% File src/library/stats/man/simulate.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{simulate} \title{Simulate Responses} \description{ Simulate one or more responses from the distribution corresponding to a fitted model object. } \usage{ simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, \dots) } \alias{simulate} \arguments{ \item{object}{an object representing a fitted model.} \item{nsim}{number of response vectors to simulate. Defaults to \code{1}.} \item{seed}{an object specifying if and how the random number generator should be initialized (\sQuote{seeded}).\cr For the "lm" method, either \code{NULL} or an integer that will be used in a call to \code{set.seed} before simulating the response vectors. If set, the value is saved as the \code{"seed"} attribute of the returned value. The default, \code{NULL} will not change the random generator state, and return \code{\link{.Random.seed}} as the \code{"seed"} attribute, see \sQuote{Value}. } \item{\dots}{additional optional arguments.} } \value{ Typically, a list of length \code{nsim} of simulated responses. Where appropriate the result can be a data frame (which is a special type of list). %% a *matrix* seems very natural and is more efficient %% for large-scale simulation, already for stats:::simulate.lm (in ../R/lm.R ) For the \code{"lm"} method, the result is a data frame with an attribute \code{"seed"}. If argument \code{seed} is \code{NULL}, the attribute is the value of \code{\link{.Random.seed}} before the simulation was started; otherwise it is the value of the argument with a \code{"kind"} attribute with value \code{as.list(\link{RNGkind}())}. } \details{ This is a generic function. Consult the individual modeling functions for details on how to use this function. Package \pkg{stats} has a method for \code{"lm"} objects which is used for \code{\link{lm}} and \code{\link{glm}} fits. There is a method for fits from \code{glm.nb} in package \CRANpkg{MASS}, and hence the case of negative binomial families is not covered by the \code{"lm"} method. The methods for linear models fitted by \code{lm} or \code{glm(family = "gaussian")} assume that any weights which have been supplied are inversely proportional to the error variance. For other GLMs the (optional) \code{simulate} component of the \code{\link{family}} object is used---there is no appropriate simulation method for \sQuote{quasi} models as they are specified only up to two moments. For binomial and Poisson GLMs the dispersion is fixed at one. Integer prior weights \eqn{w_i} can be interpreted as meaning that observation \eqn{i} is an average of \eqn{w_i} observations, which is natural for binomials specified as proportions but less so for a Poisson, for which prior weights are ignored with a warning. For a gamma GLM the shape parameter is estimated by maximum likelihood (using function \code{\link[MASS:gamma.shape.glm]{gamma.shape}} in package \CRANpkg{MASS}). The interpretation of weights is as multipliers to a basic shape parameter, since dispersion is inversely proportional to shape. For an inverse gaussian GLM the model assumed is \eqn{IG(\mu_i, \lambda w_i)} (see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_Gaussian_distribution}) where \eqn{\lambda} is estimated by the inverse of the dispersion estimate for the fit. The variance is \eqn{\mu_i^3/(\lambda w_i)} and hence inversely proportional to the prior weights. The simulation is done by function \code{\link[SuppDists:invGauss]{rinvGauss}} from the \CRANpkg{SuppDists} package, which must be installed. } \seealso{ \code{\link{RNG}} about random number generation in \R, \code{\link{fitted.values}} and \code{\link{residuals}} for related methods; \code{\link{glm}}, \code{\link{lm}} for model fitting. There are further examples in the \file{simulate.R} tests file in the sources for package \pkg{stats}. } \examples{ x <- 1:5 mod1 <- lm(c(1:3, 7, 6) ~ x) S1 <- simulate(mod1, nsim = 4) ## repeat the simulation: .Random.seed <- attr(S1, "seed") identical(S1, simulate(mod1, nsim = 4)) S2 <- simulate(mod1, nsim = 200, seed = 101) rowMeans(S2) # should be about the same as fitted(mod1) ## repeat identically: (sseed <- attr(S2, "seed")) # seed; RNGkind as attribute stopifnot(identical(S2, simulate(mod1, nsim = 200, seed = sseed))) ## To be sure about the proper RNGkind, e.g., after RNGversion("2.7.0") ## first set the RNG kind, then simulate do.call(RNGkind, attr(sseed, "kind")) identical(S2, simulate(mod1, nsim = 200, seed = sseed)) ## Binomial GLM examples yb1 <- matrix(c(4, 4, 5, 7, 8, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2), ncol = 2) modb1 <- glm(yb1 ~ x, family = binomial) S3 <- simulate(modb1, nsim = 4) # each column of S3 is a two-column matrix. x2 <- sort(runif(100)) yb2 <- rbinom(100, prob = plogis(2*(x2-1)), size = 1) yb2 <- factor(1 + yb2, labels = c("failure", "success")) modb2 <- glm(yb2 ~ x2, family = binomial) S4 <- simulate(modb2, nsim = 4) # each column of S4 is a factor } \keyword{models} \keyword{datagen}