% File src/library/stats/man/stats-defunct.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2013 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{stats-defunct} %------ NOTE: ../R/stats-defunct.R must be synchronized with this! \alias{stats-defunct} \title{Defunct Functions in Package \pkg{stats}} %------ PLEASE: put \alias{.} here for EACH ! \alias{arima0.diag} \alias{dnchisq} \alias{pnchisq} \alias{qnchisq} \alias{rnchisq} \alias{reshapeLong} \alias{reshapeWide} \alias{plot.mts} \alias{print.coefmat} \alias{anovalist.lm} \alias{lm.fit.null} \alias{lm.wfit.null} \alias{glm.fit.null} \alias{mauchley.test} \alias{clearNames} % \description{ The functions or variables listed here are no longer part of \R as they are not needed (any more). } \usage{ ## Defunct in R 1.x dnchisq(.) pnchisq(.) qnchisq(.) rnchisq(.) print.anova.glm(.) print.anova.lm(.) reshapeWide(x, i, j, val, jnames = levels(j)) reshapeLong(x, jvars, ilev = row.names(x), jlev = names(x)[jvars], iname = "reshape.i", jname = "reshape.j", vname = "reshape.v") arima0.diag(\dots) plot.mts(x, plot.type = c("multiple", "single"), panel = lines, log = "", col = par("col"), bg = NA, pch = par("pch"), cex = par("cex"), lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"), ann = par("ann"), xlab = "Time", type = "l", main = NULL, oma = c(6, 0, 5, 0), \dots) print.coefmat(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2), signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), dig.tst = max(1, min(5, digits - 1)), cs.ind, tst.ind, zap.ind = integer(0), P.values = NULL, has.Pvalue, eps.Pvalue = .Machine$double.eps, na.print = "", \dots) anovalist.lm(object, \dots, test = NULL) lm.fit.null(x, y, method = "qr", tol = 1e-07, \dots) lm.wfit.null(x, y, w, method = "qr", tol = 1e-07, \dots) glm.fit.null(x, y, weights, start = NULL, etastart = NULL, mustart = NULL, offset, family = gaussian(), control = glm.control(), intercept = FALSE) # Defunct in 2.4.0 mauchley.test(object, Sigma = diag(nrow = p), T = Thin.row(proj(M) - proj(X)), M = diag(nrow = p), X = ~0, idata = data.frame(index = seq(length = p)), ...) # Defunct in 2.10.0 clearNames(object) } \details{ The \code{*chisq()} functions now take an optional non-centrality argument, so the \code{*nchisq()} functions are no longer needed. \code{reshape*}, which were experimental, are replaced by \code{\link{reshape}}. This has a different syntax and allows multiple time-varying variables. \code{arima0.diag} has been replaced by \code{\link{tsdiag.arima0}}. \code{plot.mts} has been removed, as \code{\link{plot.ts}} now has the same functionality. \code{print.coefmat} was an older name for \code{\link{printCoefmat}} with a different default for \code{na.print}. \code{anovalist.lm} was replaced by \code{\link{anova.lmlist}} in \R 1.2.0. \code{lm.fit.null} and \code{lm.wfit.null} are superseded by \code{lm.fit} and \code{lm.wfit} which handle null models now. Similarly, \code{glm.fit.null} is superseded by \code{glm.fit}. \code{mauchley.test} was a misspelling of Mauchly's name, corrected by the introduction of \code{\link{mauchly.test}}. \code{clearNames} had been introduced at about the same time as \code{\link{unname}}, but is less general and has been used rarely. } \seealso{ \code{\link{Defunct}} } \keyword{internal}