# File src/library/tools/R/QC.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ ## R CMD check uses ## .find_charset ## .check_namespace ## .check_package_depends ## .check_demo_index ## .check_vignette_index ## .check_package_subdirs ## .check_citation ## .check_package_ASCII_code ## .check_package_code_syntax ## .check_packages_used ## .checkS3methods ## .checkReplaceFuns ## .checkFF ## .check_package_code_shlib ## .check_package_code_startup_functions ## .check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv ## .check_package_code_attach ## .check_package_code_data_into_globalenv ## .check_code_usage_in_package ## .check_T_and_F ## .check_dotInternal ## .check_package_parseRd ## .check_Rd_xrefs ## undoc ## codoc ## codocData ## codocClass ## checkDocFiles ## checkDocStyle ## .check_package_datasets ## .check_package_compact_datasets ## .check_package_compact_sysdata ## .check_make_vars ## .createExdotR (testing.R) ## .runPackageTestsR (testing.R) ## .get_LaTeX_errors_from_log_file ## .check_package_CRAN_incoming ## .check_Rd_contents ## R CMD build uses .check_package_subdirs ## NB: 'tools' cannot use NAMESPACE imports from utils, as it exists first ## "The language elements" : all are .Primitive *and* print as .Primitive("...") langElts <- c("(", "{", ":", "~", "<-", "<<-", "=", "[", "[[", "[[<-", "[<-", "@", "@<-", "$", "$<-", "&&", "||", "break", "for", "function", "if", "next", "repeat", "return", "while") ##' a "default" print method used "below" (in several *.R): .print.via.format <- function(x, ...) { writeLines(format(x, ...)) invisible(x) } ## utility for whether Rd sources are available. .haveRds <- function(dir) { ## either source package or pre-2.10.0 installed package if (dir.exists(file.path(dir, "man"))) return(TRUE) file.exists((file.path(dir, "help", "paths.rds"))) } ### * undoc/F/out undoc <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL) { ## Argument handling. ## ## Earlier versions used to give an error if there were no Rd ## objects. This is not right: if there is code or data but no ## documentation, everything is undocumented ... ## if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dirdir <- dirname(dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)) ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ... is_base <- package == "base" all_doc_topics <- Rd_aliases(package, lib.loc = dirdir) ## Load package into code_env. if(!is_base) .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) code_env <- .package_env(package) code_objs <- ls(envir = code_env, all.names = TRUE) pkgname <- package } else { if(missing(dir)) stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'") pkgname <- basename(dir) dirdir <- dirname(dir) ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) is_base <- pkgname == "base" all_doc_topics <- Rd_aliases(dir = dir) code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(dir.exists(code_dir)) { dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile)) .read_description(dfile) else character() .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta) sys_data_file <- file.path(code_dir, "sysdata.rda") if(file_test("-f", sys_data_file)) load(sys_data_file, code_env) } code_objs <- ls(envir = code_env, all.names = TRUE) ## Does the package have a NAMESPACE file? Note that when ## working on the sources we (currently?) cannot deal with the ## (experimental) alternative way of specifying the namespace. if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) { nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(pkgname, dirdir) ## Look only at exported objects (and not declared S3 ## methods). OK <- intersect(code_objs, nsInfo$exports) for(p in nsInfo$exportPatterns) OK <- c(OK, grep(p, code_objs, value = TRUE)) code_objs <- unique(OK) } } ## Find the data sets to work on. data_dir <- file.path(dir, "data") data_objs <- if(dir.exists(data_dir)) unlist(.try_quietly(list_data_in_pkg(pkgname, dataDir = data_dir)), use.names = FALSE) else character() ## There was a time when packages contained code or data (or both). ## But not anymore ... if(!missing(package) && !length(code_objs) && !length(data_objs) && getOption("verbose")) message("neither code nor data objects found") if(!is_base) { ## Code objects in add-on packages with names starting with a ## dot are considered 'internal' (not user-level) by ## convention. code_objs <- grep("^[^.].*", code_objs, value = TRUE) ## Note that this also allows us to get rid of S4 meta objects ## (with names starting with '.__C__' or '.__M__'; well, as long ## as there are none in base). ## Implicit generic functions exist to turn method dispatch on ## in this package, but their definition and documentation belongs ## to the package in their package slot, so eliminate any ## foreign generic functions from code_objs if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) { code_objs <- Filter(function(f) { ## NB: this get() is expensive as it loads every object fdef <- get(f, envir = code_env) if(methods::is(fdef, "genericFunction")) fdef@package == pkgname else TRUE }, code_objs) } ## Allow group generics to be undocumented other than in base. ## In particular, those from methods partially duplicate base ## and are documented in base's groupGenerics.Rd. code_objs <- setdiff(code_objs, c("Arith", "Compare", "Complex", "Logic", "Math", "Math2", "Ops", "Summary")) } undoc_things <- list("code objects" = unique(setdiff(code_objs, all_doc_topics)), "data sets" = unique(setdiff(data_objs, all_doc_topics))) if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) { ## Undocumented S4 classes? S4_classes <- methods::getClasses(code_env) ## ## There is no point in worrying about exportClasses directives ## in a NAMESPACE file when working on a package source dir, as ## we only source the assignments, and hence do not get any ## S4 classes or methods. ## ## The bad ones: S4_classes <- S4_classes[!sapply(S4_classes, function(u) utils:::topicName("class", u)) %in% all_doc_topics] undoc_things <- c(undoc_things, list("S4 classes" = unique(S4_classes))) } if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) { ## Undocumented S4 methods? ## ## There is no point in worrying about exportMethods directives ## in a NAMESPACE file when working on a package source dir, as ## we only source the assignments, and hence do not get any ## S4 classes or methods. ## .make_S4_method_siglist <- function(g) { mlist <- .get_S4_methods_list(g, code_env) sigs <- .make_siglist(mlist) # s/#/,/g if(length(sigs)) paste0(g, ",", sigs) else character() } S4_methods <- lapply(.get_S4_generics(code_env), .make_S4_method_siglist) S4_methods <- as.character(unlist(S4_methods, use.names = FALSE)) ## The bad ones: S4_methods <- S4_methods[!vapply(S4_methods, utils:::topicName, " ", type="method", USE.NAMES=FALSE) %in% all_doc_topics] undoc_things <- c(undoc_things, list("S4 methods" = unique(sub("([^,]*),(.*)", "generic '\\1' and siglist '\\2'", S4_methods)))) } if(is_base) { ## We use .ArgsEnv and .GenericArgsEnv in checkS3methods() and ## codoc(), so we check here that the set of primitives has not ## been changed. ff <- as.list(baseenv(), all.names=TRUE) prims <- names(ff)[vapply(ff, is.primitive, logical(1L))] prototypes <- sort(c(names(.ArgsEnv), names(.GenericArgsEnv))) extras <- setdiff(prototypes, prims) if(length(extras)) undoc_things <- c(undoc_things, list(prim_extra=extras)) miss <- setdiff(prims, c(langElts, prototypes)) if(length(miss)) undoc_things <- c(undoc_things, list(primitives=miss)) } class(undoc_things) <- "undoc" undoc_things } format.undoc <- function(x, ...) { .fmt <- function(i) { tag <- names(x)[i] msg <- switch(tag, "code objects" = gettext("Undocumented code objects:"), "data sets" = gettext("Undocumented data sets:"), "S4 classes" = gettext("Undocumented S4 classes:"), "S4 methods" = gettext("Undocumented S4 methods:"), prim_extra = gettext("Prototyped non-primitives:"), gettextf("Undocumented %s:", tag)) c(msg, ## We avoid markup for indicating S4 methods, hence need to ## special-case output for these ... if(tag == "S4 methods") { strwrap(x[[i]], indent = 2L, exdent = 4L) } else { .pretty_format(x[[i]]) }) } as.character(unlist(lapply(which(lengths(x) > 0L), .fmt))) } ### * codoc codoc <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, use.values = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose")) { has_namespace <- FALSE ## Argument handling. if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ... code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!dir.exists(code_dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) if(!.haveRds(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd objects", dir), domain = NA) is_base <- basename(dir) == "base" ## Load package into code_env. if(!is_base) .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) code_env <- .package_env(package) objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env)) dirdir <- dirname(dir) ## Does the package have a namespace? if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirdir)) { has_namespace <- TRUE ns_env <- asNamespace(package) S3Table <- get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = ns_env) functions_in_S3Table <- ls(S3Table, all.names = TRUE) objects_in_ns <- setdiff(sort(names(ns_env)), c(".__NAMESPACE__.", ".__S3MethodsTable__.")) ns_S3_methods_db <- ns_env$".__NAMESPACE__."$S3methods ## Alternatively, use ## ns_S3_methods_db <- getNamespaceInfo(package, "S3methods") ns_S3_methods <- if(is.null(ns_S3_methods_db)) character() else paste(ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L], ns_S3_methods_db[, 2L], sep = ".") objects_in_code_or_namespace <- unique(c(objects_in_code, objects_in_ns, ns_S3_methods)) objects_in_ns <- setdiff(objects_in_ns, objects_in_code) } else objects_in_code_or_namespace <- objects_in_code package_name <- package } else { if(missing(dir)) stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'") ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) ## else package_name <- basename(dir) # early, before resolving sym.links etc in next line: dirdir <- dirname(dir) # early, ... dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!dir.exists(code_dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) if(!.haveRds(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd objects", dir), domain = NA) is_base <- package_name == "base" code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile)) .read_description(dfile) else character() .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta) sys_data_file <- file.path(code_dir, "sysdata.rda") if(file_test("-f", sys_data_file)) load(sys_data_file, code_env) objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env)) objects_in_code_or_namespace <- objects_in_code ## Does the package have a NAMESPACE file? Note that when ## working on the sources we (currently?) cannot deal with the ## (experimental) alternative way of specifying the namespace. ## Also, do not attempt to find S3 methods. if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) { has_namespace <- TRUE objects_in_ns <- objects_in_code functions_in_S3Table <- character() ns_env <- code_env nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(package_name, dirdir) ## Look only at exported objects. OK <- intersect(objects_in_code, nsInfo$exports) for(p in nsInfo$exportPatterns) OK <- c(OK, grep(p, objects_in_code, value = TRUE)) objects_in_code <- unique(OK) } } ## Find the data sets to work on. data_dir <- file.path(dir, "data") data_sets_in_code <- if(dir.exists(data_dir)) names(.try_quietly(list_data_in_pkg(package_name, dataDir = data_dir))) else character() ## Find the function objects to work on. functions_in_code <- Filter(function(f) { ## This is expensive f <- get(f, envir = code_env) typeof(f) == "closure" }, objects_in_code) ## Sourcing all R code files in the package is a problem for base, ## where this misses the .Primitive functions. Hence, when checking ## base for objects shown in \usage but missing from the code, we ## get the primitive functions from the version of R we are using. ## Maybe one day we will have R code for the primitives as well ... ## As from R 2.5.0 we do for most generics. if(is_base) { objects_in_base <- sort(names(baseenv())) objects_in_code <- c(objects_in_code, Filter(.is_primitive_in_base, objects_in_base), c(".First.lib", ".Last.lib", ".Random.seed", ".onLoad", ".onAttach", ".onDetach", ".onUnload")) objects_in_code_or_namespace <- objects_in_code known_env <- .make_S3_primitive_generic_env(code_env, fixup=TRUE) extras <- ls(known_env, all.names = TRUE) functions_in_code <- c(functions_in_code, extras) code_env <- known_env known_env <- .make_S3_primitive_nongeneric_env(code_env) extras <- ls(known_env, all.names = TRUE) functions_in_code <- c(functions_in_code, extras) code_env <- known_env } ## Build a list with the formals of the functions in the code ## indexed by the names of the functions. function_args_in_code <- lapply(functions_in_code, function(f) formals(get(f, envir = code_env))) # get is expensive names(function_args_in_code) <- functions_in_code if(has_namespace) { functions_in_ns <- Filter(function(f) { f <- get(f, envir = ns_env) # get is expensive is.function(f) && (length(formals(f)) > 0L) }, objects_in_ns) function_args_in_ns <- lapply(functions_in_ns, function(f) formals(get(f, envir = ns_env))) names(function_args_in_ns) <- functions_in_ns function_args_in_S3Table <- lapply(functions_in_S3Table, function(f) formals(get(f, envir = S3Table))) names(function_args_in_S3Table) <- functions_in_S3Table tmp <- c(function_args_in_code, function_args_in_S3Table, function_args_in_ns) keep <- !duplicated(names(tmp)) function_args_in_code <- tmp[keep] functions_in_code <- names(function_args_in_code) } if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) { ## ## There is no point in worrying about exportMethods directives ## in a NAMESPACE file when working on a package source dir, as ## we only source the assignments, and hence do not get any ## S4 classes or methods. ## ## ## In principle, we can get codoc checking for S4 methods ## documented explicitly using the \S4method{GENERIC}{SIGLIST} ## markup by adding the corresponding "pseudo functions" using ## the Rd markup as their name. However note that the formals ## recorded in the methods db only pertain to the signature, not ## to the ones of the function actually registered ... hence we ## use methods::unRematchDefinition() which knows how to extract ## the formals in the method definition from the ## function(ARGLIST) { ## .local <- function(FORMALS) BODY ## .local(ARGLIST) ## } ## redefinitions obtained by methods::rematchDefinition(). ## check_S4_methods <- !identical(as.logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CODOC_S4_METHODS_")), FALSE) if(check_S4_methods) { get_formals_from_method_definition <- function(m) formals(methods::unRematchDefinition(m)) lapply(.get_S4_generics(code_env), function(f) { mlist <- .get_S4_methods_list(f, code_env) sigs <- .make_siglist(mlist) if(!length(sigs)) return() nm <- sprintf("\\S4method{%s}{%s}", f, sigs) args <- lapply(mlist, get_formals_from_method_definition) names(args) <- nm functions_in_code <<- c(functions_in_code, nm) function_args_in_code <<- c(function_args_in_code, args) }) } } check_codoc <- function(fName, ffd) { ## Compare the formals of the function in the code named 'fName' ## and formals 'ffd' obtained from the documentation. ffc <- function_args_in_code[[fName]] if(identical(use.values, FALSE)) { ffc <- names(ffc) ffd <- names(ffd) ok <- identical(ffc, ffd) } else { if(!identical(names(ffc), names(ffd))) ok <- FALSE else { vffc <- as.character(ffc) # values vffd <- as.character(ffd) # values if(!identical(use.values, TRUE)) { ind <- nzchar(as.character(ffd)) vffc <- vffc[ind] vffd <- vffd[ind] } ok <- identical(vffc, vffd) } } if(ok) NULL else list(list(name = fName, code = ffc, docs = ffd)) } db <- if(!missing(package)) Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirdir) else Rd_db(dir = dir) names(db) <- db_names <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db) ## pkg-defunct.Rd is not expected to list arguments ind <- db_names %in% paste(package_name, "defunct", sep = "-") db <- db[!ind] db_names <- db_names[!ind] db_usages <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_section, "usage") db_usages <- lapply(db_usages, .parse_usage_as_much_as_possible) ind <- as.logical(sapply(db_usages, function(x) !is.null(attr(x, "bad_lines")))) bad_lines <- lapply(db_usages[ind], attr, "bad_lines") bad_doc_objects <- list() functions_in_usages <- character() variables_in_usages <- character() data_sets_in_usages <- character() functions_in_usages_not_in_code <- list() data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code <- list() for(docObj in db_names) { exprs <- db_usages[[docObj]] if(!length(exprs)) next ## Get variable names and data set usages first, mostly for ## curiosity. ind <- ! sapply(exprs, is.call) if(any(ind)) { variables_in_usages <- c(variables_in_usages, sapply(exprs[ind], deparse)) exprs <- exprs[!ind] } ind <- as.logical(sapply(exprs, function(e) (length(e) == 2L) && e[[1L]] == as.symbol("data"))) if(any(ind)) { data_sets <- sapply(exprs[ind], function(e) as.character(e[[2L]])) data_sets_in_usages <- c(data_sets_in_usages, data_sets) data_sets <- setdiff(data_sets, data_sets_in_code) if(length(data_sets)) data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code[[docObj]] <- data_sets exprs <- exprs[!ind] } ## Split out replacement function usages. ind <- as.logical(sapply(exprs, .is_call_from_replacement_function_usage)) replace_exprs <- exprs[ind] exprs <- exprs[!ind] ## Ordinary functions. functions <- sapply(exprs, function(e) as.character(e[[1L]])) ## Catch assignments: checkDocFiles() will report these, so drop ## them here. ## And also unary/binary operators ind <- !(functions %in% c("<-", "=", "+", "-")) exprs <- exprs[ind] functions <- functions[ind] functions <- .transform_S3_method_markup(as.character(functions)) ind <- functions %in% functions_in_code bad_functions <- mapply(functions[ind], exprs[ind], FUN = function(x, y) check_codoc(x, as.pairlist(as.alist.call(y[-1L]))), SIMPLIFY = FALSE) ## Replacement functions. if(length(replace_exprs)) { replace_funs <- paste0(sapply(replace_exprs, function(e) as.character(e[[2L]][[1L]])), "<-") replace_funs <- .transform_S3_method_markup(replace_funs) functions <- c(functions, replace_funs) ind <- (replace_funs %in% functions_in_code) if(any(ind)) { bad_replace_funs <- mapply(replace_funs[ind], replace_exprs[ind], FUN = function(x, y) check_codoc(x, as.pairlist(c(as.alist.call(y[[2L]][-1L]), as.alist.symbol(y[[3L]])))), SIMPLIFY = FALSE) bad_functions <- c(bad_functions, bad_replace_funs) } } bad_functions <- do.call("c", bad_functions) if(length(bad_functions)) bad_doc_objects[[docObj]] <- bad_functions ## Determine functions with a \usage entry in the documentation ## but 'missing from the code'. If a package has a namespace, we ## really need to look at all objects in the namespace (hence ## 'objects_in_code_or_namespace'), as one can access the internal ## symbols via ':::' and hence package developers might want to ## provide function usages for some of the internal functions. ## ## We may still have \S4method{}{} entries in functions, which ## cannot have a corresponding object in the code. Hence, we ## remove these function entries, but should really do better, ## by comparing the explicit \usage entries for S4 methods to ## what is actually in the code. We most likely also should do ## something similar for S3 methods. ind <- grep(.S4_method_markup_regexp, functions) if(any(ind)) functions <- functions[!ind] ## bad_functions <- setdiff(functions, objects_in_code_or_namespace) if(length(bad_functions)) functions_in_usages_not_in_code[[docObj]] <- bad_functions functions_in_usages <- c(functions_in_usages, functions) } ## Determine (function) objects in the code without a \usage entry. ## Of course, these could still be 'documented' via \alias. ## ## Older versions only printed this information without returning it ## (in case 'verbose' was true). We now add this as an attribute to ## the bad_doc_objects returned. ## objects_in_code_not_in_usages <- setdiff(objects_in_code, c(functions_in_usages, variables_in_usages)) functions_in_code_not_in_usages <- intersect(functions_in_code, objects_in_code_not_in_usages) ## (Note that 'functions_in_code' does not necessarily contain all ## (exported) functions in the package.) ## Determine functions which have no usage but really should have. ## If there is no namespace (including base), we have no idea. ## If there is one, everything "exported" (in the package env) ## should also have a \usage, apart from ## * Defunct functions ## * S4 generics. Note that as per R-exts, ## exporting methods on a generic in the namespace will also ## export the generic, and exporting a generic in the namespace ## will also export its methods. ## so it seems there is really no way to figure out whether an ## exported S4 generic should have a \usage entry or not ... functions_missing_from_usages <- if(!has_namespace) character() else { functions <- functions_in_code_not_in_usages if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) { ## Drop the functions which have S4 methods. functions <- setdiff(functions, names(.get_S4_generics(code_env))) } ## Drop the defunct functions. is_defunct <- function(f) { f <- get(f, envir = code_env) # get is expensive if(!is.function(f)) return(FALSE) (is.call(b <- body(f)) && identical(as.character(b[[1L]]), ".Defunct")) } functions[!sapply(functions, is_defunct)] } objects_missing_from_usages <- if(!has_namespace) character() else { c(functions_missing_from_usages, setdiff(objects_in_code_not_in_usages, c(functions_in_code, data_sets_in_code))) } attr(bad_doc_objects, "objects_in_code_not_in_usages") <- objects_in_code_not_in_usages attr(bad_doc_objects, "functions_in_code_not_in_usages") <- functions_in_code_not_in_usages attr(bad_doc_objects, "functions_in_usages_not_in_code") <- functions_in_usages_not_in_code attr(bad_doc_objects, "function_args_in_code") <- function_args_in_code attr(bad_doc_objects, "data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code") <- data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code attr(bad_doc_objects, "objects_missing_from_usages") <- objects_missing_from_usages attr(bad_doc_objects, "functions_missing_from_usages") <- functions_missing_from_usages attr(bad_doc_objects, "has_namespace") <- has_namespace attr(bad_doc_objects, "bad_lines") <- bad_lines class(bad_doc_objects) <- "codoc" bad_doc_objects } print.codoc <- function(x, ...) { functions_in_usages_not_in_code <- attr(x, "functions_in_usages_not_in_code") if(length(functions_in_usages_not_in_code)) { for(fname in names(functions_in_usages_not_in_code)) { writeLines(gettextf("Functions or methods with usage in documentation object '%s' but not in code:", fname)) .pretty_print(unique(functions_in_usages_not_in_code[[fname]])) writeLines("") } } data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code <- attr(x, "data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code") if(length(data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code)) { for(fname in names(data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code)) { writeLines(gettextf("Data with usage in documentation object '%s' but not in code:", fname)) .pretty_print(unique(data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code[[fname]])) writeLines("") } } ## In general, functions in the code which only have an \alias but ## no \usage entry are not necessarily a problem---they might be ## mentioned in other parts of the Rd object documenting them, or be ## 'internal'. However, if a package has a namespace, then all ## *exported* functions should have \usage entries (apart from ## defunct functions and S4 generics, see the above comments for ## functions_missing_from_usages). Currently, this information is ## returned in the codoc object but not shown. Eventually, we might ## add something like ## functions_missing_from_usages <- ## attr(x, "functions_missing_from_usages") ## if(length(functions_missing_from_usages)) { ## writeLines("Exported functions without usage information:") ## .pretty_print(functions_in_code_not_in_usages) ## writeLines("") ## } ## similar to the above. if(!length(x)) return(invisible(x)) has_only_names <- is.character(x[[1L]][[1L]][["code"]]) format_args <- function(s) { if(!length(s)) "function()" else if(has_only_names) paste0("function(", paste(s, collapse = ", "), ")") else { s <- paste(deparse(s), collapse = "") s <- gsub(" = ([,\\)])", "\\1", s) s <- gsub("", "\\", s, fixed = TRUE) gsub("^pairlist", "function", s) } } summarize_mismatches_in_names <- function(nfc, nfd) { if(length(nms <- setdiff(nfc, nfd))) writeLines(c(gettext(" Argument names in code not in docs:"), strwrap(paste(nms, collapse = " "), indent = 4L, exdent = 4L))) if(length(nms <- setdiff(nfd, nfc))) writeLines(c(gettext(" Argument names in docs not in code:"), strwrap(paste(nms, collapse = " "), indent = 4L, exdent = 4L))) len <- min(length(nfc), length(nfd)) if(len) { len <- seq_len(len) nfc <- nfc[len] nfd <- nfd[len] ind <- which(nfc != nfd) len <- length(ind) if(len) { if(len > 3L) { writeLines(gettext(" Mismatches in argument names (first 3):")) ind <- ind[1L:3L] } else { writeLines(gettext(" Mismatches in argument names:")) } for(i in ind) { writeLines(sprintf(" Position: %d Code: %s Docs: %s", i, nfc[i], nfd[i])) } } } } summarize_mismatches_in_values <- function(ffc, ffd) { ## Be nice, and match arguments by names first. nms <- intersect(names(ffc), names(ffd)) vffc <- ffc[nms] vffd <- ffd[nms] ind <- which(as.character(vffc) != as.character(vffd)) len <- length(ind) if(len) { if(len > 3L) { writeLines(gettext(" Mismatches in argument default values (first 3):")) ind <- ind[1L:3L] } else { writeLines(gettext(" Mismatches in argument default values:")) } for(i in ind) { multiline <- FALSE cv <- deparse(vffc[[i]]) if(length(cv) > 1L) { cv <- paste(cv, collapse = "\n ") multiline <- TRUE } dv <- deparse(vffd[[i]]) if(length(dv) > 1L) { dv <- paste(dv, collapse = "\n ") multiline <- TRUE } dv <- gsub("", "\\", dv, fixed = TRUE) sep <- if(multiline) "\n " else " " writeLines(sprintf(" Name: '%s'%sCode: %s%sDocs: %s", nms[i], sep, cv, sep, dv)) } } } summarize_mismatches <- function(ffc, ffd) { if(has_only_names) summarize_mismatches_in_names(ffc, ffd) else { summarize_mismatches_in_names(names(ffc), names(ffd)) summarize_mismatches_in_values(ffc, ffd) } } for(fname in names(x)) { writeLines(gettextf("Codoc mismatches from documentation object '%s':", fname)) xfname <- x[[fname]] for(i in seq_along(xfname)) { ffc <- xfname[[i]][["code"]] ffd <- xfname[[i]][["docs"]] writeLines(c(xfname[[i]][["name"]], strwrap(gettextf("Code: %s", format_args(ffc)), indent = 2L, exdent = 17L), strwrap(gettextf("Docs: %s", format_args(ffd)), indent = 2L, exdent = 17L))) summarize_mismatches(ffc, ffd) } writeLines("") } invisible(x) } ### * codocClasses codocClasses <- function(package, lib.loc = NULL) { ## Compare the 'structure' of S4 classes in an installed package ## between code and documentation. ## Currently, only compares the slot names. ## ## This is patterned after the current codoc(). ## It would be useful to return the whole information on class slot ## names found in the code and matching documentation (rather than ## just the ones with mismatches). ## Currently, we only return the names of all classes checked. ## bad_Rd_objects <- structure(NULL, class = "codocClasses") ## Argument handling. if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) if(!dir.exists(file.path(dir, "R"))) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) if(!.haveRds(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd objects", dir), domain = NA) is_base <- basename(dir) == "base" ## Load package into code_env. if(!is_base) .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) code_env <- .package_env(package) if(!.isMethodsDispatchOn()) return(bad_Rd_objects) S4_classes <- methods::getClasses(code_env) if(!length(S4_classes)) return(bad_Rd_objects) sApply <- function(X, FUN, ...) ## fast and special case - only unlist(lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...), recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE) ## Build Rd data base. db <- Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirname(dir)) ## Need some heuristics now. When does an Rd object document just ## one S4 class so that we can compare (at least) the slot names? ## Try the following: ## 1) \docType{} identical to "class"; ## 2) either exactly one \alias{} or only one ending in "-class" ## 3) a non-empty user-defined section 'Slots'. ## As going through the db to extract sections can take some time, ## we do the vectorized metadata computations first, and try to ## subscript whenever possible. idx <- sApply(lapply(db, .Rd_get_doc_type), identical, "class") if(!any(idx)) return(bad_Rd_objects) db <- db[idx] stats <- c(n.S4classes = length(S4_classes), n.db = length(db)) aliases <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "alias") named_class <- lapply(aliases, endsWith, suffix="-class") nClass <- sApply(named_class, sum) oneAlias <- lengths(aliases, use.names=FALSE) == 1L idx <- oneAlias | nClass == 1L if(!any(idx)) return(bad_Rd_objects) db <- db[idx] stats["n.cl"] <- length(db) ## keep only the foo-class alias in case there was more than one: multi <- idx & !oneAlias aliases[multi] <- mapply(`[`, aliases[multi], named_class[multi], SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE) aliases <- unlist(aliases[idx], use.names = FALSE) Rd_slots <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_section, "Slots", FALSE) idx <- sapply(Rd_slots, length) > 0L if(!any(idx)) return(bad_Rd_objects) db <- db[idx]; aliases <- aliases[idx]; Rd_slots <- Rd_slots[idx] stats["n.final"] <- length(db) db_names <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db) .get_slot_names <- function(x) { ## Get \describe (inside user-defined section 'Slots'): ## Should this allow for several \describe blocks? x <- .Rd_get_section(x, "describe") ## Get the \item tags inside \describe. txt <- .Rd_get_item_tags(x) if(!length(txt)) return(character()) txt <- gsub("\\\\l?dots", "...", txt) ## And now strip enclosing '\code{...}:' txt <- gsub("\\\\code\\{([^}]*)\\}:?", "\\1", as.character(txt)) txt <- unlist(strsplit(txt, ", *")) trimws(txt) } .inheritedSlotNames <- function(ext) { supcl <- methods::.selectSuperClasses(ext) unique(unlist(lapply(lapply(supcl, methods::getClassDef), methods::slotNames), use.names=FALSE)) } S4topics <- sApply(S4_classes, utils:::topicName, type="class") S4_checked <- S4_classes[has.a <- S4topics %in% aliases] idx <- match(S4topics[has.a], aliases) for(icl in seq_along(S4_checked)) { cl <- S4_checked[icl] cld <- methods::getClass(cl, where = code_env) ii <- idx[icl] ## Add sanity checking later ... scld <- methods::slotNames(cld) codeSlots <- if(!is.null(scld)) sort(scld) else character() docSlots <- sort(.get_slot_names(Rd_slots[[ii]])) superSlots <- .inheritedSlotNames(cld@contains) if(length(superSlots)) ## allow '\dots' in docSlots docSlots <- docSlots[is.na(match(docSlots, c("...", "\\dots")))] ## was if(!identical(slots_in_code, slots_in_docs)) { if(!all(docSlots %in% codeSlots) || !all(setdiff(codeSlots, superSlots) %in% docSlots) ) { bad_Rd_objects[[db_names[ii]]] <- list(name = cl, code = codeSlots, inherited = superSlots, docs = docSlots) } } attr(bad_Rd_objects, "S4_classes_checked") <- S4_checked attr(bad_Rd_objects, "stats") <- stats bad_Rd_objects } ## end{ codocClasses } format.codocClasses <- function(x, ...) { .fmt <- function(nm) { wrapPart <- function(nam) { capWord <- function(w) sub("\\b(\\w)", "\\U\\1", w, perl = TRUE) if(length(O <- docObj[[nam]])) strwrap(sprintf("%s: %s", gettextf(capWord(nam)), paste(O, collapse = " ")), indent = 2L, exdent = 8L) } docObj <- x[[nm]] c(gettextf("S4 class codoc mismatches from documentation object '%s':", nm), gettextf("Slots for class '%s'", docObj[["name"]]), wrapPart("code"), wrapPart("inherited"), wrapPart("docs"), "") } as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt))) } ### * codocData codocData <- function(package, lib.loc = NULL) { ## Compare the 'structure' of 'data' objects (variables or data ## sets) in an installed package between code and documentation. ## Currently, only compares the variable names of data frames found. ## ## This is patterned after the current codoc(). ## It would be useful to return the whole information on data frame ## variable names found in the code and matching documentation ## (rather than just the ones with mismatches). ## Currently, we only return the names of all data frames checked. ## bad_Rd_objects <- structure(NULL, class = "codocData") ## Argument handling. if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) ## Build Rd data base. db <- Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirname(dir)) is_base <- basename(dir) == "base" has_namespace <- !is_base && packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir)) ## Load package into code_env. if(!is_base) .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) code_env <- .package_env(package) if(has_namespace) ns_env <- asNamespace(package) ## Could check here whether the package has any variables or data ## sets (and return if not). ## Need some heuristics now. When does an Rd object document a ## data.frame (could add support for other classes later) variable ## or data set so that we can compare (at least) the names of the ## variables in the data frame? Try the following: ## * just one \alias{}; ## * if documentation was generated via prompt, there is a \format ## section starting with 'A data frame with' (but many existing Rd ## files instead have 'This data frame contains' and containing ## one or more \describe sections inside. ## As going through the db to extract sections can take some time, ## we do the vectorized metadata computations first, and try to ## subscript whenever possible. aliases <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "alias") idx <- lengths(aliases) == 1L if(!any(idx)) return(bad_Rd_objects) db <- db[idx] aliases <- aliases[idx] names(db) <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db) .get_var_names_from_item_tags <- function(s, nice = TRUE) { if(!length(s)) return(character()) nms <- character() ## Handle trailing colons and leading/trailing white space. s <- sub("^ *", "", sub("( *:)? *$", "", s)) ## Handle \samp entries: need to match until the first unescaped ## rbrace. re <- "\\\\samp\\{(([^\\}]|[\\].)*)\\}( *, *)?" m <- gregexpr(re, s) if(any(unlist(m) > -1)) { nms <- sub(re, "\\1", unlist(regmatches(s, m))) ## Unescape Rd escapes. nms <- gsub("\\\\([{}%])", "\\1", nms) regmatches(s, m) <- "" } ## Handle \code entries, assuming that they can be taken literally ## (no escaping or quoting to obtain valid R syntax). re <- "\\\\code\\{([^}]*)\\}( *, *)?" m <- gregexpr(re, s) add <- regmatches(s, m) lens <- lengths(add) add <- sub(re, "\\1", unlist(add)) ## The old code base simply dropped the \code markup via ## gsub("\\\\code\\{(.*)\\}:?", "\\1", s) ## unescaped underscores and stripped whitespace. ## Let us be nice about such whitespace inside a single \code (by ## default), as this should always render ok in the manual, but not ## about escaped underscores e.g., ## ElemStatLearn/man/marketing.Rd: Dual\_Income ## and comma-separated lists inside ## \code, e.g., ## prefmod/man/trdel.Rd: \code{V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10} ## as these will not render correctly. if(nice) { ind <- rep.int(lens == 1L, lens) add[ind] <- trimws(add[ind]) } nms <- c(nms, add) regmatches(s, m) <- "" ## Handle rest. nms <- c(nms, unlist(strsplit(s, " *, *"))) nms } .get_data_frame_var_names <- function(x) { ## Make sure that there is exactly one format section: ## using .Rd_get_section() would get the first one. x <- x[RdTags(x) == "\\format"] if(length(x) != 1L) return(character()) ## Drop comments. ## ## Remove calling .Rd_drop_comments() eventually. x <- .Rd_drop_comments(x[[1L]]) ## ## What did the format section start with? if(!grepl("^[ \n\t]*(A|This) data frame", .Rd_deparse(x, tag = FALSE))) return(character()) ## Get \describe inside \format. ## Should this allow for several \describe blocks? x <- .Rd_get_section(x, "describe") ## Get the \item tags inside \describe. x <- .Rd_get_item_tags(x) ## And extract the variable names from these. .get_var_names_from_item_tags(x) } Rd_var_names <- lapply(db, .get_data_frame_var_names) idx <- (lengths(Rd_var_names) > 0L) if(!length(idx)) return(bad_Rd_objects) aliases <- unlist(aliases[idx]) Rd_var_names <- Rd_var_names[idx] db_names <- names(db)[idx] data_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE) data_dir <- file.path(dir, "data") ## with lazy data we have data() but don't need to use it. has_data <- dir.exists(data_dir) && !file_test("-f", file.path(data_dir, "Rdata.rdb")) data_exts <- .make_file_exts("data") ## Now go through the aliases. data_frames_checked <- character() for(i in seq_along(aliases)) { ## Store the documented variable names. var_names_in_docs <- sort(Rd_var_names[[i]]) ## Try finding the variable or data set given by the alias. al <- aliases[i] if(!is.null(A <- get0(al, envir = code_env, mode = "list", inherits = FALSE))) al <- A else if(has_namespace && !is.null(A <- get0(al, envir = ns_env, mode = "list", inherits = FALSE))) al <- A else if(has_data) { ## Should be a data set. if(!length(dir(data_dir) %in% paste(al, data_exts, sep = "."))) { next # What the hell did we pick up? } ## Try loading the data set into data_env. utils::data(list = al, envir = data_env) if(!is.null(A <- get0(al, envir = data_env, mode = "list", inherits = FALSE))) al <- A ## And clean up data_env. rm(list = ls(envir = data_env, all.names = TRUE), envir = data_env) } if(!is.data.frame(al)) next ## Now we should be ready: data_frames_checked <- c(data_frames_checked, aliases[i]) var_names_in_code <- sort(names(al)) if(!identical(var_names_in_code, var_names_in_docs)) bad_Rd_objects[[db_names[i]]] <- list(name = aliases[i], code = var_names_in_code, docs = var_names_in_docs) } attr(bad_Rd_objects, "data_frames_checked") <- as.character(data_frames_checked) bad_Rd_objects } format.codocData <- function(x, ...) { format_args <- function(s) paste(s, collapse = " ") .fmt <- function(nm) { docObj <- x[[nm]] ## FIXME singular or plural? c(gettextf("Data codoc mismatches from documentation object '%s':", nm), gettextf("Variables in data frame '%s'", docObj[["name"]]), strwrap(gettextf("Code: %s", format_args(docObj[["code"]])), indent = 2L, exdent = 8L), strwrap(gettextf("Docs: %s", format_args(docObj[["docs"]])), indent = 2L, exdent = 8L), "") } as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt))) } ### * checkDocFiles checkDocFiles <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL) { ## Argument handling. if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ... } else { if(missing(dir)) stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'") ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) } db <- if(!missing(package)) Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirname(dir)) else Rd_db(dir = dir) db_aliases <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "alias") db_keywords <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "keyword") db_names <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db) names(db) <- names(db_aliases) <- db_names db_usages <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_section, "usage") ## We traditionally also use the usage "texts" for some sanity ## checking ... ## ## Remove calling .Rd_drop_comments() eventually. db_usage_texts <- lapply(db_usages, function(e) .Rd_deparse(.Rd_drop_comments(e))) ## db_usages <- lapply(db_usages, .parse_usage_as_much_as_possible) ind <- as.logical(sapply(db_usages, function(x) !is.null(attr(x, "bad_lines")))) bad_lines <- lapply(db_usages[ind], attr, "bad_lines") ## Exclude internal objects from further computations. ind <- sapply(db_keywords, function(x) length(grep("^ *internal *$", x)) > 0L ) if(any(ind)) { # exclude them db <- db[!ind] db_names <- db_names[!ind] db_aliases <- db_aliases[!ind] } db_argument_names <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_argument_names) bad_doc_objects <- list() for(docObj in db_names) { exprs <- db_usages[[docObj]] if(!length(exprs)) next aliases <- db_aliases[[docObj]] arg_names_in_arg_list <- db_argument_names[[docObj]] ## Determine function names ('functions') and corresponding ## arguments ('arg_names_in_usage') in the \usage. Note how we ## try to deal with data set documentation. ind <- as.logical(sapply(exprs, function(e) ((length(e) > 1L) && !((length(e) == 2L) && e[[1L]] == as.symbol("data"))))) exprs <- exprs[ind] ## Split out replacement function usages. ind <- as.logical(sapply(exprs, .is_call_from_replacement_function_usage)) replace_exprs <- exprs[ind] exprs <- exprs[!ind] ## Ordinary functions. functions <- as.character(sapply(exprs, function(e) as.character(e[[1L]]))) ## Catch assignments. ind <- functions %in% c("<-", "=") assignments <- exprs[ind] if(any(ind)) { exprs <- exprs[!ind] functions <- functions[!ind] } ## (Note that as.character(sapply(exprs, "[[", 1L)) does not do ## what we want due to backquotifying.) arg_names_in_usage <- unlist(sapply(exprs, function(e) .arg_names_from_call(e[-1L]))) ## Replacement functions. if(length(replace_exprs)) { replace_funs <- paste0(vapply(replace_exprs, function(e) as.character(e[[2L]][[1L]]), ""), "<-") functions <- c(functions, replace_funs) arg_names_in_usage <- c(arg_names_in_usage, unlist(sapply(replace_exprs, function(e) c(.arg_names_from_call(e[[2L]][-1L]), .arg_names_from_call(e[[3L]]))))) } ## And finally transform the S3 \method{}{} markup into the ## usual function names ... ## ## If we were really picky, we would worry about possible ## namespace renaming. functions <- .transform_S3_method_markup(functions) ## ## Also transform the markup for S4 replacement methods. functions <- .transform_S4_method_markup(functions) ## Now analyze what we found. arg_names_in_usage_missing_in_arg_list <- setdiff(arg_names_in_usage, arg_names_in_arg_list) arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage <- setdiff(arg_names_in_arg_list, arg_names_in_usage) if(length(arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage)) { usage_text <- db_usage_texts[[docObj]] bad_args <- character() ## In the case of 'over-documented' arguments, try to be ## defensive and reduce to arguments which either are not ## syntactically valid names or do not match the \usage text ## (modulo word boundaries). bad <- !grepl("^[[:alnum:]._]+$", arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage) if(any(bad)) { bad_args <- arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage[bad] arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage <- arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage[!bad] } bad <- sapply(arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage, function(x) !grepl(paste0("\\b", x, "\\b"), usage_text)) arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage <- c(bad_args, arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage[as.logical(bad)]) ## Note that the fact that we can parse the raw \usage does ## not imply that over-documented arguments are a problem: ## this works for Rd files documenting e.g. shell utilities ## but fails for files with special syntax (Extract.Rd). } ## Also test whether the objects we found from the \usage all ## have aliases, provided that there is no alias which ends in ## '-deprecated' (see e.g. base-deprecated.Rd). if(!length(grep("-deprecated$", aliases))) { ## Argh. There are good reasons for keeping \S4method{}{} ## as is, but of course this is not what the aliases use ... ## ## Should maybe use utils:::topicName(), but in any case, we ## should have functions for converting between the two ## forms, see also the code for undoc(). aliases <- sub("([^,]+),(.+)-method$", "\\\\S4method{\\1}{\\2}", aliases) ## aliases <- gsub("\\\\%", "%", aliases) functions_not_in_aliases <- setdiff(functions, aliases) } else functions_not_in_aliases <- character() if((length(arg_names_in_usage_missing_in_arg_list)) || anyDuplicated(arg_names_in_arg_list) || (length(arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage)) || (length(functions_not_in_aliases)) || (length(assignments))) bad_doc_objects[[docObj]] <- list(missing = arg_names_in_usage_missing_in_arg_list, duplicated = arg_names_in_arg_list[duplicated(arg_names_in_arg_list)], overdoc = arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage, unaliased = functions_not_in_aliases, assignments = assignments) } structure(bad_doc_objects, class = "checkDocFiles", "bad_lines" = bad_lines) } format.checkDocFiles <- function(x, ...) { .fmt <- function(nm) { c(character(), if(length(arg_names_in_usage_missing_in_arg_list <- x[[nm]][["missing"]])) { c(gettextf("Undocumented arguments in documentation object '%s'", nm), .pretty_format(unique(arg_names_in_usage_missing_in_arg_list))) }, if(length(duplicated_args_in_arg_list <- x[[nm]][["duplicated"]])) { c(gettextf("Duplicated \\argument entries in documentation object '%s':", nm), .pretty_format(duplicated_args_in_arg_list)) }, if(length(arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage <- x[[nm]][["overdoc"]])) { c(gettextf("Documented arguments not in \\usage in documentation object '%s':", nm), .pretty_format(unique(arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage))) }, if(length(functions_not_in_aliases <- x[[nm]][["unaliased"]])) { c(gettextf("Objects in \\usage without \\alias in documentation object '%s':", nm), .pretty_format(unique(functions_not_in_aliases))) }, if(length(assignments <- x[[nm]][["assignments"]])) { c(gettextf("Assignments in \\usage in documentation object '%s':", nm), sprintf(" %s", unlist(lapply(assignments, format)))) }, "") } y <- as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt))) if(length(bad_lines <- attr(x, "bad_lines"))) y <- c(y, unlist(lapply(names(bad_lines), function(nm) { c(gettextf("Bad \\usage lines found in documentation object '%s':", nm), paste(" ", bad_lines[[nm]])) })), "") y } ### * checkDocStyle checkDocStyle <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL) { has_namespace <- FALSE ## Argument handling. if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) ## Using package installed in 'dir' ... dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile)) .read_description(dfile) else character() code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!dir.exists(code_dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) if(!.haveRds(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd objects", dir), domain = NA) package_name <- package is_base <- package_name == "base" ## Load package into code_env. if(!is_base) .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) code_env <- .package_env(package) objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env)) ## Does the package have a namespace? ## These days all packages have namespaces, but some are ## auto-generated. if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))) { has_namespace <- TRUE ## Determine names of declared S3 methods and associated S3 ## generics. ns_S3_methods_db <- getNamespaceInfo(package, "S3methods") ns_S3_generics <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L] ns_S3_methods <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 3L] } } else { if(missing(dir)) stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'") package_name <- basename(dir) # early, before resolving sym.links ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!dir.exists(code_dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) if(!.haveRds(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd objects", dir), domain = NA) is_base <- package_name == "base" code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile)) .read_description(dfile) else character() .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta) sys_data_file <- file.path(code_dir, "sysdata.rda") if(file_test("-f", sys_data_file)) load(sys_data_file, code_env) objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env)) ## Do the package sources have a NAMESPACE file? if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) { has_namespace <- TRUE nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(package_name, dirname(dir)) ## Determine exported objects. OK <- intersect(objects_in_code, nsInfo$exports) for(p in nsInfo$exportPatterns) OK <- c(OK, grep(p, objects_in_code, value = TRUE)) objects_in_code <- unique(OK) ## Determine names of declared S3 methods and associated S3 ## generics. ns_S3_methods_db <- .get_namespace_S3_methods_db(nsInfo) ns_S3_generics <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L] ns_S3_methods <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 3L] } } ## Find the function objects in the given package. functions_in_code <- Filter(function(f) is.function(get(f, envir = code_env)), # get is expensive objects_in_code) ## Find all S3 generics "as seen from the package". all_S3_generics <- unique(c(Filter(function(f) .is_S3_generic(f, envir = code_env), functions_in_code), .get_S3_generics_as_seen_from_package(dir, !missing(package), TRUE), .get_S3_group_generics())) ## ## Not yet: code_env <- .make_S3_group_generic_env(parent = code_env) ## ## Find all methods in the given package for the generic functions ## determined above. Store as a list indexed by the names of the ## generic functions. ## Change in 3.0.0: we only look for methods named generic.class, ## not those registered by a 3-arg S3method(). methods_stop_list <- nonS3methods(package_name) methods_in_package <- sapply(all_S3_generics, function(g) { ## This isn't really right: it assumes the generics are visible. if(!exists(g, envir = code_env)) return(character()) ## ## We should really determine the name g dispatches for, see ## a current version of methods() [2003-07-07]. (Care is needed ## for internal generics and group generics.) ## Matching via grep() is tricky with e.g. a '$' in the name of ## the generic function ... hence substr(). name <- paste0(g, ".") methods <- functions_in_code[substr(functions_in_code, 1L, nchar(name, type = "c")) == name] ## methods <- setdiff(methods, methods_stop_list) if(has_namespace) { ## Find registered methods for generic g. methods2 <- ns_S3_methods[ns_S3_generics == g] ## but for these purposes check name. OK <- substr(methods2, 1L, nchar(name, type = "c")) == name methods <- c(methods, methods2[OK]) } methods }) all_methods_in_package <- unlist(methods_in_package) ## There are situations where S3 methods might be documented as ## functions (i.e., with their full name), if they do something ## useful also for arguments not inheriting from the class they ## provide a method for. ## But they they should be exported under another name, and ## registered as an S3 method. ## Prior to 2.14.0 we used to allow this in the case the ## package has a namespace and the method is exported (even though ## we strongly prefer using FOO(as.BAR(x)) to FOO.BAR(x) for such ## cases). ## But this caused discontinuities with adding namespaces. ## Historical exception if(package_name == "cluster") all_methods_in_package <- setdiff(all_methods_in_package, functions_in_code) db <- if(!missing(package)) Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirname(dir)) else Rd_db(dir = dir) names(db) <- db_names <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db) ## Ignore pkg-deprecated.Rd and pkg-defunct.Rd. ind <- db_names %in% paste(package_name, c("deprecated", "defunct"), sep = "-") db <- db[!ind] db_names <- db_names[!ind] db_usages <- lapply(db, function(Rd) { Rd <- .Rd_get_section(Rd, "usage") .parse_usage_as_much_as_possible(Rd) }) ind <- as.logical(sapply(db_usages, function(x) !is.null(attr(x, "bad_lines")))) bad_lines <- lapply(db_usages[ind], attr, "bad_lines") bad_doc_objects <- list() for(docObj in db_names) { ## Determine function names in the \usage. exprs <- db_usages[[docObj]] exprs <- exprs[lengths(exprs) > 1L] ## Ordinary functions. functions <- as.character(sapply(exprs, function(e) as.character(e[[1L]]))) ## (Note that as.character(sapply(exprs, "[[", 1L)) does not do ## what we want due to backquotifying.) ## Replacement functions. ind <- as.logical(sapply(exprs, .is_call_from_replacement_function_usage)) if(any(ind)) { replace_funs <- paste0(sapply(exprs[ind], function(e) as.character(e[[2L]][[1L]])), "<-") functions <- c(functions, replace_funs) } methods_with_full_name <- intersect(functions, all_methods_in_package) functions <- .transform_S3_method_markup(functions) methods_with_generic <- sapply(intersect(functions, all_S3_generics), function(g) intersect(functions, methods_in_package[[g]]), simplify = FALSE) if((length(methods_with_generic)) || (length(methods_with_full_name))) bad_doc_objects[[docObj]] <- list(withGeneric = methods_with_generic, withFullName = methods_with_full_name) } attr(bad_doc_objects, "bad_lines") <- bad_lines class(bad_doc_objects) <- "checkDocStyle" bad_doc_objects } format.checkDocStyle <- function(x, ...) { .fmt <- function(nm) { ## ## With \method{GENERIC}{CLASS} now being transformed to show ## both GENERIC and CLASS info, documenting S3 methods on the ## same page as their generic is not necessarily a problem any ## more (as one can refer to the generic or the methods in the ## documentation, in particular for the primary argument). ## Hence, even if we still provide information about this, we ## no longer print it by default. One can still access it via ## lapply(checkDocStyle("foo"), "[[", "withGeneric") ## (but of course it does not print that nicely anymore), ## methods_with_full_name <- x[[nm]][["withFullName"]] if(length(methods_with_full_name)) { c(gettextf("S3 methods shown with full name in documentation object '%s':", nm), .pretty_format(methods_with_full_name), "") } else { character() } } as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt))) } ### * checkFF checkFF <- function(package, dir, file, lib.loc = NULL, registration = FALSE, check_DUP = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose")) { allow_suppress <- !nzchar(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_FF_AS_CRAN_")) suppressCheck <- function(e) allow_suppress && length(e) == 2L && is.call(e) && is.symbol(e[[1L]]) && as.character(e[[1L]]) == "dontCheck" has_namespace <- FALSE is_installed_msg <- is_installed <- FALSE ## Argument handling. if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") db <- .read_description(dfile) pkg <- pkgDLL <- basename(dir) ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ... code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!dir.exists(code_dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) have_registration <- FALSE if(basename(dir) != "base") { .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) code_env <- asNamespace(package) if(!is.null(DLLs <- get0("DLLs", envir = code_env$.__NAMESPACE__.))) { ## fake installs have this, of class DLLInfoList if(length(DLLs)) has_namespace <- TRUE if(length(DLLs) && inherits(DLLs[[1L]], "DLLInfo")) { pkgDLL <- unclass(DLLs[[1L]])$name # different for data.table if(registration) { reg <- getDLLRegisteredRoutines(DLLs[[1L]]) have_registration <- sum(lengths(reg)) > 0L } } } } else { has_namespace <- have_registration <- TRUE code_env <-.package_env(package) } is_installed <- TRUE } else if(!missing(dir)) { have_registration <- FALSE ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) pkg <- pkgDLL <- basename(dir) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") enc <- NA; db <- NULL if(file.exists(dfile)) { db <- .read_description(dfile) enc <- db["Encoding"] } if(pkg == "base") has_namespace <- TRUE if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) { nm <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir)) has_namespace <- length(nm$dynlibs) > 0L } code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!dir.exists(code_dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) file <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(file)) if(!file.create(file)) stop("unable to create ", file, domain = NA) if(!all(.file_append_ensuring_LFs(file, list_files_with_type(code_dir, "code")))) stop("unable to write code files", domain = NA) } else if(!missing(file)) { pkg <- enc <- NA } else stop("you must specify 'package', 'dir' or 'file'") if(missing(package) && !file_test("-f", file)) stop(gettextf("file '%s' does not exist", file), domain = NA) ## Should there really be a 'verbose' argument? ## It may be useful to extract all foreign function calls but then ## we would want the calls back ... ## What we currently do is the following: if 'verbose' is true, we ## show all foreign function calls in abbreviated form with the line ## ending in either 'OK' or 'MISSING', and we return the list of ## 'bad' FF calls (i.e., where the 'PACKAGE' argument is missing) ## *invisibly* (so that output is not duplicated). ## Otherwise, if not verbose, we return the list of bad FF calls. bad_exprs <- empty_exprs <- wrong_pkg <- other_problem <- list() other_desc <- character() bad_pkg <- character() dup_false <- list() FF_funs <- FF_fun_names <- c(".C", ".Fortran", ".Call", ".External", ".Call.graphics", ".External.graphics") ## As pointed out by DTL, packages could use non-base FF calls for ## which missing 'PACKAGE' arguments are not necessarily a problem. if(!missing(package)) { is_FF_fun_from_base <- sapply(FF_funs, function(f) { e <- .find_owner_env(f, code_env) (identical(e, baseenv()) || identical(e, .BaseNamespaceEnv)) }) FF_funs <- FF_funs[is_FF_fun_from_base] } ## Also, need to handle base::.Call() etc ... FF_funs <- c(FF_funs, sprintf("base::%s", FF_fun_names)) check_registration <- function(e, fr) { sym <- e[[2L]] name <- deparse(sym, nlines = 1L) if (name == "...") return ("SYMBOL OK") # we cannot check this, e.g. RProtoBuf if (is.character(sym)) { if (!have_registration) return ("SYMBOL OK") FF_fun <- as.character(e[[1L]]) sym <- reg[[FF_fun]][[sym]] if(is.null(sym)) return ("SYMBOL OK") } if (!is_installed) { if (!is_installed_msg) { other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e) other_desc <<- c(other_desc, "foreign function registration not tested, as package was not installed") is_installed_msg <<- TRUE } return("OTHER") # registration checks need the package to be installed } if (is.symbol(sym)) { # it might be something like pkg::sym (that's a call) if (!exists(name, code_env, inherits = FALSE)) { if (allow_suppress && name %in% utils::suppressForeignCheck(, package)) return ("SYMBOL OK") # skip false positives if (have_registration) { if (name %in% fr) { other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e) other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("symbol %s in the local frame", sQuote(name))) } else { other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e) other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("symbol %s not in namespace", sQuote(name))) } } return("OTHER") } } else if (suppressCheck(sym)) return("SKIPPED") sym <- tryCatch(eval(sym, code_env), error = function(e) e) if (inherits(sym, "error")) { if (have_registration || !allow_suppress) { other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e) other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("Evaluating %s during check gives error\n%s", sQuote(name), sQuote(sym$message))) } return("OTHER") } FF_fun <- as.character(e[[1L]]) ## lmom's sym evaluate to character, so try to look up. ## FIXME: maybe check this is not PACKAGE = "another package" if (is.character(sym)) { if (!have_registration) return ("SYMBOL OK") sym <- reg[[FF_fun]][[sym]] if(is.null(sym)) return ("SYMBOL OK") } ## These are allowed and used by SU's packages so skip for now if (inherits(sym, "RegisteredNativeSymbol") || inherits(sym, "NativeSymbol")) return ("SYMBOL OK") if (!inherits(sym, "NativeSymbolInfo")) { other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e) ## other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("\"%s\" is not of class \"%s\"", name, "NativeSymbolInfo")) other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("%s is of class \"%s\"", sQuote(name), class(sym))) return("OTHER") } ## This might be symbol from another (base?) package. ## Allow for Rcpp modules parg <- unclass(sym$dll)$name if(length(parg) == 1L && ! parg %in% c("Rcpp", pkgDLL)) { wrong_pkg <<- c(wrong_pkg, e) bad_pkg <<- c(bad_pkg, parg) } numparms <- sym$numParameters if (length(numparms) && numparms >= 0) { ## We have to be careful if ... is in the call. if (any(as.character(e) == "...")) { other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e) other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("call includes ..., expected %d %s", numparms, if(numparms > 1L) "parameters" else "parameter")) } else { callparms <- length(e) - 2L if ("PACKAGE" %in% names(e)) callparms <- callparms - 1L if (FF_fun %in% c(".C", ".Fortran")) callparms <- callparms - length(intersect(names(e), c("NAOK", "DUP", "ENCODING"))) if (!is.null(numparms) && numparms >= 0L && numparms != callparms) { other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e) other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("call to %s with %d %s, expected %d", sQuote(name), callparms, if(callparms > 1L) "parameters" else "parameter", numparms)) return("OTHER") } } } if (inherits(sym, "CallRoutine") && !(FF_fun %in% c(".Call", ".Call.graphics"))) { other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e) other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("%s registered as %s, but called with %s", sQuote(name), ".Call", FF_fun)) return("OTHER") } if (inherits(sym, "ExternalRoutine") && !(FF_fun %in% c(".External", ".External.graphics"))) { other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e) other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("%s registered as %s, but called with %s", sQuote(name), ".External", FF_fun)) return("OTHER") } "SYMBOL OK" } find_bad_exprs <- function(e) { if(is.call(e) || is.expression(e)) { ## ## This picks up all calls, e.g. a$b, and they may convert ## to a vector. The function is the first element in all ## the calls we are interested in. ## BDR 2002-11-28 ## if(deparse(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% FF_funs) { if(registration) check_registration(e, fr) dup <- e[["DUP"]] if(!is.null(dup) && !identical(dup, TRUE)) dup_false <<- c(dup_false, e) this <- "" this <- parg <- e[["PACKAGE"]] if (!is.na(pkg) && is.character(parg) && nzchar(parg) && parg != pkgDLL) { wrong_pkg <<- c(wrong_pkg, e) bad_pkg <<- c(bad_pkg, this) } parg <- if(!is.null(parg) && (nzchar(parg))) "OK" else if(identical(parg, "")) { empty_exprs <<- c(empty_exprs, e) "EMPTY" } else if(!is.character(sym <- e[[2L]])) { if (!registration) { sym <- tryCatch(eval(sym, code_env), error = function(e) e) if (inherits(sym, "NativeSymbolInfo")) { ## This might be symbol from another package. ## Allow for Rcpp modules parg <- unclass(sym$dll)$name if(length(parg) == 1L && !parg %in% c("Rcpp", pkgDLL)) { wrong_pkg <<- c(wrong_pkg, e) bad_pkg <<- c(bad_pkg, parg) } } } "Called with symbol" } else if(!has_namespace) { bad_exprs <<- c(bad_exprs, e) "MISSING" } else "MISSING but in a function in a namespace" if(verbose) if(is.null(this)) cat(deparse(e[[1L]]), "(", deparse(e[[2L]]), ", ... ): ", parg, "\n", sep = "") else cat(deparse(e[[1L]]), "(", deparse(e[[2L]]), ", ..., PACKAGE = \"", this, "\"): ", parg, "\n", sep = "") } else if (deparse(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% "<-") { fr <<- c(fr, as.character(e[[2L]])) } for(i in seq_along(e)) Recall(e[[i]]) } } if(!missing(package)) { checkFFmy <- function(f) if(typeof(f) == "closure") { env <- environment(f) if(isNamespace(env)) { nm <- getNamespaceName(env) if (nm == package) body(f) else NULL } else body(f) } else NULL exprs <- lapply(ls(envir = code_env, all.names = TRUE), function(f) { f <- get(f, envir = code_env) # get is expensive checkFFmy(f) }) if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) { ## Also check the code in S4 methods. ## This may find things twice if a setMethod() with a bad FF ## call is from inside a function (e.g., InitMethods()). for(f in .get_S4_generics(code_env)) { mlist <- .get_S4_methods_list(f, code_env) exprs <- c(exprs, lapply(mlist, body)) } refs <- .get_ref_classes(code_env) if(length(refs)) { exprs2 <- lapply(unlist(refs, FALSE), checkFFmy) exprs <- c(exprs, exprs2) } } } else { if(!is.na(enc) && !(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %in% c("C", "POSIX"))) { ## FIXME: what if conversion fails on e.g. UTF-8 comments con <- file(file, encoding=enc) on.exit(close(con)) } else con <- file exprs <- tryCatch(parse(file = con, n = -1L), error = function(e) stop(gettextf("parse error in file '%s':\n%s", file, .massage_file_parse_error_message(conditionMessage(e))), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)) } for(i in seq_along(exprs)) { fr <- character() find_bad_exprs(exprs[[i]]) } attr(bad_exprs, "wrong_pkg") <- wrong_pkg attr(bad_exprs, "bad_pkg") <- bad_pkg attr(bad_exprs, "empty") <- empty_exprs attr(bad_exprs, "other_problem") <- other_problem attr(bad_exprs, "other_desc") <- other_desc if(check_DUP) attr(bad_exprs, "dup_false") <- dup_false if (length(bad_pkg)) { # check against dependencies. bases <- .get_standard_package_names()$base bad <- bad_pkg[!bad_pkg %in% bases] if (length(bad)) { depends <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Depends") imports <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Imports") suggests <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Suggests") enhances <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Enhances") bad <- bad[!bad %in% c(depends, imports, suggests, enhances)] attr(bad_exprs, "undeclared") <- bad } } class(bad_exprs) <- "checkFF" if(verbose) invisible(bad_exprs) else bad_exprs } format.checkFF <- function(x, ...) { xx <- attr(x, "empty") y <- attr(x, "wrong_pkg") z <- attr(x, "bad_pkg") zz <- attr(x, "undeclared") other_problem <- attr(x, "other_problem") res <- character() if (length(x)) { .fmt <- function(x) paste0(" ", deparse(x[[1L]]), "(", deparse(x[[2L]]), ", ...)") msg <- ngettext(length(x), "Foreign function call without 'PACKAGE' argument:", "Foreign function calls without 'PACKAGE' argument:", domain = NA) res <- c(msg, unlist(lapply(x, .fmt))) } if (length(xx)) { .fmt <- function(x) paste0(" ", deparse(x[[1L]]), "(", deparse(x[[2L]]), ", ...)") msg <- ngettext(length(x), "Foreign function call with empty 'PACKAGE' argument:", "Foreign function calls with empty 'PACKAGE' argument:", domain = NA) res <- c(res, msg, unlist(lapply(xx, .fmt))) } if (length(y)) { bases <- .get_standard_package_names()$base .fmt2 <- function(x, z) { if("PACKAGE" %in% names(x)) paste0(" ", deparse(x[[1L]]), "(", deparse(x[[2L]]), ", ..., PACKAGE = \"", z, "\")") else paste0(" ", deparse(x[[1L]]), "(", deparse(x[[2L]]), ", ...)") } base <- z %in% bases if(any(base)) { xx <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(y)[base], function(i) .fmt2(y[[i]], z[i]))) xx <- unique(xx) msg <- ngettext(length(xx), "Foreign function call to a base package:", "Foreign function calls to a base package:", domain = NA) res <- c(res, msg, sort(xx)) } if(any(!base)) { xx <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(y)[!base], function(i) .fmt2(y[[i]], z[i]))) xx <- unique(xx) msg <- ngettext(length(xx), "Foreign function call to a different package:", "Foreign function calls to a different package:", domain = NA) res <- c(res, msg, sort(xx)) } } if (length(zz)) { zz <- unique(zz) msg <- ngettext(length(zz), "Undeclared package in foreign function calls:", "Undeclared packages in foreign function calls:", domain = NA) res <- c(res, msg, paste(" ", paste(sQuote(sort(zz)), collapse = ", "))) } if (length(other_problem)) { msg <- ngettext(length(other_problem), "Registration problem:", "Registration problems:", domain = NA) res <- c(res, msg) other_desc <- attr(x, "other_desc") for (i in seq_along(other_problem)) { res <- c(res, paste0(" ", other_desc[i], ":"), paste0(" ", deparse(other_problem[[i]]))) } } z3 <- attr(x, "dup_false") if (length(z3)) { msg <- ngettext(length(z3), "Call with DUP:", "Calls with DUP:", domain = NA) res <- c(res, msg) for (i in seq_along(z3)) { res <- c(res, paste0(" ", deparse(z3[[i]]))) } } res } ### * checkS3methods checkS3methods <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL) { has_namespace <- FALSE ## If an installed package has a namespace, we need to record the S3 ## methods which are registered but not exported (so that we can ## get() them from the right place). S3_reg <- character() ## Argument handling. if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ... code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!dir.exists(code_dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) is_base <- basename(dir) == "base" ## Load package into code_env. if(!is_base) .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) code_env <- .package_env(package) objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env)) ## Does the package have a namespace? if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))) { has_namespace <- TRUE ## Determine names of declared S3 methods and associated S3 ## generics. ns_S3_methods_db <- getNamespaceInfo(package, "S3methods") ns_S3_generics <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L] ## We really need the GENERIC.CLASS method names used in the ## registry: ns_S3_methods <- paste(ns_S3_generics, ns_S3_methods_db[, 2L], sep = ".") ## Determine unexported but declared S3 methods. S3_reg <- setdiff(ns_S3_methods, objects_in_code) } } else { if(missing(dir)) stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'") ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!dir.exists(code_dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) is_base <- basename(dir) == "base" code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile)) .read_description(dfile) else character() .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta) sys_data_file <- file.path(code_dir, "sysdata.rda") if(file_test("-f", sys_data_file)) load(sys_data_file, code_env) objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env)) ## Does the package have a NAMESPACE file? if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) { has_namespace <- TRUE nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir)) ## Determine exported objects. OK <- intersect(objects_in_code, nsInfo$exports) for(p in nsInfo$exportPatterns) OK <- c(OK, grep(p, objects_in_code, value = TRUE)) objects_in_code <- unique(OK) ## Determine names of declared S3 methods and associated S3 ## generics. ns_S3_methods_db <- .get_namespace_S3_methods_db(nsInfo) ns_S3_generics <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L] ns_S3_methods <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 3L] } } ## Find the function objects in the given package. functions_in_code <- Filter(function(f) is.function(code_env[[f]]), objects_in_code) ## This is the virtual group generics, not the members S3_group_generics <- .get_S3_group_generics() ## This includes the primitive group generics as from R 2.6.0 S3_primitive_generics <- .get_S3_primitive_generics() checkArgs <- function(g, m) { ## Do the arguments of method m (in code_env) 'extend' those of ## the generic g as seen from code_env? The method must have all ## arguments the generic has, with positional arguments of g in ## the same positions for m. ## Exception: '...' in the method swallows anything. if(identical(g, "round") && m == "round.POSIXt") return() # exception genfun <- get(g, envir = code_env) gArgs <- names(formals(genfun)) if(identical(g, "plot")) gArgs <- gArgs[-2L] # drop "y" ogArgs <- gArgs gm <- if(m %in% S3_reg) { ## See registerS3method() in ../../base/R/namespace.R. defenv <- if (g %in% S3_group_generics || g %in% S3_primitive_generics) .BaseNamespaceEnv else { if(.isMethodsDispatchOn() && methods::is(genfun, "genericFunction")) genfun <- methods::finalDefaultMethod(genfun@default) if (typeof(genfun) == "closure") environment(genfun) else .BaseNamespaceEnv } if(is.null(S3Table <- get0(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = defenv, inherits = FALSE))) { ## Happens e.g. if for some reason, we get "plot" as ## standardGeneric for "plot" defined from package ## "graphics" with its own environment which does not ## contain an S3 methods table ... return(NULL) } if(is.null(mm <- get0(m, envir = S3Table))) { warning(gettextf("declared S3 method '%s' not found", m), domain = NA, call. = FALSE) return(NULL) } else mm } else get(m, envir = code_env) mArgs <- omArgs <- names(formals(gm)) ## If m is a formula method, its first argument *may* be called ## formula. (Note that any argument name mismatch throws an ## error in current S-PLUS versions.) if(length(grep("\\.formula$", m))) { if(gArgs[1L] != "...") gArgs <- gArgs[-1L] mArgs <- mArgs[-1L] } dotsPos <- which(gArgs == "...") ipos <- if(length(dotsPos)) seq_len(dotsPos[1L] - 1L) else seq_along(gArgs) ## careful, this could match multiply in incorrect funs. dotsPos <- which(mArgs == "...") if(length(dotsPos)) ipos <- ipos[seq_len(dotsPos[1L] - 1L)] posMatchOK <- identical(gArgs[ipos], mArgs[ipos]) argMatchOK <- all(gArgs %in% mArgs) || length(dotsPos) > 0L margMatchOK <- all(mArgs %in% c("...", gArgs)) || "..." %in% ogArgs if(posMatchOK && argMatchOK && margMatchOK) NULL else if (g %in% c("+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "%%", "%/%", "&", "|", "!", "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">") && (length(ogArgs) == length(omArgs)) ) NULL else { l <- list(ogArgs, omArgs) names(l) <- c(g, m) list(l) } } all_S3_generics <- unique(c(Filter(function(f) .is_S3_generic(f, envir = code_env), functions_in_code), .get_S3_generics_as_seen_from_package(dir, !missing(package), FALSE), S3_group_generics, S3_primitive_generics)) ## ## Not yet: code_env <- .make_S3_group_generic_env(parent = code_env) ## code_env <- .make_S3_primitive_generic_env(parent = code_env) ## Now determine the 'bad' methods in the function objects of the ## package. bad_methods <- list() methods_stop_list <- nonS3methods(basename(dir)) ## some packages export S4 generics derived from other packages .... methods_stop_list <- c(methods_stop_list, "all.equal", "all.names", "all.vars", "fitted.values", "qr.Q", "qr.R", "qr.X", "qr.coef", "qr.fitted", "qr.qty", "qr.qy", "qr.resid", "qr.solve", "rep.int", "seq.int", "sort.int", "sort.list", "t.test") methods_not_registered_but_exported <- character() ## ## Seems we currently cannot get these, because we only look at ## *exported* functions in addition to the S3 registry. methods_not_registered_not_exported <- character() ## for(g in all_S3_generics) { if(!exists(g, envir = code_env)) next ## Find all methods in functions_in_code for S3 generic g. ## ## We should really determine the name g dispatches for, see ## a current version of methods() [2003-07-07]. (Care is ## needed for internal generics and group generics.) ## Matching via grep() is tricky with e.g. a '$' in the name ## of the generic function ... hence substr(). name <- paste0(g, ".") methods <- functions_in_code[substr(functions_in_code, 1L, nchar(name, type="c")) == name] ## methods <- setdiff(methods, methods_stop_list) if(has_namespace) { ## Find registered methods for generic g. methods <- c(methods, ns_S3_methods[ns_S3_generics == g]) if(length(delta <- setdiff(methods, ns_S3_methods))) { methods_not_registered_but_exported <- c(methods_not_registered_but_exported, intersect(delta, objects_in_code)) methods_not_registered_not_exported <- c(methods_not_registered_not_exported, setdiff(delta, objects_in_code)) } } for(m in methods) ## Both all() and all.equal() are generic. bad_methods <- if(g == "all") { m1 <- m[-grep("^all\\.equal", m)] c(bad_methods, if(length(m1)) checkArgs(g, m1)) } else c(bad_methods, checkArgs(g, m)) } if(length(methods_not_registered_but_exported)) attr(bad_methods, "methods_not_registered_but_exported") <- methods_not_registered_but_exported if(length(methods_not_registered_not_exported)) attr(bad_methods, "methods_not_registered_not_exported") <- methods_not_registered_not_exported class(bad_methods) <- "checkS3methods" bad_methods } format.checkS3methods <- function(x, ...) { format_args <- function(s) paste0("function(", paste(s, collapse = ", "), ")") .fmt <- function(entry) { c(paste0(names(entry)[1L], ":"), strwrap(format_args(entry[[1L]]), indent = 2L, exdent = 11L), paste0(names(entry)[2L], ":"), strwrap(format_args(entry[[2L]]), indent = 2L, exdent = 11L), "") } report_S3_methods_not_registered <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_S3_METHODS_NOT_REGISTERED_", "FALSE")) c(as.character(unlist(lapply(x, .fmt))), if(report_S3_methods_not_registered && length(methods <- attr(x, "methods_not_registered_but_exported"))) { c("Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered:", strwrap(paste(sort(methods), collapse = " "), exdent = 2L, indent = 2L)) } ) } ### * checkReplaceFuns checkReplaceFuns <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL) { has_namespace <- FALSE ## Argument handling. if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ... code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!dir.exists(code_dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) is_base <- basename(dir) == "base" ## Load package into code_env. if(!is_base) .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) ## In case the package has a namespace, we really want to check ## all replacement functions in the package. (If not, we need ## to change the code for the non-installed case to only look at ## exported (replacement) functions.) if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))) { has_namespace <- TRUE code_env <- asNamespace(package) ns_S3_methods_db <- .getNamespaceInfo(code_env, "S3methods") } else code_env <- .package_env(package) } else { if(missing(dir)) stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'") ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!dir.exists(code_dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) is_base <- basename(dir) == "base" code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile)) .read_description(dfile) else character() .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta) sys_data_file <- file.path(code_dir, "sysdata.rda") if(file_test("-f", sys_data_file)) load(sys_data_file, code_env) ## Does the package have a NAMESPACE file? Note that when ## working on the sources we (currently?) cannot deal with the ## (experimental) alternative way of specifying the namespace. if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) { has_namespace <- TRUE nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir)) ns_S3_methods_db <- .get_namespace_S3_methods_db(nsInfo) } } objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env)) replace_funs <- character() if(has_namespace) { ns_S3_generics <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L] ns_S3_methods <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 3L] ## S3 replacement methods from namespace registration? idx <- grep("<-$", ns_S3_generics) if(length(idx)) replace_funs <- ns_S3_methods[idx] ## Now remove the functions registered as S3 methods. objects_in_code <- setdiff(objects_in_code, ns_S3_methods) } replace_funs <- c(replace_funs, grep("<-", objects_in_code, value = TRUE)) .check_last_formal_arg <- function(f) { arg_names <- names(formals(f)) if(!length(arg_names)) TRUE # most likely a .Primitive() else identical(arg_names[length(arg_names)], "value") } ## Find the replacement functions (which have formal arguments) with ## last arg not named 'value'. bad_replace_funs <- if(length(replace_funs)) { Filter(function(f) { ## Always get the functions from code_env ... ## Should maybe get S3 methods from the registry ... f <- get(f, envir = code_env) # get is expensive if(!is.function(f)) return(FALSE) ! .check_last_formal_arg(f) }, replace_funs) } else character() if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) { S4_generics <- .get_S4_generics(code_env) ## Assume that the ones with names ending in '<-' are always ## replacement functions. S4_generics <- S4_generics[grepl("<-$", names(S4_generics))] bad_S4_replace_methods <- sapply(S4_generics, function(f) { mlist <- .get_S4_methods_list(f, code_env) ind <- !as.logical(sapply(mlist, .check_last_formal_arg)) if(!any(ind)) character() else { sigs <- .make_siglist(mlist[ind]) sprintf("\\S4method{%s}{%s}", f, sigs) } }) bad_replace_funs <- c(bad_replace_funs, unlist(bad_S4_replace_methods, use.names = FALSE)) } class(bad_replace_funs) <- "checkReplaceFuns" bad_replace_funs } format.checkReplaceFuns <- function(x, ...) { if(length(x)) .pretty_format(unclass(x)) else character() } ### * checkTnF checkTnF <- function(package, dir, file, lib.loc = NULL) { code_files <- docs_files <- character() ## Argument handling. if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ... dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "R", "all.rda"))) { warning("cannot check R code installed as image") } code_file <- file.path(dir, "R", package) if(file.exists(code_file)) # could be data-only code_files <- code_file example_dir <- file.path(dir, "R-ex") if(dir.exists(example_dir)) { code_files <- c(code_files, list_files_with_exts(example_dir, "R")) } } else if(!missing(dir)) { ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(dir.exists(code_dir)) # could be data-only code_files <- list_files_with_type(code_dir, "code") docs_dir <- file.path(dir, "man") if(dir.exists(docs_dir)) docs_files <- list_files_with_type(docs_dir, "docs") } else if(!missing(file)) { if(!file_test("-f", file)) stop(gettextf("file '%s' does not exist", file), domain = NA) else code_files <- file } else stop("you must specify 'package', 'dir' or 'file'") find_TnF_in_code <- function(file, txt) { ## If 'txt' is given, it contains the extracted examples from ## the R documentation file 'file'. Otherwise, 'file' gives a ## file with (just) R code. matches <- list() TnF <- c("T", "F") find_bad_exprs <- function(e, p) { if(is.name(e) && (as.character(e) %in% TnF) && !is.null(p)) { ## Need the 'list()' to deal with T/F in function ## arglists which are pairlists ... matches <<- c(matches, list(p)) } else if(is.recursive(e)) { for(i in seq_along(e)) Recall(e[[i]], e) } } exprs <- if(missing(txt)) tryCatch(parse(file = file, n = -1L), error = function(e) stop(gettextf("parse error in file '%s':\n", file, .massage_file_parse_error_message(conditionMessage(e))), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)) else tryCatch(parse(text = txt), error = function(e) stop(gettextf("parse error in examples from file '%s':\n", file, conditionMessage(e)), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)) for(i in seq_along(exprs)) find_bad_exprs(exprs[[i]], NULL) matches } bad_exprs <- list() for(file in code_files) { exprs <- find_TnF_in_code(file) if(length(exprs)) { exprs <- list(exprs) names(exprs) <- file bad_exprs <- c(bad_exprs, exprs) } } for(file in docs_files) { Rd <- prepare_Rd(file, defines = .Platform$OS.type) txt <- .Rd_get_example_code(Rd) exprs <- find_TnF_in_code(file, txt) if(length(exprs)) { exprs <- list(exprs) names(exprs) <- file bad_exprs <- c(bad_exprs, exprs) } } class(bad_exprs) <- "checkTnF" bad_exprs } format.checkTnF <- function(x, ...) { .fmt <- function(fname) { xfname <- x[[fname]] c(gettextf("File '%s':", fname), unlist(lapply(seq_along(xfname), function(i) { strwrap(gettextf("found T/F in %s", paste(deparse(xfname[[i]]), collapse = "")), exdent = 4L) })), "") } as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt))) } ### * .check_package_depends ## changed in 2.3.0 to refer to a source dir. .check_package_depends <- function(dir, force_suggests = TRUE, check_incoming = FALSE, ignore_vignettes = FALSE) { .check_dependency_cycles <- function(db, available = utils::available.packages(), dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")) { ## given a package, find its recursive dependencies. ## We want the dependencies of the current package, ## not of a version on the repository. ## pkg <- db[["Package"]] this <- db[dependencies]; names(this) <- dependencies known <- setdiff(utils:::.clean_up_dependencies(this), "R") info <- available[, dependencies, drop = FALSE] rn <- rownames(info) deps <- function(p) { if(!(p %in% rn)) return(character()) this <- utils:::.clean_up_dependencies(info[p, ]) setdiff(this, "R") } extra <- known repeat { extra <- unlist(lapply(extra, deps)) extra <- setdiff(extra, known) if(!length(extra)) break known <- c(known, extra) } known } if(length(dir) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") ## We definitely need a valid DESCRIPTION file. db <- .read_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")) dir_name <- basename(dir) package_name <- db["Package"] if(!identical(package_name, dir_name) && (!is.character(package_name) || !nzchar(package_name))) { message(sprintf( "package name '%s' seems invalid; using directory name '%s' instead", package_name, dir_name)) package_name <- dir_name } bad_depends <- list() ## and we cannot have cycles ## this check needs a package db from repository(s), so repos <- getOption("repos") if(any(grepl("@CRAN@", repos))) repos <- .get_standard_repository_URLs() if(!any(grepl("@CRAN@", repos))) { ## Not getting here should no longer be possble ... available <- utils::available.packages(repos = repos) ad <- .check_dependency_cycles(db, available) pkgname <- db[["Package"]] if(pkgname %in% ad) bad_depends$all_depends <- setdiff(ad, pkgname) } else if (check_incoming) bad_depends$skipped <- " No repository set, so cyclic dependency check skipped" ldepends <- .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "Depends") limports <- .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "Imports") llinks <- .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "LinkingTo") lsuggests <- .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "Suggests") ## NB: no one checks version for 'Enhances'. lenhances <- .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "Enhances") ## VignetteBuilder packages are needed to ascertain what is a vignette. VB <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "VignetteBuilder") depends <- sapply(ldepends, `[[`, 1L) imports <- sapply(limports, `[[`, 1L) links <- sapply(llinks, `[[`, 1L) suggests <- sapply(lsuggests, `[[`, 1L) standard_package_names <- .get_standard_package_names() ## Are all packages listed in Depends/Suggests/Imports/LinkingTo installed? lreqs <- c(ldepends, limports, llinks, if(force_suggests) lsuggests) lreqs2 <- c(if(!force_suggests) lsuggests, lenhances) if(length(c(lreqs, lreqs2))) { ## Do this directly for speed. installed <- character() installed_in <- character() for(lib in .libPaths()) { pkgs <- list.files(lib) pkgs <- pkgs[file.access(file.path(lib, pkgs, "DESCRIPTION"), 4) == 0] installed <- c(installed, pkgs) installed_in <- c(installed_in, rep.int(lib, length(pkgs))) } if (length(lreqs)) { reqs <- unique(sapply(lreqs, `[[`, 1L)) reqs <- setdiff(reqs, installed) m <- reqs %in% standard_package_names$stubs if(length(reqs[!m])) { bad <- reqs[!m] ## EDanalysis has a package in all of Depends, Imports, Suggests. bad1 <- bad[bad %in% c(depends, imports, links)] if(length(bad1)) bad_depends$required_but_not_installed <- bad1 bad2 <- setdiff(bad, bad1) if(length(bad2)) bad_depends$suggested_but_not_installed <- bad2 } if(length(reqs[m])) bad_depends$required_but_stub <- reqs[m] ## now check versions have_ver <- unlist(lapply(lreqs, function(x) length(x) == 3L)) lreqs3 <- lreqs[have_ver] if(length(lreqs3)) { bad <- character() for (r in lreqs3) { pkg <- r[[1L]] op <- r[[2L]] where <- which(installed == pkg) if(!length(where)) next ## want the first one desc <- readRDS(file.path(installed_in[where[1L]], pkg, "Meta", "package.rds")) current <- desc$DESCRIPTION["Version"] target <- as.package_version(r[[3L]]) if(eval(parse(text = paste("!(current", op, "target)")))) bad <- c(bad, pkg) } if(length(bad)) bad_depends$required_but_obsolete <- bad } } if (length(lenhances)) { m <- setdiff(sapply(lenhances, `[[`, 1L), installed) if(length(m)) bad_depends$enhances_but_not_installed <- m } if (!force_suggests && length(lsuggests)) { m <- setdiff(sapply(lsuggests, `[[`, 1L), installed) if(length(m)) bad_depends$suggests_but_not_installed <- m } if (!ignore_vignettes && length(VB)) { ## These need both to be declared and installed ## If people explicitly state 'utils' they ought really to ## declare it, but skip for now. bad <- VB[! VB %in% c(package_name, "utils", depends, imports, suggests)] if(length(bad)) bad_depends$required_for_checking_but_not_declared <- bad bad2 <- VB[! VB %in% c(package_name, installed)] bad2 <- setdiff(bad2, bad) if(length(bad2)) bad_depends$required_for_checking_but_not_installed <- bad2 } } ## FIXME: is this still needed now we do dependency analysis? ## Are all vignette dependencies at least suggested or equal to ## the package name? ## This is a check for old-location vignettes. ## If the package itself is the VignetteBuilder, ## we may not have installed it yet. defer <- package_name %in% db["VignetteBuilder"] vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = dir, subdirs = file.path("inst", "doc"), check = !defer) if(length(vigns$msg)) bad_depends$bad_engine <- vigns$msg if (!is.null(vigns) && length(vigns$docs) > 0L) { reqs <- unique(unlist(.build_vignette_index(vigns)$Depends)) ## For the time being, ignore base packages missing from the ## DESCRIPTION dependencies even if explicitly given as vignette ## dependencies. reqs <- setdiff(reqs, c(depends, imports, suggests, package_name, standard_package_names$base)) if(length(reqs)) bad_depends$missing_vignette_depends <- reqs } ## Are all namespace dependencies listed as package dependencies? if(file_test("-f", file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) { reqs <- .get_namespace_package_depends(dir) ## ## Not clear whether we want to require *all* namespace package ## dependencies listed in DESCRIPTION, or e.g. just the ones on ## non-base packages. Do the latter for time being ... ## Actually we need to know at least about S4-using packages, ## since we need to reinstall if those change. allowed_imports <- setdiff(standard_package_names$base, c("methods", "stats4")) reqs <- setdiff(reqs, c(imports, depends, allowed_imports)) if(length(reqs)) bad_depends$missing_namespace_depends <- reqs } ## Check for excessive 'Depends' deps <- setdiff(depends, c("R", "base", "datasets", "grDevices", "graphics", "methods", "utils", "stats")) if(length(deps) > 5L) bad_depends$many_depends <- deps ## check header-only packages if (check_incoming) { hdOnly <- c("BH", "RcppArmadillo", "RcppEigen") hd <- setdiff(intersect(hdOnly, c(depends, imports)), .get_namespace_package_depends(dir, TRUE)) if(length(hd)) bad_depends$hdOnly <- hd } class(bad_depends) <- "check_package_depends" bad_depends } format.check_package_depends <- function(x, ...) { c(character(), if(length(x$skipped)) c(x$skipped, ""), if(length(x$all_depends)) { c("There is circular dependency in the installation order:", .pretty_format2(" One or more packages in", x$all_depends), " depend on this package (for the versions on the repositories).", "") }, if(length(bad <- x$required_but_not_installed) > 1L) { c(.pretty_format2("Packages required but not available:", bad), "") } else if(length(bad)) { c(sprintf("Package required but not available: %s", sQuote(bad)), "") }, if(length(bad <- x$suggested_but_not_installed) > 1L) { c(.pretty_format2("Packages suggested but not available:", bad), "") } else if(length(bad)) { c(sprintf("Package suggested but not available: %s", sQuote(bad)), "") }, if(length(bad <- x$required_but_obsolete) > 1L) { c(.pretty_format2("Packages required and available but unsuitable versions:", bad), "") } else if(length(bad)) { c(sprintf("Package required and available but unsuitable version: %s", sQuote(bad)), "") }, if(length(bad <- x$required_but_stub) > 1L) { c("Former standard packages required but now defunct:", .pretty_format(bad), "") } else if(length(bad)) { c(sprintf("Former standard package required but now defunct: %s", sQuote(bad)), "") }, if(length(bad <- x$suggests_but_not_installed) > 1L) { c(.pretty_format2("Packages suggested but not available for checking:", bad), "") } else if(length(bad)) { c(sprintf("Package suggested but not available for checking: %s", sQuote(bad)), "") }, if(length(bad <- x$enhances_but_not_installed) > 1L) { c(.pretty_format2("Packages which this enhances but not available for checking:", bad), "") } else if(length(bad)) { c(sprintf("Package which this enhances but not available for checking: %s", sQuote(bad)), "") }, if(length(bad <- x$required_for_checking_but_not_declared) > 1L) { c(.pretty_format2("VignetteBuilder packages not declared:", bad), "") } else if(length(bad)) { c(sprintf("VignetteBuilder package not declared: %s", sQuote(bad)), "") }, if(length(bad <- x$required_for_checking_but_not_installed) > 1L) { c(.pretty_format2("VignetteBuilder packages required for checking but not installed:", bad), "") } else if(length(bad)) { c(sprintf("VignetteBuilder package required for checking but not installed: %s", sQuote(bad)), "") }, if(length(bad <- x$missing_vignette_depends)) { c(if(length(bad) > 1L) { c("Vignette dependencies not required:", .pretty_format(bad)) } else { sprintf("Vignette dependencies not required: %s", sQuote(bad)) }, strwrap(gettextf("Vignette dependencies (%s entries) must be contained in the DESCRIPTION Depends/Suggests/Imports entries.", "\\VignetteDepends{}")), "") }, if(length(bad <- x$missing_namespace_depends) > 1L) { c(.pretty_format2("Namespace dependencies not required:", bad), "") } else if(length(bad)) { c(sprintf("Namespace dependency not required: %s", sQuote(bad)), "") }, if(length(y <- x$many_depends)) { c(.pretty_format2("Depends: includes the non-default packages:", y), strwrap(paste("Adding so many packages to the search path", "is excessive", "and importing selectively is preferable." , collapse = ", ")), "") }, if(length(y <- x$bad_engine)) { c(y, "") }, if(length(bad <- x$hdOnly)) { c(if(length(bad) > 1L) c("Packages in Depends/Imports which should probably only be in LinkingTo:", .pretty_format(bad)) else sprintf("Package in Depends/Imports which should probably only be in LinkingTo: %s", sQuote(bad)), "") } ) } ### * .check_package_description .check_package_description <- function(dfile, strict = FALSE) { dfile <- file_path_as_absolute(dfile) db <- .read_description(dfile) standard_package_names <- .get_standard_package_names() valid_package_name_regexp <- .standard_regexps()$valid_package_name valid_package_version_regexp <- .standard_regexps()$valid_package_version is_base_package <- !is.na(priority <- db["Priority"]) && priority == "base" out <- list() # For the time being ... ## Check encoding-related things first. ## All field tags must be ASCII. if(any(ind <- !.is_ASCII(names(db)))) out$fields_with_non_ASCII_tags <- names(db)[ind] ## For all fields used by the R package management system, values ## must be ASCII as well (so that the RPM works in a C locale). ASCII_fields <- c(.get_standard_repository_db_fields(), "Encoding", "License") ASCII_fields <- intersect(ASCII_fields, names(db)) if(any(ind <- !.is_ASCII(db[ASCII_fields]))) out$fields_with_non_ASCII_values <- ASCII_fields[ind] ## Determine encoding and re-encode if necessary and possible. if("Encoding" %in% names(db)) { encoding <- db["Encoding"] if((! Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %in% c("C", "POSIX"))) db <- iconv(db, encoding, sub = "byte") } else if(!all(.is_ISO_8859(db))) { ## No valid Encoding metadata. ## Determine whether we can assume Latin1. out$missing_encoding <- TRUE } if(any(is.na(nchar(db, "c", TRUE)))) { ## Ouch, invalid in the current locale. ## (Can only happen in a MBCS locale.) ## Try re-encoding from Latin1. db <- iconv(db, "latin1") } ## Check Authors@R and expansion if needed. if(!is.na(aar <- db["Authors@R"]) && (is.na(db["Author"]) || is.na(db["Maintainer"]))) { res <- .check_package_description_authors_at_R_field(aar) if(is.na(db["Author"]) && !is.null(s <- attr(res, "Author"))) db["Author"] <- s if(is.na(db["Maintainer"]) && !is.null(s <- attr(res, "Maintainer"))) db["Maintainer"] <- s mostattributes(res) <- NULL # Keep names. out <- c(out, res) } val <- package_name <- db["Package"] if(!is.na(val)) { tmp <- character() ## We allow 'R', which is not a valid package name. if(!grepl(sprintf("^(R|%s)$", valid_package_name_regexp), val)) tmp <- c(tmp, gettext("Malformed package name")) if(!is_base_package) { if(val %in% standard_package_names$base) tmp <- c(tmp, c("Invalid package name.", "This is the name of a base package.")) else if(val %in% standard_package_names$stubs) tmp <- c(tmp, c("Invalid package name.", "This name was used for a base package and is remapped by library().")) } if(length(tmp)) out$bad_package <- tmp } if(!is.na(val <- db["Version"]) && !is_base_package && !grepl(sprintf("^%s$", valid_package_version_regexp), val)) out$bad_version <- val if(!is.na(val <- db["Maintainer"]) && !grepl(.valid_maintainer_field_regexp, val)) out$bad_maintainer <- val ## Optional entries in DESCRIPTION: ## Depends/Suggests/Imports/Enhances, Namespace, Priority. ## These must be correct if present. val <- db[match(c("Depends", "Suggests", "Imports", "Enhances"), names(db), nomatch = 0L)] if(length(val)) { depends <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(val, ","))) bad_dep_entry <- bad_dep_op <- bad_dep_version <- character() dep_regexp <- paste0("^[[:space:]]*", paste0("(R|", valid_package_name_regexp, ")"), "([[:space:]]*\\(([^) ]+)[[:space:]]+([^) ]+)\\))?", "[[:space:]]*$") for(dep in depends) { if(!grepl(dep_regexp, dep)) { ## Entry does not match the regexp. bad_dep_entry <- c(bad_dep_entry, dep) next } if(nzchar(sub(dep_regexp, "\\2", dep))) { ## If not just a valid package name ... if(!sub(dep_regexp, "\\3", dep) %in% c("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "==", "!=")) bad_dep_op <- c(bad_dep_op, dep) else if(grepl("^[[:space:]]*R", dep)) { if(!grepl(sprintf("^(r[0-9]+|%s)$", valid_package_version_regexp), sub(dep_regexp, "\\4", dep))) bad_dep_version <- c(bad_dep_version, dep) } else if(!grepl(sprintf("^%s$", valid_package_version_regexp), sub(dep_regexp, "\\4", dep))) bad_dep_version <- c(bad_dep_version, dep) } } if(length(c(bad_dep_entry, bad_dep_op, bad_dep_version))) out$bad_depends_or_suggests_or_imports <- list(bad_dep_entry = bad_dep_entry, bad_dep_op = bad_dep_op, bad_dep_version = bad_dep_version) } if(strict && !is.na(val <- db["VignetteBuilder"])) { depends <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(val, ","))) if(length(depends) < 1L || !all(grepl("^[[:alnum:].]*$", depends))) out$bad_vignettebuilder <- TRUE } if(!is.na(val <- db["Priority"]) && !is.na(package_name) && (tolower(val) %in% c("base", "recommended", "defunct-base")) && !(package_name %in% unlist(standard_package_names))) out$bad_priority <- val ## Minimal check (so far) of Title and Description. if(strict && !is.na(val <- db["Title"]) && grepl("[.]$", val) && !grepl("[[:space:]][.][.][.]|et[[:space:]]al[.]", trimws(val))) out$bad_Title <- TRUE ## some people put punctuation inside quotes, some outside. if(strict && !is.na(val <- db["Description"]) && !grepl("[.!?]['\")]?$", trimws(val))) out$bad_Description <- TRUE class(out) <- "check_package_description" out } print.check_package_description <- function(x, ...) { if(length(x$missing_encoding)) writeLines(c(gettext("Unknown encoding"), "")) if(length(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_tags)) { writeLines(gettext("Fields with non-ASCII tags:")) .pretty_print(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_tags) writeLines(c(gettext("All field tags must be ASCII."), "")) } if(length(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_values)) { writeLines(gettext("Fields with non-ASCII values:")) .pretty_print(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_values) writeLines(c(gettext("These fields must have ASCII values."), "")) } s <- .format_check_package_description_authors_at_R_field_results(x) if(length(s)) writeLines(c(s, "")) ## if(length(x$missing_required_fields)) { ## writeLines(gettext("Required fields missing or empty:")) ## .pretty_print(x$missing_required_fields) ## writeLines("") ## } if(length(x$bad_package)) writeLines(c(strwrap(x$bad_package), "")) if(length(x$bad_version)) writeLines(c(gettext("Malformed package version."), "")) if(length(x$bad_maintainer)) writeLines(c(gettext("Malformed maintainer field."), "")) if(any(as.integer(lengths(x$bad_depends_or_suggests_or_imports)) > 0L )) { bad <- x$bad_depends_or_suggests_or_imports writeLines(gettext("Malformed Depends or Suggests or Imports or Enhances field.")) if(length(bad$bad_dep_entry)) { tmp <- c(gettext("Offending entries:"), paste(" ", bad$bad_dep_entry), strwrap(gettextf("Entries must be names of packages optionally followed by '<=' or '>=', white space, and a valid version number in parentheses."))) writeLines(tmp) } if(length(bad$bad_dep_op)) { tmp <- c(gettext("Entries with infeasible comparison operator:"), paste(" ", bad$bad_dep_entry), strwrap(gettextf("Only operators '<=' and '>=' are possible."))) writeLines(tmp) } if(length(bad$bad_dep_version)) { tmp <- c(gettext("Entries with infeasible version number:"), paste(" ", bad$bad_dep_version), strwrap(gettextf("Version numbers must be sequences of at least two non-negative integers, separated by single '.' or '-'."))) writeLines(tmp) } writeLines("") } if(identical(x$bad_vignettebuilder, TRUE)) { writeLines(c(gettext("Invalid VignetteBuilder field."), strwrap(gettextf("This field must contain one or more packages (and no version requirement).")), "")) } if(length(x$bad_priority)) writeLines(c(gettext("Invalid Priority field."), strwrap(gettextf("Packages with priorities 'base' or 'recommended' or 'defunct-base' must already be known to R.")), "")) if(identical(x$bad_Title, TRUE)) writeLines(gettext("Malformed Title field: should not end in a period.")) if(identical(x$bad_Description, TRUE)) writeLines(gettext("Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.")) xx<- x; xx$bad_Title <- xx$bad_Description <- NULL if(any(as.integer(lengths(xx)) > 0L)) writeLines(c(strwrap(gettextf("See section 'The DESCRIPTION file' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.")), "")) invisible(x) } ### * .check_package_description2 .check_package_description2 <- function(dfile) { dfile <- file_path_as_absolute(dfile) db <- .read_description(dfile) depends <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Depends") imports <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Imports") suggests <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Suggests") enhances <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Enhances") allpkgs <- c(depends, imports, suggests, enhances) out <- unique(allpkgs[duplicated(allpkgs)]) links <- missing_incs <- character() llinks <- .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "LinkingTo") have_src <- TRUE # dummy if(length(llinks)) { ## This is pointless unless there is compilable code have_src <- dir.exists(file.path(dirname(dfile), "src")) ## See if this is installable under 3.0.1: ## if so check for versioned specs deps <- .split_description(db, verbose = TRUE)$Rdepends2 status <- 0L current <- as.numeric_version("3.0.1") for(depends in deps) { if(!depends$op %in% c("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "==", "!=")) next status <- if(inherits(depends$version, "numeric_version")) !do.call(depends$op, list(current, depends$version)) else { ver <- R.version if (ver$status %in% c("", "Patched")) FALSE else !do.call(depends$op, list(ver[["svn rev"]], as.numeric(sub("^r", "", depends$version)))) } } if(!status) { llinks <- llinks[lengths(llinks) > 1L] if(length(llinks)) links <- sapply(llinks, `[[`, 1L) } ## and check if we can actually link to these. llinks <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "LinkingTo") incs <- lapply(llinks, function(x) system.file("include", package = x)) missing_incs <- as.vector(llinks[!nzchar(incs)]) } out <- list(duplicates = unique(allpkgs[duplicated(allpkgs)]), bad_links = links, missing_incs = missing_incs, have_src = have_src) class(out) <- "check_package_description2" out } format.check_package_description2 <- function(x, ...) { c(if(length(xx <- x$duplicates)) { c(if(length(xx) > 1L) "Packages listed in more than one of Depends, Imports, Suggests, Enhances:" else "Package listed in more than one of Depends, Imports, Suggests, Enhances:", paste(c(" ", sQuote(xx)), collapse = " "), "A package should be listed in only one of these fields.") }, if(!x$have_src) "'LinkingTo' field is unused: package has no 'src' directory", if(length(xx <- x$bad_links)) { if(length(xx) > 1L) c("Versioned 'LinkingTo' values for", paste(c(" ", sQuote(xx)), collapse = " "), "are only usable in R >= 3.0.2") else sprintf("Versioned 'LinkingTo' value for %s is only usable in R >= 3.0.2", sQuote(xx)) }, if(x$have_src && length(xx <- x$missing_incs)) { if(length(xx) > 1L) c("'LinkingTo' for", paste(c(" ", sQuote(xx)), collapse = " "), "are unused as they have no 'include' directory") else sprintf("'LinkingTo' for %s is unused as it has no 'include' directory", sQuote(xx)) }) } .check_package_description_authors_at_R_field <- function(aar, strict = FALSE) { out <- list() if(is.na(aar)) return(out) aar <- tryCatch(utils:::.read_authors_at_R_field(aar), error = identity) if(inherits(aar, "error")) { out$bad_authors_at_R_field <- conditionMessage(aar) } else { ## Check whether we can expand to something non-empty. s <- tryCatch(utils:::.format_authors_at_R_field_for_author(aar), error = identity) if(inherits(s, "error")) { out$bad_authors_at_R_field_for_author <- conditionMessage(s) } else { if(s == "") out$bad_authors_at_R_field_has_no_author <- TRUE else { attr(out, "Author") <- s if(strict) { ## Specifically check for persons with missing or ## non-standard roles. s <- format(aar[sapply(aar, utils:::.format_person_for_plain_author_spec) == ""]) if(length(s)) out$bad_authors_at_R_field_has_author_without_role <- s } } } s <- tryCatch(utils:::.format_authors_at_R_field_for_maintainer(aar), error = identity) if(inherits(s, "error")) { out$bad_authors_at_R_field_for_maintainer <- conditionMessage(s) } else { ## R-exts says ## The mandatory 'Maintainer' field should give a _single_ ## name followed by a _valid_ (RFC 2822) email address in ## angle brackets. ## Hence complain when Authors@R ## * has more than one person with a cre role ## * has no person with a cre role, "valid" email address ## and a non-empty name. bad <- FALSE p <- Filter(function(e) { !is.na(match("cre", e$role)) }, aar) if(length(p) > 1L) { bad <- TRUE out$bad_authors_at_R_field_too_many_maintainers <- format(p) } p <- Filter(function(e) { (!is.null(e$given) || !is.null(e$family)) && !is.null(e$email) }, p) if(!length(p)) { bad <- TRUE out$bad_authors_at_R_field_has_no_valid_maintainer <- TRUE } ## s should now be non-empty iff bad is FALSE. if(!bad) attr(out, "Maintainer") <- s } } out } .format_check_package_description_authors_at_R_field_results <- function(x) { c(character(), if(length(bad <- x[["bad_authors_at_R_field"]])) { c(gettext("Malformed Authors@R field:"), paste(" ", bad)) }, if(length(bad <- x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_for_author"]])) { c(gettext("Cannot extract Author field from Authors@R field:"), paste(" ", bad)) }, if(length(x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_has_no_author"]])) { gettext("Authors@R field gives no person with author role.") }, if(length(bad <- x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_has_author_without_role"]])) { c(gettext("Authors@R field gives persons with no valid roles:"), paste(" ", bad)) }, if(length(bad <- x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_for_maintainer"]])) { c(gettext("Cannot extract Maintainer field from Authors@R field:"), paste(" ", bad)) }, if(length(bad <- x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_too_many_maintainers"]])) { c(gettext("Authors@R field gives more than one person with maintainer role:"), paste(" ", bad)) }, if(length(x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_has_no_valid_maintainer"]])) { strwrap(gettext("Authors@R field gives no person with maintainer role, valid email address and non-empty name.")) } ) } ### * .check_package_description_encoding .check_package_description_encoding <- function(dfile) { dfile <- file_path_as_absolute(dfile) db <- .read_description(dfile) out <- list() ## Check encoding-related things. ## All field tags must be ASCII. if(any(ind <- !.is_ASCII(names(db)))) out$fields_with_non_ASCII_tags <- names(db)[ind] if(! "Encoding" %in% names(db)) { ind <- !.is_ASCII(db) if(any(ind)) { out$missing_encoding <- TRUE out$fields_with_non_ASCII_values <- names(db)[ind] } } else { enc <- db[["Encoding"]] if (! enc %in% c("latin1", "latin2", "UTF-8")) out$non_portable_encoding <- enc } class(out) <- "check_package_description_encoding" out } format.check_package_description_encoding <- function(x, ...) { c(character(), if(length(x$non_portable_encoding)) { c(gettextf("Encoding '%s' is not portable", x$non_portable_encoding), "") }, if(length(x$missing_encoding)) { gettext("Unknown encoding with non-ASCII data") }, if(length(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_tags)) { c(gettext("Fields with non-ASCII tags:"), .pretty_format(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_tags), gettext("All field tags must be ASCII."), "") }, if(length(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_values)) { c(gettext("Fields with non-ASCII values:"), .pretty_format(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_values)) }, if(any(as.integer(lengths(x)) > 0L)) { c(strwrap(gettextf("See section 'The DESCRIPTION file' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.")), "") }) } ### * .check_package_license .check_package_license <- function(dfile, dir) { dfile <- file_path_as_absolute(dfile) db <- .read_description(dfile) if(missing(dir)) dir <- dirname(dfile) ## Analyze the license information here. ## Cannot easily do this in .check_package_description(), as R CMD ## check's R::Utils::check_package_description() takes any output ## from this as indication of an error. out <- list() if(!is.na(val <- db["License"])) { ## If there is no License field, .check_package_description() ## will give an error. status <- analyze_license(val) ok <- status$is_canonical ## This analyzes the license specification but does not verify ## whether pointers exist, so let us do this here. if(length(pointers <- status$pointers)) { bad_pointers <- pointers[!file_test("-f", file.path(dir, pointers))] if(length(bad_pointers)) { status$bad_pointers <- bad_pointers ok <- FALSE } } patt <- "(^Modified BSD License$|^BSD$|^CC BY.* [23][.]0)" if(any(ind <- grepl(patt, status$component))) { status$deprecated <- status$components[ind] ok <- FALSE } ## Components with extensions but not extensible: if(length(extensions <- status$extensions) && any(ind <- !extensions$extensible)) { status$bad_extensions <- extensions$components[ind] ok <- FALSE } ## Components which need extensions (note that such components ## could use the name or abbrev from the license db): if(any(ind <- status$components %in% c("MIT License", "MIT", "BSD 2-clause License", "BSD_2_clause", "BSD 3-clause License", "BSD_3_clause"))) { status$miss_extension <- status$components[ind] ok <- FALSE } ## Could always return the analysis results and not print them ## if ok, but it seems more standard to only return trouble. if(!ok) out <- c(list(license = val), status) } class(out) <- "check_package_license" out } format.check_package_license <- function(x, ...) { if(!length(x)) return(character()) check <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LICENSE_") check <- if(check %in% c("maybe", "")) (!(x$is_standardizable) || length(x$bad_pointers) || length(x$bad_extensions)) else isTRUE(as.logical(check)) if(!check) return(character()) c(character(), if(!(x$is_canonical)) { c(gettext("Non-standard license specification:"), strwrap(x$license, indent = 2L, exdent = 2L), gettextf("Standardizable: %s", x$is_standardizable), if(x$is_standardizable) { c(gettext("Standardized license specification:"), strwrap(x$standardization, indent = 2L, exdent = 2L)) }) }, if(length(y <- x$deprecated)) { c(gettextf("Deprecated license: %s", paste(y, collapse = " "))) }, if(length(y <- x$bad_pointers)) { c(gettextf("Invalid license file pointers: %s", paste(y, collapse = " "))) }, if(length(y <- x$bad_extensions)) { c(gettext("License components with restrictions not permitted:"), paste(" ", y)) }, if(length(y <- x$miss_extension)) { c(gettext("License components which are templates and need '+ file LICENSE':"), paste(" ", y)) } ) } ### * .check_make_vars .check_make_vars <- function(dir, makevars = c("Makevars.in", "Makevars")) { bad_flags <- list() class(bad_flags) <- "check_make_vars" paths <- file.path(dir, makevars) paths <- paths[file_test("-f", paths)] if(!length(paths)) return(bad_flags) bad_flags$paths <- file.path("src", basename(paths)) ## Makevars could be used with --no-configure ## and maybe configure does not even use src/Makevars.in mfile <- paths[1L] make <- Sys.getenv("MAKE") if(make == "") make <- "make" command <- sprintf("%s -f %s -f %s -f %s", make, shQuote(file.path(R.home("share"), "make", "check_vars_ini.mk")), shQuote(mfile), shQuote(file.path(R.home("share"), "make", "check_vars_out.mk"))) lines <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(system(command, intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE), error = identity)) if(!length(lines) || inherits(lines, "error")) return(bad_flags) prefixes <- c("CPP", "C", "CXX", "CXX1X", "F", "FC", "OBJC", "OBJCXX") uflags_re <- sprintf("^(%s)FLAGS: *(.*)$", paste(prefixes, collapse = "|")) pos <- grep(uflags_re, lines) ind <- (sub(uflags_re, "\\2", lines[pos]) != "-o /dev/null") if(any(ind)) bad_flags$uflags <- lines[pos[ind]] ## Try to be careful ... pflags_re <- sprintf("^PKG_(%s)FLAGS: ", paste(prefixes, collapse = "|")) lines <- lines[grepl(pflags_re, lines)] names <- sub(":.*", "", lines) lines <- sub(pflags_re, "", lines) flags <- strsplit(lines, "[[:space:]]+") ## Bad flags: ## -O* ## (BDR: for example Sun Fortran compilers used to accept -O ## but not -O2, and VC++ accepts -Ox (literal x) but not -O.) ## -Wall -pedantic -ansi -traditional -std* -f* -m* [GCC] ## -x [Solaris] ## -q [AIX] ## It is hard to think of anything apart from -I* and -D* that is ## safe for general use ... bad_flags_regexp <- sprintf("^-(%s)$", paste(c("O.*", "W", "W[^l].*", # -Wl, might just be portable "ansi", "pedantic", "traditional", "f.*", "m.*", "std.*", "x", "q"), collapse = "|")) for(i in seq_along(lines)) { bad <- grep(bad_flags_regexp, flags[[i]], value = TRUE) if(length(bad)) bad_flags$pflags <- c(bad_flags$pflags, structure(list(bad), names = names[i])) } bad_flags } format.check_make_vars <- function(x, ...) { .fmt <- function(x) { s <- Map(c, gettextf("Non-portable flags in variable '%s':", names(x)), sprintf(" %s", lapply(x, paste, collapse = " "))) as.character(unlist(s)) } c(character(), if(length(bad <- x$pflags)) .fmt(bad), if(length(bad <- x$uflags)) { c(gettextf("Variables overriding user/site settings:"), sprintf(" %s", bad)) }, if(length(x$paths) > 1L) { c(sprintf("Package has both %s and %s.", sQuote("src/Makevars.in"), sQuote("src/Makevars")), strwrap(sprintf("Installation with --no-configure' is unlikely to work. If you intended %s to be used on Windows, rename it to %s otherwise remove it. If %s created %s, you need a %s script.", sQuote("src/Makevars"), sQuote("src/Makevars.win"), sQuote("configure"), sQuote("src/Makevars"), sQuote("cleanup")))) }) } ### * .check_code_usage_in_package .check_code_usage_in_package <- function(package, lib.loc = NULL) { is_base <- package == "base" check_without_loading <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CODE_USAGE_VIA_NAMESPACES_", "TRUE")) if(!is_base) { if(!check_without_loading) { .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) .eval_with_capture({ ## avoid warnings about code in other packages the package ## uses desc <- readRDS(file.path(find.package(package, NULL), "Meta", "package.rds")) pkgs1 <- sapply(desc$Suggests, "[[", "name") pkgs2 <- sapply(desc$Enhances, "[[", "name") for(pkg in unique(c(pkgs1, pkgs2))) ## tcltk warns if no DISPLAY variable ##, errors if not compiled in suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(require(pkg, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE), silent = TRUE))) }, type = "output") } stats::runif(1) # create .Random.seed compat <- new.env(hash=TRUE) if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix") { assign("nsl", function(hostname) {}, envir = compat) assign("X11Font", function(font) {}, envir = compat) assign("X11Fonts", function(...) {}, envir = compat) assign("X11.options", function(..., reset = TRUE) {}, envir = compat) assign("quartz", function(title, width, height, pointsize, family, fontsmooth, antialias, type, file = NULL, bg, canvas, dpi) {}, envir = compat) assign("quartzFont", function(family) {}, envir = compat) assign("quartzFonts", function(...) {}, envir = compat) assign("quartz.options", function(..., reset = TRUE) {}, envir = compat) } if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") { assign("bringToTop", function (which = grDevices::dev.cur(), stay = FALSE) {}, envir = compat) assign("choose.dir", function (default = "", caption = "Select folder") {}, envir = compat) assign("choose.files", function (default = "", caption = "Select files", multi = TRUE, filters = Filters, index = nrow(Filters)) {Filters=NULL}, envir = compat) assign("DLL.version", function(path) {}, envir = compat) assign("getClipboardFormats", function(numeric = FALSE) {}, envir = compat) assign("getIdentification", function() {}, envir = compat) assign("getWindowsHandle", function(which = "Console") {}, envir = compat) assign("getWindowTitle", function() {}, envir = compat) assign("readClipboard", function(format = 1, raw = FALSE) {}, envir = compat) assign("setWindowTitle", function(suffix, title = paste(utils::getIdentification(), suffix)) {}, envir = compat) assign("shell", function(cmd, shell, flag = "/c", intern = FALSE, wait = TRUE, translate = FALSE, mustWork = FALSE, ...) {}, envir = compat) assign("shell.exec", function(file) {}, envir = compat) assign("shortPathName", function(path) {}, envir = compat) assign("win.version", function() {}, envir = compat) assign("zip.unpack", function(zipname, dest) {}, envir = compat) assign("savePlot", function (filename = "Rplot", type = c("wmf", "emf", "png", "jpeg", "jpg", "bmp", "ps", "eps", "pdf"), device = grDevices::dev.cur(), restoreConsole = TRUE) {}, envir = compat) assign("win.graph", function(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12, restoreConsole = FALSE) {}, envir = compat) assign("win.metafile", function (filename = "", width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12, family = "", restoreConsole = TRUE) {}, envir = compat) assign("win.print", function(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12, printer = "", family = "", antialias = "default", restoreConsole = TRUE) {}, envir = compat) assign("windows", function(width, height, pointsize, record, rescale, xpinch, ypinch, bg, canvas, gamma, xpos, ypos, buffered, title, restoreConsole, clickToConfirm, fillOddEven, family = "", antialias) {}, envir = compat) assign("windowsFont", function(font) {}, envir = compat) assign("windowsFonts", function(...) {}, envir = compat) assign("windows.options", function(..., reset = TRUE) {}, envir = compat) assign("winDialog", function(type = "ok", message) {}, envir = compat) assign("winDialogString", function(message, default) {}, envir = compat) assign("winMenuAdd", function(menuname) {}, envir = compat) assign("winMenuAddItem", function(menuname, itemname, action) {}, envir = compat) assign("winMenuDel", function(menuname) {}, envir = compat) assign("winMenuDelItem", function(menuname, itemname) {}, envir = compat) assign("winMenuNames", function() {}, envir = compat) assign("winMenuItems", function(menuname) {}, envir = compat) assign("winProgressBar", function(title = "R progress bar", label = "", min = 0, max = 1, initial = 0, width = 300) {}, envir = compat) assign("setWinProgressBar", function(pb, value, title=NULL, label=NULL) {}, envir = compat) assign(".install.winbinary", function(pkgs, lib, repos = getOption("repos"), contriburl = utils::contrib.url(repos), method, available = NULL, destdir = NULL, dependencies = FALSE, libs_only = FALSE, ...) {}, envir = compat) assign("Sys.junction", function(from, to) {}, envir = compat) } attach(compat, name="compat", pos = length(search()), warn.conflicts = FALSE) on.exit(detach("compat")) } ## A simple function for catching the output from the codetools ## analysis using the checkUsage report mechanism. out <- character() foo <- function(x) out <<- c(out, x) ## (Simpler than using a variant of capture.output().) ## Of course, it would be nice to return a suitably structured ## result, but we can always do this by suitably splitting the ## messages on the double colons ... ## Not only check function definitions, but also S4 methods ## [a version of this should be part of codetools eventually] : checkMethodUsageEnv <- function(env, ...) { for(g in .get_S4_generics(env)) for(m in .get_S4_methods_list(g, env)) { fun <- methods::unRematchDefinition(methods::getDataPart(m)) signature <- paste(m@generic, paste(m@target, collapse = "-"), sep = ",") codetools::checkUsage(fun, signature, ...) } } checkMethodUsagePackage <- function (pack, ...) { pname <- paste("package", pack, sep = ":") if (!pname %in% search()) stop("package must be loaded", domain = NA) checkMethodUsageEnv(if (isNamespaceLoaded(pack)) getNamespace(pack) else as.environment(pname), ...) } ## Allow specifying a codetools "profile" for checking via the ## environment variable _R_CHECK_CODETOOLS_PROFILE_, used as e.g. ## _R_CHECK_CODETOOLS_PROFILE_="suppressLocalUnused=FALSE" ## (where the values get converted to logicals "the usual way"). args <- list(skipWith = TRUE, suppressPartialMatchArgs = FALSE, suppressLocalUnused = TRUE) opts <- unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CODETOOLS_PROFILE_"), "[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*")) if(length(opts)) { args[sub("[[:space:]]*=.*", "", opts)] <- lapply(sub(".*=[[:space:]]*", "", opts), config_val_to_logical) } if(check_without_loading) env <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(getNamespace(package))) ## look for globalVariables declaration in package ## (This loads the namespace if not already loaded.) .glbs <- suppressMessages(utils::globalVariables(, package)) if(length(.glbs)) { ## Cannot use globalVariables() for base ## (and potentially tools and utils) dflt <- c(if(package == "base") "last.dump", ".Generic", ".Method", ".Class") args$suppressUndefined <- c(dflt, .glbs) } if(check_without_loading) { args <- c(list(env, report = foo), args) suppressMessages(do.call(codetools::checkUsageEnv, args)) suppressMessages(do.call(checkMethodUsageEnv, args)) } else { args <- c(list(package, report = foo), args) suppressMessages(do.call(codetools::checkUsagePackage, args)) suppressMessages(do.call(checkMethodUsagePackage, args)) } out <- unique(out) class(out) <- "check_code_usage_in_package" out } format.check_code_usage_in_package <- function(x, ...) { if(length(x)) { ## There seems no easy we can gather usage diagnostics by type, ## so try to rearrange to some extent when formatting. ind <- grepl(": partial argument match of", x, fixed = TRUE) if(any(ind)) x <- c(x[ind], x[!ind]) } if(length(x)) { ## Provide a summary listing of the undefined globals: y <- .canonicalize_quotes(x) m <- regexec("no visible global function definition for '(.*)'", y) funs <- vapply(Filter(length, regmatches(y, m)), `[`, "", 2L) m <- regexec("no visible binding for global variable '(.*)'", y) vars <- vapply(Filter(length, regmatches(y, m)), `[`, "", 2L) y <- sort(unique(c(funs, vars))) c(strwrap(x, indent = 0L, exdent = 2L), if(length(y)) { c("Undefined global functions or variables:", strwrap(paste(y, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L)) }) } else character() } ### * .check_Rd_xrefs .check_Rd_xrefs <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL) { ## Build a db with all possible link targets (aliases) in the base ## and recommended packages. base <- unlist(.get_standard_package_names()[c("base", "recommended")], use.names = FALSE) ## May not have recommended packages base <- base[dir.exists(file.path(.Library, base))] aliases <- lapply(base, Rd_aliases, lib.loc = NULL) ## (Don't use lib.loc = .Library, as recommended packages may have ## been installed to a different place.) ## Now find the aliases in packages it depends on if(!missing(package)) { pfile <- system.file("Meta", "package.rds", package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc) pkgInfo <- readRDS(pfile) } else { outDir <- file.path(tempdir(), "fake_pkg") dir.create(file.path(outDir, "Meta"), FALSE, TRUE) .install_package_description(dir, outDir) pfile <- file.path(outDir, "Meta", "package.rds") pkgInfo <- readRDS(pfile) unlink(outDir, recursive = TRUE) } ## only 'Depends' are guaranteed to be on the search path, but ## 'Imports' have to be installed and hence help there will be found deps <- c(names(pkgInfo$Depends), names(pkgInfo$Imports)) pkgs <- setdiff(unique(deps), base) try_Rd_aliases <- function(...) tryCatch(Rd_aliases(...), error = identity) aliases <- c(aliases, lapply(pkgs, try_Rd_aliases, lib.loc = lib.loc)) aliases[sapply(aliases, class) == "error"] <- NULL ## Add the aliases from the package itself, and build a db with all ## (if any) \link xrefs in the package Rd objects. if(!missing(package)) { aliases1 <- Rd_aliases(package, lib.loc = lib.loc) if(!length(aliases1)) return(structure(NULL, class = "check_Rd_xrefs")) aliases <- c(aliases, list(aliases1)) db <- .build_Rd_xref_db(package, lib.loc = lib.loc) } else { aliases1 <- Rd_aliases(dir = dir) if(!length(aliases1)) return(structure(NULL, class = "check_Rd_xrefs")) aliases <- c(aliases, list(aliases1)) db <- .build_Rd_xref_db(dir = dir) } ## Flatten the xref db into one big matrix. db <- cbind(do.call("rbind", db), rep(names(db), sapply(db, NROW))) if(nrow(db) == 0L) return(structure(NULL, class = "check_Rd_xrefs")) ## fixup \link[=dest] form anchor <- db[, 2L] have_equals <- startsWith(anchor, "=") if(any(have_equals)) db[have_equals, 1:2] <- cbind(sub("^=", "", anchor[have_equals]), "") db <- cbind(db, bad = FALSE, report = db[, 1L]) have_anchor <- nzchar(anchor <- db[, 2L]) db[have_anchor, "report"] <- paste0("[", db[have_anchor, 2L], "]{", db[have_anchor, 1L], "}") ## Check the targets from the non-anchored xrefs. db[!have_anchor, "bad"] <- !( db[!have_anchor, 1L] %in% unlist(aliases)) ## and then check the anchored ones if we can. have_colon <- grepl(":", anchor, fixed = TRUE) unknown <- character() thispkg <- anchor thisfile <- db[, 1L] thispkg [have_colon] <- sub("([^:]*):(.*)", "\\1", anchor[have_colon]) thisfile[have_colon] <- sub("([^:]*):(.*)", "\\2", anchor[have_colon]) use_aliases_from_CRAN <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_XREFS_USE_ALIASES_FROM_CRAN_", "FALSE")) if(use_aliases_from_CRAN) { aliases_db <- NULL } for (pkg in unique(thispkg[have_anchor])) { ## we can't do this on the current uninstalled package! if (missing(package) && pkg == basename(dir)) next this <- have_anchor & (thispkg %in% pkg) top <- system.file(package = pkg, lib.loc = lib.loc) if(nzchar(top)) { RdDB <- file.path(top, "help", "paths.rds") if(!file.exists(RdDB)) { message(gettextf("package %s exists but was not installed under R >= 2.10.0 so xrefs cannot be checked", sQuote(pkg)), domain = NA) next } nm <- sub("\\.[Rr]d", "", basename(readRDS(RdDB))) good <- thisfile[this] %in% nm suspect <- if(any(!good)) { aliases1 <- if (pkg %in% names(aliases)) aliases[[pkg]] else Rd_aliases(pkg, lib.loc = lib.loc) !good & (thisfile[this] %in% aliases1) } else FALSE db[this, "bad"] <- !good & !suspect } else if(use_aliases_from_CRAN) { if(is.null(aliases_db)) { ## Not yet read in. aliases_db <- CRAN_aliases_db() } aliases <- aliases_db[[pkg]] if(is.null(aliases)) { unknown <- c(unknown, pkg) next } ## message(sprintf("Using aliases db for package %s", pkg)) nm <- sub("\\.[Rr]d", "", basename(names(aliases))) good <- thisfile[this] %in% nm suspect <- if(any(!good)) { aliases1 <- unique(as.character(unlist(aliases, use.names = FALSE))) !good & (thisfile[this] %in% aliases1) } else FALSE } else unknown <- c(unknown, pkg) } unknown <- unique(unknown) obsolete <- unknown %in% c("ctest", "eda", "lqs", "mle", "modreg", "mva", "nls", "stepfun", "ts") if (any(obsolete)) { message(sprintf(ngettext(sum(obsolete), "Obsolete package %s in Rd xrefs", "Obsolete packages %s in Rd xrefs"), paste(sQuote(unknown[obsolete]), collapse = ", ")), domain = NA) } unknown <- unknown[!obsolete] if (length(unknown)) { repos <- .get_standard_repository_URLs() ## Also allow for additionally specified repositories. aurls <- pkgInfo[["DESCRIPTION"]]["Additional_repositories"] if(!is.na(aurls)) { repos <- c(repos, .read_additional_repositories_field(aurls)) } known <- try(suppressWarnings(utils::available.packages(utils::contrib.url(repos, "source"), filters = c("R_version", "duplicates"))[, "Package"])) miss <- if(inherits(known, "try-error")) TRUE else unknown %in% c(known, c("GLMMGibbs", "survnnet", "yags")) ## from CRANextras if(any(miss)) message(sprintf(ngettext(sum(miss), "Package unavailable to check Rd xrefs: %s", "Packages unavailable to check Rd xrefs: %s"), paste(sQuote(unknown[miss]), collapse = ", ")), domain = NA) if(any(!miss)) message(sprintf(ngettext(sum(!miss), "Unknown package %s in Rd xrefs", "Unknown packages %s in Rd xrefs"), paste(sQuote(unknown[!miss]), collapse = ", ")), domain = NA) } ## The bad ones: bad <- db[, "bad"] == "TRUE" res1 <- split(db[bad, "report"], db[bad, 3L]) structure(list(bad = res1), class = "check_Rd_xrefs") } format.check_Rd_xrefs <- function(x, ...) { xx <- x$bad if(length(xx)) { .fmt <- function(i) { c(gettextf("Missing link or links in documentation object '%s':", names(xx)[i]), ## NB, link might be empty, and was in mvbutils .pretty_format(unique(xx[[i]])), "") } c(unlist(lapply(seq_along(xx), .fmt)), strwrap(gettextf("See section 'Cross-references' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.")), "") } else { character() } } ### * .check_package_datasets .check_package_datasets <- function(pkgDir) { Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C") options(warn=-1) check_one <- function(x, ds) { if(!length(x)) return() ## avoid as.list methods if(is.list(x)) lapply(unclass(x), check_one, ds = ds) if(is.character(x)) { xx <- unclass(x) enc <- Encoding(xx) latin1 <<- latin1 + sum(enc == "latin1") utf8 <<- utf8 + sum(enc == "UTF-8") bytes <<- bytes + sum(enc == "bytes") unk <- xx[enc == "unknown"] ind <- .Call(check_nonASCII2, unk) if(length(ind)) { non_ASCII <<- c(non_ASCII, unk[ind]) where <<- c(where, rep.int(ds, length(ind))) } } a <- attributes(x) if(!is.null(a)) { lapply(a, check_one, ds = ds) check_one(names(a), ds) } invisible() } sink(tempfile()) ## suppress startup messages to stdout on.exit(sink()) files <- list_files_with_type(file.path(pkgDir, "data"), "data") files <- unique(basename(file_path_sans_ext(files))) ans <- vector("list", length(files)) dataEnv <- new.env(hash=TRUE) names(ans) <- files old <- setwd(pkgDir) for(f in files) .try_quietly(utils::data(list = f, package = character(), envir = dataEnv)) setwd(old) non_ASCII <- where <- character() latin1 <- utf8 <- bytes <- 0L ## avoid messages about loading packages that started with r48409 ## (and some more ...) suppressMessages({ for(ds in ls(envir = dataEnv, all.names = TRUE)) check_one(get(ds, envir = dataEnv), ds) }) unknown <- unique(cbind(non_ASCII, where)) structure(list(latin1 = latin1, utf8 = utf8, bytes = bytes, unknown = unknown), class = "check_package_datasets") } format.check_package_datasets <- function(x, ...) { ## not sQuote as we have mucked about with locales. iconv0 <- function(x, ...) paste0("'", iconv(x, ...), "'") suppress_notes <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_DATASETS_SUPPRESS_NOTES_", "FALSE")) c(character(), if((n <- x$latin1) && !suppress_notes) { sprintf( ngettext(n, "Note: found %d marked Latin-1 string", "Note: found %d marked Latin-1 strings"), n) }, if((n <- x$utf8) && !suppress_notes) { sprintf( ngettext(n, "Note: found %d marked UTF-8 string", "Note: found %d marked UTF-8 strings"), n) }, if((n <- x$bytes) && !suppress_notes) { sprintf( ngettext(n, "Note: found %d string marked as \"bytes\"", "Note: found %d strings marked as \"bytes\""), n) }, if(nr <- nrow(x$unknown)) { msg <- ngettext(nr, "Warning: found non-ASCII string", "Warning: found non-ASCII strings", domain = NA) c(msg, paste0(iconv0(x$unknown[, 1L], "", "ASCII", sub = "byte"), " in object '", x$unknown[, 2L], "'")) }) } ### * .check_package_datasets .check_package_compact_datasets <- function(pkgDir, thorough = FALSE) { msg <- NULL rdas <- checkRdaFiles(file.path(pkgDir, "data")) row.names(rdas) <- basename(row.names(rdas)) problems <- with(rdas, (ASCII | compress == "none") & (size > 1e5)) if (any(rdas$compress %in% c("bzip2", "xz"))) { OK <- FALSE Rdeps <- .split_description(.read_description(file.path(pkgDir, "DESCRIPTION")))$Rdepends2 for(dep in Rdeps) { if(dep$op != '>=') next if(dep$version >= package_version("2.10")) {OK <- TRUE; break;} } if(!OK) msg <- "Warning: package needs dependence on R (>= 2.10)" } if (sum(rdas$size) < 1e5 || # we don't report unless we get a 1e5 reduction any(rdas$compress %in% c("bzip2", "xz"))) # assume already optimized thorough <- FALSE sizes <- improve <- NULL if (thorough) { files <- Sys.glob(c(file.path(pkgDir, "data", "*.rda"), file.path(pkgDir, "data", "*.RData"))) ## Exclude .RData, which this may or may not match files <- grep("/[.]RData$", files, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE) if (length(files)) { cpdir <- tempfile('cp') dir.create(cpdir) file.copy(files, cpdir) resaveRdaFiles(cpdir) rdas2 <- checkRdaFiles(cpdir) row.names(rdas2) <- basename(row.names(rdas2)) diff2 <- (rdas2$ASCII != rdas$ASCII) | (rdas2$compress != rdas$compress) diff2 <- diff2 & (rdas$size > 1e4) & (rdas2$size < 0.9*rdas$size) sizes <- c(sum(rdas$size), sum(rdas2$size)) improve <- data.frame(old_size = rdas$size, new_size = rdas2$size, compress = rdas2$compress, row.names = row.names(rdas))[diff2, ] } } structure(list(rdas = rdas[problems, 1:3], msg = msg, sizes = sizes, improve = improve), class = "check_package_compact_datasets") } print.check_package_compact_datasets <- function(x, ...) { reformat <- function(x) { xx <- paste0(x, "b") ind1 <- (x >= 1024) xx[ind1] <- sprintf("%.0fKb", x[ind1]/1024) ind2 <- x >= 1024^2 xx[ind2] <- sprintf("%.1fMb", x[ind2]/(1024^2)) ind3 <- x >= 1024^3 xx[ind3] <- sprintf("%.1fGb", x[ind3]/1024^3) xx } if(nr <- nrow(x$rdas)) { msg <- ngettext(nr, "Warning: large data file saved inefficiently:", "Warning: large data files saved inefficiently:", domain = NA) writeLines(msg) rdas <- x$rdas rdas$size <- reformat(rdas$size) print(rdas) } if(!is.null(x$msg)) writeLines(x$msg) if(!is.null(s <- x$sizes) && s[1L] - s[2L] > 1e5 # save at least 100Kb && s[2L]/s[1L] < 0.9) { # and at least 10% writeLines(c("", "Note: significantly better compression could be obtained", " by using R CMD build --resave-data")) if(nrow(x$improve)) { improve <- x$improve improve$old_size <- reformat(improve$old_size) improve$new_size <- reformat(improve$new_size) print(improve) } } invisible(x) } .check_package_compact_sysdata <- function(pkgDir, thorough = FALSE) { msg <- NULL files <- file.path(pkgDir, "R", "sysdata.rda") rdas <- checkRdaFiles(files) row.names(rdas) <- basename(row.names(rdas)) problems <- with(rdas, (ASCII | compress == "none") & (size > 1e5)) if (any(rdas$compress %in% c("bzip2", "xz"))) { OK <- FALSE Rdeps <- .split_description(.read_description(file.path(pkgDir, "DESCRIPTION")))$Rdepends2 for(dep in Rdeps) { if(dep$op != '>=') next if(dep$version >= package_version("2.10")) {OK <- TRUE; break;} } if(!OK) msg <- "Warning: package needs dependence on R (>= 2.10)" } if (sum(rdas$size) < 1e5 || # we don't report unless we get a 1e5 reduction any(rdas$compress %in% c("bzip2", "xz"))) # assume already optimized thorough <- FALSE if (thorough) { cpdir <- tempfile('cp') dir.create(cpdir) file.copy(files, cpdir) resaveRdaFiles(cpdir) rdas2 <- checkRdaFiles(cpdir) row.names(rdas2) <- basename(row.names(rdas2)) diff2 <- (rdas2$ASCII != rdas$ASCII) | (rdas2$compress != rdas$compress) diff2 <- diff2 & (rdas$size > 1e4) & (rdas2$size < 0.9*rdas$size) sizes <- c(sum(rdas$size), sum(rdas2$size)) improve <- data.frame(old_size = rdas$size, new_size = rdas2$size, compress = rdas2$compress, row.names = row.names(rdas))[diff2, ] } else sizes <- improve <- NULL structure(list(rdas = rdas[problems, 1:3], msg = msg, sizes = sizes, improve = improve), class = "check_package_compact_datasets") } ### * .check_package_subdirs ## used by R CMD build .check_package_subdirs <- function(dir, doDelete = FALSE) { OS_subdirs <- c("unix", "windows") mydir <- function(dir) { d <- list.files(dir, all.files = TRUE, full.names = FALSE) if(!length(d)) return(d) if(basename(dir) %in% c("R", "man")) for(os in OS_subdirs) { os_dir <- file.path(dir, os) if(dir.exists(os_dir)) d <- c(d, file.path(os, list.files(os_dir, all.files = TRUE, full.names = FALSE))) } d[file_test("-f", file.path(dir, d))] } if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) wrong_things <- list(R = character(), man = character(), demo = character(), `inst/doc` = character()) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(dir.exists(code_dir)) { all_files <- mydir(code_dir) ## Under Windows, need a Makefile.win for methods. R_files <- c("sysdata.rda", "Makefile.win", list_files_with_type(code_dir, "code", full.names = FALSE, OS_subdirs = OS_subdirs)) wrong <- setdiff(all_files, R_files) ## now configure might generate files in this directory generated <- grep("\\.in$", wrong) if(length(generated)) wrong <- wrong[-generated] if(length(wrong)) { wrong_things$R <- wrong if(doDelete) unlink(file.path(dir, "R", wrong)) } } man_dir <- file.path(dir, "man") if(dir.exists(man_dir)) { all_files <- mydir(man_dir) man_files <- list_files_with_type(man_dir, "docs", full.names = FALSE, OS_subdirs = OS_subdirs) wrong <- setdiff(all_files, man_files) if(length(wrong)) { wrong_things$man <- wrong if(doDelete) unlink(file.path(dir, "man", wrong)) } } demo_dir <- file.path(dir, "demo") if(dir.exists(demo_dir)) { all_files <- mydir(demo_dir) demo_files <- list_files_with_type(demo_dir, "demo", full.names = FALSE) wrong <- setdiff(all_files, c("00Index", demo_files)) if(length(wrong)) { wrong_things$demo <- wrong if(doDelete) unlink(file.path(dir, "demo", wrong)) } } ## check installed vignette material subdir <- file.path("inst", "doc") vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = dir, subdirs = subdir) if (!is.null(vigns) && length(vigns$docs)) { vignettes <- basename(vigns$docs) ## Add vignette output files, if they exist tryCatch({ vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = dir, subdirs = subdir, output = TRUE) vignettes <- c(vignettes, basename(vigns$outputs)) }, error = function(ex) {}) ## 'the file names should start with an ASCII letter and be comprised ## entirely of ASCII letters or digits or hyphen or underscore' ## Do this in a locale-independent way. OK <- grep("^[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz][ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789._-]+$", vignettes) wrong <- vignettes if(length(OK)) wrong <- wrong[-OK] if(length(wrong)) wrong_things$`inst/doc` <- wrong } class(wrong_things) <- "subdir_tests" wrong_things } format.subdir_tests <- function(x, ...) { .fmt <- function(i) { tag <- names(x)[i] c(sprintf("Subdirectory '%s' contains invalid file names:", tag), .pretty_format(x[[i]])) } as.character(unlist(lapply(which(lengths(x) > 0L), .fmt))) } ### * .check_package_ASCII_code .check_package_ASCII_code <- function(dir, respect_quotes = FALSE) { OS_subdirs <- c("unix", "windows") if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") wrong_things <- character() if(dir.exists(code_dir)) { R_files <- list_files_with_type(code_dir, "code", full.names = FALSE, OS_subdirs = OS_subdirs) for(f in R_files) { text <- readLines(file.path(code_dir, f), warn = FALSE) if(.Call(check_nonASCII, text, !respect_quotes)) wrong_things <- c(wrong_things, f) } } if(length(wrong_things)) cat(wrong_things, sep = "\n") invisible(wrong_things) } ### * .check_package_code_syntax .check_package_code_syntax <- function(dir) { if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) dir_name <- basename(dir) dfile <- file.path(dirname(dir), "DESCRIPTION") enc <- if(file.exists(dfile)) .read_description(dfile)["Encoding"] else NA ## This was always run in the C locale < 2.5.0 ## However, what chars are alphabetic depends on the locale, ## so as from R 2.5.0 we try to set a locale. ## Any package with no declared encoding should have only ASCII R code. if(!is.na(enc)) { ## try to use the declared encoding if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { ## "C" is in fact "en", and there are no UTF-8 locales switch(enc, "latin2" = Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", 'polish'), Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C") ) } else { loc <- Sys.getenv("R_ENCODING_LOCALES", NA_character_) if(!is.na(loc)) { loc <- strsplit(strsplit(loc, ":")[[1L]], "=") nm <- lapply(loc, "[[", 1L) loc <- lapply(loc, "[[", 2L) names(loc) <- nm if(!is.null(l <- loc[[enc]])) Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", l) else Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C") } else if(l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]]) { ## the hope is that the conversion to UTF-8 works and ## so we can validly test the code in the current locale. } else { ## these are the POSIX forms, but of course not all Unixen ## abide by POSIX. These locales need not exist, but ## do in glibc. switch(enc, "latin1" = Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "en_US"), "utf-8" =, # not valid, but used "UTF-8" = Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "en_US.UTF-8"), "latin2" = Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "pl_PL"), "latin9" = Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "fr_FR.iso885915@euro"), Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C") ) } } } collect_parse_woes <- function(f) { .error <- .warnings <- character() file <- file.path(dir, f) if(!is.na(enc) && !(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %in% c("C", "POSIX"))) { lines <- iconv(readLines(file, warn = FALSE), from = enc, to = "", sub = "byte") withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(parse(text = lines), error = function(e) .error <<- conditionMessage(e)), warning = function(e) { .warnings <<- c(.warnings, conditionMessage(e)) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") }) } else { withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(parse(file), error = function(e) .error <<- conditionMessage(e)), warning = function(e) { .warnings <<- c(.warnings, conditionMessage(e)) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") }) } ## (We show offending file paths starting with the base of the ## given directory as this provides "nicer" output ...) if(length(.error) || length(.warnings)) list(File = file.path(dir_name, f), Error = .error, Warnings = .warnings) else NULL } out <- lapply(list_files_with_type(dir, "code", full.names = FALSE, OS_subdirs = c("unix", "windows")), collect_parse_woes) Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C") structure(out[lengths(out) > 0L], class = "check_package_code_syntax") } print.check_package_code_syntax <- function(x, ...) { first <- TRUE for(i in seq_along(x)) { if(!first) writeLines("") else first <- FALSE xi <- x[[i]] if(length(xi$Error)) { msg <- gsub("\n", "\n ", sub("[^:]*: *", "", xi$Error), perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) writeLines(c(sprintf("Error in file '%s':", xi$File), paste(" ", msg))) } if(len <- length(xi$Warnings)) writeLines(c(sprintf(ngettext(len, "Warning in file %s:", "Warnings in file %s:"), sQuote(xi$File)), paste(" ", gsub("\n\n", "\n ", xi$Warnings, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)))) } invisible(x) } ### * .check_package_code_shlib .check_package_code_shlib <- function(dir) { predicate <- function(e) { ((length(e) > 1L) && (as.character(e[[1L]]) %in% c("library.dynam", "library.dynam.unload")) && is.character(e[[2L]]) && grepl("\\.(so|sl|dll)$", e[[2L]])) } x <- Filter(length, .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, predicate, recursive = TRUE)) ## Because we really only need this for calling from R CMD check, we ## produce output here in case we found something. if(length(x)) writeLines(c(unlist(Map(.format_calls_in_file, x, names(x))), "")) ## (Could easily provide format() and print() methods ...) invisible(x) } ### * .check_package_code_startup_functions .check_package_code_startup_functions <- function(dir) { bad_call_names <- unlist(.bad_call_names_in_startup_functions) .check_startup_function <- function(fcode, fname) { out <- list() nms <- names(fcode[[2L]]) ## Check names of formals. ## Allow anything containing ... (for now); otherwise, insist on ## length two with names starting with lib and pkg, respectively. if(is.na(match("...", nms)) && ((length(nms) != 2L) || any(substring(nms, 1L, 3L) != c("lib", "pkg")))) out$bad_arg_names <- nms ## Look at all calls (not only at top level). calls <- .find_calls(fcode[[3L]], recursive = TRUE) if(!length(calls)) return(out) cnames <- .call_names(calls) ## And pick the ones which should not be there ... bcn <- bad_call_names if(fname == ".onAttach") bcn <- c(bcn, "library.dynam") if(fname == ".onLoad") bcn <- c(bcn, "packageStartupMessage") ind <- (cnames %in% bcn) if(any(ind)) { calls <- calls[ind] cnames <- cnames[ind] ## Exclude library(help = ......) calls. pos <- which(cnames == "library") if(length(pos)) { pos <- pos[sapply(calls[pos], function(e) any(names(e)[-1L] == "help"))] ## Could also match.call(base::library, e) first ... if(length(pos)) { calls <- calls[-pos] cnames <- cnames[-pos] } } if(length(calls)) { out$bad_calls <- list(calls = calls, names = cnames) } } out } calls <- .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, .worker = .get_startup_function_calls_in_file) FL <- unlist(lapply(calls, "[[", ".First.lib")) calls <- Filter(length, lapply(calls, function(e) Filter(length, Map(.check_startup_function, e, names(e))))) if(length(FL)) attr(calls, ".First.lib") <- TRUE class(calls) <- "check_package_code_startup_functions" calls } format.check_package_code_startup_functions <- function(x, ...) { res <- if(!is.null(attr(x, ".First.lib"))) "NB: .First.lib is obsolete and will not be used in R >= 3.0.0" else character() if(length(x)) { ## Flatten out doubly recursive list of functions within list of ## files structure for computing summary messages. y <- unlist(x, recursive = FALSE) has_bad_wrong_args <- "bad_arg_names" %in% unlist(lapply(y, names)) calls <- unique(unlist(lapply(y, function(e) e[["bad_calls"]][["names"]]))) has_bad_calls_for_load <- any(calls %in% .bad_call_names_in_startup_functions$load) has_bad_calls_for_output <- any(calls %in% .bad_call_names_in_startup_functions$output) has_unsafe_calls <- any(calls %in% .bad_call_names_in_startup_functions$unsafe) .fmt_entries_for_file <- function(e, f) { c(gettextf("File %s:", sQuote(f)), unlist(Map(.fmt_entries_for_function, e, names(e))), "") } .fmt_entries_for_function <- function(e, f) { c(if(length(bad <- e[["bad_arg_names"]])) { gettextf(" %s has wrong argument list %s", f, sQuote(paste(bad, collapse = ", "))) }, if(length(bad <- e[["bad_calls"]])) { c(gettextf(" %s calls:", f), paste0(" ", unlist(lapply(bad[["calls"]], function(e) paste(deparse(e), collapse = ""))))) }) } res <- c(res, unlist(Map(.fmt_entries_for_file, x, names(x)), use.names = FALSE), if(has_bad_wrong_args) strwrap(gettextf("Package startup functions should have two arguments with names starting with %s and %s, respectively.", sQuote("lib"), sQuote("pkg")), exdent = 2L), if(has_bad_calls_for_load) strwrap(gettextf("Package startup functions should not change the search path."), exdent = 2L), if(has_bad_calls_for_output) strwrap(gettextf("Package startup functions should use %s to generate messages.", sQuote("packageStartupMessage")), exdent = 2L), if(has_unsafe_calls) strwrap(gettextf("Package startup functions should not call %s.", sQuote("installed.packages")), exdent = 2L), gettextf("See section %s in '%s'.", sQuote("Good practice"), "?.onAttach") ) } res } .bad_call_names_in_startup_functions <- list(load = c("library", "require"), output = c("cat", "message", "print", "writeLines"), unsafe = c("installed.packages", "utils::installed.packages")) .get_startup_function_calls_in_file <- function(file, encoding = NA) { exprs <- .parse_code_file(file, encoding) ## Use a custom gatherer rather than .find_calls() with a suitable ## predicate so that we record the name of the startup function in ## which the calls were found. calls <- list() for(e in exprs) { if((length(e) > 2L) && (is.name(x <- e[[1L]])) && (as.character(x) %in% c("<-", "=")) && (as.character(y <- e[[2L]]) %in% c(".First.lib", ".onAttach", ".onLoad")) && (is.call(z <- e[[3L]])) && (as.character(z[[1L]]) == "function")) { new <- list(z) names(new) <- as.character(y) calls <- c(calls, new) } } calls } .call_names <- function(x) as.character(sapply(x, function(e) deparse(e[[1L]]))) ### * .check_package_code_unload_functions .check_package_code_unload_functions <- function(dir) { bad_call_names <- "library.dynam.unload" .check_unload_function <- function(fcode, fname) { out <- list() nms <- names(fcode[[2L]]) ## Check names of formals. ## Allow anything containing ... (for now); otherwise, insist on ## length one with names starting with lib. if(is.na(match("...", nms)) && (length(nms) != 1L || substring(nms, 1L, 3L) != "lib")) out$bad_arg_names <- nms ## Look at all calls (not only at top level). calls <- .find_calls(fcode[[3L]], recursive = TRUE) if(!length(calls)) return(out) cnames <- .call_names(calls) ## And pick the ones which should not be there ... ind <- cnames %in% bad_call_names if(any(ind)) out$bad_calls <- list(calls = calls[ind], names = cnames[ind]) out } calls <- .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, .worker = .get_unload_function_calls_in_file) LL <- unlist(lapply(calls, "[[", ".Last.lib")) calls <- Filter(length, lapply(calls, function(e) Filter(length, Map(.check_unload_function, e, names(e))))) if(length(LL)) { code_objs <- ".Last.lib" nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir)) OK <- intersect(code_objs, nsInfo$exports) for(p in nsInfo$exportPatterns) OK <- c(OK, grep(p, code_objs, value = TRUE)) if(!length(OK)) attr(calls, ".Last.lib") <- TRUE } class(calls) <- "check_package_code_unload_functions" calls } format.check_package_code_unload_functions <- function(x, ...) { res <- if(!is.null(attr(x, ".Last.lib"))) "NB: .Last.lib will not be used unless it is exported" else character() if(length(x)) { ## Flatten out doubly recursive list of functions within list of ## files structure for computing summary messages. y <- unlist(x, recursive = FALSE) has_bad_wrong_args <- "bad_arg_names" %in% unlist(lapply(y, names)) ## calls <- ## unique(unlist(lapply(y, ## function(e) e[["bad_calls"]][["names"]]))) .fmt_entries_for_file <- function(e, f) { c(gettextf("File %s:", sQuote(f)), unlist(Map(.fmt_entries_for_function, e, names(e))), "") } .fmt_entries_for_function <- function(e, f) { c(if(length(bad <- e[["bad_arg_names"]])) { gettextf(" %s has wrong argument list %s", f, sQuote(paste(bad, collapse = ", "))) }, if(length(bad <- e[["bad_calls"]])) { c(gettextf(" %s calls:", f), paste0(" ", unlist(lapply(bad[["calls"]], function(e) paste(deparse(e), collapse = ""))))) }) } res <- c(res, unlist(Map(.fmt_entries_for_file, x, names(x)), use.names = FALSE), if(has_bad_wrong_args) strwrap(gettextf("Package detach functions should have one argument with name starting with %s.", sQuote("lib")), exdent = 2L), if(length(call)) strwrap(gettextf("Package detach functions should not call %s.", sQuote("library.dynam.unload")), exdent = 2L), gettextf("See section %s in '%s'.", sQuote("Good practice"), "?.Last.lib") ) } res } .get_unload_function_calls_in_file <- function(file, encoding = NA) { exprs <- .parse_code_file(file, encoding) ## Use a custom gatherer rather than .find_calls() with a suitable ## predicate so that we record the name of the unload function in ## which the calls were found. calls <- list() for(e in exprs) { if((length(e) > 2L) && (is.name(x <- e[[1L]])) && (as.character(x) %in% c("<-", "=")) && (as.character(y <- e[[2L]]) %in% c(".Last.lib", ".onDetach")) && (is.call(z <- e[[3L]])) && (as.character(z[[1L]]) == "function")) { new <- list(z) names(new) <- as.character(y) calls <- c(calls, new) } } calls } ### * .check_package_code_tampers .check_package_code_tampers <- function(dir) { dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") pkgname <- if(file.exists(dfile)) .read_description(dfile)["Package"] else "" predicate <- function(e) { if(length(e) <= 1L) return(FALSE) if(as.character(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% "unlockBinding") { e3 <- as.character(e[[3L]]) if (e3[[1L]] == "asNamespace") e3 <- as.character(e[[3L]][[2L]]) return(e3 != pkgname) } if((as.character(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% ".Internal") && as.character(e[[2L]][[1L]]) == "unlockBinding") return(TRUE) if(as.character(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% "assignInNamespace") { e3 <- as.character(e[[4L]]) if (e3 == "asNamespace") e3 <- as.character(e[[4L]][[2L]]) return(e3 != pkgname) } FALSE } x <- Filter(length, .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, predicate, recursive = TRUE)) ## Because we really only need this for calling from R CMD check, we ## produce output here in case we found something. if(length(x)) writeLines(unlist(Map(.format_calls_in_file, x, names(x)))) ## (Could easily provide format() and print() methods ...) invisible(x) } ### * .check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv .check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv <- function(dir) { predicate <- function(e) { if(!is.call(e) || as.character(e[[1L]]) != "assign") return(FALSE) e <- e[as.character(e) != "..."] ## Capture assignments to global env unless to .Random.seed. ## (This may fail for conditionalized code not meant for R ## [e.g., argument 'where'].) mc <- tryCatch(match.call(base::assign, e), error = identity) if(inherits(mc, "error") || identical(mc$x, ".Random.seed")) return(FALSE) if(!is.null(env <- mc$envir) && identical(tryCatch(eval(env), error = identity), globalenv())) return(TRUE) if(!is.null(pos <- mc$pos) && identical(tryCatch(eval(call("as.environment", pos)), error = identity), globalenv())) return(TRUE) FALSE } calls <- Filter(length, .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, predicate, recursive = TRUE)) class(calls) <- "check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv" calls } format.check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv <- function(x, ...) { if(!length(x)) return(character()) c("Found the following assignments to the global environment:", unlist(Map(.format_calls_in_file, x, names(x)))) } ### * .check_package_code_attach .check_package_code_attach <- function(dir) { predicate <- function(e) as.character(e[[1L]]) == "attach" calls <- Filter(length, .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, predicate, recursive = TRUE)) class(calls) <- "check_package_code_attach" calls } format.check_package_code_attach <- function(x, ...) { if(!length(x)) return(character()) c("Found the following calls to attach():", unlist(Map(.format_calls_in_file, x, names(x)))) } ### * .check_package_code_data_into_globalenv .check_package_code_data_into_globalenv <- function(dir) { predicate <- function(e) { if(!is.call(e) || as.character(e[[1L]]) != "data") return(FALSE) ## As data() has usage ## data(..., list = character(), package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, ## verbose = getOption("verbose"), envir = .GlobalEnv)) ## argument 'envir' must be matched exactly, and calls which ## only have the last four arguments do not load any data. env <- e$envir tab <- c("package", "lib.loc", "verbose", "envir") if(!is.null(nms <- names(e))) e <- e[is.na(match(nms, tab))] ((length(e) > 1L) && (is.null(env) || (is.name(env) && as.character(env) == ".GlobalEnv") || (is.call(env) && as.character(env) == "globalenv"))) } calls <- Filter(length, .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, predicate, recursive = TRUE)) class(calls) <- "check_package_code_data_into_globalenv" calls } format.check_package_code_data_into_globalenv <- function(x, ...) { if(!length(x)) return(character()) c("Found the following calls to data() loading into the global environment:", unlist(Map(.format_calls_in_file, x, names(x)))) } ### * .check_packages_used .check_packages_used <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL) { ## Argument handling. ns <- NULL if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ... code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!dir.exists(code_dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir), domain = NA) if(basename(dir) != "base") .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) code_env <- if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))) asNamespace(package) else .package_env(package) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") db <- .read_description(dfile) ## fake installs do not have this. nsfile <- file.path(dir, "Meta", "nsInfo.rds") if (file.exists(nsfile)) ns <- readRDS(nsfile) else { nsfile <- file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE") if(file.exists(nsfile)) ns <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir)) } } else if(!missing(dir)) { ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") db <- .read_description(dfile) nsfile <- file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE") if(file.exists(nsfile)) ns <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir)) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(dir.exists(code_dir)) { file <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(file)) if(!file.create(file)) stop("unable to create ", file) if(!all(.file_append_ensuring_LFs(file, list_files_with_type(code_dir, "code")))) stop("unable to write code files") } else return(invisible()) } pkg_name <- db["Package"] depends <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Depends") imports <- imports0 <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Imports") suggests <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Suggests") enhances <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Enhances") ## it is OK to refer to yourself and non-S4 standard packages standard_package_names <- setdiff(.get_standard_package_names()$base, c("methods", "stats4")) ## It helps to know if non-default standard packages are require()d ## but safer to list them: compiler & parallel got included for years ## Some people depend on 'base'! default_package_names <- c("base", "datasets", "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", "utils") depends_suggests <- c(depends, suggests, enhances, pkg_name, default_package_names) imports <- c(imports, depends, suggests, enhances, pkg_name, standard_package_names) ## the first argument could be named, or could be a variable name. ## we just have a stop list here. common_names <- c("pkg", "pkgName", "package", "pos", "dep_name") bad_exprs <- bad_deps <- bad_imps <- bad_prac <- character() bad_imports <- all_imports <- imp2 <- imp2f <- imp3 <- imp3f <- character() uses_methods <- FALSE find_bad_exprs <- function(e) { if(is.call(e) || is.expression(e)) { Call <- deparse(e[[1L]])[1L] if(Call %in% c("clusterEvalQ", "parallel::clusterEvalQ")) return() if((Call %in% c("library", "require", "loadNamespace", "requireNamespace")) && (length(e) >= 2L)) { ## We need to rempve '...': OTOH the argument could be NULL keep <- sapply(e, function(x) deparse(x)[1L] != "...") mc <- match.call(get(Call, baseenv()), e[keep]) if(!is.null(pkg <- mc$package)) { ## ## Using code analysis, we really don't know which ## package was called if character.only = TRUE and ## the package argument is not a string constant. ## (BTW, what if character.only is given a value ## which is an expression evaluating to TRUE?) dunno <- FALSE if(identical(mc$character.only, TRUE) && !identical(class(pkg), "character")) dunno <- TRUE ## ## could be inside substitute or a variable ## and is in e.g. R.oo if(!dunno) { if (Call %in% c("loadNamespace", "requireNamespace")) { if (identical(class(pkg), "character")) { pkg <- sub('^"(.*)"$', '\\1', deparse(pkg)) if(! pkg %in% c(imports, depends_suggests, common_names)) bad_imps <<- c(bad_imps, pkg) } } else { pkg <- sub('^"(.*)"$', '\\1', deparse(pkg)) if(! pkg %in% c(depends_suggests, common_names)) bad_exprs <<- c(bad_exprs, pkg) if(pkg %in% depends) bad_deps <<- c(bad_deps, pkg) ## assume calls to itself are to clusterEvalQ etc else if (pkg != pkg_name) bad_prac <<- c(bad_prac, pkg) } } } } else if(Call %in% "::") { pkg <- deparse(e[[2L]]) all_imports <<- c(all_imports, pkg) if(! pkg %in% imports) bad_imports <<- c(bad_imports, pkg) else { imp2 <<- c(imp2, pkg) imp2f <<- c(imp2f, deparse(e[[3L]])) } } else if(Call %in% ":::") { pkg <- deparse(e[[2L]]) all_imports <<- c(all_imports, pkg) imp3 <<- c(imp3, pkg) imp3f <<- c(imp3f, deparse(e[[3L]])) if(! pkg %in% imports) bad_imports <<- c(bad_imports, pkg) } else if(Call %in% c("setClass", "setMethod")) { uses_methods <<- TRUE } for(i in seq_along(e)) Recall(e[[i]]) } } if(!missing(package)) { ## ## Suggested way of checking for S4 metadata. ## Change to use as envir_has_S4_metadata() once this makes it ## into base or methods. if(length(objects(code_env, all.names = TRUE, pattern = "^[.]__[CT]_"))) uses_methods <- TRUE ## exprs <- lapply(ls(envir = code_env, all.names = TRUE), function(f) { f <- get(f, envir = code_env) # get is expensive if(typeof(f) == "closure") body(f) # else NULL }) if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) { ## Also check the code in S4 methods. ## This may find things twice. for(f in .get_S4_generics(code_env)) { mlist <- .get_S4_methods_list(f, code_env) exprs <- c(exprs, lapply(mlist, body)) } } } else { enc <- db["Encoding"] if(!is.na(enc) && !(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %in% c("C", "POSIX"))) { ## FIXME: what if conversion fails on e.g. UTF-8 comments con <- file(file, encoding=enc) on.exit(close(con)) } else con <- file exprs <- tryCatch(parse(file = con, n = -1L), error = function(e) stop(gettextf("parse error in file '%s':\n%s", file, .massage_file_parse_error_message(conditionMessage(e))), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)) } for(i in seq_along(exprs)) find_bad_exprs(exprs[[i]]) if(length(ns)) { imp <- c(ns$imports, ns$importClasses, ns$importMethods) if (length(imp)) { imp <- sapply(imp, function(x) x[[1L]]) all_imports <- unique(c(imp, all_imports)) } } else imp <- character() bad_imp <- setdiff(imports0, all_imports) ## All the non-default packages need to be imported from. depends_not_import <- setdiff(depends, c(imp, default_package_names)) methods_message <- if(uses_methods && !"methods" %in% c(depends, imports)) gettext("package 'methods' is used but not declared") else "" extras <- list( base = c("Sys.junction", "shell", "shell.exec"), grDevices = c("X11.options", "X11Font", "X11Fonts", "quartz", "quartz.options", "quartz.save", "quartzFont", "quartzFonts", "bringToTop", "msgWindow", "win.graph", "win.metafile", "win.print", "windows", "windows.options", "windowsFont", "windowsFonts"), parallel = c("mccollect", "mcparallel", "mc.reset.stream", "mcaffinity"), utils = c("nsl", "DLL.version", "Filters", "choose.dir", "choose.files", "getClipboardFormats", "getIdentification", "getWindowsHandle", "getWindowsHandles", "getWindowTitle", "loadRconsole", "readClipboard", "readRegistry", "setStatusBar", "setWindowTitle", "shortPathName", "win.version", "winDialog", "winDialogString", "winMenuAdd", "winMenuAddItem", "winMenuDel", "winMenuDelItem", "winMenuNames", "winMenuItems", "writeClipboard", "zip.unpack", "winProgressBar", "getWinProgressBar", "setWinProgressBar", "setInternet2", "arrangeWindows"), RODBC = c("odbcConnectAccess", "odbcConnectAccess2007", "odbcConnectDbase", "odbcConnectExcel", "odbcConnectExcel2007") ) imp2un <- character() if(length(imp2)) { ## Try to check these are exported names(imp2f) <- imp2 imp2 <- unique(imp2) imps <- split(imp2f, names(imp2f)) for (p in names(imps)) { ## some people have these quoted: this <- imps[[p]] this <- sub('^"(.*)"$', "\\1", this) this <- sub("^'(.*)'$", "\\1", this) if (p %in% "base") { this <- setdiff(this, ls(baseenv(), all.names = TRUE)) if(length(this)) imp2un <- c(imp2un, paste(p, this, sep = "::")) next } ns <- .getNamespace(p) value <- if(is.null(ns)) { ## this could be noisy tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(loadNamespace(p))), error = function(e) e) } else NULL if (!inherits(value, "error")) { ns <- asNamespace(p) exps <- c(ls(envir = .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "exports"), all.names = TRUE), ls(envir = .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "lazydata"), all.names = TRUE), extras[[p]]) this2 <- setdiff(this, exps) if(length(this2)) imp2un <- c(imp2un, paste(p, this2, sep = "::")) } } } names(imp3f) <- imp3 imp3 <- unique(imp3) imp3self <- pkg_name %in% imp3 imp3selfcalls <- as.vector(imp3f[names(imp3f) == pkg_name]) imp3 <- setdiff(imp3, pkg_name) if(length(imp3)) { imp3f <- imp3f[names(imp3f) %in% imp3] imps <- split(imp3f, names(imp3f)) imp32 <- imp3 <- imp3f <- imp3ff <- unknown <- character() for (p in names(imps)) { this <- imps[[p]] this <- sub('^"(.*)"$', "\\1", this) this <- sub("^'(.*)'$", "\\1", this) if (p %in% "base") { imp32 <- c(imp32, paste(p, this, sep = ":::")) next } ns <- .getNamespace(p) value <- if(is.null(ns)) { ## this could be noisy tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(loadNamespace(p))), error = function(e) e) } else NULL if (inherits(value, "error")) { unknown <- c(unknown, p) } else { exps <- c(ls(envir = getNamespaceInfo(p, "exports"), all.names = TRUE), extras[[p]]) this2 <- this %in% exps if (any(this2)) imp32 <- c(imp32, paste(p, this[this2], sep = ":::")) if (any(!this2)) { imp3 <- c(imp3, p) this <- this[!this2] pp <- ls(envir = asNamespace(p), all.names = TRUE) this2 <- this %in% pp if(any(this2)) imp3f <- c(imp3f, paste(p, this[this2], sep = ":::")) if(any(!this2)) imp3ff <- c(imp3ff, paste(p, this[!this2], sep = ":::")) } } } if(length(imp3f)) { ## remove other packages which have the same maintainer, ## but report references to itself. Unless they should be :: . maintainers <- sapply(strsplit(imp3f, ":::", fixed = TRUE), function(p) { dfile <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = p[[1L]]) if(dfile == "") return("") unname(.read_description(dfile)["Maintainer"]) }) imp3f <- imp3f[(maintainers != db["Maintainer"])] } } else imp32 <- imp3f <- imp3ff <- unknown <- character() ## An unexported function only available on Windows, used in tools imp3ff <- setdiff(sort(unique(imp3ff)), "utils:::unpackPkgZip") res <- list(others = unique(bad_exprs), bad_practice = unique(bad_prac), imports = unique(bad_imports), imps = unique(bad_imps), in_depends = unique(bad_deps), unused_imports = bad_imp, depends_not_import = depends_not_import, imp2un = sort(unique(imp2un)), imp32 = sort(unique(imp32)), imp3 = imp3, imp3f = sort(unique(imp3f)), imp3ff = imp3ff, imp3self = imp3self, imp3selfcalls = sort(unique(imp3selfcalls)), imp3unknown = unknown, methods_message = methods_message) class(res) <- "check_packages_used" res } format.check_packages_used <- function(x, ...) { incoming <- identical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGES_USED_CRAN_INCOMING_NOTES_", "FALSE"), "TRUE") ignore_unused_imports <- config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGES_USED_IGNORE_UNUSED_IMPORTS_", "FALSE")) c(character(), if(length(xx <- x$imports)) { if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("'::' or ':::' imports not declared from:"), .pretty_format(sort(xx))) } else { gettextf("'::' or ':::' import not declared from: %s", sQuote(xx)) } }, if(length(xx <- x$others)) { if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("'library' or 'require' calls not declared from:"), .pretty_format(sort(xx))) } else { gettextf("'library' or 'require' call not declared from: %s", sQuote(xx)) } }, if(length(xx <- x$imps)) { if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("'loadNamespace' or 'requireNamespace' calls not declared from:"), .pretty_format(sort(xx))) } else { gettextf("'loadNamespace' or 'requireNamespace' call not declared from: %s", sQuote(xx)) } }, if(length(xx <- x$in_depends)) { msg <- " Please remove these calls from your code." if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("'library' or 'require' calls to packages already attached by Depends:"), .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg) } else { c(gettextf("'library' or 'require' call to %s which was already attached by Depends.", sQuote(xx)), msg) } }, if(length(xx <- x$bad_practice)) { msg <- " Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.\n See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual." if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("'library' or 'require' calls in package code:"), .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg) } else { c(gettextf("'library' or 'require' call to %s in package code.", sQuote(xx)), msg) } }, if(length(xx <- x$unused_imports) && !ignore_unused_imports) { msg <- " All declared Imports should be used." if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("Namespaces in Imports field not imported from:"), .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg) } else { c(gettextf("Namespace in Imports field not imported from: %s", sQuote(xx)), msg) } }, if(length(xx <- x$depends_not_import)) { msg <- c(" These packages need to be imported from (in the NAMESPACE file)", " for when this namespace is loaded but not attached.") if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("Packages in Depends field not imported from:"), .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg) } else { c(gettextf("Package in Depends field not imported from: %s", sQuote(xx)), msg) } }, if(length(xx <- x$imp2un)) { if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("Missing or unexported objects:"), .pretty_format(sort(xx))) } else { gettextf("Missing or unexported object: %s", sQuote(xx)) } }, if(length(xx <- x$imp32)) { ## ' ' seems to get converted to dir quotes msg <- "See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator." msg <- strwrap(paste(msg, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L) if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("':::' calls which should be '::':"), .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg) } else { c(gettextf("':::' call which should be '::': %s", sQuote(xx)), msg) } }, if(length(xx <- x$imp3ff)) { if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("Missing objects imported by ':::' calls:"), .pretty_format(sort(xx))) } else { gettextf("Missing object imported by a ':::' call: %s", sQuote(xx)) } }, if(length(xxx <- x$imp3f)) { ## ' ' seems to get converted to dir quotes msg <- "See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator." msg <- strwrap(paste(msg, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L) if(incoming) { z <- sub(":::.*", "", xxx) base <- unlist(.get_standard_package_names()[c("base", "recommended")]) if (any(z %in% base)) msg <- c(msg, " Including base/recommended package(s):", .pretty_format(intersect(base, z))) } if(length(xxx) > 1L) { c(gettext("Unexported objects imported by ':::' calls:"), .pretty_format(sort(xxx)), msg) } else if(length(xxx)) { c(gettextf("Unexported object imported by a ':::' call: %s", sQuote(xxx)), msg) } }, if(identical(x$imp3self, TRUE)) { msg <- c("There are ::: calls to the package's namespace in its code.", "A package almost never needs to use ::: for its own objects:") c(strwrap(paste(msg, collapse = " "), indent = 0L, exdent = 2L), .pretty_format(sort(x$imp3selfcalls))) }, if(length(xx <- x$imp3unknown)) { msg <- "See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator." msg <- strwrap(paste(msg, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L) if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("Unavailable namespaces imported from by ':::' calls:"), .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg) } else { c(gettextf("Unavailable namespace imported from by a ':::' call: %s", sQuote(xx)), msg) } }, if(length(xx <- x$data)) { if(length(xx) > 1L) { c(gettext("'data(package=)' calls not declared from:"), .pretty_format(sort(xx))) } else { gettextf("'data(package=)' call not declared from: %s", sQuote(xx)) } }, if(nzchar(x$methods_message)) { x$methods_message }) } ### * .check_packages_used_in_examples .check_packages_used_helper <- function(db, files) { pkg_name <- db["Package"] depends <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Depends") imports <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Imports") suggests <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Suggests") enhances <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Enhances") ## it is OK to refer to yourself and standard packages standard_package_names <- .get_standard_package_names()$base depends_suggests <- c(depends, imports, suggests, enhances, pkg_name, standard_package_names) ## the first argument could be named, or could be a variable name. ## we just have a stop list here. common_names <- c("pkg", "pkgName", "package", "pos") bad_exprs <- character() bad_imports <- character() bad_data <- character() find_bad_exprs <- function(e) { if(is.call(e) || is.expression(e)) { Call <- deparse(e[[1L]])[1L] if(length(e) >= 2L) pkg <- deparse(e[[2L]]) if(Call %in% c("library", "require", "loadNamespace", "requireNamespace")) { if(length(e) >= 2L) { ## We need to rempve '...': OTOH the argument could be NULL keep <- sapply(e, function(x) deparse(x)[1L] != "...") mc <- match.call(get(Call, baseenv()), e[keep]) if(!is.null(pkg <- mc$package)) { pkg <- sub('^"(.*)"$', '\\1', pkg) ## ## Using code analysis, we really don't know which ## package was called if character.only = TRUE and ## the package argument is not a string constant. ## (Btw, what if character.only is given a value ## which is an expression evaluating to TRUE?) dunno <- FALSE pos <- which(!is.na(pmatch(names(e), "character.only"))) if(length(pos) && identical(e[[pos]], TRUE) && !identical(class(e[[2L]]), "character")) dunno <- TRUE ## if(! dunno && ! pkg %in% c(depends_suggests, common_names)) bad_exprs <<- c(bad_exprs, pkg) } } } else if(Call %in% "::") { if(! pkg %in% depends_suggests) bad_imports <<- c(bad_imports, pkg) } else if(Call %in% ":::") { if(! pkg %in% depends_suggests) bad_imports <<- c(bad_imports, pkg) } else if(Call %in% "data" && length(e) >= 3L) { mc <- match.call(utils::data, e) if(!is.null(pkg <- mc$package) && !pkg %in% depends_suggests) bad_data <<- c(bad_data, pkg) } else if(deparse(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% c("utils::data", "utils:::data")) { mc <- match.call(utils::data, e) if(!is.null(pkg <- mc$package) && !pkg %in% depends_suggests) bad_data <<- c(bad_data, pkg) } for(i in seq_along(e)) Recall(e[[i]]) } } if (is.character(files)) { for (f in files) { tryCatch({ exprs <- parse(file = f, n = -1L) for(i in seq_along(exprs)) find_bad_exprs(exprs[[i]]) }, error = function(e) warning(gettextf("parse error in file '%s':\n%s", f, .massage_file_parse_error_message(conditionMessage(e))), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)) } } else { ## called for examples with translation tryCatch({ exprs <- parse(file = files, n = -1L) for(i in seq_along(exprs)) find_bad_exprs(exprs[[i]]) }, error = function(e) warning(gettextf("parse error in file '%s':\n%s", summary(files)$description, .massage_file_parse_error_message(conditionMessage(e))), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)) } res <- list(others = unique(bad_exprs), imports = unique(bad_imports), data = unique(bad_data), methods_message = "") class(res) <- "check_packages_used" res } .check_packages_used_in_examples <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL) { ## Argument handling. if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") db <- .read_description(dfile) } else if(!missing(dir)) { ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... ## FIXME: not yet supported by .createExdotR. if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") db <- .read_description(dfile) } pkg_name <- db["Package"] file <- .createExdotR(pkg_name, dir, silent = TRUE, commentDonttest = FALSE) if (is.null(file)) return(invisible(NULL)) # e.g, no examples on.exit(unlink(file)) enc <- db["Encoding"] if(!is.na(enc) && !(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %in% c("C", "POSIX"))) { ## FIXME: what if conversion fails on e.g. UTF-8 comments con <- file(file, encoding = enc) on.exit(close(con), add = TRUE) } else con <- file .check_packages_used_helper(db, con) } ### * .check_packages_used_in_tests .check_packages_used_in_tests <- function(dir, testdir, lib.loc = NULL) { ## Argument handling. ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") db <- .read_description(dfile) testsrcdir <- file.path(dir, testdir) od <- setwd(testsrcdir) on.exit(setwd(od)) Rinfiles <- dir(".", pattern="\\.Rin$") # only trackOjs has *.Rin Rfiles <- dir(".", pattern="\\.R$") .check_packages_used_helper(db, c(Rinfiles, Rfiles)) } ### * .check_packages_used_in_vignettes .check_packages_used_in_vignettes <- function(package, lib.loc = NULL) { ## Argument handling. if(missing(package) || length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) ## FIXME: use Meta directory. db <- .read_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")) vinfo <- pkgVignettes(dir = dir, subdirs = "doc", source = TRUE) Rfiles <- unique(as.character(unlist(vinfo$sources))) .check_packages_used_helper(db, Rfiles) } ### * .check_T_and_F ## T and F checking, next generation. ## ## What are we really trying to do? ## ## In R, T and F are "just" variables which upon startup are bound to ## TRUE and FALSE, respectively, in the base package/namespace. Hence, ## if code uses "global" variables T and F and dynamic lookup is in ## place (for packages, if they do not have a namespace), there may be ## trouble in case T or F were redefined. So we'd like to warn about ## these cases. ## ## A few things to note: ## * Package code top-level bindings *to* T and F are not a problem for ## packages installed for lazy-loading (as the top-level T and F get ## evaluated "appropriately" upon installation. ## * Code in examples using "global" T and F is always a problem, as ## this is evaluated in the global envionment by examples(). ## * There is no problem with package code using T and F as local ## variables. ## * Functions in a namespace will always find the T or F in the ## namespace, imports or base, never in the global environment. ## ## Our current idea is the following. Function findGlobals() in ## codetools already provides a way to (approximately) determine the ## globals. So we can try to get these and report them. ## ## Note that findGlobals() only works on closures, so we definitely miss ## top-level assignments to T or F. This could be taken care of rather ## easily, though. ## ## Note also that we'd like to help people find where the offending ## globals were found. Seems that codetools currently does not offer a ## way of recording e.g. the parent expression, so we do our own thing ## based on the legacy checkTnF code. .check_T_and_F <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL) { ## Seems that checking examples has several problems, and can result ## in "strange" diagnostic output. Let's more or less disable this ## for the time being. check_examples <- isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_RD_EXAMPLES_T_AND_F_"))) bad_closures <- character() bad_examples <- character() find_bad_closures <- function(env) { objects_in_env <- sort(names(env)) x <- lapply(as.list(env, all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE), function(v) { if (typeof(v) == "closure") codetools::findGlobals(v) }) names(x)[sapply(x, function(s) any(s %in% c("T", "F")))] } find_bad_examples <- function(txts) { env <- new.env(hash = TRUE) # might be many x <- lapply(txts, function(txt) { tryCatch({ eval(parse(text = paste("FOO <- function() {", paste(txt, collapse = "\n"), "}", collapse = "\n")), env) find_bad_closures(env) }, error = function(e) character()) }) names(txts)[lengths(x) > 0L] } if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) if((package != "base") && !packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))) { .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) code_env <- .package_env(package) bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env) } if(check_examples) example_texts <- .get_example_texts_from_example_dir(file.path(dir, "R-ex")) } else { ## The dir case. if(missing(dir)) stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'") dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(!packageHasNamespace(basename(dir), dirname(dir)) && dir.exists(code_dir)) { code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile)) .read_description(dfile) else character() .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta) bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env) } if(check_examples) example_texts <- .get_example_texts_from_source_dir(dir) } if(check_examples) bad_examples <- find_bad_examples(example_texts) out <- list(bad_closures = bad_closures, bad_examples = bad_examples) class(out) <- "check_T_and_F" out } .get_example_texts_from_example_dir <- function(dir) { if(!dir.exists(dir)) return(NULL) files <- list_files_with_exts(dir, "R") texts <- lapply(files, function(f) paste(readLines(f, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")) names(texts) <- files texts } .get_example_texts_from_source_dir <- function(dir) { if(!dir.exists(file.path(dir, "man"))) return(NULL) sapply(Rd_db(dir = dir), .Rd_get_example_code) } format.check_T_and_F <- function(x, ...) { c(character(), if(length(x$bad_closures)) { msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_closures), "Found possibly global 'T' or 'F' in the following function:", "Found possibly global 'T' or 'F' in the following functions:" ) c(strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_closures)) }, if(length(x$bad_examples)) { msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_examples), "Found possibly global 'T' or 'F' in the examples of the following Rd file:", "Found possibly global 'T' or 'F' in the examples of the following Rd files:" ) c(strwrap(msg), paste(" ", x$bad_examples)) }) } ### * .check_dotIntenal .check_dotInternal <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, details = TRUE) { bad_closures <- character() find_bad_closures <- function(env) { objects_in_env <- as.list(env, all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE) x <- lapply(objects_in_env, function(v) { if (typeof(v) == "closure") codetools::findGlobals(v) }) names(x)[sapply(x, function(s) any(s %in% ".Internal"))] } find_bad_S4methods <- function(env) { gens <- .get_S4_generics(code_env) x <- lapply(gens, function(f) { tab <- get(methods:::.TableMetaName(f, attr(f, "package")), envir = code_env) ## The S4 'system' does **copy** base code into packages .... any(unlist(eapply(tab, function(v) !inherits(v, "derivedDefaultMethod") && any(codetools::findGlobals(v) %in% ".Internal")))) }) gens[unlist(x)] } find_bad_refClasses <- function(refs) { cl <- names(refs) x <- lapply(refs, function(z) { any(unlist(sapply(z, function(v) any(codetools::findGlobals(v) %in% ".Internal")))) }) cl[unlist(x)] } bad_S4methods <- list() bad_refs <- character() if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) if(! package %in% .get_standard_package_names()$base) { .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) code_env <- if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))) asNamespace(package) else .package_env(package) bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env) if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) { bad_S4methods <- find_bad_S4methods(code_env) refs <- .get_ref_classes(code_env) if(length(refs)) bad_refs <- find_bad_refClasses(refs) } } } else { ## The dir case. if(missing(dir)) stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'") dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(dir.exists(code_dir)) { code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile)) .read_description(dfile) else character() .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta) bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env) } } internals <- character() if (length(bad_closures) && details) { lapply(bad_closures, function(o) { v <- get(o, envir = code_env) calls <- .find_calls(v, recursive = TRUE) if(!length(calls)) return() calls <- calls[.call_names(calls) == ".Internal"] calls2 <- lapply(calls, "[", 2L) calls3 <- sapply(calls2, function(x) sub("\\(.*", "", deparse(x)[1L])) internals <<- c(internals, calls3) }) } out <- list(bad_closures = bad_closures, internals = internals, bad_S4methods = bad_S4methods, bad_refs = bad_refs) class(out) <- "check_dotInternal" out } format.check_dotInternal <- function(x, ...) { out <- if(length(x$bad_closures)) { msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_closures), "Found a .Internal call in the following function:", "Found .Internal calls in the following functions:" ) out <- c(strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_closures)) if (length(unique(x$internals))) out <- c(out, "with calls to .Internal functions", .pretty_format(sort(unique(x$internals)))) out } else character() if(length(x$bad_S4methods)) { msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_S4methods), "Found a.Internal call in methods for the following S4 generic:", "Found .Internal calls in methods for the following S4 generics:" ) out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_S4methods)) } if(length(x$bad_refs)) { msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_refs), "Found a .Internal call in methods for the following reference class:", "Found .Internal calls in methods for the following reference classes:" ) out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_refs)) } out } ### * .check_namespace .check_namespace <- function(dir) { dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) invisible(tryCatch(parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir)), error = function(e) { writeLines("Invalid NAMESPACE file, parsing gives:") stop(e) })) } ### * .check_citation .check_citation <- function(cfile, dir = NULL) { cfile <- file_path_as_absolute(cfile) if(!is.null(dir)) { meta <- utils::packageDescription(basename(dir), dirname(dir)) db <- .read_citation_quietly(cfile, meta) if(inherits(db, "error")) { msg <- conditionMessage(db) call <- conditionCall(db) if(is.null(call)) msg <- c("Error: ", msg) else msg <- c("Error in ", deparse(call), ": ", msg) writeLines(paste(msg, collapse = "")) } return(invisible()) } meta <- if(basename(dir <- dirname(cfile)) == "inst") as.list(.get_package_metadata(dirname(dir))) else NULL db <- tryCatch(suppressMessages(get_CITATION_entry_fields(cfile, meta$Encoding)), error = identity) if(inherits(db, "error")) { writeLines(conditionMessage(db)) return(invisible()) } if(!NROW(db)) return(invisible()) bad <- Map(find_missing_required_BibTeX_fields, db$Entry, db$Fields, USE.NAMES = FALSE) ind <- sapply(bad, identical, NA_character_) if(length(pos <- which(ind))) { entries <- db$Entry[pos] entries <- ifelse(nchar(entries) < 20L, entries, paste(substring(entries, 1L, 20L), "[TRUNCATED]")) writeLines(sprintf("entry %d: invalid type %s", pos, sQuote(entries))) } pos <- which(!ind & (lengths(bad) > 0L)) if(length(pos)) { writeLines(strwrap(sprintf("entry %d (%s): missing required field(s) %s", pos, db$Entry[pos], sapply(bad[pos], function(s) paste(sQuote(s), collapse = ", "))), indent = 0L, exdent = 2L)) } } ### * .check_package_parseRd ## FIXME: could use dumped files, except for use of encoding = "ASCII" .check_package_parseRd <- function(dir, silent = FALSE, def_enc = FALSE, minlevel = -1) { if(file.exists(dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))) { enc <- read.dcf(dfile)[1L, ]["Encoding"] if(is.na(enc)) enc <- "ASCII" else def_enc <- TRUE } else enc <- "ASCII" macros <- loadPkgRdMacros(dir) owd <- setwd(file.path(dir, "man")) on.exit(setwd(owd)) pg <- c(Sys.glob("*.Rd"), Sys.glob("*.rd"), Sys.glob(file.path("*", "*.Rd")), Sys.glob(file.path("*", "*.rd"))) pg <- pg[basename(dirname(pg)) != "macros"] ## (Note that using character classes as in '*.[Rr]d' is not ## guaranteed to be portable.) bad <- character() for (f in pg) { ## Kludge for now if(basename(f) %in% c("iconv.Rd", "showNonASCII.Rd")) def_enc <- TRUE tmp <- tryCatch(suppressMessages(checkRd(f, encoding = enc, def_enc = def_enc, macros = macros)), error = function(e)e) if(inherits(tmp, "error")) { bad <- c(bad, f) if(!silent) message(geterrmessage()) } else print(tmp, minlevel = minlevel) } if(length(bad)) bad <- sQuote(sub(".*/", "", bad)) if(length(bad) > 1L) cat("problems found in ", paste(bad, collapse=", "), "\n", sep = "") else if(length(bad)) cat("problem found in ", bad, "\n", sep = "") invisible() } ### * .check_depdef .check_depdef <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, WINDOWS = FALSE) { bad_depr <- c("plclust") bad_def <- c("La.eigen", "tetragamma", "pentagamma", "package.description", "gammaCody", "manglePackageName", ".readRDS", ".saveRDS", "mem.limits", "trySilent", "traceOn", "traceOff", "print.coefmat", "anovalist.lm", "lm.fit.null", "lm.wfit.null", "glm.fit.null", "tkcmd", "tkfile.tail", "tkfile.dir", "tkopen", "tkclose", "tkputs", "tkread", "Rd_parse", "CRAN.packages", "zip.file.extract", "real", "as.real", "is.real", ".find.package", ".path.package") ## X11 may not work on even a Unix-alike: it needs X support ## (optional) at install time and and an X server at run time. bad_dev <- c("quartz", "x11", "X11") if(!WINDOWS) bad_dev <- c(bad_dev, "windows", "win.graph", "win.metafile", "win.print") bad <- c(bad_depr, bad_def, bad_dev) bad_closures <- character() found <- character() find_bad_closures <- function(env) { objects_in_env <- as.list(env, all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE) x <- lapply(objects_in_env, function(v) { if (typeof(v) == "closure") codetools::findGlobals(v) }) names(x)[sapply(x, function(s) { res <- any(s %in% bad) if(res) found <<- c(found, s) res })] } find_bad_S4methods <- function(env) { gens <- .get_S4_generics(code_env) x <- lapply(gens, function(f) { tab <- get(methods:::.TableMetaName(f, attr(f, "package")), envir = code_env) ## The S4 'system' does **copy** base code into packages .... any(unlist(eapply(tab, function(v) { if(!inherits(v, "derivedDefaultMethod")) FALSE else { s <- codetools::findGlobals(v) found <<- c(found, s) any(s %in% bad) } }))) }) gens[unlist(x)] } find_bad_refClasses <- function(refs) { cl <- names(refs) x <- lapply(refs, function(z) { any(unlist(sapply(z, function(v) { s <- codetools::findGlobals(v) found <<- c(found, s) any(s %in% bad) }))) }) cl[unlist(x)] } ## FIXME: these are set but not used. bad_S4methods <- list() bad_refs <- character() if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) if(! package %in% .get_standard_package_names()$base) { .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc) code_env <- if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))) asNamespace(package) else .package_env(package) bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env) if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) { bad_S4methods <- find_bad_S4methods(code_env) refs <- .get_ref_classes(code_env) if(length(refs)) bad_refs <- find_bad_refClasses(refs) } } } else { ## The dir case. if(missing(dir)) stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'") dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R") if(dir.exists(code_dir)) { code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE) dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION") meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile)) .read_description(dfile) else character() .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta) bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env) } } found <- sort(unique(found)) deprecated <- found[found %in% bad_depr] defunct <- found[found %in% bad_def] devices <- found[found %in% bad_dev] out <- list(bad_closures = bad_closures, deprecated = deprecated, defunct = defunct, devices = devices) class(out) <- "check_depdef" out } format.check_depdef <- function(x, ...) { out <- if(length(x$bad_closures)) { msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_closures), "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in the following function:", "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in the following functions:" ) c(strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_closures)) } else character() if(length(x$bad_S4methods)) { msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_S4methods), "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in methods for the following S4 generic:", "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in methods for the following S4 generics:" ) out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_S4methods)) } if(length(x$bad_refs)) { msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_refs), "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in methods for the following reference class:", "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in methods for the following reference classes:" ) out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_refs)) } if(length(x$deprecated)) { msg <- ngettext(length(x$deprecated), "Found the deprecated function:", "Found the deprecated functions:" ) out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$deprecated)) } if(length(x$defunct)) { msg <- ngettext(length(x$defunct), "Found the defunct/removed function:", "Found the defunct/removed functions:" ) out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$defunct)) } if(length(x$devices)) { msg <- ngettext(length(x$devices), "Found the platform-specific device:", "Found the platform-specific devices:" ) out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$devices), strwrap(paste("dev.new() is the preferred way to open a new device,", "in the unlikely event one is needed.", collapse = " "))) } out } ### * .check_package_CRAN_incoming .check_package_CRAN_incoming <- function(dir) { out <- list() class(out) <- "check_package_CRAN_incoming" meta <- .get_package_metadata(dir, FALSE) info <- analyze_license(meta["License"]) ## Use later to indicate changes from FOSS to non-FOSS licence. foss <- info$is_verified ## Record to notify about components extending a base license which ## permits extensions. if(length(extensions <- info$extensions) && any(ind <- extensions$extensible)) { out$extensions <- extensions$components[ind] out$pointers <- Filter(length, lapply(info$pointers, function(p) { fp <- file.path(dir, p) if(file_test("-f", fp)) { lines <- readLines(fp, warn = FALSE) ## Should this use the package ## encoding? ## (no, as we have LICENSE files with ## copyright signs in ASCII packages) pos <- grep("[^[:blank:]]", lines, useBytes = TRUE) c(p, if(len <- length(pos)) { lines[seq(from = pos[1L], to = pos[len])] }) } else NULL })) } out$Maintainer <- meta["Maintainer"] ## pick out 'display name' display <- gsub("<.*", "", as.vector(out$Maintainer)) display <- sub("[[:space:]]+$", "", sub("^[[:space:]]+", "", display, useBytes = TRUE), useBytes = TRUE) ## RFC 5322 allows '.' in the display name, but 2822 did not. ## ',' separates email addresses. out$Maintainer_needs_quotes <- grepl("[,]", display, useBytes = TRUE) && !grepl('^".*"$', display, useBytes = TRUE) out$empty_Maintainer_name <- !nzchar(display) ver <- meta["Version"] if(is.na(ver)) stop("Package has no 'Version' field", call. = FALSE) if(grepl("(^|[.-])0[0-9]+", ver)) out$version_with_leading_zeroes <- ver if(any(unlist(package_version(ver)) >= 1234)) out$version_with_large_components <- ver language <- meta["Language"] if((is.na(language) || language == "en") && config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_USE_ASPELL_", "FALSE"))) { ignore <- list(c("(?<=[ \t[:punct:]])'[^']*'(?=[ \t[:punct:]])", "(?<=[ \t[:punct:]])([[:alnum:]]+::)?[[:alnum:]_.]*\\(\\)(?=[ \t[:punct:]])"), perl = TRUE) a <- utils:::aspell_package_description(dir, ignore = ignore, control = c("--master=en_US", "--add-extra-dicts=en_GB"), program = "aspell", dictionaries = "en_stats") if(NROW(a)) out$spelling <- a } urls <- .get_standard_repository_URLs() parse_description_field <- function(desc, field, default = TRUE) { tmp <- desc[field] if (is.na(tmp)) default else switch(tmp, "yes"=, "Yes" =, "true" =, "True" =, "TRUE" = TRUE, "no" =, "No" =, "false" =, "False" =, "FALSE" = FALSE, default) } ## If a package has a FOSS license, check whether any of its strong ## recursive dependencies restricts use. if(foss) { available <- utils::available.packages(utils::contrib.url(urls, "source"), filters = c("R_version", "duplicates")) ## We need the current dependencies of the package (so batch ## upload checks will not necessarily do "the right thing"). package <- meta["Package"] depends <- c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo") ## Need to be careful when merging the dependencies of the ## package (in case it is not yet available). if(!is.na(pos <- match(package, rownames(available)))) { available[package, depends] <- meta[depends] } else { entry <- rbind(meta[colnames(available)]) rownames(entry) <- package available <- rbind(available, entry) } ldb <- analyze_licenses(available[, "License"], available) depends <- unlist(package_dependencies(package, available, recursive = TRUE)) ru <- ldb$restricts_use pnames_restricts_use_TRUE <- rownames(available)[!is.na(ru) & ru] pnames_restricts_use_NA <- rownames(available)[is.na(ru)] bad <- intersect(depends, pnames_restricts_use_TRUE) if(length(bad)) out$depends_with_restricts_use_TRUE <- bad bad <- intersect(depends, pnames_restricts_use_NA) if(length(bad)) out$depends_with_restricts_use_NA <- bad bv <- parse_description_field(meta, "BuildVignettes", TRUE) if (!bv) out$foss_with_BuildVignettes <- TRUE } ## Check for possibly mis-spelled field names. nms <- names(meta) stdNms <- .get_standard_DESCRIPTION_fields() nms <- nms[is.na(match(nms, stdNms)) & !grepl("^(X-CRAN|Repository/R-Forge)", nms)] if(length(nms) && ## Allow maintainer notes Note : length(nms <- nms[is.na(match(nms, paste0(stdNms,"Note")))])) out$fields <- nms ## We do not want to use utils::available.packages() for now, as ## this unconditionally filters according to R version and OS type. ## ## This is no longer true ... ## .repository_db <- function(u) { con <- gzcon(url(sprintf("%s/src/contrib/PACKAGES.gz", u), "rb")) on.exit(close(con)) ## hopefully all these fields are ASCII, or we need to re-encode. cbind(read.dcf(con, c(.get_standard_repository_db_fields(), "Path")), Repository = u) } db <- tryCatch(lapply(urls, .repository_db), error = identity) if(inherits(db, "error")) { message("NB: need Internet access to use CRAN incoming checks") ## Actually, all repositories could be local file:// mirrors. return(out) } db <- do.call(rbind, db) ## Note that .get_standard_repository_URLs() puts the CRAN master first. CRAN <- urls[1L] ## Check for CRAN repository db overrides and possible conflicts. con <- url(sprintf("%s/src/contrib/PACKAGES.in", CRAN)) odb <- read.dcf(con) close(con) ## For now (2012-11-28), PACKAGES.in is all ASCII, so there is no ## need to re-encode. Eventually, it might be in UTF-8 ... entry <- odb[odb[, "Package"] == meta["Package"], ] entry <- entry[!is.na(entry) & !(names(entry) %in% c("Package", "X-CRAN-History"))] if(length(entry)) { ## Check for conflicts between package license implications and ## repository overrides. Note that the license info predicates ## are logicals (TRUE, NA or FALSE) and the repository overrides ## are character ("yes", missing or "no"). if(!is.na(iif <- info$is_FOSS) && !is.na(lif <- entry["License_is_FOSS"]) && ((lif == "yes") != iif)) out$conflict_in_license_is_FOSS <- lif if(!is.na(iru <- info$restricts_use) && !is.na(lru <- entry["License_restricts_use"]) && ((lru == "yes") != iru)) out$conflict_in_license_restricts_use <- lru fmt <- function(s) unlist(lapply(s, function(e) { paste(strwrap(e, indent = 2L, exdent = 4L), collapse = "\n") })) nms <- names(entry) ## Report all overrides for visual inspection. entry <- fmt(sprintf(" %s: %s", nms, entry)) names(entry) <- nms out$overrides <- entry fields <- intersect(names(meta), nms) if(length(fields)) { ## Find fields where package metadata and repository ## overrides are in conflict. ind <- ! unlist(Map(identical, fmt(sprintf(" %s: %s", fields, meta[fields])), entry[fields])) if(any(ind)) out$conflicts <- fields[ind] } } archive_db <- CRAN_archive_db() packages_in_CRAN_archive <- names(archive_db) ## Package names must be unique within standard repositories when ## ignoring case. package <- meta["Package"] packages <- db[, "Package"] if(! package %in% packages) out$new_submission <- TRUE clashes <- character() pos <- which((tolower(packages) == tolower(package)) & (packages != package)) if(length(pos)) clashes <- sprintf("%s [%s]", packages[pos], db[pos, "Repository"]) ## If possible, also catch clashes with archived CRAN packages ## (which might get un-archived eventually). if(length(packages_in_CRAN_archive)) { pos <- which((tolower(packages_in_CRAN_archive) == tolower(package)) & (packages_in_CRAN_archive != package)) if(length(pos)) { clashes <- c(clashes, sprintf("%s [CRAN archive]", packages_in_CRAN_archive[pos])) } } if(length(clashes)) out$bad_package <- list(package, clashes) ## Is this duplicated from another repository? repositories <- db[(packages == package) & (db[, "Repository"] != CRAN), "Repository"] if(length(repositories)) out$repositories <- repositories ## Does this have strong dependencies not in mainstream ## repositories? This should not happen, and hence is not compared ## against possibly given additional repositories. strong_dependencies <- setdiff(unique(c(.extract_dependency_package_names(meta["Depends"]), .extract_dependency_package_names(meta["Imports"]), .extract_dependency_package_names(meta["LinkingTo"]))), c(.get_standard_package_names()$base, db[, "Package"])) if(length(strong_dependencies)) { out$strong_dependencies_not_in_mainstream_repositories <- strong_dependencies } ## Does this have Suggests or Enhances not in mainstream ## repositories? suggests_or_enhances <- setdiff(unique(c(.extract_dependency_package_names(meta["Suggests"]), .extract_dependency_package_names(meta["Enhances"]))), c(.get_standard_package_names()$base, db[, "Package"])) if(length(suggests_or_enhances)) { out$suggests_or_enhances_not_in_mainstream_repositories <- suggests_or_enhances } if(!is.na(aurls <- meta["Additional_repositories"])) { aurls <- .read_additional_repositories_field(aurls) ## Get available packages separately for each given URL, so that ## we can spot the ones which do not provide any packages. adb <- tryCatch(lapply(aurls, function(u) { utils::available.packages(utils::contrib.url(u, "source"), filters = c("R_version", "duplicates")) }), error = identity) if(inherits(adb, "error")) { out$additional_repositories_analysis_failed_with <- conditionMessage(adb) } else { ## Check for additional repositories with no packages. ind <- sapply(adb, NROW) == 0L if(any(ind)) out$additional_repositories_with_no_packages <- aurls[ind] ## Merge available packages dbs and remove duplicates. adb <- do.call(rbind, adb) adb <- utils:::available_packages_filters_db$duplicates(adb) ## Ready. dependencies <- unique(c(strong_dependencies, suggests_or_enhances)) pos <- match(dependencies, rownames(adb), nomatch = 0L) ind <- (pos > 0L) tab <- matrix(character(), nrow = 0L, ncol = 3L) if(any(ind)) tab <- rbind(tab, cbind(dependencies[ind], "yes", adb[pos[ind], "Repository"])) ind <- !ind if(any(ind)) tab <- rbind(tab, cbind(dependencies[ind], "no", "?")) ## Map Repository fields to URLs, and determine unused ## URLs. ## Note that available.packages() possibly adds Path ## information in the Repository field, so matching ## given contrib URLs to these fields is not trivial. unused <- character() for(u in aurls) { cu <- utils::contrib.url(u, "source") ind <- substring(tab[, 3L], 1, nchar(cu)) == cu if(any(ind)) { tab[ind, 3L] <- u } else { unused <- c(unused, u) } } if(length(unused)) tab <- rbind(tab, cbind("?", "?", unused)) dimnames(tab) <- NULL out$additional_repositories_analysis_results <- tab } } uses <- character() BUGS <- character() for (field in c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests")) { p <- strsplit(meta[field], " *, *")[[1L]] p2 <- grep("^(multicore|snow|igraph0|doSNOW)( |\\(|$)", p, value = TRUE) uses <- c(uses, p2) p2 <- grep("^(BRugs|R2OpenBUGS|R2WinBUGS)( |\\(|$)", p, value = TRUE) BUGS <- c(BUGS, p2) } if (length(uses)) out$uses <- sort(unique(uses)) if (length(BUGS)) out$BUGS <- sort(unique(BUGS)) ## Check for non-Sweave vignettes (as indicated by the presence of a ## 'VignetteBuilder' field in DESCRIPTION) without ## 'build/vignette.rds'. vds <- character() if(!is.na(meta["VignetteBuilder"])) { if(!file.exists(vds <- file.path(dir, "build", "vignette.rds"))) out$missing_vignette_index <- TRUE else vds <- readRDS(vds)[, "File"] } ## Check for missing build/{partial.rdb,pkgname.pdf} ## copy code from build.R Rdb <- .build_Rd_db(dir, stages = NULL, os = c("unix", "windows"), step = 1) if(length(Rdb)) { names(Rdb) <- substring(names(Rdb), nchar(file.path(dir, "man")) + 2L) containsBuildSexprs <- any(sapply(Rdb, function(Rd) any(getDynamicFlags(Rd)["build"]))) if(containsBuildSexprs && !file.exists(file.path(dir, "build", "partial.rdb"))) out$missing_manual_rdb <- TRUE needRefMan <- any(sapply(Rdb, function(Rd) any(getDynamicFlags(Rd)[c("install", "render")]))) if(needRefMan && !file.exists(file.path(dir, "build", paste0( meta[["Package"]], ".pdf")))) out$missing_manual_pdf <- TRUE } ## Check for vignette source (only) in old-style 'inst/doc' rather ## than 'vignettes'. vign_dir <- file.path(dir, "vignettes") if(length(vds)) { sources <- setdiff(list.files(file.path(dir, "inst", "doc")), list.files(vign_dir)) sources <- intersect(vds, sources) } else { pattern <- vignetteEngine("Sweave")$pattern sources <- setdiff(list.files(file.path(dir, "inst", "doc"), pattern = pattern), list.files(vign_dir, pattern = pattern)) } if(length(sources)) { out$have_vignettes_dir <- dir.exists(vign_dir) out$vignette_sources_only_in_inst_doc <- sources } ## Check for Java files without sources (in the right place) ## NB: this is only a basic check: that directory need ## not contain all (or any) of the sources. ## We might in due course want to prompt looking into it. if (foss && !dir.exists(file.path(dir, "java"))) { allfiles <- list.files(file.path(dir, "inst"), full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) allfiles <- c(allfiles, # misused by ndtv, sisus list.files(file.path(dir, "exec"), full.names = TRUE)) javafiles <- grep(".*[.](class|jar)$", allfiles, value = TRUE) if(length(javafiles)) out$javafiles <- javafiles } ## Check for installing Java source files { dotjava <- list.files(file.path(dir, "inst"), pattern = ".*[.]java$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) dotjava <- c(dotjava, # misused by ndtv list.files(file.path(dir, "exec"), pattern = ".*[.]java$", full.names = TRUE)) if(length(dotjava)) out$dotjava <- dotjava } ## Check CITATION file for CRAN needs. .check_citation_for_CRAN <- function(cfile, meta) { ## For publishing on CRAN, we need to be able to correctly ## process package CITATION files without having the package ## installed (actually, using only the base and recommended ## packages), which we cannot perfectly emulate when checking. ## The best we can easily do is reduce the library search path ## to the system and site library. If the package is not ## installed there, check directly; otherwise, check for ## offending calls likely to cause trouble. ## Note however that in most cases, the issue is calling ## packageDescription() to get the package metadata, instead of ## using 'meta' as passed to readCitationFile() since R 2.8.0. ## Unfortunately, when the package is not installed, ## packageDescription() only warns and returns NA, or a vector ## of NAs if called with specific fields. Subscripting the ## return value using $ will fail (as this needs lists); ## subscripting by other means, or using specific fields, ## incorrectly results in NAs. ## The warnings are currently not caught by the direct check. ## (We could need a suitably package-not-found condition for ## reliable analysis: the condition messages are locale ## specific.) libpaths <- .libPaths() .libPaths(character()) on.exit(.libPaths(libpaths)) out <- list() if(nzchar(system.file(package = meta["Package"]))) { ## Ignore pre-2.8.0 compatibility calls to ## packageDescription() inside ## if(!exists("meta") || is.null(meta)) ccalls <- .parse_code_file(cfile, meta["Encoding"]) ind <- vapply(ccalls, function(e) { is.call(e) && (length(e) == 3L) && identical(deparse(e[[1L]]), "if") && identical(deparse(e[[2L]]), "!exists(\"meta\") || is.null(meta)") }, NA) if(any(ind)) ccalls <- ccalls[!ind] ccalls <- .find_calls(ccalls, recursive = TRUE) cnames <- intersect(unique(.call_names(ccalls)), c("packageDescription", "library", "require")) if(length(cnames)) out$citation_calls <- cnames } else { cinfo <- .eval_with_capture(tryCatch(utils::readCitationFile(cfile, meta), error = identity))$value if(inherits(cinfo, "error")) out$citation_error <- conditionMessage(cinfo) } out } if(file.exists(cfile <- file.path(dir, "inst", "CITATION"))) { cinfo <- .check_citation_for_CRAN(cfile, meta) if(length(cinfo)) out[names(cinfo)] <- cinfo ## Simply ## out <- c(out, cinfo) ## strips the class attribute from out ... } ## Check Authors@R. if(!is.na(aar <- meta["Authors@R"]) && ## DESCRIPTION is fully checked later on, so be careful. !inherits(aar <- tryCatch(parse(text = aar), error = identity), "error")) { bad <- ((length(aar) != 1L) || !is.call(aar <- aar[[1L]])) if(!bad) { cname <- as.character(aar[[1L]]) bad <- ((cname != "person") && ((cname != "c") || !all(vapply(aar[-1L], function(e) { (is.call(e) && (as.character(e[[1L]]) == "person")) }, FALSE)))) } if(bad) out$authors_at_R_calls <- aar } ## Check Title field. title <- trimws(as.vector(meta["Title"])) title <- gsub("[\n\t]", " ", title) package <- meta["Package"] if (tolower(title) == tolower(package)) { out$title_is_name <- TRUE } else { if(grepl(paste0("^", gsub(".", "[.]", package, fixed = TRUE), "[ :]"), title, ignore.case = TRUE)) out$title_includes_name <- TRUE language <- meta["Language"] if(is.na(language) || (language == "en")) { title2 <- toTitleCase(title) ## Keep single quoted elements unchanged. p <- "(^|(?<=[ \t[:punct:]]))'[^']*'($|(?=[ \t[:punct:]]))" m <- gregexpr(p, title, perl = TRUE) regmatches(title2, m) <- regmatches(title, m) if(title != title2) out$title_case <- c(title, title2) } } ## Check Description field. descr <- trimws(as.vector(meta["Description"])) descr <- gsub("[\n\t]", " ", descr) package <- meta["Package"] if(grepl(paste0("^['\"]?", package), ignore.case = TRUE, descr)) out$descr_bad_start <- TRUE if(grepl("^(The|This|A|In this|In the) package", descr)) out$descr_bad_start <- TRUE if(!isTRUE(out$descr_bad_start) && !grepl("^['\"]?[[:upper:]]", descr)) out$descr_bad_initial <- TRUE ## Check Date date <- trimws(as.vector(meta["Date"])) if(!is.na(date)) { dd <- strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "GMT") if (is.na(dd)) out$bad_date <- TRUE else if((as.Date(dd) < Sys.Date() - 31) && !config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_SKIP_DATES_", "FALSE"))) out$old_date <- TRUE } ## Check URLs. if(capabilities("libcurl")) { ## Be defensive about building the package URL db. bad <- tryCatch(check_url_db(url_db_from_package_sources(dir)), error = identity) if(inherits(bad, "error") || NROW(bad)) out$bad_urls <- bad } else out$no_url_checks <- TRUE ## Check DOIs. if(capabilities("libcurl")) { bad <- tryCatch(check_doi_db(doi_db_from_package_sources(dir)), error = identity) if(inherits(bad, "error") || NROW(bad)) out$bad_dois <- bad } ## Are there non-ASCII characters in the R source code without a ## package encoding in DESCRIPTION? ## Note that checking always runs .check_package_ASCII_code() which ## however ignores comments. Ideally, the checks would be merged, ## with the comment checking suitably conditionalized. ## Note also that this does not catch the cases where non-ASCII ## content in R source code cannot be re-encoded using a given ## package encoding. Ideally, this would be checked for as well. if(is.na(meta["Encoding"]) && dir.exists(code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R"))) { ## A variation on showNonASCII(): find_non_ASCII_lines <- function(f) { x <- readLines(f, warn = FALSE) asc <- iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII") ind <- is.na(asc) | asc != x if(any(ind)) { paste0(which(ind), ": ", iconv(x[ind], "latin1", "ASCII", sub = "byte")) } else character() } OS_subdirs <- c("unix", "windows") code_files <- list_files_with_type(file.path(dir, "R"), "code", OS_subdirs = OS_subdirs) lines <- lapply(code_files, find_non_ASCII_lines) names(lines) <- .file_path_relative_to_dir(code_files, dir) lines <- Filter(length, lines) if(length(lines)) out$R_files_non_ASCII <- lines } size <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SIZE_OF_TARBALL_", unset = NA_character_) if(!is.na(size) && (as.integer(size) > 5000000)) out$size_of_tarball <- size ## Is this an update for a package already on CRAN? db <- db[(packages == package) & (db[, "Repository"] == CRAN) & is.na(db[, "Path"]), , drop = FALSE] ## This drops packages in version-specific subdirectories. ## It also does not know about archived versions. if(!NROW(db)) { if(package %in% packages_in_CRAN_archive) { out$CRAN_archive <- TRUE v_m <- package_version(meta["Version"]) v_a <- sub("^.*_(.*)\\.tar.gz$", "\\1", basename(rownames(archive_db[[package]]))) v_a <- max(package_version(v_a, strict = FALSE), na.rm = TRUE) if(v_m <= v_a) out$bad_version <- list(v_m, v_a) } if(!foss) out$bad_license <- meta["License"] return(out) } ## Checks from this point down should be for a package already on CRAN ## For now, there should be no duplicates ... ## Package versions should be newer than what we already have on CRAN. v_m <- package_version(meta["Version"]) v_d <- max(package_version(db[, "Version"])) if((v_m <= v_d) && !config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_SKIP_VERSIONS_", "FALSE"))) out$bad_version <- list(v_m, v_d) if((v_m$major == v_d$major) & (v_m$minor >= v_d$minor + 10)) out$version_with_jump_in_minor <- list(v_m, v_d) ## Check submission recency and frequency. current_db <- CRAN_current_db() mtimes <- c(current_db[match(package, sub("_.*", "", rownames(current_db)), nomatch = 0L), "mtime"], archive_db[[package]]$mtime) if(length(mtimes)) { deltas <- Sys.Date() - as.Date(sort(mtimes, decreasing = TRUE)) ## Number of days since last update. recency <- as.numeric(deltas[1L]) if(recency < 7) out$recency <- recency ## Number of updates in past 6 months. frequency <- sum(deltas <= 180) if(frequency > 6) out$frequency <- frequency } ## Watch out for maintainer changes. ## Note that we cannot get the maintainer info from the PACKAGES ## files. db <- tryCatch(CRAN_package_db(), error = identity) if(inherits(db, "error")) return(out) m_m <- as.vector(meta["Maintainer"]) # drop name m_d <- db[db[, "Package"] == package, "Maintainer"] # There may be white space differences here m_m_1 <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", m_m) m_d_1 <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", m_d) if(!all(m_m_1== m_d_1)) { ## strwrap is used below, so we need to worry about encodings. ## m_d is in UTF-8 already if(Encoding(m_m) == "latin1") m_m <- iconv(m_m, "latin1") out$new_maintainer <- list(m_m, m_d) } l_d <- db[db[, "Package"] == package, "License"] if(!foss && analyze_license(l_d)$is_verified) out$new_license <- list(meta["License"], l_d) out } format.check_package_CRAN_incoming <- function(x, ...) { fmt <- function(x) { if(length(x)) paste(x, collapse = "\n") else character() } c(character(), if(length(x$Maintainer)) sprintf("Maintainer: %s", sQuote(trimws(gsub("\n", " ", paste(x$Maintainer, collapse = " "))))) else "No maintainer field in DESCRIPTION file", fmt(c(if(x$empty_Maintainer_name) 'The maintainer field lacks a name', if(x$Maintainer_needs_quotes) 'The display-name part of the maintainer field should be enclosed in ""') ), if(length(x$new_submission)) "New submission", if(length(y <- x$bad_package)) sprintf("Conflicting package names (submitted: %s, existing: %s)", y[[1L]], y[[2L]]), if(length(y <- x$repositories)) sprintf("Package duplicated from %s", y), if(length(y <- x$CRAN_archive)) "Package was archived on CRAN", fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$bad_version)) sprintf("Insufficient package version (submitted: %s, existing: %s)", y[[1L]], y[[2L]]), if(length(y <- x$version_with_leading_zeroes)) sprintf("Version contains leading zeroes (%s)", y), if(length(y <- x$version_with_large_components)) sprintf("Version contains large components (%s)", y), if(length(y <- x$version_with_jump_in_minor)) sprintf("Version jumps in minor (submitted: %s, existing: %s)", y[[1L]], y[[2L]]))), fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$recency)) sprintf("Days since last update: %d", y), if(length(y <- x$frequency)) sprintf("Number of updates in past 6 months: %d", y))), if(length(y <- x$new_maintainer)) paste(c("New maintainer:", strwrap(y[[1L]], indent = 2L, exdent = 4L), "Old maintainer(s):", strwrap(y[[2L]], indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)), collapse = "\n"), fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$bad_license)) sprintf("Non-FOSS package license (%s)", y), if(length(y <- x$new_license)) paste(c("Change to non-FOSS package license.", "New license:", strwrap(y[[1L]], indent = 2L, exdent = 4L), "Old license:", strwrap(y[[2L]], indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)), collapse = "\n"), if(length(y <- x$extensions)) { paste(c("License components with restrictions and base license permitting such:", paste(" ", y), unlist(lapply(x$pointers, function(e) { c(sprintf("File '%s':", e[1L]), paste(" ", e[-1L])) }))), collapse = "\n") })), if(NROW(y <- x$spelling)) { s <- split(sprintf("%d:%d", y$Line, y$Column), y$Original) paste(c("Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION:", sprintf(" %s (%s)", names(s), lapply(s, paste, collapse = ", "))), collapse = "\n") }, if(identical(x$foss_with_BuildVignettes, TRUE)) { "FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false" }, if(length(y <- x$fields)) { paste(c("Unknown, possibly mis-spelled, fields in DESCRIPTION:", sprintf(" %s", paste(sQuote(y), collapse = " "))), collapse = "\n") }, fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$overrides)) { paste(c("CRAN repository db overrides:", y), collapse = "\n") }, if(length(y <- x$conflicts)) { paste(sprintf("CRAN repository db conflicts: %s", sQuote(y)), collapse = "\n") }, if(length(y <- x$conflict_in_license_is_FOSS)) { sprintf("Package license conflicts with %s override", sQuote(paste("License_is_FOSS:", y))) }, if(length(y <- x$conflict_in_license_restricts_use)) { sprintf("Package license conflicts with %s override", sQuote(paste("License_restricts_use:", y))) })), fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$depends_with_restricts_use_TRUE)) { paste(c("Package has a FOSS license but eventually depends on the following", if(length(y) > 1L) "packages which restrict use:" else "package which restricts use:", strwrap(paste(y, collapse = ", "), indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)), collapse = "\n") }, if(length(y <- x$depends_with_restricts_use_NA)) { paste(c("Package has a FOSS license but eventually depends on the following", if(length(y) > 1L) "packages which may restrict use:" else "package which may restrict use:", strwrap(paste(y, collapse = ", "), indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)), collapse = "\n") })), fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$strong_dependencies_not_in_mainstream_repositories)) { paste(c("Strong dependencies not in mainstream repositories:", strwrap(paste(y, collapse = ", "), indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)), collapse = "\n") }, if(length(y <- x$suggests_or_enhances_not_in_mainstream_repositories)) { paste(c("Suggests or Enhances not in mainstream repositories:", strwrap(paste(y, collapse = ", "), indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)), collapse = "\n") }, if(length(y <- x$additional_repositories_analysis_failed_with)) { paste(c("Using Additional_repositories specification failed with:", paste(" ", y)), collapse = "\n") }, if(length(y <- x$additional_repositories_analysis_results)) { paste(c("Availability using Additional_repositories specification:", sprintf(" %s %s %s", format(y[, 1L], justify = "left"), format(y[, 2L], justify = "right"), format(y[, 3L], justify = "left"))), collapse = "\n") }, if(length(y <- x$additional_repositories_with_no_packages)) { paste(c("Additional repositories with no packages:", paste(" ", y)), collapse = "\n") })), if(length(y <- x$uses)) { paste(if(length(y) > 1L) "Uses the superseded packages:" else "Uses the superseded package:", paste(sQuote(y), collapse = ", ")) }, if(length(y <- x$BUGS)) { paste(if(length(y) > 1L) "Uses the non-portable packages:" else "Uses the non-portable package:", paste(sQuote(y), collapse = ", ")) }, if(length(y <- x$authors_at_R_calls)) { "Authors@R field should be a call to person(), or combine such calls." }, if(length(y <- x$vignette_sources_only_in_inst_doc)) { if(identical(x$have_vignettes_dir, FALSE)) paste(c("Vignette sources in 'inst/doc' with no 'vignettes' directory:", strwrap(paste(sQuote(y), collapse = ", "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L), "A 'vignettes' directory is required as from R 3.1.0"), collapse = "\n") else paste(c("Vignette sources in 'inst/doc' missing from the 'vignettes' directory:", strwrap(paste(sQuote(y), collapse = ", "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L)), collapse = "\n") }, if(length(y <- x$missing_vignette_index)) { "Package has a VignetteBuilder field but no prebuilt vignette index." }, fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$missing_manual_rdb)) { "Package has help file(s) containing build-stage \\Sexpr{} expressions but no 'build/partial.rdb' file." }, if(length(y <- x$missing_manual_pdf)) { "Package has help file(s) containing install/render-stage \\Sexpr{} expressions but no prebuilt PDF manual." })), fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$dotjava)) { "Package installs .java files." }, if(length(y <- x$javafiles)) { "Package has FOSS license, installs .class/.jar but has no 'java' directory." })), fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$citation_calls)) { paste(c("Package CITATION file contains call(s) to:", strwrap(paste(y, collapse = ", "), indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)), collapse = "\n") }, if(length(y <- x$citation_error)) { paste(c("Reading CITATION file fails with", paste(" ", y), "when package is not installed."), collapse = "\n") })), fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$bad_urls)) { if(inherits(y, "error")) paste(c("Checking URLs failed with message:", conditionMessage(y)), collapse = "\n") else paste(c(if(length(y) > 1L) "Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs:" else "Found the following (possibly) invalid URL:", paste(" ", gsub("\n", "\n ", format(y)))), collapse = "\n") }, if(length(y) && any(nzchar(z <- y$CRAN))) { ind <- grepl("https?://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/[.[:alnum:]]+(|/|/index.html)$", z, ignore.case = TRUE) paste(c(if(any(ind)) { c(" The canonical URL of the CRAN page for a package is ", " https://cran.r-project.org/package=pkgname") }, if(any(nzchar(z) & !ind)) { " A canonical CRAN URL starts with https://cran.r-project.org/" }), collapse = "\n") }, if(length(y) && any(nzchar(y$Spaces))) { " Spaces in an http[s] URL should probably be replaced by %20" }, if(length(y <- x$no_url_checks) && y) { "Checking URLs requires 'libcurl' support in the R build" })), fmt(if(length(y <- x$bad_dois)) { if(inherits(y, "error")) paste(c("Checking DOIs failed with message:", conditionMessage(y)), collapse = "\n") else paste(c(if(length(y) > 1L) "Found the following (possibly) invalid DOIs:" else "Found the following (possibly) invalid DOI:", paste(" ", gsub("\n", "\n ", format(y)))), collapse = "\n") }), if(length(y <- x$R_files_non_ASCII)) { paste(c("No package encoding and non-ASCII characters in the following R files:", paste0(" ", names(y), "\n ", sapply(y, paste, collapse = "\n "), collapse = "\n")), collapse = "\n") }, fmt(c(if(length(x$title_is_name)) { "The Title field is just the package name: provide a real title." }, if(length(x$title_includes_name)) { "The Title field starts with the package name." }, if(length(y <- x$title_case)) { paste(c("The Title field should be in title case, current version then in title case:", sQuote(y)), collapse = "\n") })), fmt(c(if(length(x$descr_bad_initial)) { "The Description field should start with a capital letter." }, if(length(x$descr_bad_start)) { "The Description field should not start with the package name,\n 'This package' or similar." })), fmt(c(if(length(x$bad_date)) { "The Date field is not in ISO 8601 yyyy-mm-dd format." }, if(length(x$old_date)) { "The Date field is over a month old." })), if(length(y <- x$size_of_tarball)) paste("Size of tarball:", y, "bytes") ) } print.check_package_CRAN_incoming <- function(x, ...) { writeLines(paste(format(x, ...), collapse = "\n\n")) invisible(x) } ### * .check_Rd_metadata .check_Rd_metadata <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL) { ## Perform package-level Rd metadata checks: ## names and aliases must be unique within a package. ## Note that we cannot use Rd_aliases(), as this does ## if(length(aliases)) ## sort(unique(unlist(aliases, use.names = FALSE))) out <- structure(list(), class = "check_Rd_metadata") if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) rds <- file.path(dir, "Meta", "Rd.rds") if(file_test("-f", rds)) { meta <- readRDS(rds) files <- meta$File names <- meta$Name aliases <- meta$Aliases } else { return(out) } } else { if(dir.exists(file.path(dir, "man"))) { db <- Rd_db(dir = dir) files <- basename(names(db)) names <- sapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "name") aliases <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "alias") } else { return(out) } } ## ## Remove eventually, as .Rd_get_metadata() and hence Rd_info() now ## eliminate duplicated entries ... aliases <- lapply(aliases, unique) ## files_grouped_by_names <- split(files, names) files_with_duplicated_names <- files_grouped_by_names[sapply(files_grouped_by_names, length) > 1L] if(length(files_with_duplicated_names)) out$files_with_duplicated_names <- files_with_duplicated_names files_grouped_by_aliases <- split(rep.int(files, lengths(aliases)), unlist(aliases, use.names = FALSE)) files_with_duplicated_aliases <- files_grouped_by_aliases[sapply(files_grouped_by_aliases, length) > 1L] if(length(files_with_duplicated_aliases)) out$files_with_duplicated_aliases <- files_with_duplicated_aliases out } format.check_Rd_metadata <- function(x, ...) { c(character(), if(length(bad <- x$files_with_duplicated_name)) { unlist(lapply(names(bad), function(nm) { c(gettextf("Rd files with duplicated name '%s':", nm), .pretty_format(bad[[nm]])) })) }, if(length(bad <- x$files_with_duplicated_aliases)) { unlist(lapply(names(bad), function(nm) { c(gettextf("Rd files with duplicated alias '%s':", nm), .pretty_format(bad[[nm]])) })) }) } ## * .check_Rd_contents .check_Rd_contents <- function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL) { out <- list() class(out) <- "check_Rd_contents" ## Argument handling. if(!missing(package)) { if(length(package) != 1L) stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1") dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc) ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ... } else { if(missing(dir)) stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'") ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ... if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA) else dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir) } db <- if(!missing(package)) Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirname(dir)) else Rd_db(dir = dir) names(db) <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db) ## Exclude internal objects from further computations. ind <- sapply(lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "keyword"), function(x) length(grep("^ *internal *$", x)) > 0L ) if(any(ind)) # exclude them db <- db[!ind] for(nm in names(db)) { rd <- db[[nm]] ## Arguments with no description. arg_table <- .Rd_get_argument_table(rd) arguments_with_no_description <- arg_table[grepl("^[[:blank:]]*$", arg_table[, 2L]), 1L] ## Autogenerated Rd content which needs editing. offending_autogenerated_content <- .Rd_get_offending_autogenerated_content(rd) if(length(arguments_with_no_description) || length(offending_autogenerated_content)) { out[[nm]] <- list(arguments_with_no_description = arguments_with_no_description, offending_autogenerated_content = offending_autogenerated_content) } } out } format.check_Rd_contents <- function(x, ...) { .fmt <- function(nm) { y <- x[[nm]] c(if(length(arguments_with_no_description <- y[["arguments_with_no_description"]])) { c(gettextf("Argument items with no description in Rd object '%s':", nm), .pretty_format(arguments_with_no_description)) }, if(length(offending_autogenerated_content <- y[["offending_autogenerated_content"]])) { c(gettextf("Auto-generated content requiring editing in Rd object '%s':", nm), sprintf(" %s", offending_autogenerated_content[, 1L])) }, "") } as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt))) } ### * .check_Rd_line_widths .check_Rd_line_widths <- function(dir, limit = c(usage = 95, examples = 105), installed = FALSE) { db <- if(installed) Rd_db(basename(dir), lib.loc = dirname(dir)) else Rd_db(dir = dir) out <- find_wide_Rd_lines_in_Rd_db(db, limit) class(out) <- "check_Rd_line_widths" attr(out, "limit") <- limit out } format.check_Rd_line_widths <- function(x, ...) { if(!length(x)) return(character()) .truncate <- function(s) { ifelse(nchar(s) > 140L, paste(substring(s, 1, 140L), "... [TRUNCATED]"), s) } limit <- attr(x, "limit") ## Rd2txt() by default adds a section indent of 5 also incorporated ## in the limits used for checking. But users actually look at the ## line widths in their source Rd file, so remove the indent when ## formatting for reporting check results. ## (This should reduce confusion as long as we only check the line ## widths in verbatim type sections.) limit <- limit - 5L sections <- names(limit) .fmt <- function(nm) { y <- x[[nm]] c(sprintf("Rd file '%s':", nm), unlist(lapply(sections, function(s) { lines <- y[[s]] if(!length(lines)) character() else { c(sprintf(" \\%s lines wider than %d characters:", s, limit[s]), .truncate(lines)) } }), use.names = FALSE), "") } as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt))) } find_wide_Rd_lines_in_Rd_db <- function(x, limit = NULL) { y <- lapply(x, find_wide_Rd_lines_in_Rd_object, limit) Filter(length, y) } find_wide_Rd_lines_in_Rd_object <- function(x, limit = NULL) { if(is.null(limit)) limit <- list(usage = c(79, 95), examples = c(87, 105)) sections <- names(limit) if(is.null(sections)) stop("no Rd sections specified") y <- Map(function(s, l) { out <- NULL zz <- textConnection("out", "w", local = TRUE) on.exit(close(zz)) pos <- which(RdTags(x) == s) Rd2txt(x[pos[1L]], out = zz, fragment = TRUE) nc <- nchar(out) if(length(l) > 1L) { ind_warn <- (nc > max(l)) ind_note <- (nc > min(l)) & !ind_warn Filter(length, list(warn = out[ind_warn], note = out[ind_note])) } else { out[nc > l] } }, paste0("\\", sections), limit) names(y) <- sections Filter(length, y) } ### * .find_charset .find_charset <- function() { l10n <- l10n_info() enc <- if(l10n[["UTF-8"]]) "UTF-8" else utils::localeToCharset() cat("charset: ", enc, "\n", sep = "") invisible() } ### * Utilities ### ** as.alist.call as.alist.call <- function(x) { y <- as.list(x) ind <- if(is.null(names(y))) seq_along(y) else which(names(y) == "") if(length(ind)) { names(y)[ind] <- sapply(y[ind], paste, collapse = " ") y[ind] <- rep.int(list(alist(irrelevant = )[[1L]]), length(ind)) } y } ### ** as.alist.symbol as.alist.symbol <- function(x) { as.alist.call(call(as.character(x))) } ### ** .arg_names_from_call .arg_names_from_call <- function(x) { y <- as.character(x) if(!is.null(nx <- names(x))) { ind <- which(nzchar(nx)) y[ind] <- nx[ind] } y } ### ** .dquote_method_markup ## See the notes below. ## An alternative and possibly more efficient implementation could be ## based using gregexpr(re, txt), massaging the matches and merging with ## the non-matched parts. .dquote_method_markup <- function(txt, re) { out <- "" while((ipos <- regexpr(re, txt)) > -1L) { epos <- ipos + attr(ipos, "match.length") - 1L str <- substring(txt, ipos, epos) str <- sub("\"", "\\\"", str, fixed = TRUE) str <- sub("\\", "\\\\", str, fixed = TRUE) out <- sprintf("%s%s\"%s\"", out, substring(txt, 1L, ipos - 1L), str) txt <- substring(txt, epos + 1L) } paste0(out, txt) } ### ** .format_calls_in_file .format_calls_in_file <- function(calls, f) { c(gettextf("File %s:", sQuote(f)), paste0(" ", unlist(lapply(calls, function(e) paste(deparse(e), collapse = "\n"))))) } ### ** .functions_to_be_ignored_from_usage .functions_to_be_ignored_from_usage <- function(package_name) { c("<-", "=", if(package_name == "base") c("(", "{", "function", "if", "for", "while", "repeat", "Math", "Ops", "Summary", "Complex"), if(package_name == "utils") "?", if(package_name == "methods") "@") } ### ** get_S4_generics_with_methods ## FIXME: make option of methods::getGenerics() ## JMC agreed & proposed argument 'excludeEmpty = FALSE' get_S4_generics_with_methods <- function(env, verbose = getOption("verbose")) { env <- as.environment(env) ## Filter(function(g) methods::isGeneric(g, where = env), ## methods::getGenerics(env)) r <- methods::getGenerics(env) if(length(r) && { hasM <- lapply(r, function(g) tryCatch(methods::hasMethods(g, where = env), error = identity)) if(any(hasErr <- sapply(hasM, inherits, what = "error"))) { dq <- function(ch) paste0('"', ch ,'"') rErr <- r[hasErr] pkgs <- r@package[hasErr] ## FIXME: This warning should not happen here when called ## from R CMD check, but rather be part of a new "check" ## there ! warning(gettextf("Generics 'g' in 'env' %s where '%s' errors: %s\nMay need something like\n\n%s\nin NAMESPACE.", format(env), "hasMethods(g, env)", paste(sQuote(rErr), collapse = ", "), paste0(" importFrom(", paste(dq(pkgs), dq(rErr), sep =", "), ")\n") ), domain = NA) hasM <- hasM[!hasErr] } !all(ok <- unlist(hasM)) }) { if(verbose) message(sprintf(ngettext(sum(!ok), "Generic without any methods in %s: %s", "Generics without any methods in %s: %s"), format(env), paste(sQuote(r[!ok]), collapse = ", ")), domain = NA) r[ok] } else as.vector(r)# for back-compatibility and current ..../tests/reg-S4.R } ### ** .get_S4_generics ## For several QC tasks, we need to compute on "all S4 methods in/from a ## package". These days, this can straightforwardly be accomplished by ## looking at all methods tables in the package environment or namespace. ## Somewhat historically, we organize our computations by first using ## using methods::getGenerics() to find all S4 generics the package has ## methods for, and then iterating over these. To make this work ## conveniently, we wrap around methods::getGenerics() to rewrite its ## "ObjectsWithPackage" result into a (currently unclassed) list of ## generic-name-with-package-name-attribute objects, and wrap around ## methods::findMethods() to perform lookup based on this information ## (rather than the genericFunction object itself), and also rewrite the ## MethodsList result into a simple list. .get_S4_generics <- function(env) { env <- as.environment(env) g <- suppressMessages(methods::getGenerics(env)) Map(function(f, p) { attr(f, "package") <- p f }, g@.Data, g@package) } ### ** .get_S4_methods_list .get_S4_methods_list <- function(f, env) { ## Get S4 methods in environment env for f a structure with the name ## of the S4 generic and its package in the corresponding attribute. ## For the QC computations, we really only want the S4 methods ## defined in a package, so we try to exclude derived default ## methods as well as methods inherited from other environments. env <- as.environment(env) ## ## Use methods::findMethods() once this gets a package argument. ## This will return a listOfMethods object: turn this into a simple ## list of methods named by hash-collapsed signatures. tab <- get(methods:::.TableMetaName(f, attr(f, "package")), envir = env) mlist <- as.list(tab, all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE) ## ## First, derived default methods (signature w/ "ANY"). if(any(ind <- as.logical(sapply(mlist, methods::is, "derivedDefaultMethod")))) mlist <- mlist[!ind] if(length(mlist)) { ## Determining the methods defined in a package from the package ## env or the associated namespace seems rather tricky. What we ## seem to observe is the following. ## * If there is a namespace N, methods defined in the package ## have N as their environment, for both the package env and ## the associated namespace. ## * If there is no namespace, methods defined in the package ## have an environment E which is empty and has globalenv() as ## its parent. (If the package defines generics, these seem ## to have E as their parent env.) ## However, in the latter case, there seems no way to infer E ## from the package env. In the old days predating methods ## tables, we compared methods in the package env with those in ## its parent env, and excluded the ones already found there. ## This no longer works, so we exclude "at least" all methods ## with a namespace environment (as these cannot come from a ## package with no namespace). namespace <- if(isNamespace(env)) env else .get_namespace_from_package_env(env) mlist <- if(!is.null(namespace)) Filter(function(m) identical(environment(m), namespace), mlist) else Filter(function(m) environmentName(environment(m)) == "", mlist) } mlist } .get_ref_classes <- function(env) { env <- as.environment(env) cl <- methods::getClasses(env) cl <- cl[unlist(lapply(cl, function(Class) methods::is(methods::getClass(Class, where = env), "refClassRepresentation")))] if(length(cl)) { res <- lapply(cl, function(Class) { def <- methods::getClass(Class, where = env) ff <- def@fieldPrototypes accs <- unlist(lapply(ff, function(what) methods::is(what, "activeBindingFunction") && !methods::is(what, "defaultBindingFunction"))) c(as.list(def@refMethods), as.list(ff)[accs]) }) names(res) <- cl res } else list() } .get_namespace_from_package_env <- function(env) { package <- sub(".*:([^_]*).*", "\\1", attr(env, "name", exact = TRUE)) if(length(package) && nzchar(package)) .getNamespace(as.name(package)) } ### ** .is_call_from_replacement_function_usage .is_call_from_replacement_function_usage <- function(x) { ((length(x) == 3L) && (identical(x[[1L]], as.symbol("<-"))) && (length(x[[2L]]) > 1L) && is.symbol(x[[3L]])) } ### ** .make_siglist .make_siglist <- function(x) { ## Argument 'x' should be a named list of methods as obtained by ## methods::findMethods() or .get_S4_methods_list(). gsub("#", ",", names(x), fixed = TRUE) } ### ** .make_signatures .make_signatures <- function(cls) { ## Note that (thanks JMC), when comparing signatures, the signature ## has to be stripped of trailing "ANY" elements (which are always ## implicit) or padded to a fixed length. sub("(#ANY)*$", "", unlist(lapply(cls, paste, collapse = "#"))) } ### ** .massage_file_parse_error_message .massage_file_parse_error_message <- function(x) sub("^[^:]+:[[:space:]]*", "", x) ### ** .package_env .package_env <- function(package_name) { as.environment(paste("package", package_name, sep = ":")) } ### ** .parse_text_as_much_as_possible .parse_text_as_much_as_possible <- function(txt) { exprs <- tryCatch(parse(text = txt), error = identity) if(!inherits(exprs, "error")) return(exprs) exprs <- expression() lines <- unlist(strsplit(txt, "\n")) bad_lines <- character() while((n <- length(lines))) { i <- 1L; txt <- lines[1L] while(inherits(yy <- tryCatch(parse(text = txt), error = identity), "error") && (i < n)) { i <- i + 1L; txt <- paste(txt, lines[i], collapse = "\n") } if(inherits(yy, "error")) { bad_lines <- c(bad_lines, lines[1L]) lines <- lines[-1L] } else { exprs <- c(exprs, yy) lines <- lines[-seq_len(i)] } } attr(exprs, "bad_lines") <- bad_lines exprs } ### ** .parse_usage_as_much_as_possible .parse_usage_as_much_as_possible <- function(x) { if(!length(x)) return(expression()) ## Drop specials and comments. ## ## Remove calling .Rd_drop_comments() eventually. x <- .Rd_drop_comments(x) ## txt <- .Rd_deparse(.Rd_drop_nodes_with_tags(x, "\\special"), tag = FALSE) txt <- gsub("\\\\l?dots", "...", txt) txt <- .dquote_method_markup(txt, .S3_method_markup_regexp) txt <- .dquote_method_markup(txt, .S4_method_markup_regexp) ## Transform <> style markup so that we can catch and ## throw it, rather than "basically ignore" it by putting it in the ## bad_lines attribute. txt <- gsub("(<>?)", "`\\1`", txt) ## \usage is only 'verbatim-like' ## ## 'LanguageClasses.Rd' in package methods has '"\{"' in its usage. ## But why should it use the backslash escape? txt <- gsub("\\{", "{", txt, fixed = TRUE) txt <- gsub("\\}", "}", txt, fixed = TRUE) ## ## now any valid escape by \ is ## \a \b \f \n \r \t \u \U \v \x \' \" \\ or \octal txt <- gsub("(^|[^\\])\\\\($|[^abfnrtuUvx0-9'\"\\])", "\\1\\2", txt) ## and since this may overlap, try again txt <- gsub("(^|[^\\])\\\\($|[^abfnrtuUvx0-9'\"\\])", "\\1\\2", txt) .parse_text_as_much_as_possible(txt) } ### ** .pretty_format .pretty_format <- function(x) { strwrap(paste(sQuote(x), collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L) } .pretty_format2 <- function(msg, x) { xx <- strwrap(paste(sQuote(x), collapse = " "), exdent = 2L) if (length(xx) > 1L || (nchar(msg) + nchar(xx) + 1L > 75L)) c(msg, .pretty_format(x)) else paste(msg, xx, sep = " ") } ### ** .pretty_print .pretty_print <- function(x) { writeLines(strwrap(paste(x, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L)) } ### ** .strip_backticks .strip_backticks <- function(x) gsub("`", "", x) ### ** .transform_S3_method_markup .transform_S3_method_markup <- function(x) { ## Note how we deal with S3 replacement methods found. ## These come out named "\method{GENERIC}{CLASS}<-" which we ## need to turn into 'GENERIC<-.CLASS'. re <- sprintf("%s(<-)?", .S3_method_markup_regexp) ## Note that this is really only called on "function" names obtained ## by parsing the \usage texts, so that the method regexps possibly ## augmented by '<-' fully match if they match. ## We should be able to safely strip all backticks; alternatively, ## we could do something like ## cl <- .strip_backticks(sub(re, "\\4", x)) ## sub(re, sprintf("\\3\\5.%s", cl), x) .strip_backticks(sub(re, "\\3\\5.\\4", x)) } ### ** .transform_S4_method_markup .transform_S4_method_markup <- function(x) { re <- sprintf("%s(<-)?", .S4_method_markup_regexp) ## We should be able to safely strip all backticks; alternatively, ## we could do something like ## sl <- .strip_backticks(sub(re, "\\3", x)) ## sub(re, sprintf("\\\\S4method{\\2\\7}{%s}", sl), x) .strip_backticks(sub(re, "\\\\S4method{\\2\\7}{\\3}", x)) } ### ** .S3_method_markup_regexp ## For matching \(S3)?method{GENERIC}{CLASS}. ## GENERIC can be ## * a syntactically valid name ## * one of $ [ [[ ## * one of the binary operators ## + - * / ^ < <= > >= != == | & %something% ## * unary ! ## (as supported by Rdconv). ## CLASS can be a syntactic name (we could be more precise about the ## fact that these must start with a letter or '.'), or anything quoted ## by backticks (not containing backticks itself for now). Arguably, ## non-syntactic class names should best be avoided, but R has always ## had them at least for ## R> class(bquote({.})) ## [1] "{" ## R> class(bquote((.))) ## [1] "(" ## ## Handling S3/S4 method markup is somewhat tricky. ## When using R to parse the usage entries, we turn the ## \METHOD{GENERIC}{CLASS_OR_SIGLIST}(args) ## markup into (something which parses to) a function call by suitably ## quoting the \METHOD{GENERIC}{CLASS_OR_SIGLIST} part. In case of a ## replacement method ## \METHOD{GENERIC}{CLASS_OR_SIGLIST}(args) <- value ## parsing results in a ## \METHOD{GENERIC}{CLASS_OR_SIGLIST}<- ## pseudo name, which need to be transformed to ## \METHOD{GENERIC<-}{CLASS_OR_SIGLIST} ## We currently use double quoting for the parse step. As we also allow ## for non-syntactic class names quoted by backticks, this means that ## double quotes and backslashes need to be escaped. Alternatively, we ## could strip backticks right away and quote by backticks, but then the ## replacement method transformation would need different regexps. ## .S3_method_markup_regexp <- sprintf("(\\\\(S3)?method\\{(%s)\\}\\{(%s)\\})", paste(c("[._[:alnum:]]*", ## Subscripting "\\$", "\\[\\[?", ## Binary operators and unary '!'. "\\+", "\\-", "\\*", "\\/", "\\^", "<=?", ">=?", "!=?", "==", "\\&", "\\|", "\\%[[:alnum:][:punct:]]*\\%"), collapse = "|"), "[._[:alnum:]]+|`[^`]+`") ### ** .S4_method_markup_regexp ## For matching \S4method{GENERIC}{SIGLIST}. ## SIGLIST can be a comma separated list of CLASS specs as above. .S4_method_markup_regexp <- sprintf("(\\\\S4method\\{(%s)\\}\\{(%s)\\})", paste(c("[._[:alnum:]]*", ## Subscripting "\\$", "\\[\\[?", ## Binary operators and unary '!'. "\\+", "\\-", "\\*", "\\/", "\\^", "<=?", ">=?", "!=?", "==", "\\&", "\\|", "\\%[[:alnum:][:punct:]]*\\%"), collapse = "|"), "(([._[:alnum:]]+|`[^`]+`),)*([._[:alnum:]]+|`[^`]+`)") ### ** .valid_maintainer_field_regexp .make_RFC_2822_email_address_regexp <- function() { ## Local part consists of ASCII letters and digits, the characters ## ! # $ % * / ? | ^ { } ` ~ & ' + = _ - ## and . provided it is not leading or trailing or repeated, or must ## be a quoted string. ## Domain part consists of dot-separated elements consisting of ## ASCII letters, digits and hyphen. ## We could also check that the local and domain parts are no longer ## than 64 and 255 characters, respectively. ## See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_address. ASCII_letters_and_digits <- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" l <- sprintf("[%s%s]", ASCII_letters_and_digits, "!#$%*/?|^{}`~&'+=_-") d <- sprintf("[%s%s]", ASCII_letters_and_digits, "-") ## Be careful to arrange the hyphens to come last in the range spec. sprintf("(\\\".+\\\"|(%s+\\.)*%s+)@(%s+\\.)*%s+", l, l, d, d) } .valid_maintainer_field_regexp <- sprintf("^[[:space:]]*(.*<%s>|ORPHANED)[[:space:]]*$", .make_RFC_2822_email_address_regexp()) ### ** .Rd_get_offending_autogenerated_content .Rd_get_offending_autogenerated_content <- function(x) { out <- NULL ## /data/rsync/PKGS/geoR/man/globalvar.Rd s <- .Rd_get_section(x, "title") if(length(s)) { s <- .Rd_deparse(s, tag = FALSE) if(trimws(s) == "~~function to do ... ~~") out <- rbind(out, c("\\title", s)) } s <- .Rd_get_section(x, "description") if(length(s)) { s <- .Rd_deparse(s, tag = FALSE) if(trimws(s) == "~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~") out <- rbind(out, c("\\description", s)) } s <- .Rd_get_section(x, "details") if(length(s)) { s <- .Rd_deparse(s, tag = FALSE) if(trimws(s) == "~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~") out <- rbind(out, c("\\details", s)) } ## /data/rsync/PKGS/mimR/man/plot.Rd:\author{ ~~who you are~~ } s <- .Rd_get_section(x, "author") if(length(s)) { s <- .Rd_deparse(s, tag = FALSE) if(trimws(s) == "~~who you are~~") out <- rbind(out, c("\\author", s)) } ## /data/rsync/PKGS/mimR/man/mim-class.Rd:\note{ ~~further notes~~ } s <- .Rd_get_section(x, "note") if(length(s)) { s <- .Rd_deparse(s, tag = FALSE) if(trimws(s) == "~~further notes~~") out <- rbind(out, c("\\note", s)) } tab <- .Rd_get_argument_table(x) if(length(tab)) { ## /data/rsync/PKGS/Rmpfr/man/mpfrArray.Rd: ## \item{precBits}{ ~~Describe \code{precBits} here~~ } descriptions <- trimws(tab[, 2L]) ind <- (descriptions == sprintf("~~Describe \\code{%s} here~~", tab[, 1L])) if(any(ind)) out <- rbind(out, cbind(sprintf("\\arguments, description of item '%s'", tab[ind, 1L]), tab[ind, 2L])) } ## ## Obviously, auto-generation does too much here, so maybe do not ## include these in production check code ... tab <- .Rd_get_methods_description_table(x) if(length(tab)) { descriptions <- trimws(tab[, 2L]) ## /data/rsync/PKGS/coin/man/initialize-methods.Rd ind <- descriptions == "~~describe this method here" if(any(ind)) out <- rbind(out, cbind(sprintf("section 'Methods', description of item '%s'", tab[ind, 1L]), tab[ind, 2L])) } ## out } ### Local variables: *** ### mode: outline-minor *** ### outline-regexp: "### [*]+" *** ### End: ***