% File src/library/tcltk/man/tcltk-defunct.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2007 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{tcltk-defunct} %------ NOTE: ../R/tcltk-defunct.R must be synchronized with this! \alias{tcltk-defunct} \alias{$.tclvar} \alias{$<-.tclvar} \alias{tkcmd} \alias{tkfile.tail} \alias{tkfile.dir} \alias{tkopen} \alias{tkclose} \alias{tkputs} \alias{tkread} \title{Defunct Functions in Package \pkg{tcltk}} \description{ The functions or variables listed here are no longer part of \R as they are not needed (any more). } \usage{ tkcmd(...) tkfile.tail(...) tkfile.dir(...) tkopen(...) tkclose(...) tkputs(...) tkread(...) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{Handled via \code{.Tcl.args}} } \details{ At \R 2.0.0, \code{tkcmd} was renamed to \code{tcl}. The file commands used to be \code{tkopen}, \code{tkclose}, etc., but since \code{open} and \code{close} do not belong to the Tk toolkit, the preferred names are now \code{tclopen}, etc. The \code{$} methods for class \code{"tclvar"} have been deprecated in favour of \code{\link{tclVar}} and \code{\link{tclvalue}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{Defunct}} } \keyword{internal}