% File src/library/tcltk/man/tk_select.list.Rd % Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2013 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{tk_select.list} \alias{tk_select.list} \title{Select Items from a List} \description{ Select item(s) from a character vector using a Tk listbox. } \usage{ tk_select.list(choices, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE, title = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{choices}{a character vector of items.} \item{preselect}{a character vector, or \code{NULL}. If non-null and if the string(s) appear in the list, the item(s) are selected initially.} \item{multiple}{logical: can more than one item be selected?} \item{title}{optional character string for window title, or \code{NULL} for no title.} } \details{ This is a version of \code{\link{select.list}} implemented as a Tk list box plus \code{OK} and \code{Cancel} buttons. There will be a scrollbar if the list is too long to fit comfortably on the screen. The dialog box is \emph{modal}, so a selection must be made or cancelled before the \R session can proceed. Double-clicking on an item is equivalent to selecting it and then clicking \code{OK}. If Tk is version 8.5 or later, themed widgets will be used. } \value{ A character vector of selected items. If \code{multiple} is false and no item was selected (or \code{Cancel} was used), \code{""} is returned. If \code{multiple} is true and no item was selected (or \code{Cancel} was used) then a character vector of length 0 is returned. } \seealso{ \code{\link{select.list}} (a text version except on Windows and the OS X GUI), \code{\link{menu}} (whose \code{graphics = TRUE} mode uses this on most Unix-alikes). } \keyword{utilities}