# File src/library/stats/R/xtabs.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2015 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ xtabs <- function(formula = ~., data = parent.frame(), subset, sparse = FALSE, na.action, exclude = c(NA, NaN), drop.unused.levels = FALSE) { if (missing(formula) && missing(data)) stop("must supply either 'formula' or 'data'") if(!missing(formula)){ ## We need to coerce the formula argument now, but model.frame ## will coerce the original version later. formula <- as.formula(formula) if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") } if (any(attr(terms(formula, data = data), "order") > 1)) stop("interactions are not allowed") m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE) if (is.matrix(eval(m$data, parent.frame()))) m$data <- as.data.frame(data) m$... <- m$exclude <- m$drop.unused.levels <- m$sparse <- NULL ## need stats:: for non-standard evaluation m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame) mf <- eval(m, parent.frame()) if(length(formula) == 2L) { by <- mf y <- NULL } else { i <- attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "response") by <- mf[-i] y <- mf[[i]] } has.exclude <- !missing(exclude) by <- lapply(by, function(u) { if(!is.factor(u)) u <- factor(u, exclude = exclude) else if(has.exclude) # Don't drop NA from factors unless explicitly asked u <- factor(as.character(u), levels = setdiff(levels(u), exclude), exclude=NULL) u[ , drop = drop.unused.levels] }) if(!sparse) { x <- if(is.null(y)) do.call("table", by) else if(NCOL(y) == 1L) tapply(y, by, sum) else { z <- lapply(as.data.frame(y), tapply, by, sum) array(unlist(z), dim = c(dim(z[[1L]]), length(z)), dimnames = c(dimnames(z[[1L]]), list(names(z)))) } x[is.na(x)] <- 0L class(x) <- c("xtabs", "table") attr(x, "call") <- match.call() x } else { ## sparse if (length(by) != 2L) stop(gettextf("%s applies only to two-way tables", "xtabs(*, sparse=TRUE)"), domain = NA) ## loadNamespace(.) is very quick, once it *is* loaded: if(is.null(tryCatch(loadNamespace("Matrix"), error = function(e)NULL))) stop(gettextf("%s needs package 'Matrix' correctly installed", "xtabs(*, sparse=TRUE)"), domain = NA) if(length(i.ex <- unique(unlist(lapply(by,function(f) which(is.na(f))))))) by <- lapply(by, `[`, -i.ex) rows <- by[[1L]] cols <- by[[2L]] rl <- levels(rows) cl <- levels(cols) if (is.null(y)) y <- rep.int(1, length(rows)) methods::as(methods::new("dgTMatrix", i = as.integer(rows) - 1L, j = as.integer(cols) - 1L, x = as.double(y), Dim = c(length(rl), length(cl)), Dimnames = list(rl, cl)), "CsparseMatrix") } } print.xtabs <- function(x, ...) { ox <- x attr(x, "call") <- NULL print.table(x, ...) invisible(ox) }