% File src/library/stats/man/delete.response.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{delete.response} \title{Modify Terms Objects} \usage{ delete.response(termobj) reformulate(termlabels, response = NULL, intercept = TRUE) drop.terms(termobj, dropx = NULL, keep.response = FALSE) } \alias{reformulate} \alias{drop.terms} \alias{delete.response} \alias{[.terms} \arguments{ \item{termobj}{A \code{terms} object} \item{termlabels}{character vector giving the right-hand side of a model formula. Cannot be zero-length.} \item{response}{character string, symbol or call giving the left-hand side of a model formula, or \code{NULL}.} \item{intercept}{logical: should the formula have an intercept?} \item{dropx}{vector of positions of variables to drop from the right-hand side of the model.} \item{keep.response}{Keep the response in the resulting object?} } \description{ \code{delete.response} returns a \code{terms} object for the same model but with no response variable. \code{drop.terms} removes variables from the right-hand side of the model. There is also a \code{"[.terms"} method to perform the same function (with \code{keep.response = TRUE}). \code{reformulate} creates a formula from a character vector. } \value{ \code{delete.response} and \code{drop.terms} return a \code{terms} object. \code{reformulate} returns a \code{formula}. } \seealso{\code{\link{terms}}} \examples{ ff <- y ~ z + x + w tt <- terms(ff) tt delete.response(tt) drop.terms(tt, 2:3, keep.response = TRUE) tt[-1] tt[2:3] reformulate(attr(tt, "term.labels")) ## keep LHS : reformulate("x*w", ff[[2]]) fS <- surv(ft, case) ~ a + b reformulate(c("a", "b*f"), fS[[2]]) ## using non-syntactic names: reformulate(c("`P/E`", "`\% Growth`"), response = as.name("+-")) stopifnot(identical( ~ var, reformulate("var")), identical(~ a + b + c, reformulate(letters[1:3])), identical( y ~ a + b, reformulate(letters[1:2], "y")) ) } \keyword{programming}