# File src/library/stats/R/spectrum.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1994-9 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley # Copyright (C) 1999-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ ## based on code by Martyn Plummer, plus kernel code by Adrian Trapletti spectrum <- function (x, ..., method = c("pgram", "ar")) { switch(match.arg(method), pgram = spec.pgram(x, ...), ar = spec.ar(x, ...) ) } ## spec.taper based on code by Kurt Hornik spec.taper <- function (x, p = 0.1) { if (any(p < 0) || any(p > 0.5)) stop("'p' must be between 0 and 0.5") a <- attributes(x) x <- as.matrix(x) nc <- ncol(x) if (length(p) == 1L) p <- rep(p, nc) else if (length(p) != nc) stop("length of 'p' must be 1 or equal the number of columns of 'x'") nr <- nrow(x) for (i in 1L:nc) { m <- floor(nr * p[i]) if(m == 0) next w <- 0.5 * (1 - cos(pi * seq.int(1, 2 * m - 1, by = 2)/(2 * m))) x[, i] <- c(w, rep_len(1, nr - 2 * m), rev(w)) * x[, i] } attributes(x) <- a x } spec.ar <- function(x, n.freq, order = NULL, plot = TRUE, na.action = na.fail, method = "yule-walker", ...) { ## can be called with a ts or a result of an AR fit. if(!is.list(x)) { series <- deparse(substitute(x)) x <- na.action(as.ts(x)) xfreq <- frequency(x) nser <- NCOL(x) x <- ar(x, is.null(order), order, na.action=na.action, method=method) } else { ## result of ar() cn <- match(c("ar", "var.pred", "order"), names(x)) if(anyNA(cn)) stop("'x' must be a time series or an ar() fit") series <- x$series xfreq <- x$frequency if(is.array(x$ar)) nser <- dim(x$ar)[2L] else nser <- 1 } order <- x$order if(missing(n.freq)) n.freq <- 500 freq <- seq.int(0, 0.5, length.out = n.freq) if (nser == 1) { coh <- phase <- NULL var.p <- as.vector(x$var.pred) spec <- if(order >= 1) { cs <- outer(freq, 1L:order, function(x, y) cos(2*pi*x*y)) %*% x$ar sn <- outer(freq, 1L:order, function(x, y) sin(2*pi*x*y)) %*% x$ar var.p/(xfreq*((1 - cs)^2 + sn^2)) } else rep.int(var.p/xfreq, length(freq)) } else .NotYetImplemented() spg.out <- list(freq = freq*xfreq, spec = spec, coh = coh, phase = phase, n.used = nrow(x), series = series, method = paste0("AR (", order, ") spectrum ") ) class(spg.out) <- "spec" if(plot) { plot(spg.out, ci = 0, ...) invisible(spg.out) } else spg.out } spec.pgram <- function (x, spans = NULL, kernel = NULL, taper = 0.1, pad = 0, fast = TRUE, demean = FALSE, detrend = TRUE, plot = TRUE, na.action = na.fail, ...) { ## Estimate spectral density from (smoothed) periodogram. series <- deparse(substitute(x)) x <- na.action(as.ts(x)) xfreq <- frequency(x) x <- as.matrix(x) N <- N0 <- nrow(x) nser <- ncol(x) if(!is.null(spans)) # allow user to mistake order of args kernel <- { if(is.tskernel(spans)) spans else kernel("modified.daniell", spans %/% 2) } if(!is.null(kernel) && !is.tskernel(kernel)) stop("must specify 'spans' or a valid kernel") if (detrend) { t <- 1L:N - (N + 1)/2 sumt2 <- N * (N^2 - 1)/12 for (i in 1L:ncol(x)) x[, i] <- x[, i] - mean(x[, i]) - sum(x[, i] * t) * t/sumt2 } else if (demean) { x <- sweep(x, 2, colMeans(x), check.margin=FALSE) } ## apply taper: x <- spec.taper(x, taper) ## to correct for tapering: Bloomfield (1976, p. 194) ## Total taper is taper*2 u2 <- (1 - (5/8)*taper*2) u4 <- (1 - (93/128)*taper*2) if (pad > 0) { x <- rbind(x, matrix(0, nrow = N * pad, ncol = ncol(x))) N <- nrow(x) } NewN <- if(fast) nextn(N) else N x <- rbind(x, matrix(0, nrow = (NewN - N), ncol = ncol(x))) N <- nrow(x) Nspec <- floor(N/2) freq <- seq.int(from = xfreq/N, by = xfreq/N, length.out = Nspec) xfft <- mvfft(x) pgram <- array(NA, dim = c(N, ncol(x), ncol(x))) for (i in 1L:ncol(x)) { for (j in 1L:ncol(x)) { # N0 = #{non-0-padded} pgram[, i, j] <- xfft[, i] * Conj(xfft[, j])/(N0*xfreq) ## value at zero is invalid as mean has been removed, so interpolate: pgram[1, i, j] <- 0.5*(pgram[2, i, j] + pgram[N, i, j]) } } if(!is.null(kernel)) { for (i in 1L:ncol(x)) for (j in 1L:ncol(x)) pgram[, i, j] <- kernapply(pgram[, i, j], kernel, circular = TRUE) df <- df.kernel(kernel) bandwidth <- bandwidth.kernel(kernel) } else { # raw periodogram df <- 2 bandwidth <- sqrt(1/12) } df <- df/(u4/u2^2) df <- df * (N0 / N) ## << since R 1.9.0 bandwidth <- bandwidth * xfreq/N pgram <- pgram[2:(Nspec+1),,, drop=FALSE] spec <- matrix(NA, nrow = Nspec, ncol = nser) for (i in 1L:nser) spec[, i] <- Re(pgram[1L:Nspec, i, i]) if (nser == 1) { coh <- phase <- NULL } else { coh <- phase <- matrix(NA, nrow = Nspec, ncol = nser * (nser - 1)/2) for (i in 1L:(nser - 1)) { for (j in (i + 1):nser) { coh[, i + (j - 1) * (j - 2)/2] <- Mod(pgram[, i, j])^2/(spec[, i] * spec[, j]) phase[, i + (j - 1) * (j - 2)/2] <- Arg(pgram[, i, j]) } } } ## correct for tapering for (i in 1L:nser) spec[, i] <- spec[, i]/u2 spec <- drop(spec) spg.out <- list(freq = freq, spec = spec, coh = coh, phase = phase, kernel = kernel, df = df, bandwidth = bandwidth, n.used = N, orig.n = N0,# "n.orig" = "n..." series = series, snames = colnames(x), method = ifelse(!is.null(kernel), "Smoothed Periodogram", "Raw Periodogram"), taper = taper, pad = pad, detrend = detrend, demean = demean) class(spg.out) <- "spec" if(plot) { plot(spg.out, ...) return(invisible(spg.out)) } else return(spg.out) } plot.spec <- function (x, add = FALSE, ci = 0.95, log = c("yes", "dB", "no"), xlab = "frequency", ylab = NULL, type = "l", ci.col = "blue", ci.lty = 3, main = NULL, sub = NULL, plot.type = c("marginal", "coherency", "phase"), ...) { spec.ci <- function (spec.obj, coverage = 0.95) { ## A utility function for plot.spec which calculates the confidence ## interval (centred around zero). We use a conditional argument to ## ensure that the ci always contains zero. if (coverage < 0 || coverage >= 1) stop("coverage probability out of range [0,1)") tail <- (1 - coverage) df <- spec.obj$df upper.quantile <- 1 - tail * pchisq(df, df, lower.tail = FALSE) lower.quantile <- tail * pchisq(df, df) 1/(qchisq(c(upper.quantile, lower.quantile), df)/df) } plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type) log <- match.arg(log) m <- match.call() if(plot.type == "coherency") { ## need stats:: for non-standard evaluation m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::plot.spec.coherency) m$plot.type <- m$log <- m$add <- NULL return(eval(m, parent.frame())) } if(plot.type == "phase") { ## need stats:: for non-standard evaluation m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::plot.spec.phase) m$plot.type <- m$log <- m$add <- NULL return(eval(m, parent.frame())) } if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- if(log == "dB") "spectrum (dB)" else "spectrum" if(is.logical(log)) log <- if(log) "yes" else "no" if(missing(log) && getOption("ts.S.compat")) log <- "dB" log <- match.arg(log) ylog <- "" if(log=="dB") x$spec <- 10 * log10(x$spec) if(log=="yes") ylog <- "y" dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush()) if(add) { matplot(x$freq, x$spec, type = type, add=TRUE, ...) } else { matplot(x$freq, x$spec, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = type, log = ylog, ...) if (ci <= 0 || !is.numeric(x$df) || log == "no") { ## No confidence limits ci.text <- "" } else { ## The position of the error bar has no meaning: only the width ## and height. It is positioned in the top right hand corner. ## conf.lim <- spec.ci(x, coverage = ci) if(log=="dB") { conf.lim <- 10*log10(conf.lim) conf.y <- max(x$spec) - conf.lim[2L] conf.x <- max(x$freq) - x$bandwidth lines(rep(conf.x, 2), conf.y + conf.lim, col=ci.col) lines(conf.x + c(-0.5, 0.5) * x$bandwidth, rep(conf.y, 2), col=ci.col) ci.text <- paste0(", ", round(100*ci, 2), "% C.I. is (", paste(format(conf.lim, digits = 3), collapse = ","), ")dB") } else { ci.text <- "" conf.y <- max(x$spec) / conf.lim[2L] conf.x <- max(x$freq) - x$bandwidth lines(rep(conf.x, 2), conf.y * conf.lim, col=ci.col) lines(conf.x + c(-0.5, 0.5) * x$bandwidth, rep(conf.y, 2), col=ci.col) } } if (is.null(main)) main <- paste(if(!is.null(x$series)) paste("Series:", x$series) else "from specified model", x$method, sep = "\n") if (is.null(sub) && is.numeric(x$bandwidth)) sub <- paste0("bandwidth = ", format(x$bandwidth, digits = 3), ci.text) title(main = main, sub = sub) } invisible(x) } ## based on code in Venables & Ripley plot.spec.coherency <- function(x, ci = 0.95, xlab = "frequency", ylab = "squared coherency", ylim=c(0,1), type = "l", main = NULL, ci.col="blue", ci.lty = 3, ...) { nser <- NCOL(x$spec) ## Formulae from Bloomfield (1976, p.225) gg <- 2/x$df se <- sqrt(gg/2) z <- -qnorm((1-ci)/2) if (is.null(main)) main <- paste(paste("Series:", x$series), "Squared Coherency", sep = " -- ") if(nser == 2) { plot(x$freq, x$coh, type=type, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ylim=ylim, ...) coh <- pmin(0.99999, sqrt(x$coh)) lines(x$freq, (tanh(atanh(coh) + z*se))^2, lty=ci.lty, col=ci.col) lines(x$freq, (pmax(0, tanh(atanh(coh) - z*se)))^2, lty=ci.lty, col=ci.col) title(main) } else { dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush()) opar <- par(mfrow = c(nser-1, nser-1), mar = c(1.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5), oma = c(4, 4, 6, 4)) on.exit(par(opar), add = TRUE) plot.new() for (j in 2:nser) for (i in 1L:(j-1)) { par(mfg=c(j-1,i, nser-1, nser-1)) ind <- i + (j - 1) * (j - 2)/2 plot(x$freq, x$coh[, ind], type=type, ylim=ylim, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", ...) coh <- pmin(0.99999, sqrt(x$coh[, ind])) lines(x$freq, (tanh(atanh(coh) + z*se))^2, lty=ci.lty, col=ci.col) lines(x$freq, (pmax(0, tanh(atanh(coh) - z*se)))^2, lty=ci.lty, col=ci.col) box() if (i == 1) { axis(2, xpd = NA) title(ylab=x$snames[j], xpd = NA) } if (j == nser) { axis(1, xpd = NA) title(xlab=x$snames[i], xpd = NA) } mtext(main, 3, 3, TRUE, 0.5, cex = par("cex.main"), font = par("font.main")) } } invisible() } plot.spec.phase <- function(x, ci = 0.95, xlab = "frequency", ylab = "phase", ylim=c(-pi, pi), type = "l", main = NULL, ci.col = "blue", ci.lty = 3, ...) { nser <- NCOL(x$spec) ## Formulae from Bloomfield (1976, p.225) gg <- 2/x$df if (is.null(main)) main <- paste(paste("Series:", x$series), "Phase spectrum", sep = " -- ") if(nser == 2) { plot(x$freq, x$phase, type=type, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ylim=ylim, ...) coh <- sqrt(x$coh) cl <- asin( pmin( 0.9999, qt(ci, 2/gg-2)* sqrt(gg*(coh^{-2} - 1)/(2*(1-gg)) ) ) ) lines(x$freq, x$phase + cl, lty=ci.lty, col=ci.col) lines(x$freq, x$phase - cl, lty=ci.lty, col=ci.col) title(main) } else { dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush()) opar <- par(mfrow = c(nser-1, nser-1), mar = c(1.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5), oma = c(4, 4, 6, 4)) on.exit(par(opar), add = TRUE) plot.new() for (j in 2:nser) for (i in 1L:(j-1)) { par(mfg=c(j-1,i, nser-1, nser-1)) ind <- i + (j - 1) * (j - 2)/2 plot(x$freq, x$phase[, ind], type=type, ylim=ylim, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", ...) coh <- sqrt(x$coh[, ind]) cl <- asin( pmin( 0.9999, qt(ci, 2/gg-2)* sqrt(gg*(coh^{-2} - 1)/(2*(1-gg)) ) ) ) lines(x$freq, x$phase[, ind] + cl, lty=ci.lty, col=ci.col) lines(x$freq, x$phase[, ind] - cl, lty=ci.lty, col=ci.col) box() if (i == 1) { axis(2, xpd = NA) title(ylab=x$snames[j], xpd = NA) } if (j == nser) { axis(1, xpd = NA) title(xlab=x$snames[i], xpd = NA) } mtext(main, 3, 3, TRUE, 0.5, cex = par("cex.main"), font = par("font.main")) } } invisible() }