% File src/library/stats/man/makepredictcall.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{makepredictcall} \alias{makepredictcall} \alias{makepredictcall.default} \alias{SafePrediction} \title{Utility Function for Safe Prediction} \description{ A utility to help \code{\link{model.frame.default}} create the right matrices when predicting from models with terms like (univariate) \code{poly} or \code{ns}. } \usage{ makepredictcall(var, call) } \arguments{ \item{var}{A variable.} \item{call}{The term in the formula, as a call.} } \details{ This is a generic function with methods for \code{poly}, \code{bs} and \code{ns}: the default method handles \code{scale}. If \code{model.frame.default} encounters such a term when creating a model frame, it modifies the \code{predvars} attribute of the terms supplied by replacing the term with one which will work for predicting new data. For example \code{makepredictcall.ns} adds arguments for the knots and intercept. To make use of this, have your model-fitting function return the \code{terms} attribute of the model frame, or copy the \code{predvars} attribute of the \code{terms} attribute of the model frame to your \code{terms} object. To extend this, make sure the term creates variables with a class, and write a suitable method for that class. } \value{ A replacement for \code{call} for the \code{predvars} attribute of the terms. } \seealso{ \code{\link{model.frame}}, \code{\link{poly}}, \code{\link{scale}}; \code{\link{bs}} and \code{\link{ns}} in package \pkg{splines}. \code{\link{cars}} for an example of prediction from a polynomial fit. } \examples{ require(graphics) ## using poly: this did not work in R < 1.5.0 fm <- lm(weight ~ poly(height, 2), data = women) plot(women, xlab = "Height (in)", ylab = "Weight (lb)") ht <- seq(57, 73, len = 200) lines(ht, predict(fm, data.frame(height = ht))) ## see also example(cars) ## see bs and ns for spline examples. } \keyword{models}