% File src/library/stats/man/isoreg.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2008 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{isoreg} \title{Isotonic / Monotone Regression} \alias{isoreg} \concept{monotonic regression} \description{ Compute the isotonic (monotonely increasing nonparametric) least squares regression which is piecewise constant. } \usage{ isoreg(x, y = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{x, y}{%in \code{isoreg}, coordinate vectors of the regression points. Alternatively a single plotting structure can be specified: see \code{\link{xy.coords}}. } } \details{ The algorithm determines the convex minorant \eqn{m(x)} of the \emph{cumulative} data (i.e., \code{cumsum(y)}) which is piecewise linear and the result is \eqn{m'(x)}, a step function with level changes at locations where the convex \eqn{m(x)} touches the cumulative data polygon and changes slope.\cr \code{\link{as.stepfun}()} returns a \code{\link{stepfun}} object which can be more parsimonious. } \value{ \code{isoreg()} returns an object of class \code{isoreg} which is basically a list with components \item{x}{original (constructed) abscissa values \code{x}.} \item{y}{corresponding y values.} \item{yf}{fitted values corresponding to \emph{ordered} x values.} \item{yc}{cumulative y values corresponding to \emph{ordered} x values.} \item{iKnots}{integer vector giving indices where the fitted curve jumps, i.e., where the convex minorant has kinks.} \item{isOrd}{logical indicating if original x values were ordered increasingly already.} \item{ord}{\code{if(!isOrd)}: integer permutation \code{\link{order}(x)} of \emph{original} \code{x}.} \item{call}{the \code{\link{call}} to \code{isoreg()} used.} } \note{ The code should be improved to accept \emph{weights} additionally and solve the corresponding weighted least squares problem.\cr \sQuote{Patches are welcome!} } \references{ Barlow, R. E., Bartholomew, D. J., Bremner, J. M., and Brunk, H. D. (1972) \emph{Statistical inference under order restrictions}; Wiley, London. Robertson, T., Wright, F. T. and Dykstra, R. L. (1988) \emph{Order Restricted Statistical Inference}; Wiley, New York. } %%\author{Original C code by Brian Ripley; all else: Martin Maechler} \seealso{the plotting method \code{\link{plot.isoreg}} with more examples; \code{\link[MASS]{isoMDS}()} from the \CRANpkg{MASS} package internally uses isotonic regression. } \examples{ require(graphics) (ir <- isoreg(c(1,0,4,3,3,5,4,2,0))) plot(ir, plot.type = "row") (ir3 <- isoreg(y3 <- c(1,0,4,3,3,5,4,2, 3))) # last "3", not "0" (fi3 <- as.stepfun(ir3)) (ir4 <- isoreg(1:10, y4 <- c(5, 9, 1:2, 5:8, 3, 8))) cat(sprintf("R^2 = \%.2f\n", 1 - sum(residuals(ir4)^2) / ((10-1)*var(y4)))) ## If you are interested in the knots alone : with(ir4, cbind(iKnots, yf[iKnots])) ## Example of unordered x[] with ties: x <- sample((0:30)/8) y <- exp(x) x. <- round(x) # ties! plot(m <- isoreg(x., y)) stopifnot(all.equal(with(m, yf[iKnots]), as.vector(tapply(y, x., mean)))) } \keyword{regression} \keyword{smooth}