% File src/library/stats/man/lsfit.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2007 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{lsfit} \title{Find the Least Squares Fit} \usage{ lsfit(x, y, wt = NULL, intercept = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-07, yname = NULL) } \alias{lsfit} \arguments{ \item{x}{a matrix whose rows correspond to cases and whose columns correspond to variables.} \item{y}{the responses, possibly a matrix if you want to fit multiple left hand sides.} \item{wt}{an optional vector of weights for performing weighted least squares.} \item{intercept}{whether or not an intercept term should be used.} \item{tolerance}{the tolerance to be used in the matrix decomposition.} \item{yname}{names to be used for the response variables.} } \description{ The least squares estimate of \bold{\eqn{\beta}{b}} in the model \deqn{\bold{Y} = \bold{X \beta} + \bold{\epsilon}}{y = X b + e} is found. } \details{ If weights are specified then a weighted least squares is performed with the weight given to the \emph{j}th case specified by the \emph{j}th entry in \code{wt}. If any observation has a missing value in any field, that observation is removed before the analysis is carried out. This can be quite inefficient if there is a lot of missing data. The implementation is via a modification of the LINPACK subroutines which allow for multiple left-hand sides. } \value{ A list with the following named components: \item{coef}{the least squares estimates of the coefficients in the model (\bold{\eqn{\beta}{b}} as stated above).} \item{residuals}{residuals from the fit.} \item{intercept}{indicates whether an intercept was fitted.} \item{qr}{the QR decomposition of the design matrix.} } \references{ Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) \emph{The New S Language}. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. } \seealso{ \code{\link{lm}} which usually is preferable; \code{\link{ls.print}}, \code{\link{ls.diag}}. } \examples{ \dontshow{utils::example("lm", echo = FALSE)} ##-- Using the same data as the lm(.) example: lsD9 <- lsfit(x = unclass(gl(2, 10)), y = weight) ls.print(lsD9) } \keyword{regression}