# File src/library/stats/R/runmed.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995 Berwin A. Turlach # Ported to R, added interface to Stuetzle's code and further enhanced # by Martin Maechler, # Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Martin Maechler # Copyright (C) 2003 The R Foundation # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ runmed <- function(x, k, endrule = c("median","keep","constant"), algorithm = NULL, print.level = 0) { n <- as.integer(length(x)) if(is.na(n)) stop("invalid value of length(x)") k <- as.integer(k) if(is.na(k)) stop("invalid value of 'k'") if(k < 0L) stop("'k' must be positive") if(k %% 2L == 0L) warning(gettextf("'k' must be odd! Changing 'k' to %d", k <- as.integer(1+ 2*(k %/% 2))), domain = NA) if(n == 0L) { x <- double(); attr(x, "k") <- k return(x) } if (k > n) warning(gettextf("'k' is bigger than 'n'! Changing 'k' to %d", k <- as.integer(1+ 2*((n - 1)%/% 2))), domain = NA) algorithm <- if(missing(algorithm)) { ## use efficient default ## This is too primitive, MM knows better : if(k < 20L || n < 300L) "Stuetzle" else "Turlach" } else match.arg(algorithm, c("Stuetzle", "Turlach")) endrule <- match.arg(endrule)# including error.check iend <- switch(endrule, ## "median" will be treated at the end "median" =, "keep" = 0L, "constant" = 1L) if(print.level) cat("runmed(*, endrule=", endrule,", algorithm=",algorithm, ", iend=",iend,")\n") res <- switch(algorithm, Turlach = .Call(C_runmed, as.double(x), 1, k, iend, print.level), Stuetzle = .Call(C_runmed, as.double(x), 0, k, iend, print.level)) if(endrule == "median") res <- smoothEnds(res, k = k) ## Setting attribute has the advantage that the result immediately plots attr(res,"k") <- k res } ### All the following is from MM: smoothEnds <- function(y, k = 3) { ## Purpose: Smooth end values---typically after runmed() ##-- (C) COPYRIGHT 1994, Martin Maechler med3 <- function(a,b,c) { ## med3(a,b,c) == median(a,b,c) m <- b if (a < b) { if (c < b) m <- if (a >= c) a else c } else {## a >= b if (c > b) m <- if (a <= c) a else c } m } med.odd <- function(x, n = length(x)) { ## == median(x[1L:n]) IFF n is odd, slightly more efficient half <- (n + 1) %/% 2 sort(x, partial = half)[half] } k <- as.integer(k) if (k < 0L || k %% 2L == 0L) stop("bandwidth 'k' must be >= 1 and odd!") k <- k %/% 2L if (k < 1L) return(y) ## else: k >= 1L: do something n <- length(y) sm <- y if (k >= 2L) { sm [2L] <- med3(y[1L],y [2L], y [3L]) sm[n-1L] <- med3(y[n],y[n-1L],y[n-2L]) ## Here, could use Stuetzle's strategy for MUCH BIGGER EFFICIENCY ## (when k>=3 , k >> 1): ## Starting with the uttermost 3 points, ## always 'adding' 2 new ones, and determine the new median recursively ## if (k >= 3L) { for (i in 3:k) { j <- 2L*i - 1L sm [i] <- med.odd( y[1L:j] , j) #- left border sm[n-i+1L] <- med.odd( y[(n+1L-j):n], j) #- right border } } } ##--- For the very first and last pt.: Use Tukey's end-point rule: --- ## Ysm[1L]:= Median(Ysm[2L],X1,Z_0), where Z_0 is extrapol. from Ysm[2L],Ysm[3L] sm[1L] <- med3(y[1L], sm [2L] , 3*sm [2L] - 2*sm [3L]) sm[n] <- med3(y[n], sm[n-1L], 3*sm[n-1L] - 2*sm[n-2L]) sm }