% File src/library/stats/man/StructTS.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2009 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{StructTS} \alias{StructTS} \alias{print.StructTS} \alias{predict.StructTS} \title{Fit Structural Time Series} \description{ Fit a structural model for a time series by maximum likelihood. } \usage{ StructTS(x, type = c("level", "trend", "BSM"), init = NULL, fixed = NULL, optim.control = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a univariate numeric time series. Missing values are allowed.} \item{type}{the class of structural model. If omitted, a BSM is used for a time series with \code{frequency(x) > 1}, and a local trend model otherwise. Can be abbreviated.} \item{init}{initial values of the variance parameters.} \item{fixed}{optional numeric vector of the same length as the total number of parameters. If supplied, only \code{NA} entries in \code{fixed} will be varied. Probably most useful for setting variances to zero.} \item{optim.control}{List of control parameters for \code{\link{optim}}. Method \code{"L-BFGS-B"} is used.} } \details{ \emph{Structural time series} models are (linear Gaussian) state-space models for (univariate) time series based on a decomposition of the series into a number of components. They are specified by a set of error variances, some of which may be zero. The simplest model is the \emph{local level} model specified by \code{type = "level"}. This has an underlying level \eqn{\mu_t}{m[t]} which evolves by \deqn{\mu_{t+1} = \mu_t + \xi_t, \qquad \xi_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2_\xi)}{m[t+1] = m[t] + xi[t], xi[t] ~ N(0, \sigma^2_\xi)} The observations are \deqn{x_t = \mu_t + \epsilon_t, \qquad \epsilon_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2_\epsilon)}{x[t] = m[t] + eps[t], eps[t] ~ N(0, \sigma^2_\eps)} There are two parameters, \eqn{\sigma^2_\xi} and \eqn{\sigma^2_\epsilon}{\sigma^2_eps}. It is an ARIMA(0,1,1) model, but with restrictions on the parameter set. The \emph{local linear trend model}, \code{type = "trend"}, has the same measurement equation, but with a time-varying slope in the dynamics for \eqn{\mu_t}{m[t]}, given by \deqn{ \mu_{t+1} = \mu_t + \nu_t + \xi_t, \qquad \xi_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2_\xi) }{m[t+1] = m[t] + n[t] + xi[t], xi[t] ~ N(0, \sigma^2_\xi)} \deqn{ \nu_{t+1} = \nu_t + \zeta_t, \qquad \zeta_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2_\zeta) }{n[t+1] = n[t] + \zeta[t], \zeta[t] ~ N(0, \sigma^2_\zeta)} with three variance parameters. It is not uncommon to find \eqn{\sigma^2_\zeta = 0} (which reduces to the local level model) or \eqn{\sigma^2_\xi = 0}, which ensures a smooth trend. This is a restricted ARIMA(0,2,2) model. The \emph{basic structural model}, \code{type = "BSM"}, is a local trend model with an additional seasonal component. Thus the measurement equation is \deqn{x_t = \mu_t + \gamma_t + \epsilon_t, \qquad \epsilon_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2_\epsilon)}{x[t] = m[t] + s[t] + eps[t], eps[t] ~ N(0, \sigma^2_eps)} where \eqn{\gamma_t}{s[t]} is a seasonal component with dynamics \deqn{ \gamma_{t+1} = -\gamma_t + \cdots + \gamma_{t-s+2} + \omega_t, \qquad \omega_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2_\omega) }{s[t+1] = -s[t] - \dots - s[t - s + 2] + w[t], w[t] ~ N(0, \sigma^2_w)} The boundary case \eqn{\sigma^2_\omega = 0}{\sigma^2_w = 0} corresponds to a deterministic (but arbitrary) seasonal pattern. (This is sometimes known as the \sQuote{dummy variable} version of the BSM.) } \value{ A list of class \code{"StructTS"} with components: \item{coef}{the estimated variances of the components.} \item{loglik}{the maximized log-likelihood. Note that as all these models are non-stationary this includes a diffuse prior for some observations and hence is not comparable to \code{\link{arima}} nor different types of structural models.} \item{loglik0}{the maximized log-likelihood with the constant used prior to \R 3.0.0, for backwards compatibility.} \item{data}{the time series \code{x}.} \item{residuals}{the standardized residuals.} \item{fitted}{a multiple time series with one component for the level, slope and seasonal components, estimated contemporaneously (that is at time \eqn{t} and not at the end of the series).} \item{call}{the matched call.} \item{series}{the name of the series \code{x}.} \item{code}{the \code{convergence} code returned by \code{\link{optim}}.} \item{model, model0}{Lists representing the Kalman Filter used in the fitting. See \code{\link{KalmanLike}}. \code{model0} is the initial state of the filter, \code{model} its final state.} \item{xtsp}{the \code{tsp} attributes of \code{x}.} } \references{ Brockwell, P. J. & Davis, R. A. (1996). \emph{Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting}. Springer, New York. Sections 8.2 and 8.5. Durbin, J. and Koopman, S. J. (2001) \emph{Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods.} Oxford University Press. Harvey, A. C. (1989) \emph{Forecasting, Structural Time Series Models and the Kalman Filter}. Cambridge University Press. Harvey, A. C. (1993) \emph{Time Series Models}. 2nd Edition, Harvester Wheatsheaf. } \note{ Optimization of structural models is a lot harder than many of the references admit. For example, the \code{\link{AirPassengers}} data are considered in Brockwell & Davis (1996): their solution appears to be a local maximum, but nowhere near as good a fit as that produced by \code{StructTS}. It is quite common to find fits with one or more variances zero, and this can include \eqn{\sigma^2_\epsilon}{sigma^2_eps}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{KalmanLike}}, \code{\link{tsSmooth}}; \code{\link{stl}} for different kind of (seasonal) decomposition. } \examples{ ## see also JohnsonJohnson, Nile and AirPassengers require(graphics) trees <- window(treering, start = 0) (fit <- StructTS(trees, type = "level")) plot(trees) lines(fitted(fit), col = "green") tsdiag(fit) (fit <- StructTS(log10(UKgas), type = "BSM")) par(mfrow = c(4, 1)) # to give appropriate aspect ratio for next plot. plot(log10(UKgas)) plot(cbind(fitted(fit), resids=resid(fit)), main = "UK gas consumption") ## keep some parameters fixed; trace optimizer: StructTS(log10(UKgas), type = "BSM", fixed = c(0.1,0.001,NA,NA), optim.control = list(trace = TRUE)) } \keyword{ts}