "factors") o <- attr(formula, "order") labels <- attr(formula, "term.labels") vars <- as.character(attr(formula, "variables"))[-1L] if(is.null(data)) { v <- c(quote(data.frame), attr(formula, "variables")) data <- eval(as.call(v), parent.frame()) } if(!is.function(na.action)) stop("na.action must be a function") data <- na.action(data) class(data) <- NULL n <- length(o) z <- setNames(vector("list", n), labels) dummy <- numeric(.row_names_info(data, 2L)) data <- lapply(data, function(x) if (is.character(x)) as.factor(x) else x) notfactor <- !sapply(data, function(x) inherits(x, "factor")) balance <- TRUE for(i in seq_len(n)) { l <- labels[i] if(o[i] < 1 || substring(l, 1L, 5L) == "Error") { z[[l]] <- NULL; next } select <- vars[f[, i] > 0] if(any(nn <- notfactor[select])) { warning(gettextf("non-factors ignored: %s", paste(names(nn), collapse = ", ")), domain = NA) next } if(length(select)) tble <- tapply(dummy, unclass(data[select]), length) nrep <- unique(as.vector(tble)) if(length(nrep) > 1L) { balance <- FALSE tble[is.na(tble)] <- 0 z[[l]] <- tble } else z[[l]] <- as.vector(nrep) } if(balance) unlist(z) else z } print.tables_aov <- function(x, digits = 4L, ...) { tables.aov <- x$tables n.aov <- x$n se.aov <- if(se <- !is.na(match("se", names(x)))) x$se type <- attr(x, "type") switch(type, effects = cat("Tables of effects\n"), means = cat("Tables of means\n"), residuals = if(length(tables.aov) > 1L) cat( "Table of residuals from each stratum\n")) if(!is.na(ii <- match("Grand mean", names(tables.aov)))) { cat("Grand mean\n") gmtable <- tables.aov[[ii]] print.mtable(gmtable, digits = digits, ...) } for(i in names(tables.aov)) { if(i == "Grand mean") next table <- tables.aov[[i]] cat("\n", i, "\n") if(!is.list(n.aov)) print.mtable(table, digits = digits, ...) else { n <- n.aov[[i]] if(length(dim(table)) < 2L) { table <- rbind(table, n) rownames(table) <- c("", "rep") print(table, digits = digits, ...) } else { ctable <- array(c(table, n), dim = c(dim(table), 2L)) dim.t <- dim(ctable) d <- length(dim.t) ctable <- aperm(ctable, c(1, d, 2:(d - 1))) dim(ctable) <- c(dim.t[1L] * dim.t[d], dim.t[-c(1, d)]) dimnames(ctable) <- c(list(format(c(rownames(table), rep.int("rep", dim.t[1L])))), dimnames(table)[-1L]) ctable <- eval(parse(text = paste( "ctable[as.numeric(t(matrix(seq(nrow(ctable)),ncol=2)))", paste(rep.int(", ", d - 2), collapse = " "), "]"), keep.source = FALSE)) names(dimnames(ctable)) <- names(dimnames(table)) class(ctable) <- "mtable" print.mtable(ctable, digits = digits, ...) } } } if(se) { if(type == "residuals") rn <- "df" else rn <- "replic." switch(attr(se.aov, "type"), effects = cat("\nStandard errors of effects\n"), means = cat("\nStandard errors for differences of means\n"), residuals = cat("\nStandard errors of residuals\n")) if(length(unlist(se.aov)) == length(se.aov)) { ## the simplest case: single replication, unique se # kludge for NA's n.aov <- n.aov[!is.na(n.aov)] se.aov <- unlist(se.aov) cn <- names(se.aov) se.aov <- rbind(format(se.aov, digits = digits), format(n.aov)) dimnames(se.aov) <- list(c(" ", rn), cn) print(se.aov, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE, ...) } else for(i in names(se.aov)) { se <- se.aov[[i]] if(length(se) == 1L) { ## single se se <- rbind(se, n.aov[i]) dimnames(se) <- list(c(i, rn), "") print(se, digits = digits, ...) } else { ## different se dimnames(se)[[1L]] <- "" cat("\n", i, "\n") cat("When comparing means with same levels of:\n") print(se, digits, ...) cat("replic.", n.aov[i], "\n") } } } invisible(x) } eff.aovlist <- function(aovlist) { Terms <- terms(aovlist) if(names(aovlist)[[1L]] == "(Intercept)") aovlist <- aovlist[-1L] pure.error.strata <- sapply(aovlist, function(x) is.null(x$qr)) aovlist <- aovlist[!pure.error.strata] s.labs <- names(aovlist) ## find which terms are in which strata s.terms <- lapply(aovlist, function(x) { asgn <- x$assign[x$qr$pivot[1L:x$rank]] attr(terms(x), "term.labels")[asgn] }) t.labs <- attr(Terms, "term.labels") t.labs <- t.labs[t.labs %in% unlist(s.terms)] eff <- matrix(0, ncol = length(t.labs), nrow = length(s.labs), dimnames = list(s.labs, t.labs)) for(i in names(s.terms)) eff[i, s.terms[[i]] ] <- 1 cs <- colSums(eff) ## if all terms are in just one stratum we are done if(all(cs <= 1)) return(eff[, cs > 0, drop = FALSE]) nm <- t.labs[ cs > 1] pl <- lapply(aovlist, function(x) { asgn <- x$assign[x$qr$pivot[1L:x$rank]] sp <- split(seq_along(asgn), attr(terms(x), "term.labels")[asgn]) sp <- sp[names(sp) %in% nm] sapply(sp, function(x, y) { y <- y[x, x, drop = FALSE] res <- sum(diag(y)^2) if(nrow(y) > 1 && sum(y^2) > 1.01 * res) stop("eff.aovlist: non-orthogonal contrasts would give an incorrect answer") res }, y=x$qr$qr) }) for(i in names(pl)) eff[i, names(pl[[i]]) ] <- pl[[i]] cs <- colSums(eff) eff <- eff/rep(cs, each = nrow(eff)) eff[, cs != 0, drop = FALSE] } model.frame.aovlist <- function(formula, data = NULL, ...) { ## formula is an aovlist object call <- match.call() oc <- attr(formula, "call") Terms <- attr(formula, "terms") rm(formula) indError <- attr(Terms, "specials")$Error errorterm <- attr(Terms, "variables")[[1 + indError]] form <- update.formula(Terms, paste(". ~ .-", deparse(errorterm, width.cutoff=500L, backtick = TRUE), "+", deparse(errorterm[[2L]], width.cutoff=500L, backtick = TRUE))) nargs <- as.list(call) oargs <- as.list(oc) nargs <- nargs[match(c("data", "na.action", "subset"), names(nargs), 0)] args <- oargs[match(c("data", "na.action", "subset"), names(oargs), 0)] args[names(nargs)] <- nargs args$formula <- form env <- environment(Terms) if (is.null(env)) env <- parent.frame() ## need stats:: for non-standard evaluation fcall <- c(list(quote(stats::model.frame)), args) eval(as.call(fcall), env) } print.mtable <- function(x, ..., digits = getOption("digits"), quote = FALSE, right = FALSE) { xxx <- x xx <- attr(x, "Notes") # nn <- names(dimnames(x)) a.ind <- match(names(a <- attributes(x)), c("dim", "dimnames", "names")) a <- a[!is.na(a.ind)] class(x) <- attributes(x) <- NULL attributes(x) <- a # if(length(nn) > 1L) # cat(paste("Dim ",paste(seq(length(nn)), "=", nn, collapse= ", "),"\n")) if(length(x) == 1 && is.null(names(x)) && is.null(dimnames(x))) names(x) <- rep("", length(x)) if(length(dim(x)) && is.numeric(x)) { xna <- is.na(x) x <- format(zapsmall(x, digits)) x[xna] <- " " } print(x, quote = quote, right = right, ...) if(length(xx)) { cat("\nNotes:\n") print(xx) } invisible(xxx) }