% File src/library/stats/man/loess.control.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2015 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{loess.control} \title{Set Parameters for Loess} \usage{ loess.control(surface = c("interpolate", "direct"), statistics = c("approximate", "exact", "none"), trace.hat = c("exact", "approximate"), cell = 0.2, iterations = 4, iterTrace = FALSE, \dots) } \alias{loess.control} \arguments{ \item{surface}{should the fitted surface be computed exactly (\code{"direct"}) or via interpolation from a kd tree? Can be abbreviated.} \item{statistics}{should the statistics be computed exactly, approximately or not at all? Exact computation can be very slow. Can be abbreviated.} \item{trace.hat}{Only for the (default) case \code{(surface = "interpolate", statistics = "approximate")}: should the trace of the smoother matrix be computed exactly or approximately? It is recommended to use the approximation for more than about 1000 data points. Can be abbreviated.} \item{cell}{if interpolation is used this controls the accuracy of the approximation via the maximum number of points in a cell in the kd tree. Cells with more than \code{floor(n*span*cell)} points are subdivided.} \item{iterations}{the number of iterations used in robust fitting, i.e. only if \code{family} is \code{"symmetric"}.} \item{iterTrace}{logical (or integer) determining if tracing information during the robust iterations (\code{iterations}\eqn{\ge 2}{>= 2}) is produced.} \item{\dots}{further arguments which are ignored.} } \description{ Set control parameters for \code{loess} fits. } \value{ A list with components \item{surface}{} \item{statistics}{} \item{trace.hat}{} \item{cell}{} \item{iterations}{} \item{iterTrace}{} with meanings as explained under \sQuote{Arguments}. } \seealso{\code{\link{loess}}} \keyword{smooth} \keyword{loess}