% File src/library/stats/man/smooth.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2016 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{smooth} \alias{smooth} \title{Tukey's (Running Median) Smoothing} \description{ Tukey's smoothers, \emph{3RS3R}, \emph{3RSS}, \emph{3R}, etc. } \usage{ smooth(x, kind = c("3RS3R", "3RSS", "3RSR", "3R", "3", "S"), twiceit = FALSE, endrule = c("Tukey", "copy"), do.ends = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a vector or time series} \item{kind}{a character string indicating the kind of smoother required; defaults to \code{"3RS3R"}.} \item{twiceit}{logical, indicating if the result should be \sQuote{twiced}. Twicing a smoother \eqn{S(y)} means \eqn{S(y) + S(y - S(y))}, i.e., adding smoothed residuals to the smoothed values. This decreases bias (increasing variance).} \item{endrule}{a character string indicating the rule for smoothing at the boundary. Either \code{"Tukey"} (default) or \code{"copy"}.} \item{do.ends}{logical, indicating if the 3-splitting of ties should also happen at the boundaries (ends). This is only used for \code{kind = "S"}.} } \details{ \emph{\code{3}} is Tukey's short notation for running \code{\link{median}}s of length \bold{3}, \cr \emph{\code{3R}} stands for \bold{R}epeated \emph{\code{3}} until convergence, and \cr \emph{\code{S}} for \bold{S}plitting of horizontal stretches of length 2 or 3. Hence, \emph{\code{3RS3R}} is a concatenation of \code{3R}, \code{S} and \code{3R}, \emph{\code{3RSS}} similarly, whereas \emph{\code{3RSR}} means first \code{3R} and then \code{(S and 3)} \bold{R}epeated until convergence -- which can be bad. } \value{ An object of class \code{"tukeysmooth"} (which has \code{print} and \code{summary} methods) and is a vector or time series containing the smoothed values with additional attributes. } \note{ S and S-PLUS use a different (somewhat better) Tukey smoother in \code{smooth(*)}. Note that there are other smoothing methods which provide rather better results. These were designed for hand calculations and may be used mainly for didactical purposes. Since \R version 1.2, \code{smooth} \emph{does} really implement Tukey's end-point rule correctly (see argument \code{endrule}). \code{kind = "3RSR"} has been the default till \R-1.1, but it can have very bad properties, see the examples. Note that repeated application of \code{smooth(*)} \emph{does} smooth more, for the \code{"3RS*"} kinds. } \references{ Tukey, J. W. (1977). \emph{Exploratory Data Analysis}, Reading Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. } \seealso{ \code{\link{runmed}} for running medians; \code{\link{lowess}} and \code{\link{loess}}; \code{\link{supsmu}} and \code{\link{smooth.spline}}. } \examples{ require(graphics) ## see also demo(smooth) ! x1 <- c(4, 1, 3, 6, 6, 4, 1, 6, 2, 4, 2) # very artificial (x3R <- smooth(x1, "3R")) # 2 iterations of "3" smooth(x3R, kind = "S") sm.3RS <- function(x, ...) smooth(smooth(x, "3R", ...), "S", ...) y <- c(1, 1, 19:1) plot(y, main = "misbehaviour of \"3RSR\"", col.main = 3) lines(sm.3RS(y)) lines(smooth(y)) lines(smooth(y, "3RSR"), col = 3, lwd = 2) # the horror x <- c(8:10, 10, 0, 0, 9, 9) plot(x, main = "breakdown of 3R and S and hence 3RSS") matlines(cbind(smooth(x, "3R"), smooth(x, "S"), smooth(x, "3RSS"), smooth(x))) presidents[is.na(presidents)] <- 0 # silly summary(sm3 <- smooth(presidents, "3R")) summary(sm2 <- smooth(presidents,"3RSS")) summary(sm <- smooth(presidents)) all.equal(c(sm2), c(smooth(smooth(sm3, "S"), "S"))) # 3RSS === 3R S S all.equal(c(sm), c(smooth(smooth(sm3, "S"), "3R"))) # 3RS3R === 3R S 3R plot(presidents, main = "smooth(presidents0, *) : 3R and default 3RS3R") lines(sm3, col = 3, lwd = 1.5) lines(sm, col = 2, lwd = 1.25) } \keyword{robust} \keyword{smooth}