# File src/library/stats4/R/mle.R
# Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
# Copyright (C) 1995-2012 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
# https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
setClass("mle", representation(call = "language",
coef = "numeric",
fullcoef = "numeric",
vcov = "matrix",
min = "numeric",
details = "list",
minuslogl = "function",
nobs = "integer",
method = "character"))
setClass("summary.mle", representation(call = "language",
coef = "matrix",
m2logL = "numeric"))
setClass("profile.mle", representation(profile="list",
mle <- function(minuslogl, start = formals(minuslogl), method = "BFGS",
fixed = list(), nobs, ...)
# Insert sanity checks here...
call <- match.call()
n <- names(fixed)
fullcoef <- formals(minuslogl)
if(any(! n %in% names(fullcoef)))
stop("some named arguments in 'fixed' are not arguments to the supplied log-likelihood")
fullcoef[n] <- fixed
if(!missing(start) && (!is.list(start) || is.null(names(start))))
stop("'start' must be a named list")
start[n] <- NULL
start <- sapply(start, eval.parent) # expressions are allowed
nm <- names(start)
oo <- match(nm, names(fullcoef))
if (anyNA(oo))
stop("some named arguments in 'start' are not arguments to the supplied log-likelihood")
start <- start[order(oo)]
nm <- names(start) ## reordered names needed
f <- function(p){
l <- as.list(p)
names(l) <- nm
l[n] <- fixed
do.call("minuslogl", l)
oout <- if (length(start))
optim(start, f, method = method, hessian = TRUE, ...)
else list(par = numeric(), value = f(start))
coef <- oout$par
vcov <- if(length(coef)) solve(oout$hessian) else matrix(numeric(), 0L, 0L)
min <- oout$value
fullcoef[nm] <- coef
new("mle", call = call, coef = coef, fullcoef = unlist(fullcoef),
vcov = vcov, min = min, details = oout, minuslogl = minuslogl,
nobs = if(missing(nobs)) NA_integer_ else nobs,
method = method)
setMethod("coef", "mle", function(object) object@fullcoef )
setMethod("coef", "summary.mle", function(object) object@coef )
setMethod("show", "mle", function(object){
setMethod("show", "summary.mle", function(object){
cat("Maximum likelihood estimation\n\nCall:\n")
cat("\n-2 log L:", object@m2logL, "\n")
setMethod("summary", "mle", function(object, ...){
cmat <- cbind(Estimate = object@coef,
`Std. Error` = sqrt(diag(object@vcov)))
m2logL <- 2*object@min
new("summary.mle", call = object@call, coef = cmat, m2logL = m2logL)
setMethod("profile", "mle",
function (fitted, which = 1L:p, maxsteps = 100,
alpha = 0.01, zmax = sqrt(qchisq(1 - alpha, 1L)),
del = zmax/5, trace = FALSE, ...)
onestep <- function(step)
bi <- B0[i] + sgn * step * del * std.err[i]
fix <- list(bi)
names(fix) <- pi
call$fixed <- c(fix, fix0)
pfit <- tryCatch(eval.parent(call, 2L), error = identity)
if(inherits(pfit, "error")) return(NA)
else {
zz <- 2*(pfit@min - fitted@min)
ri <- pv0
ri[, names(pfit@coef)] <- pfit@coef
ri[, pi] <- bi
if (zz > -0.001)
zz <- max(zz, 0)
else stop("profiling has found a better solution, so original fit had not converged")
z <- sgn * sqrt(zz)
pvi <<- rbind(pvi, ri)
zi <<- c(zi, z)
if (trace) cat(bi, z, "\n")
## Profile the likelihood around its maximum
## Based on profile.glm in MASS
summ <- summary(fitted)
std.err <- summ@coef[, "Std. Error"]
Pnames <- names(B0 <- fitted@coef)
pv0 <- t(as.matrix(B0))
p <- length(Pnames)
prof <- vector("list", length = length(which))
names(prof) <- Pnames[which]
call <- fitted@call
call$minuslogl <- fitted@minuslogl
ndeps <- eval.parent(call$control$ndeps)
parscale <- eval.parent(call$control$parscale)
fix0 <- eval.parent(call$fixed)
for (i in which) {
zi <- 0
pvi <- pv0
pi <- Pnames[i]
if (!is.null(ndeps)) call$control$ndeps <- ndeps[-i]
if (!is.null(parscale)) call$control$parscale <- parscale[-i]
for (sgn in c(-1, 1)) {
if (trace)
cat("\nParameter:", pi, c("down", "up")[(sgn + 1)/2 + 1], "\n")
step <- 0
z <- 0
## This logic was a bit frail in some cases with
## high parameter curvature. We should probably at least
## do something about cases where the mle call fails
## because the parameter gets stepped outside the domain.
## (We now have.)
call$start <- as.list(B0)
lastz <- 0
while ((step <- step + 1) < maxsteps && abs(z) < zmax) {
z <- onestep(step)
if(is.na(z)) break
lastz <- z
if(abs(lastz) < zmax) {
## now let's try a bit harder if we came up short
for(dstep in c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9)) {
z <- onestep(step - 1 + dstep)
if(is.na(z) || abs(z) > zmax) break
} else if(length(zi) < 5L) { # try smaller steps
mxstep <- step - 1L
step <- 0.5
while ((step <- step + 1L) < mxstep) onestep(step)
si <- order(pvi[, i])
prof[[pi]] <- data.frame(z = zi[si])
prof[[pi]]$par.vals <- pvi[si,, drop=FALSE]
new("profile.mle", profile = prof, summary = summ)
setMethod("plot", signature(x="profile.mle", y="missing"),
function (x, levels, conf = c(99, 95, 90, 80, 50)/100, nseg = 50,
absVal = TRUE, ...)
## Plot profiled likelihood
## Based on profile.nls (package stats)
obj <- x@profile
confstr <- NULL
if (missing(levels)) {
levels <- sqrt(qchisq(pmax(0, pmin(1, conf)), 1))
confstr <- paste0(format(100 * conf), "%")
if (any(levels <= 0)) {
levels <- levels[levels > 0]
warning("levels truncated to positive values only")
if (is.null(confstr)) {
confstr <- paste0(format(100 * pchisq(levels^2, 1)), "%")
mlev <- max(levels) * 1.05
nm <- names(obj)
opar <- par(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 1) + 0.1)
if (absVal) {
## OBS: it is important to use the actual names for indexing,
## in case profile(....,which=....) was used
for (i in nm) {
## This does not need to be monotonic
sp <- splines::interpSpline(obj[[i]]$par.vals[, i], obj[[i]]$z,
bsp <- splines:: backSpline(sp)
xlim <- predict(bsp, c(-mlev, mlev))$y
if (is.na(xlim[1L]))
xlim[1L] <- min(obj[[i]]$par.vals[, i])
if (is.na(xlim[2L]))
xlim[2L] <- max(obj[[i]]$par.vals[, i])
plot(abs(z) ~ par.vals[, i], data = obj[[i]], xlab = i,
ylim = c(0, mlev), xlim = xlim, ylab = expression(abs(z)),
type = "n")
avals <- rbind(as.data.frame(predict(sp)),
data.frame(x = obj[[i]]$par.vals[, i],
y = obj[[i]]$z))
avals$y <- abs(avals$y)
lines(avals[order(avals$x), ], col = 4)
abline(v = predict(bsp, 0)$y, h=0, col = 3, lty = 2)
for (lev in levels) {
## Note: predict may return NA if we didn't profile
## far enough in either direction. That's OK for the
## "h" part of the plot, but the horizontal line made
## with "l" disappears.
pred <- predict(bsp, c(-lev, lev))$y
lines(pred, rep(lev, 2), type = "h", col = 6, lty = 2)
pred <- ifelse(is.na(pred), xlim, pred)
lines(pred, rep(lev, 2), type = "l", col = 6, lty = 2)
else {
for (i in nm) {
## This does not need to be monotonic
sp <- splines::interpSpline(obj[[i]]$par.vals[, i], obj[[i]]$z,
bsp <- splines::backSpline(sp)
xlim <- predict(bsp, c(-mlev, mlev))$y
x0 <- predict(bsp, 0)$y
if (is.na(xlim[1L]))
xlim[1L] <- min(obj[[i]]$par.vals[, i])
if (is.na(xlim[2L]))
xlim[2L] <- max(obj[[i]]$par.vals[, i])
plot(z ~ par.vals[, i], data = obj[[i]], xlab = i,
ylim = c(-mlev, mlev), xlim = xlim, ylab = expression(z),
type = "n")
lines(predict(sp), col = 4)
abline(h = 0, v=x0, col = 3, lty = 2)
for (lev in levels) {
pred <- predict(bsp, c(-lev, lev))$y
lines(pred, c(-lev, lev), type = "h", col = 6, lty = 2)
pred <- ifelse(is.na(pred), xlim, pred)
lines(c(x0,pred[2L]), rep(lev, 2), type = "l", col = 6, lty = 2)
lines(c(pred[1L],x0), rep(-lev, 2), type = "l", col = 6, lty = 2)
setMethod("confint", "profile.mle",
function (object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
## Calculate confidence intervals based on likelihood
## profiles
of <- object@summary
pnames <- rownames(of@coef)
if (missing(parm))
parm <- seq_along(pnames)
if (is.character(parm))
parm <- match(parm, pnames, nomatch = 0L)
a <- (1 - level)/2
a <- c(a, 1 - a)
pct <- paste(round(100 * a, 1), "%")
ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L),
dimnames = list(pnames[parm], pct))
cutoff <- qnorm(a)
for (pm in parm) {
pro <- object@profile[[pnames[pm]]]
sp <- if (length(pnames) > 1L)
spline(x = pro[, "par.vals"][, pm], y = pro[, 1L])
else spline(x = pro[, "par.vals"], y = pro[, 1L])
ci[pnames[pm], ] <- approx(sp$y, sp$x, xout = cutoff)$y
setMethod("confint", "mle",
function (object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
confint(profile(object), alpha = (1 - level)/4, parm, level, ...)
setMethod("nobs", "mle", function (object, ...)
if("nobs" %in% slotNames(object)) object@nobs else NA_integer_)
setMethod("logLik", "mle", function(object, ...) {
warning("extra arguments discarded")
val <- -object@min
if ("nobs" %in% slotNames(object) && # introduced in 2.13.0
!is.na(no <- object@nobs)) attr(val, "nobs") <- no
attr(val, "df") <- length(object@coef)
class(val) <- "logLik"
setMethod("vcov", "mle", function (object, ...) object@vcov)
setMethod("update", "mle", function (object, ..., evaluate = TRUE)
call <- object@call
extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
if (length(extras) ) {
existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
if (any(!existing)) {
call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
call <- as.call(call)
if (evaluate) eval(call, parent.frame()) else call