% File src/library/stats/man/lmfit.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{lm.fit} \title{Fitter Functions for Linear Models} \usage{ lm.fit (x, y, offset = NULL, method = "qr", tol = 1e-7, singular.ok = TRUE, \dots) lm.wfit(x, y, w, offset = NULL, method = "qr", tol = 1e-7, singular.ok = TRUE, \dots) .lm.fit(x, y, tol = 1e-7) } \alias{lm.fit} \alias{lm.wfit} \alias{.lm.fit} \description{ These are the basic computing engines called by \code{\link{lm}} used to fit linear models. These should usually \emph{not} be used directly unless by experienced users. \code{.lm.fit()} is bare bone wrapper to the innermost QR-based C code, on which \code{\link{glm.fit}} and \code{\link{lsfit}} are based as well, for even more experienced users. } \arguments{ \item{x}{design matrix of dimension \code{n * p}.} \item{y}{vector of observations of length \code{n}, or a matrix with \code{n} rows.} \item{w}{vector of weights (length \code{n}) to be used in the fitting process for the \code{wfit} functions. Weighted least squares is used with weights \code{w}, i.e., \code{sum(w * e^2)} is minimized.} \item{offset}{numeric of length \code{n}). This can be used to specify an \emph{a priori} known component to be included in the linear predictor during fitting.} \item{method}{currently, only \code{method = "qr"} is supported.} \item{tol}{tolerance for the \code{\link{qr}} decomposition. Default is 1e-7.} \item{singular.ok}{logical. If \code{FALSE}, a singular model is an error.} \item{\dots}{currently disregarded.} } \value{ a \code{\link{list}} with components (for \code{lm.fit} and \code{lm.wfit}) \item{coefficients}{\code{p} vector} \item{residuals}{\code{n} vector or matrix} \item{fitted.values}{\code{n} vector or matrix} \item{effects}{\code{n} vector of orthogonal single-df effects. The first \code{rank} of them correspond to non-aliased coefficients, and are named accordingly.} \item{weights}{\code{n} vector --- \emph{only} for the \code{*wfit*} functions.} \item{rank}{integer, giving the rank} \item{df.residual}{degrees of freedom of residuals} \item{qr}{the QR decomposition, see \code{\link{qr}}.} Fits without any columns or non-zero weights do not have the \code{effects} and \code{qr} components. \code{.lm.fit()} returns a subset of the above, the \code{qr} part unwrapped, plus a logical component \code{pivoted} indicating if the underlying QR algorithm did pivot. } \seealso{ \code{\link{lm}} which you should use for linear least squares regression, unless you know better. } \examples{ require(utils) %% FIXME: Do something more sensible (non-random data) !! set.seed(129) n <- 7 ; p <- 2 X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p) # no intercept! y <- rnorm(n) w <- rnorm(n)^2 str(lmw <- lm.wfit(x = X, y = y, w = w)) str(lm. <- lm.fit (x = X, y = y)) \dontshow{ ## These are the same calculations at C level, but a parallel BLAS ## might not do them the same way twice, and if seems serial MKL does not. lm.. <- .lm.fit(X,y) lm.w <- .lm.fit(X*sqrt(w), y*sqrt(w)) id <- function(x, y) all.equal(x, y, tolerance = 1e-15, scale = 1) stopifnot(id(unname(lm.$coef), lm..$coef), id(unname(lmw$coef), lm.w$coef)) } \donttest{ if(require("microbenchmark")) { mb <- microbenchmark(lm(y~X), lm.fit(X,y), .lm.fit(X,y)) print(mb) boxplot(mb, notch=TRUE) } } %% do an example which sets 'tol' and gives a difference! } \keyword{regression} \keyword{array}