% File src/library/stats/man/smooth.spline.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2016 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{smooth.spline} \alias{smooth.spline} \alias{.nknots.smspl} %\alias{print.smooth.spline}% is not exported \title{Fit a Smoothing Spline} \description{ Fits a cubic smoothing spline to the supplied data. } \usage{ smooth.spline(x, y = NULL, w = NULL, df, spar = NULL, cv = FALSE, all.knots = FALSE, nknots = .nknots.smspl, keep.data = TRUE, df.offset = 0, penalty = 1, control.spar = list(), tol = 1e-6 * IQR(x)) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a vector giving the values of the predictor variable, or a list or a two-column matrix specifying x and y. } \item{y}{responses. If \code{y} is missing or \code{NULL}, the responses are assumed to be specified by \code{x}, with \code{x} the index vector.} \item{w}{optional vector of weights of the same length as \code{x}; defaults to all 1.} \item{df}{the desired equivalent number of degrees of freedom (trace of the smoother matrix). Must be in \eqn{(1,n_x]}{(1,nx]}, \eqn{n_x}{nx} the number of unique x values, see below.} \item{spar}{smoothing parameter, typically (but not necessarily) in \eqn{(0,1]}. The coefficient \eqn{\lambda} of the integral of the squared second derivative in the fit (penalized log likelihood) criterion is a monotone function of \code{spar}, see the details below.} \item{cv}{ordinary (\code{TRUE}) or \sQuote{generalized} cross-validation (GCV) when \code{FALSE}; is used for smoothing parameter computation only when \code{df} is not specified; it is used however to determine \code{cv.crit} in the result. Setting it to \code{NA} for speedup skips the evaluation of leverages and any score.} \item{all.knots}{if \code{TRUE}, all distinct points in \code{x} are used as knots. If \code{FALSE} (default), a subset of \code{x[]} is used, specifically \code{x[j]} where the \code{nknots} indices are evenly spaced in \code{1:n}, see also the next argument \code{nknots}.} \item{nknots}{integer or \code{\link{function}} giving the number of knots to use when \code{all.knots = FALSE}. If a function (as by default), the number of knots is \code{nknots(nx)}. By default for \eqn{n_x > 49}{nx > 49} this is less than \eqn{n_x}{nx}, the number of unique \code{x} values, see the Note.} \item{keep.data}{logical specifying if the input data should be kept in the result. If \code{TRUE} (as per default), fitted values and residuals are available from the result.} \item{df.offset}{allows the degrees of freedom to be increased by \code{df.offset} in the GCV criterion.} \item{penalty}{the coefficient of the penalty for degrees of freedom in the GCV criterion.} \item{control.spar}{optional list with named components controlling the root finding when the smoothing parameter \code{spar} is computed, i.e., missing or \code{NULL}, see below. \bold{Note} that this is partly \emph{experimental} and may change with general spar computation improvements! \describe{ \item{low:}{lower bound for \code{spar}; defaults to -1.5 (used to implicitly default to 0 in \R versions earlier than 1.4).} \item{high:}{upper bound for \code{spar}; defaults to +1.5.} \item{tol:}{the absolute precision (\bold{tol}erance) used; defaults to 1e-4 (formerly 1e-3).} \item{eps:}{the relative precision used; defaults to 2e-8 (formerly 0.00244).} \item{trace:}{logical indicating if iterations should be traced.} \item{maxit:}{integer giving the maximal number of iterations; defaults to 500.} } Note that \code{spar} is only searched for in the interval \eqn{[low, high]}. } \item{tol}{a tolerance for same-ness or uniqueness of the \code{x} values. The values are binned into bins of size \code{tol} and values which fall into the same bin are regarded as the same. Must be strictly positive (and finite).} } \details{ Neither \code{x} nor \code{y} are allowed to containing missing or infinite values. The \code{x} vector should contain at least four distinct values. \sQuote{Distinct} here is controlled by \code{tol}: values which are regarded as the same are replaced by the first of their values and the corresponding \code{y} and \code{w} are pooled accordingly. The computational \eqn{\lambda} used (as a function of \eqn{s=spar}{\code{spar}}) is \eqn{\lambda = r * 256^{3 s - 1}}{\lambda = r * 256^(3*spar - 1)} where \eqn{r = tr(X' W X) / tr(\Sigma)}, \eqn{\Sigma} is the matrix given by \eqn{\Sigma_{ij} = \int B_i''(t) B_j''(t) dt}{\Sigma[i,j] = Integral B''[i](t) B''[j](t) dt}, \eqn{X} is given by \eqn{X_{ij} = B_j(x_i)}{X[i,j] = B[j](x[i])}, \eqn{W} is the diagonal matrix of weights (scaled such that its trace is \eqn{n}, the original number of observations) and \eqn{B_k(.)}{B[k](.)} is the \eqn{k}-th B-spline. Note that with these definitions, \eqn{f_i = f(x_i)}, and the B-spline basis representation \eqn{f = X c} (i.e., \eqn{c} is the vector of spline coefficients), the penalized log likelihood is \eqn{L = (y - f)' W (y - f) + \lambda c' \Sigma c}, and hence \eqn{c} is the solution of the (ridge regression) \eqn{(X' W X + \lambda \Sigma) c = X' W y}. If \code{spar} is missing or \code{NULL}, the value of \code{df} is used to determine the degree of smoothing. If both are missing, leave-one-out cross-validation (ordinary or \sQuote{generalized} as determined by \code{cv}) is used to determine \eqn{\lambda}. Note that from the above relation, %% lam = r * 256^(3s - 1) %% log(lam) = log(r) + (3s - 1) * log(256) %% (log(lam) - log(r)) / log(256) = 3s - 1 %% s = [1 + {log(lam) - log(r)} / {8 log(2)} ] / 3 %% = 1/3 + {log(lam) - log(r)} / {24 log(2)} %% = 1/3 - log(r)/{24 log(2)} + log(lam) / {24 log(2)} %% = s0 + 0.0601 * log(lam) \code{spar} is \eqn{s = s0 + 0.0601 * \bold{\log}\lambda}{spar = s0 + 0.0601 * log(\lambda)}, which is intentionally \emph{different} from the S-PLUS implementation of \code{smooth.spline} (where \code{spar} is proportional to \eqn{\lambda}). In \R's (\eqn{\log \lambda}{log \lambda}) scale, it makes more sense to vary \code{spar} linearly. Note however that currently the results may become very unreliable for \code{spar} values smaller than about -1 or -2. The same may happen for values larger than 2 or so. Don't think of setting \code{spar} or the controls \code{low} and \code{high} outside such a safe range, unless you know what you are doing! The \sQuote{generalized} cross-validation method will work correctly when there are duplicated points in \code{x}. However, it is ambiguous what leave-one-out cross-validation means with duplicated points, and the internal code uses an approximation that involves leaving out groups of duplicated points. \code{cv = TRUE} is best avoided in that case. } \note{ The number of unique \code{x} values, \eqn{\code{nx} = n_x}{nx}, are determined by the \code{tol} argument, equivalently to \preformatted{% nx <- length(x) - sum(duplicated( round((x - mean(x)) / tol) ))} The default \code{all.knots = FALSE} and \code{nknots = .nknots.smspl}, entails using only \eqn{O({n_x}^{0.2})}{O(nx ^ 0.2)} knots instead of \eqn{n_x}{nx} for \eqn{n_x > 49}{nx > 49}. This cuts speed and memory requirements, but not drastically anymore since \R version 1.5.1 where it is only \eqn{O(n_k) + O(n)}{O(nk) + O(n)} where \eqn{n_k}{nk} is the number of knots. In this case where not all unique \code{x} values are used as knots, the result is not a smoothing spline in the strict sense, but very close unless a small smoothing parameter (or large \code{df}) is used. } \value{ An object of class \code{"smooth.spline"} with components \item{x}{the \emph{distinct} \code{x} values in increasing order, see the \sQuote{Details} above.} \item{y}{the fitted values corresponding to \code{x}.} \item{w}{the weights used at the unique values of \code{x}.} \item{yin}{the y values used at the unique \code{y} values.} \item{data}{only if \code{keep.data = TRUE}: itself a \code{\link{list}} with components \code{x}, \code{y} and \code{w} of the same length. These are the original \eqn{(x_i,y_i,w_i), i = 1, \dots, n}, values where \code{data$x} may have repeated values and hence be longer than the above \code{x} component; see details. } \item{lev}{(when \code{cv} was not \code{NA}) leverages, the diagonal values of the smoother matrix.} \item{cv.crit}{cross-validation score, \sQuote{generalized} or true, depending on \code{cv}.} \item{pen.crit}{penalized criterion} \item{crit}{the criterion value minimized in the underlying \code{.Fortran} routine \file{sslvrg}. When \code{df} has been specified, the criterion is \eqn{3 + (tr(S_\lambda) - df)^2}{3 + (tr(S[lambda]) - df)^2}, where the \eqn{3 +} is there for numerical (and historical) reasons.} \item{df}{equivalent degrees of freedom used. Note that (currently) this value may become quite imprecise when the true \code{df} is between and 1 and 2. } \item{spar}{the value of \code{spar} computed or given.} \item{lambda}{the value of \eqn{\lambda} corresponding to \code{spar}, see the details above.} \item{iparms}{named integer(3) vector where \code{..$ipars["iter"]} gives number of spar computing iterations used.} \item{fit}{list for use by \code{\link{predict.smooth.spline}}, with components \describe{ \item{knot:}{the knot sequence (including the repeated boundary knots).} \item{nk:}{number of coefficients or number of \sQuote{proper} knots plus 2.} \item{coef:}{coefficients for the spline basis used.} \item{min, range:}{numbers giving the corresponding quantities of \code{x}.} } } \item{call}{the matched call.} } \references{ Chambers, J. M. and Hastie, T. J. (1992) \emph{Statistical Models in S}, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. Green, P. J. and Silverman, B. W. (1994) \emph{Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models: A Roughness Penalty Approach.} Chapman and Hall. Hastie, T. J. and Tibshirani, R. J. (1990) \emph{Generalized Additive Models.} Chapman and Hall. } \author{ \R implementation by B. D. Ripley and Martin Maechler (\code{spar/lambda}, etc). } \source{ This function is based on code in the \code{GAMFIT} Fortran program by T. Hastie and R. Tibshirani (originally taken from \url{http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/general/}, which is now defunct but mirrors may still be available), which makes use of spline code by Finbarr O'Sullivan. Its design parallels the \code{smooth.spline} function of Chambers & Hastie (1992). } \seealso{ \code{\link{predict.smooth.spline}} for evaluating the spline and its derivatives. } \examples{ require(graphics) attach(cars) plot(speed, dist, main = "data(cars) & smoothing splines") cars.spl <- smooth.spline(speed, dist) (cars.spl) ## This example has duplicate points, so avoid cv = TRUE \dontshow{ stopifnot(cars.spl $ w == table(speed)) # weights = multiplicities utils::str(cars.spl, digits = 5, vec.len = 6) cars.spl$fit } lines(cars.spl, col = "blue") lines(smooth.spline(speed, dist, df = 10), lty = 2, col = "red") legend(5,120,c(paste("default [C.V.] => df =",round(cars.spl$df,1)), "s( * , df = 10)"), col = c("blue","red"), lty = 1:2, bg = 'bisque') detach() ## Residual (Tukey Anscombe) plot: plot(residuals(cars.spl) ~ fitted(cars.spl)) abline(h = 0, col = "gray") ## consistency check: stopifnot(all.equal(cars$dist, fitted(cars.spl) + residuals(cars.spl))) ## Visualize the behavior of .nknots.smspl() nKnots <- Vectorize(.nknots.smspl) ; c.. <- adjustcolor("gray20",.5) curve(nKnots, 1, 250, n=250) abline(0,1, lty=2, col=c..); text(90,90,"y = x", col=c.., adj=-.25) abline(h=100,lty=2); abline(v=200, lty=2) n <- c(1:799, seq(800, 3490, by=10), seq(3500, 10000, by = 50)) plot(n, nKnots(n), type="l", main = "Vectorize(.nknots.smspl) (n)") abline(0,1, lty=2, col=c..); text(180,180,"y = x", col=c..) n0 <- c(50, 200, 800, 3200); c0 <- adjustcolor("blue3", .5) lines(n0, nKnots(n0), type="h", col=c0) axis(1, at=n0, line=-2, col.ticks=c0, col=NA, col.axis=c0) axis(4, at=.nknots.smspl(10000), line=-.5, col=c..,col.axis=c.., las=1) ##-- artificial example y18 <- c(1:3, 5, 4, 7:3, 2*(2:5), rep(10, 4)) xx <- seq(1, length(y18), len = 201) (s2 <- smooth.spline(y18)) # GCV (s02 <- smooth.spline(y18, spar = 0.2)) (s02. <- smooth.spline(y18, spar = 0.2, cv = NA)) plot(y18, main = deparse(s2$call), col.main = 2) lines(s2, col = "gray"); lines(predict(s2, xx), col = 2) lines(predict(s02, xx), col = 3); mtext(deparse(s02$call), col = 3) \dontshow{ stopifnot(all.equal(predict(s02 , xx), predict(s02., xx), tolerance = 1e-15)) } \donttest{ ## The following shows the problematic behavior of 'spar' searching: (s2 <- smooth.spline(y18, control = list(trace = TRUE, tol = 1e-6, low = -1.5))) (s2m <- smooth.spline(y18, cv = TRUE, control = list(trace = TRUE, tol = 1e-6, low = -1.5))) ## both above do quite similarly (Df = 8.5 +- 0.2) }} \keyword{smooth}